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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. He sure didn't look 71!! I look older than he does!! He had a couple good songs too! I was shocked!!
  2. Exactly...I'm here now though! LOL!! Hey, what season was " Follow that still" ? Is there a place on here with the episodes listed and the seasons they were on? If not....there's a suggestion for a good sticky!! If so, please let me know where!
  3. Im sorry I missed the show earlier, but when the wife calls.... it was Big Dan Hogg, and as far as Waylon's connection with Buddy Holly, Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper and Richie Valens, all big rockers back in the day, crashed on Feb. 3, 1959. Waylon was supposed to be on that plane and gave his seat up to the Big Bopper! I imagine he and Buddy were friends, since they toured together. Waylon said ( I heard him say it on T.V.) that he and Buddy were talking before they seperated and Buddy jokingly said, " I hope you have wreck on the way to the show", or something like that, and Waylon said, " Well I hope your plane crashes". Must have been hard on Waylon after it did!
  4. Sorry friends...wife just hollered for me....gotta go! ( I shoulda married Cathy Bach!! )
  5. ok! It's about 15 minutes til right now! ( eastern!) ...gotta go find it!!
  6. Don't get me started on immigrants! ....However, since we've been talking about Catherine and her physical ASSets....( besides her being fine in/out!), do you guys remember and I can't recall exactly which one it is, the episode where she's getting in to the passenger side of the General and the camera is directly facing the door and it shows one of the world's greatest physical ASSets known to man!! ( She was wearing pink satin....Daisy's Song??)
  7. I still think she looks pretty good and in reality, ( not T.V.!), you don't keep the same body for your entire life! I have seen her picture when she wasn't wearing a top and she is fine all the way around!! Mrs. Bach, any time you need someone to lift you up and make you feel like you're all that, which you are.....hit me up! You're one of the reasons the show is as good as it is!
  8. Erin go brah!! ( Did I spell it right??)
  9. Thanks for the list! Hazzard wanted to stay " Homey" , so they made everything close to everything else!
  10. I just prayed over him and his wife! Please keep us up on it! God bless you Rusty!!
  11. I would appreciate that Supreme Commander! I'm also sorry and do apologize to the citizens of Hazzard who are in other countries! I forgot about the time difference! ( And here I am a direct descendant from County Down, Northern Ireland!...oh! The shame of it all!!)
  12. This is an excellent point and one that made a lot of the Dukes show a ( un?) reality!
  13. These look like owls on a buzz saw!!
  14. Like a Confederate flag T shirt I saw, said, " If this flag offends you, then you need a history lesson!" It's sad that so many people THINK they know what it's all about and they THINK they know what they're talking about and it is completely wrong! I've even stopped arguing /discussing it with people, because today, you have people born and raised here in the South, who believe all the liberal left crap!! In the movies, the good guy always wins ( Just like in the Dukes!), but in reality, sometimes the bad people win too! And like they say, the winner writes the history! This is how we came to " Know" all these " Facts" ( notice the quotes) about the War Between the States, or the War for Southern Independance, NOT the " Civil" war! ( A civil war, is where you, as part of a country, try to overpower and overthrow the legitimate government of that country. We were trying to do just the opposite! We were trying to break away, NOT overthrow, so it was NOT a Civil war! ) * Note: Dubois WAS black...he wasn't white .....example: I'm part woman as well as man ( all men have the X as well as the Y chromosome!), but the DOMINANT part of my genetic makeup is male!! I am " ALL" man!...see? The black genes are dominant over the white 4/1 and they will always come out somewhere down the line!
  15. I honestly think that if you listen to all the counties mentioned in the series, that were supposed to be next to Hazzard, the Hazzard we know and love, on the show, is a geographic impossiblity!!
  16. No it was a Warner Brothers cartoon character of some sort...but I can't remember which. He said he still had a Porky Pig and something else that he hadn't read yet!!
  17. I hope he didn't work too hard on that one! Very simple and very BLAH! ( Needs to stick with what works..ala, " The Boys Are Back In Town")
  18. I wonder what John needed a coat for?? He's a Yankee from New York....winter time in Georgia, would be a walk in the park for somebody like that!!! LOL!! I'm sure you're correct and that looks just like Darcy's plane.
  19. How about 8pm central time? ( Just a suggestion...)
  20. On part of the site, here, it says that Bo is the youngest of the 3 cousins but I believe Daisy was the youngest of the 3, Bo was just younger than Luke.
  21. Well, let me know if you ever want to visit...I'll show you some Southern sights, Southern hospitality etc. and as far as being a southerner at heart.... That's what REALLY counts!! Let me tell you something, the most " Yankeefied " places I know of, are the most southern ( geographically speaking) places in the U.S.A....Florida AND Atlanta! It's just like Uncle Jesse said, " That place ain't been right since Sherman burned it !"....remember that one? ( Daisy's Song)
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