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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. It's great to have you Ma'am! We're a tight knit, close, family in here and everybody knows everybody in here as " Cousin". Cousin Roger, cousin Hoss etc. We answer each other's questions etc. so if you wonder about anything, don't hesitate to post it! One of us will answer it! Are you in high school? I was in 9th grade when TDOH ( The Dukes of Hazzard) first started! Tell us about what you like best about the show and the web site!
  2. clint Eastwood ( Last call for alcohol....Go ahead punk, make my day!)
  3. I would hope so! LOL! doc APPLEBY!
  4. Hey, where's Garret been lately? I haven't seen that guy in a LONG time!
  5. TDOH was the QUINTESSENTIAL * show!! * typical or best
  6. RED ( my favorite people are Red Necks!!)
  7. I THINK he was but ....can't remember. I'll try to remember to mention it if/when I come across it!
  8. I think the name of the Duke's GOAT was Rodney!
  9. Like I've said, I've got the cartoons on a DVD and I haven't been able to get all the way through one of them! They are boring and basically carbon copies of each other!!
  10. I was just thinking....if you look at my family on both sides....I bet I've got 50-60 cousins!!
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