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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. I like Cale but Days of Shine and Roses is on my favorite list!
  2. Good Bye General Lee hands down! Carnival of thrills is one of, if not my most hated episodes....goofiest one they did!
  3. Ben Wilhoite was his best friend and I knew this because I used to go to church with Ben. Tom died sometimes in the .....90's?....hang on and I'll check......no! He died in Aug. 20 2021,,,,I got him confused with when BEN died! He lived on South Berry's Chapel Road across from one of our elders from Berry's Chapel Church of Christ!
  4. He was. He used to buy clothes for underprivileged children for school etc. AND his wife's name was....get this.....Dixie!!
  5. Tom T Hall used to live in Franklin Tn. not far from me ( my home town) and I'd see him and talk to him every now and then.
  6. I think it's funny how Boss pronounces the word film.....Fillum...LOL! " When I show this Fillum to JJ Carver...."
  7. NOW I'm watching Undercover Dukes pt. 2.....Lydia Cornell's ( Mary Beth Carver) great, great, great grandmother was Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom's Cabin! The things you never knew! ....WOW!!
  8. HEY!! I just noticed something!! When the guards at Carver's were searching Bo and Luke, they said, " no cameras, recorders or weapons allowed"....Bo still had his Barlow lock back knife on his side.....that's a weapon!!
  9. OK...I'm watching Undercover Dukes pt.1 .....love that line...Boss will let them have all the free popcorn they want at half price! LOL! Classic line!
  10. I think maybe it seemed weak because Coy and Vance couldn't act! LOL!
  11. I was wondering how our supreme leader is doing? have you heard anything?
  12. HENRIETTA .... one of Jesse's chickens
  13. AUGUST ( Caesar) !!
  14. I've got S.7 in the bedroom, that's where I watch them as I go to sleep. TDOH is very comforting on many levels! I'm about to watch the 6th season in a bit in here, to see if it's ok. It's got John Schneider's autograph on it, if it's real! You can't make all of it out toward the end! In quotes he put " Bo" .
  15. I just got s.6 in the mail. one of the discs I had was messed up....the one with undercover Dukes etc., so I've been waiting for this one!
  16. OK guys....I'm here watching TV ( Jeopardy) and I'll be watching the USFL but if it gets boring I got S.7 out in the bedroom and will be watching it. I really need to watch DOH today......it wouldn't be right not to.......after all it's DOHD!!! Happy DOHD everybody!! What are you doing on DOHD???
  17. I'm out of likes so I'll just write it out! I like that idea!
  18. In other news Camaro could be coming back. GM reps confirmed Chevy will be the car for V8 Supercars and NASCAR and they confirmed it wouldn't be a Corvette. YES!!! Thanks for this info! I always thought they were messing up by getting rid of it!
  19. Hey you just stick around and we'll talk about Bo being a wolf or any other DOH thing you want to talk about!
  20. well maybe not a Were Dog..a little too Scooby Dooish ( my favorite cartoon by the way!) maybe a wolf hound....like Michael J Fox played?
  21. June Carter
  22. I just happen to be watching the one where he comes to visit Robby in the hospital And yes....Happy Birthday Cale!
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