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RogerDuke last won the day on February 15

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    plowing the Dukes back 40

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  1. INDIAN caves
  2. technology (too much of it on cars if you ask me)
  3. Finally ate something. Still exhausted though. Good thing it doesn't take much energy to watch NASCAR. That's about all I had the energy to do. New puppy Lulu didn't understand why I didn't want to roughhouse.
  4. Well, the 01.....Corey Lajoie crashed out in the final lap. I won't reveal the rest of the results in case you guys haven't seen it yet. Just exciting to see an 01 racing.
  5. 01 is in the lead!
  6. EMMA is EXCEPTIONALLY gorgeous
  7. factory
  8. Since the thread is titled The last 24 hours that's how long I've gone without eating...29 to be precise. I still can't even look at food without feeling nauseated. I either got food poisoning or the norovirus. Last night was absolutely brutal. Hopefully I will have an appetite for snacks for the big race tomorrow.
  9. So good to hear from you BL. You are an amazing writer. I'll check this out later.
  10. johnny CASH (I love the song General Lee on the Dukes soundtrack)
  11. Godfather
  12. Flash catchs lots of ZZZZZZZZZZs
  13. Valentine's Day (maybe Jesse will give Emma a kiss)
  14. If you enter it in a NASCAR race I will root for you. Otherwise I'm with Spike on this issue...lol
  15. lots of X cons caused problems for the dukes
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