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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. I don't think they ever said what K stood for or the L for Jesse either. It is pretty much up to you what you think sounds best...I guess. I've always used Kenneth for my stories for Luke. But Keith seems to fit too...it's up to one's opinion is my guess... ~Garrett Duke~
  2. Voiceman of Hazzard - Thank-you for the information on the fourth season of the Dukes of Hazzard on DVD! It is exciting to see just how much attention the Dukes of Hazzard is now getting...the first two on DVD, then Dukes on CMT, third season on DVD soon...and the upcoming film and fourth season! I am not too excited about the movie truth be told, but it is giving the Dukes the attention it deserves! Thank-you once again for the information! ~Garrett Duke~
  3. I would have to say that my favorite fight between the Dukes and the bad guys is in "LUke's Love Story" when Bo walked into Cooter's Garage to find Turk and his buddy messing around with Amy's car. Bo squirted them with oil (or something like that) and seemed like he was having a fun time until they ganged up on him! I loved Rosco's response when he walked in and found Bo covered in oil. Rosco: Bo, you're a mess. *shakes head in disgust* you're a mess! ~Garrett Duke~
  4. It is a great album...I like pretty much all of the tracks on it. The song about Flash cracks me up! In fact, I actually have two CDs of it...I listened to the first one so much, it began to skip so I got another one. LOL! It's great to listen to, especially if I am in a rut in my writing...it seems to help my writing too! ~Garrett Duke~
  5. If that is the ACM Awards...I think it is on CBS...but I am not sure. ~Garrett Duke~
  6. From "Repo Men" *Luke driving the Rolls Royce with Cooter in the passenger seat* Cooter: Hey Luke Luke: What? Cooter: If you can't make her go any faster, you mind if I get out and run ahead? Luke: Funny ** (same episode and same scene) Cooter: What you think Ol' Burt Reynolds would be doing at a time like this? Luke: Uh I don't know, but I'm sure he'd be doing it with someone a whole lot prettier than you ~Garrett Duke~
  7. I get to go...I am so excited! Ben, Sonny, James, and Cletus are suppose to be there too. They were there last year and it was great meeting them and all...I even got to meet some of the stunt crew and everything. Last year was my first time of going and I had a great time...I am excited to go again...this time to see John Schneider! ~Garrett Duke~
  8. I really have to disagree. Luck had little to do with Gordon's win on Sunday. He got first place by a lot of hard work and talent. You don't go from three laps behind everyone to first place by the end of the race but pure luck; as he did. As for the Hendrick family that they had lost, Rick Hendrick lost most of his family and Gordon and his team mates lost a lot of good people on their team. So of course the first time back to the track that you lost it all, is going to bring on some pretty harsh emotions. I am sure that it brought back emotions for Stewart as well - who lost his helicopter pilot or something like that in the accident. It was a horrible loss to everyone in the Hendrick team and for Stewart as well. ~Garrett Duke~
  9. Happy Birthday John...Bo! Hope your birthday brings upon a GREAT year! ~ Garrett Duke~
  10. Garrett watches the two men for a short silent moment while feeling his anger rush thickly through him. Feeling the coolness of the night brushing against his clammy skin, chills rush across his body while his thoughts rush wildly through him; struggling to recall what had led him here. The stolen electronics. Of which, he had nothing to do with; he had been just as puzzled and shocked as Rosco acted to be when he had searched the trunk. "They better be better than OK, you dumb jackass!" Garrett angrily hisses as he stumbles past the extended post card to clench tightly onto the man's tight fitting shirt. Abruptly one of the leader's guards quickly and harshly grabs a handful of hair, yanking Garrett away from the leader to throw him forcefully onto the dusty ground. Pain flairs through Garrett as he begins to repeatedly kick him in the chest, stomach, and in the face. Struggling to reposition himself under the man's heavy booted foot, Garrett watches the boot coming in and out for a short moment, ignoring the pain, before abruptly reaching out and yanks the man's foot out from under him. Silence explodes through the dark night as the large man collapses onto the ground besides Garrett with a large thud, letting out a short cry of pain. Garrett slowly and stiffly gets up as the other guard quickly begins to move in as the other slowly stands up. "Enough!" the leader barks and the two men turn their attention back to him, "Garrett's smart, he's learned his lesson. Haven't you boy? You don't mess with me." Garrett glares coldly at the leader and his two goons for a long silent momente while feeling a slight trickle of blood dripping down from his nose and from his forehead. "Look. I'm here...what you want?" Garrett slowly responds, taking a step back from them, eyeing them cautiously. "First of all, this is for you," once again the leader extends the post card, taking a couple of steps closer to Garrett to wave it in his face before