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Everything posted by Meadowmufn

  1. I'd take the Angel one, but we all know the irony in that. Don't we?
  2. Yeah, it kinda threw me there for a second.
  3. Eat some popcorn!
  4. I don't like SPAM! Khee...
  5. I think you should put him on a chain gang, Deputy. LOL!
  6. I think you can. If not, just email me or MaryAnne the edits you need and we'll do 'em. I think they just released a digitally remastered dvd of Left Handed Gun. (I love that movie!) I'll have to see if I can dig up all my sound files and pics from it. Khee!
  7. Not to mention the pregnant, toga wearing balloon animals...
  8. Awwwwwwww! There's the puppy...
  9. Tori, we wuv you!* *In an appreciative, platonic sort of way...
  10. Attention! Attention! deathangel_tori will not be submitting a challenge fic because she'll be chained to her computer capping vids for us. Hehehe. Seriously tho', those are some great vid caps you uploaded today, Tori.
  11. No comment.
  12. Ummm... No. Otherwise, Brian and MaryAnne will be done in about 5 years.
  13. Then go for it.
  14. Is it related at all to the Dog Collar Challenge?
  15. Could we please get back on topic here? Some of you have asked for an extension for the challenge. What date do you guys think would work for ya?
  16. I meant the dog icon.
  17. Ok, ya hijack the thread by saying your pregnant when you're really not and then ya insult my dog. Yer treadin' on thin ice, missy. That's 50 demerits for ya.
  18. Ya never shoulda STARTED confusin' us. Leave the roleplay to the roleplay threads. Let's get back on topic here. This is the collar challenge!
  19. You have two choices... beer or white wine. Or for those who'd like a non-alcoholic beverage, we have... Rootbeer and sody pop.
  20. Is just your character pregnant too? Cuz this isn't exactly a roleplay thread. You should draw a distinction between real life and role play.
  21. If you're really pregnant, you shouldn't be drinking... period.
  22. You shouldn't be drinkin', Missy. LOL. How about a Shirley Temple?
  23. I'll go find some. LOL. Whaddya want? Beer? Wine? Tequila? LOL.
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