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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. Pollution
  2. I should probably be more concerned that IMDb thinks that Ireland is in the UK I shame facedly thought it was!! ( Oh, the shame of it all...and my people are from Ireland...on both sides!) Which countries ARE in the U.K.?
  3. Nitrus Oxide
  4. Blazing Saddles
  5. The one where Uncle Jesse is looking up, is " Duke vs. Duke" ( ??) and he is looking up at Boss Hogg and just about to yell, " Not yet ya Ninny!", when Boss is about to start the race too soon!
  6. cowboy
  7. OK guys, I've been watching the show since it first came on, but I admit my memory is going ........so WHEN did the show start? What's got me confused, is the show on CMT says Jan. 26, 1979, but I could've SWORN it was 1978!! I turn to my fellow Hazzardites for help......which is the REAL starting date??? THANKS! I Turn my Mason jar up ....Here's to ya!
  8. Foreigners
  9. Politicians! ( especially in america!!)
  10. I think I'll have to go for the Broncos!!
  11. I think you may have something there!!
  12. Sesame Street! OK...we're getting a little wild now.....
  13. WOW!! That doesn't look like Denver at all!!
  14. Here's a thought....Enos, Cletus and Rosco all worked the day shift, so WHO WAS THE COP AT NIGHT???
  15. I never noticed that! WOW!!! Thanks!! ( Although I may have seen it while I was sitting on my back porch looking out over the back 40 taking a sip or two...!!)
  16. I don't know if I've ever seen it....! ?
  17. Pig skin
  18. " You two just better keep on the ball!!" ( remember...Sky Bandits....?)
  19. Welcome aboard Russell! I too have wished for a General Lee, but if you have seen the prices they're going for, you know why I don't have one! It's a shame too, because, while the '69 Charger is a nice car, it's really not all that! However, take a '69 Charger + a specific paint job + a popular T.V. show = BIG $$$!!!
  20. Hey! Those are some good shots Jason and corndog!! HEY GUYS!!! Just a quick comment about CMT and them bringing TDH back....Has anyone noticed that they keep showing the same ones over and over??
  21. I didn't really like " Cooter's Girl". It just seemed out of character for Cooter to have an illegitimate daughter, you know? Especially with him not even keeping up with her or knowing anything about her!
  22. I'm hoping Hazzard High wins.....!! I know, what you're thinking!! " Hobie, you must be......" ( I'll never tell!! LOL!! )
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