Garrett warily takes it from him. "Read it now and I will proceed with instructions." Garrett allows silence to move in between them as his eyes continue to stare through the three large men, his mind rambling for a way to escape. After a short moment he takes a small step back to disappear from the darkness and into the small lighting of the old shack-like building. The cover of the post card shows a picture of Mickey and Goofey with the emblem of DisneyLand in the lower left corner. Turning the cover he finds the back to be covered in thick black ink, in sloppy hand writting. Silently reading the sloppy hand writing, Garrett could hear his own heart thuddering angrily within me as the words send his mind spinning within him. Finishing reading what was wrote, he rereads it, before letting it all sink in to send his anger accelerating within him. As of the post card, the leader pretty much now controls him...what he does and how he thinks. He is to be their new member or he'll be losing a sister. It is up to him to help them stir trouble in Hazzard by robbing other stores as they had already hit...up to him, to help them escape. "If you think," Garrett interrupts the silence as he steps back into the darkness, "that I will go along with you and do what you do, you can forget it!" "OK," the leader shrugs, motioning to his two associates, "Hank and Zeb." The two men step threatenly close to Garrett who attempts walk away only to step into another muscular man that stands three inches taller than Garrett. "Meet Marv there Garrett. Why don't the three of you take him back to his place and have him watch the death of his sis -" "You leave her out of this!" Garrett yells as he pushes the first two away from him, "She has nothing to do with this...I have nothing to do with you! I don't even know who you are!" "Don't matter who I am just as long as you are in with us," the leader shrugs stepping closer to him, "it's up to you...you're with us or they'll get to work right away." He pauses for a while to glance through the dark night, "As of you...we know you and your style. We are old friends with an associate of yours in Knoxville, that is what led us down here; you. We like what we heard and now like what we see in you. You with us or should they get to work?" Garrett stares coldy at him for a long moment as his mind returns to his past, trying to think of the associate he was talking about. "Rocker," Garrett slowly speaks aloud of a dangerous man he had ran around with, a powerful man who knew how to use about any gun or knife invented and wasn't afraid to use them. "He thought you may guess him," the leader smiles, "So, what is it gonna be?" A shiver rushes through Garrett at the thought of him being friends with Rocker. Garrett had ran around with him and proud to belong with him and his group of friends, to belong you had to be someone he approved of before hand, you had to earn his respect. Now, after a couple of years away and in Hazzard, the likes of him only brings fear of the power they hold. Knowing the kind of person he is now, Garrett is certian they won't think twice of killing or torturing Kristy. "Don't you even touch her!" Garrett spits at them angrily, "It infiriates me that Rocker would turn you to me...and then you go back on him to threaten me! Maybe I should go back to Knoxville and tell him what you are doing!" "You wouldn't," the leader fights to block Garrett's bluff. "Oh I would and he'd be down here in a heartbeat to beat the snot out of all of you! Y'all know it!" Garrett yells, stepping confidently towards them, "I know Rocker for years and he don't change...he may be one of the dirtiest people I know, but the one thing he has is respect for friends and their family. I'd like to see what he'd do to the likes of you!" For a moment fear enters the leader's eyes before he returns to his emotionaless state. "Go for it, but at the end you'd be watching the death of your sister," he shrugs again, "you make the call." For a long moment Garrett stares at him and his men, allowing thoughts to rush through him. He could always make a sneak away to Knoxville after agreeing. "I'm in," he reluctantly replies, "and if you even touch my sister and her kids, you'll be regretting it heavily!" "As long as you're with us...you have no worries," he grins as he pats Garrett on the back before Garrett shoves him away. (Cue anyone)
  11. The boys are at Bristol this weekend! After being at Bristol for DukeFest last year...I have to say it is my favorite track. I have never been to a NASCAR race or been to any other track. Of course there wasn't a race going on at the time, but it was great to be there to say that I have at least been to a NASCAR track and was able to sit in the seats for a while. It'll always be a special track to me...one to remember at least. ~Garrett Duke~
  12. If I am remembering right it is the episode where the parents of the baby was a farmer and a daughter of a wealthy man. The wealthy man didn't care for farmers and was upset at the daughter for having a child with him...he goes to take the child...but when she drops the baby off at the Dukes to hide out. I may be wrong, it has been a long time since I last saw the episode. The only parts I remember is the end basically where Daisy is taking care of the baby in the barn when the bad guys start the grass land around it on fire to get to the baby. The 'grandpa' helps get hte baby out and ends up understanding - wanting to be in the child's life. Hope that is to some help. ~Garrett Duke~
