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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. Yes!! Christmas time is a great time to think about our fellow man and give....and drink and eat lots of yummy Christmas food/candy....and drink....and sing after and even during your imbibing, and....WOW!! I can't wait for ol' Kris Kringle HO!! HO!! HO!!
  2. Yes sir! It was " The Hack of Hazzard"! As far as the blinking ads...I just thought it was my vision....you know... I liked to dropped my Mason Jar.......!!
  3. I'm getting the post Halloween blues...I'm already missing the colors, costumes and spooky shows! .....of course sometimes I see stuff like this without it being Halloween...........
  4. O Muffin'!! O the shame of it all!! O what will we ever do?? O you Ought ( another o!) to be ashamed! OOOOOOOO!! LOL!!!!
  5. Vanilla
  6. The South.......
  7. Don't worry...if I EVER post on one of those stories, they done learned me real good in that there school i've been going to and I dun gagiated with one of the highest temperatures in my class!!
  8. Exactly!! pass the shine!!
  9. Sherlock Holmes........ ( Halloween is celebrated on Oct. 31 and it is supposed to mean All Hallows Eve, a celebration of the spirits, though it is celebrated by children who dress up in costumes { some spooky, some not} and go to people's houses and knock on the door and say " Trick or treat", meaning " Give me a treat or I'll play a trick on you!" ( soap your windows, toilet paper your trees etc.), then after the children run around to several houses and get lots of candy, they go back home and eat it all up!
  10. He sure didn't look 71!! I look older than he does!! He had a couple good songs too! I was shocked!!
  11. Hey! I see Cathy with a pack of Marlboros! I didn't know she smoked!!
  12. Exactly...I'm here now though! LOL!! Hey, what season was " Follow that still" ? Is there a place on here with the episodes listed and the seasons they were on? If not....there's a suggestion for a good sticky!! If so, please let me know where!
  13. Im sorry I missed the show earlier, but when the wife calls.... it was Big Dan Hogg, and as far as Waylon's connection with Buddy Holly, Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper and Richie Valens, all big rockers back in the day, crashed on Feb. 3, 1959. Waylon was supposed to be on that plane and gave his seat up to the Big Bopper! I imagine he and Buddy were friends, since they toured together. Waylon said ( I heard him say it on T.V.) that he and Buddy were talking before they seperated and Buddy jokingly said, " I hope you have wreck on the way to the show", or something like that, and Waylon said, " Well I hope your plane crashes". Must have been hard on Waylon after it did!
  14. Sorry friends...wife just hollered for me....gotta go! ( I shoulda married Cathy Bach!! )
  15. ok! It's about 15 minutes til right now! ( eastern!) ...gotta go find it!!
  16. Don't get me started on immigrants! ....However, since we've been talking about Catherine and her physical ASSets....( besides her being fine in/out!), do you guys remember and I can't recall exactly which one it is, the episode where she's getting in to the passenger side of the General and the camera is directly facing the door and it shows one of the world's greatest physical ASSets known to man!! ( She was wearing pink satin....Daisy's Song??)
  17. I still think she looks pretty good and in reality, ( not T.V.!), you don't keep the same body for your entire life! I have seen her picture when she wasn't wearing a top and she is fine all the way around!! Mrs. Bach, any time you need someone to lift you up and make you feel like you're all that, which you are.....hit me up! You're one of the reasons the show is as good as it is!
  18. Erin go brah!! ( Did I spell it right??)
  19. Thanks for the list! Hazzard wanted to stay " Homey" , so they made everything close to everything else!
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