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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. Oscar the Grouch! ( The green monster that lives in a trash can on Sesame Street!)
  2. Trash
  3. President ( He was our president down here!)
  4. Nathan Bedford Forrest ( like Lee, an officer in the Confederacy!)
  5. Spring!
  6. Granola ( Granola has rasins and california is the granola state [ It's full of fruits, nuts and flakes!] )
  7. I coulda sworn Hazzard High won the game 35-21!!
  8. America
  9. Bowel...colon...LMBO!!! That kind of spelling is like the people I live around!! Are you sure that the people who wrote that sign don't live around me??
  10. Danny Cooksey's voice always got on my nerves, but I think they used him on several commercials and other spots, because that voice is unmistakable!
  11. Barney Fife! ED!! Crap!! ( Yea that's the one!!)
  12. Sheriff Big Jon Little!! ( I thought for sure somebody would get it!)
  13. Hobie, it wasn't Mack Davis but Mac Davis. Oh....whatever!...lol!! ( Have pity on your friendly town drunk!! LOL!!)
  14. Little! ( I'm gonna see if the next word is what I think it will be!!)
  15. I think the Balladeer was Mack Davis in that one!!
  16. Well my people are from Northern Ireland, so...I guess I'm still from the U.K.!! LOL!
  17. Ben Franklin
  18. Pollution
  19. I should probably be more concerned that IMDb thinks that Ireland is in the UK I shame facedly thought it was!! ( Oh, the shame of it all...and my people are from Ireland...on both sides!) Which countries ARE in the U.K.?
  20. Nitrus Oxide
  21. Blazing Saddles
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