  13. I haven't really sat down and talked to anyone famous, but I met a few Duke stars at Dukefest last year (Ben Jones, Jerry Rushing, Sonny Shroyer, James Best, and Rick Hurst) They all were very welcoming and happy to be there and to take time out with the fans. Cathrine Bach was there too, but her line was too long...LOL. I have also been on stage with Billy Ray Cyrus -Garrett Duke-
  14. That is a great story! Thank-you for sharing it with us! -Garrett Duke-
  15. Exhaustion ripples across Garrett's numb body as he stares blankly down at the old, rusted rail road tracks. Kicking a large rock as he slowly walks alongside the old tracks, his mind slowly winds within; rushing from the words of the stranger to the future. Questions soon follow, questions of who the man was and what he wants. Garrett has dealt with mean and big guys before without showing much fear, but he had always known what he was up against. He knows nothing about the man at the prison or what he wants; he will be facing him and his men blindly. Lighting a cigarette with an old lighter, his mind freezes upon the tall muscular man that had visited him; the man's thick voice vibrating lively within him. Each threatening word seems to drill his fear deeper within him, fear for his sister and her children. "Damn it," Garrett angrily kicks at the rock as he senses his vulnerability; he has to do as the man says. For a moment his mind latches onto a memory of the past, back when he was running with his friends in Knoxville. If it was like it had been back then, the stranger wouldn't have a hold on him as he does now; because in Knoxville he had fit in, had belonged. In Hazzard, Garrett felt more like an outsider. Watching the large rock bounce harshly against a metal track and richochets across the tracks, Garrett slowly steps out his cigarette. Glancing up into the dark night, a large glow of a light lingers feet away with a dark, tall threatening shadow standing boldly in the middle of the light. The stranger. Fear and anger continue to rage within him as thoughts of the past and future rush through him. Refusing to show any trace of emotion, Garrett boldly steps forward and toward the threatening man. (Cue Daney or anyone)
  16. Thank-you for the articles Darrell. They were interesting and yeah, it is kinda too bad that it isn't how it once was. Oh well...I spose the rules have some purproses behind them. ~Garrett Duke~
  17. If everything goes well, as it has so far, I will be attending DukeFest again. I went last year and had such a great time! The actors and actress that was there seemed as excited to be there as I was! It was great to see them in person and see how enthusiastic they all are about the show and the fans. As for the question, yes I think it is a yearly thing. ~Garrett Duke~
  18. Well I can only answer a couple of your questions...but it's better than nothing, right? LOL *Jimmie Johnson came in first he was followed by both Busch brothers and Jeff Gordon came in fourth! *As for Jr....I don't think he ever made it back in the race. I had to leave with seventy-two laps left and he wasn't out as of then. Hopefully next race, he'll have better luck. Hope that helps
  19. Pain throbs through Ethan's head as he slowly sits up to send the small crowded room spinning quickly around him. From somewhere close he hears the dying yelling of a man followed by some sort of animal noise. A long moment passes before things slowly begin to slow down for him and he vaguely begins to remember what had happened. Looking around more fear strikes him as his vision fixates upon the large tiger attacking the guy that had attacked him. Blood sprays around as the man's muscular body goes limp from Razor's attack and Razor continues for a moment before standing up to show off the blood dripping from his chin. Distantly Ethan hears the tiger asking if he is ok as he struggles to contain the emotions that rush through him. They all had set upon this mission with the understanding that no one would get hurt, just get the message out and then let everyone go. End of story. Yet here heh lay hurt and bleeding with a man they don't know, dead upon the stairs. Not only hurt but dead. "You jackass," Ethan manages to grunt out as he tries to sit up only for the pain to rush upon him and he silently grabs at his head where he was hit to find blood rushing out of a good sized cut, "you killed him! What you think Garrett -" saying his friend's name, a sudden realization hits him of what all has happened, what had brought them to where they are now. Not just the attack and death of the attacker, but of the situation that lies above; of the seriousness they all are in. Ethan allows a moment of silence to flow within the crowded room as he feels everyone's eyes on him. "Thank-you Razor for saving me," Ethan slowly says as guilt creeps in for being angry at the one that may have saved him from his own death, "I didn't mean to yell at you...I'm sorry. I just...I don't know, it seems like there could have been some other way is all. Thank-you." Cue Razor or anyone
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