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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. I don't know...Enos drunk....sounds like a job for me....( I think I'll have a few sips of shine while I contemplate on writing it!)
  2. Keep me up on it please...I might be able to, but in my life, I can never tell until it is actually happening..lol!!
  3. Yes, congratulations bud! If you like....I have a little Moonshine left and I will share it with you!
  4. That was cute! Rosco and Boss are my favorites!
  5. " Brazen woman! She left town without givin' me a cut of the take. Yep, she split without splitin'....That's what makes it so brazen! " * Boss and Rosco in Route 7-11
  6. No one was even IN Hazzard when I pulled into town from out in the country ( I think they all went to that big swap meet in Capital City) and so I drank myself silly and locked my own self in the jail for public drunk!
  7. Any Goober with half a brain, knows that the war was about a strong local government vs. a weak central government. Well, the winner writes the history and that's why you have everybody believing that those terrible people down south, fought over slavery! That's because the Yankees won! Look at how out of control the Big Brother central government is and how things are now, and tell me the south was wrong!! The truth always comes out sooner or later!!
  8. Amen Brother! I'm a Southern hick and I know we're smart enough to run our area of the country in a way that makes everybody else want to come here! I'm from Tennessee ( Home of the Beaudrys!!) and I call Tennessee the Bermuda Triangle.........everybody comes in and nobody leaves!!
  9. I don't know...they look good but just don't look like Hazzard to me! If you did it to the cop cars, what about to the General? ....see?....It just wouldn't look right! Hazzard is a place frozen in time, and somehow, could be 30 yrs. ago or could be right now! It's all due to the magic of the concept of the show itself! But the look of it all would be the same, yesteryear or today! See?
  10. The only question I would have, is WHY IS HE IN THERE?? This couldn't have been a mistake!!
  11. Yes, thank you Lizzie and everyone!! The next drink is a toast to you!! SKOAL!!
  12. OK...This alien comes down into Skunk Hollow and freaks out the people who see him ( Enos) and then two crooks take over the radio station and broadcast a fake, " Aliens are indvading us" , story, to freak the people in town out and make them leave town, so they can rob the place. Then the alien has to get back to Skunk Hollow to meet his friends but the bad guys kidnaped him but he gets away and the Dukes help him find his way back to Skunk Hollow, where he meets up with his buddies and goes back into space. This was one of the top 3 goofiest episodes...his "Name", given by Daisy was " Little Cousin".....crap...!!
  13. got to say that "Strange Visitor in Hazzard" is one of the episodes that I don't like...to me it is too far stretched and it did show that they were running low on ideas and so forth. It had really taken a curve from the normal plot line of the Dukes Exactly! +1 !! I think the goofiest, corniest episode was Carnival of Thrills...I hardly ever watch it!!
  14. I was thinking that the posts should be reversed, so that the first post is the one you see and that way you can read the entire thread and see the whole " Story" in the order as it was posted...see?
  15. Ha! Ha!! That deer looks like something off Jeff Foxworthy's Redneck jokes! I love it!!
  16. I've noticed some stuff that wasn't a visual blooper but verbal. This is only a partial list, because I'm sure there are many others. 1. When Rosco is trying to frame the Dukes ( someone help me with which episode/plot this one is!), he has just got the evidence he was using against them in his hand and Ennos says, " Well, I guess that clears the Dukes of all wrong doin" ( or something like that!) and then Rosco, while holding the evidence in his hand ( I can't even remember what it was ( help me with this one too please!), says, " That's a wrong, that's a wrong, they're probably hiding the evidence trying to just weasel out of it!"...The whole time he HAD the evidence in his hand!! WHAT'S UP WITH THAT???? 2. Another one, and I'll mention more as I think of them, is when Lucinda Meadows is sitting on the front porch with uncle Jesse and he tells her that he would have gone crazy when Martha passed away, if it weren't for the boys coming to live with him. Later in another episode, his wife is mentioned as Lovinia, but at the same time, he tells the boys to go stay with their aunt Lovinia, when the cops are looking for them and Luke says he ( Jesse) hasn't even spoken to Aunt Lovinia in 20 years! WHAT'S UP WITH THAT??? 3. Also, in this same episode, it is called " The Return of the Ridge Raiders", when every other time, the illegal moonshiners are called Ridge RUNNERS!!
  17. I just saw it in one of the posts..something about Daisy and Jesse , Vegas, etc.....I don't know...maybe it was me having a bad day with some Factory Whistle!!
  18. Look real close....to me he looks like those pictures of Brad Pitt, when he has long disheveled hair and beard....( ?)
  19. Hey folks, I have a question. Where/when was " The Dukes Visit Las Vegas" done? I thought I had ALL 147, episodes PLUS the two reunion movies and I THINK I have that crappie " New Dukes", with Johnny Knoxville, etc. ......but I NEVER even HEARD of this one!! ( Is it one of the episodes created on this site?)
  20. I couldn't agree more Mr. Best and as a side note ( off topic...but still....), I think you and Mr. Booke are the best comedy team of all time! Baring none!! ( Greater than Laurel and Hardy, Abott and Costello, etc.) . I continue to watch your stuff and still laugh and it's always clean! The worst things any of them ever do is say, " Heck", or take a drink of beer! ALL of you are near and dear to my heart and always will be! I watch you every day! Thank you for what you've done for me and countless others!! God bless!!
  21. I don't remember seeing that ball hanging there either! I'm very curious as to what the deal is there!
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