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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. I can't remember the episode, but remember one time Rosco ( or was it Boss?) Was known as big chief Forked Toungue?
  2. He's probably busy being rich! ( I'm busy keeping warm on this cold night, with a little shine!)* * Not really! I just like to stay in character, since I'm " Hobie" on here! ...LOL!!
  3. I appreciate any and all help...thanks!
  4. Oh! How true!! Alcohol's not ALL bad!..LOL!! Wolf!
  5. Happy Birthday to a lady, who STILL, is all that!! ( Like Waylon once said...." Yea, I guess when you got it, you still got it!! ) Come by the car lot some time with the boys!
  6. OK....A couple of things where I never understood what was said....maybe some of you never did either! Well, maybe some fellow Hazzardites have a script or something that tells for sure! The Scene: The Rustlers - Cooter has gone to help the boys get Burl's horse back and they fight the rustlers and after the boys beat up the bad guys, Bo yells to Cooter, " Come on down Cooter!", and Cooter is in the General and says " _______ ________ down( ???)" The Scene: Ghost of General Lee- Bo and Luke are playing like ghosts and they bust out of the sherrif's garage and drive the General while working on the controls , while ducking down in the car. Luke is watching out for Bo with a periscope and Bo says, something like, " You better give me some directions, feels like I'm working on my instrument rating here." ( ????WHAT???) That's what it sounded like to me anyway!
  7. Ugly! ( They usually are, since you don't know who they are until it's too late!)
  8. I love that song and to think it was voted as the worst rock song of all time or something like that! On that commercial they forgot the tagline, " No animals were hurt during the filming of this episode" LOL!!!
  9. Country
  10. This is one of the 5-6 episodes that I purposely don't watch ....I really don't know WHY I don't like them, I just don't! ( I DO like Cooter though!!) .....Maybe it's because he's supposed to be not as wild ( in my mind)...you know...more settled down I I guess than out " Hooking up", etc.
  11. That last picture is from "Coy vs. Vance", which I have, but I've only watched some of the episodes a couple 3 times, because I just don't like them, like "Carnival of Thrills". When the two cousins ( Bo, Luke/Coy, Vance ) fight, I don't like it, esp. when it seems goofy!
  12. Uncle Jesse
  13. His daughter was in an episode ....Bonnie May? I can't remember his daughter's name...Also, what was his dog's name...hint: It's the only episode that showed his house or where he lived!
  14. Same here!! LOL!! Evert time i'm in the chat room nobo9dy is there....Twilight Zone Time!...do do do do do do do do! LOL!!
  15. Helicopter! ( Hey, a Chopper is also a helicopter!)
  16. Yes! Rest in Peace and know that you are greatly missed! You left us far too soon " Cousin"! Perhaps one day, we will meet again, on the streets that have no name!
  17. I have the DVDs but there is just something fun about watching on TV This is true, especially with the High Definition we have now!! Welcome Mirabella and Stelth ( Ft. Liquordale is one of my favorite places....for obvious reasons! LOL!!
  18. Roth, You are a plethora of information! I am VERY impressed!! Thanks a lot! Next time you're near the car lot, stop on in and I'll give you a Mason Jar full of shine! ( I still have some sitting here next to my comp., that I haven't finished yet, from WAY back....I really need to try it again now, because I squeezed a lemon in it and let it sit and age!)
  19. Who was the preacher in " People's Choice", who was marrying the town Register ( I'm blanking on his name!) to Mabel Wooster? I just saw him playing an old, half crippled/senile, codger, in a Magnum P.I. show!
  20. Welcome to the board!
  21. Drag Race
  22. Hobie, you have that car for sale again? Yes! I try to get as much money for one car as possible. It's " Hogganomics" or called " Re-loaning!" ( I'm sure I don't have to explain those terms to you, since you're a fellow Hazzardite! )
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