Ummm.. your old avatar was sitting on the counter near the toilet. It accidentally fell in and well, I really had to go. I didn't see it in there until after I flushed and saw it swirling down the bowl...
I say we have a contest to find a new avatar for Alex. Obviously, he doesn't care much for the Hee Haw donkey. So let's give him something he hates even worse! I mean... Let's give him something really GREAT! Post all your entries in this thread... and if you can enter something even remotely related to the dog collar topic, even better!
Great.. Are we going to have to open a Red Light district on HazzardNet? MaryAnne, you better be prepared to work overtime with that "censored" sign of yours...
I think we're gonna extend the deadline yet AGAIN because 1) I've been way too busy to even start a story, 2) Brian has been way too busy to start a story, 3) MaryAnne has been way too busy to start a story, and 4) y'all are having way too much fun on this thread. So let's keep it all going another month and let's shoot for August 31st. What say y'all?
Maybe you can get the professor to hypnotize ya an' make ya forget. (Hey, MaryAnne... be thinkin' of a good post-hypnotic suggestion we can plant that'll make Brian dance the funky chicken.)
Oh, I'm always around... tho' quite often I can't be seen. Now, what I wanna know is, are you callin' me a dog? Brian, you might want to explain to RL here what happens to folks who insult the Supreme Superior Commander... (I've got lots of nice, shiny buttons here that do more than just launch folks like Alex into orbit. )
All we need now are the girls in skimpy outfits holding up the cards announcin' what round it is. Then again, that might distract Brian and Alex from the task at hand...
*lightly elbows MaryAnne to get her attention* Ain't you glad we don't get ourselves into situations like this? *pauses a minute* At least, not with any regularity...