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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Yeah so? I don't know what your whole deal is here...no one even said anything about Gordon lately and you have to bring up that he had another bad race...what's the point? So your guy won last Sunday and perhaps made some pretty big steps in his career. But so has Gordon and so has many of the other racers out there on the track. If they weren't good at what they did, they wouldn't be on the track... As for Gordon, he may be riding a good string of bad luck lately, but I wouldn't count him out of the top ten nor the championship. He still has a chance...anything could still happen at this point. Even if, which is a big if, if he doesn't make it, there is always next year. #24 JEFF GORDON Keep it between the ditches ~Garrett Duke~
  2. Yeah so? I don't know what your whole deal is here...no one even said anything about Gordon lately and you have to bring up that he had another bad race...what's the point? So your guy won last Sunday and perhaps made some pretty big steps in his career. But so has Gordon and so has many of the other racers out there on the track. If they weren't good at what they did, they wouldn't be on the track... As for Gordon, he may be riding a good string of bad luck lately, but I wouldn't count him out of the top ten nor the championship. He still has a chance...anything could still happen at this point. Even if, which is a big if, if he doesn't make it, there is always next year. #24 JEFF GORDON Keep it between the ditches ~Garrett Duke~
  3. My favorite episode is "The Ghost of General Lee"...I love the emotion it has in it and that the characters had shown throughout the show. It had showed that dispite the differences the Dukes might have had with the law, they still had cared for one another. Had fun through the chases and all that. I thought Denver did an excellent job with his emotions after he was told his boys had drowned and after Hogg and blamed them for his stolen "Jefferson Davis" watch. I loved the part where Luke was talking through the CB to Rosco...Rosco's response was hilarious. Other favorites is: "one Armed Bandits" "Daisy's Song" "Deputy Dukes" "High Octane" I really enjoyed "Carnival of Thrills" of the emotions between the boys in those two episodes...especially at the end when they made up! I hate to see them fight. I had also enjoyed "Ten Million Dollar Sheriff" and the focus they put on Rosco...another episode that shows that he does care for the boys. Keep it between the ditches ~Garrett Duke~
  4. My favorite episode is "The Ghost of General Lee"...I love the emotion it has in it and that the characters had shown throughout the show. It had showed that dispite the differences the Dukes might have had with the law, they still had cared for one another. Had fun through the chases and all that. I thought Denver did an excellent job with his emotions after he was told his boys had drowned and after Hogg and blamed them for his stolen "Jefferson Davis" watch. I loved the part where Luke was talking through the CB to Rosco...Rosco's response was hilarious. Other favorites is: "one Armed Bandits" "Daisy's Song" "Deputy Dukes" "High Octane" I really enjoyed "Carnival of Thrills" of the emotions between the boys in those two episodes...especially at the end when they made up! I hate to see them fight. I had also enjoyed "Ten Million Dollar Sheriff" and the focus they put on Rosco...another episode that shows that he does care for the boys. Keep it between the ditches ~Garrett Duke~
  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIE! I hope it is a great one! Hard to imagine that someone would possibly give Toby a bad review not alone a bad review on "Honkeytonk U". But I suppose there are those out there that don't like him or his new album. I am a huge fan of his and really enjoy his new album. Keep it between the ditches ~Garrett Duke~
  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIE! I hope it is a great one! Hard to imagine that someone would possibly give Toby a bad review not alone a bad review on "Honkeytonk U". But I suppose there are those out there that don't like him or his new album. I am a huge fan of his and really enjoy his new album. Keep it between the ditches ~Garrett Duke~
  7. There is several things they could do for cover art for season five....They could have the law on the front. Cooter with the General...or Coy and Vance with Cooter. Or Coy and Vance with Bo and Luke. I am not a big fan of Coy and Vance, but I do think they do deserved to get recognized. It isn't their fault that Bo and Luke left, they were given a job and they did it. I highly perfer Bo and Luke, but I will most likely get the set to go with my other DOH collective items. So in that regard, I think they should do a Coy and Vance cover art theme. It would be neat to have them with Bo and Luke and perhaps the General. Or maybe Coy and Vance with Rosco and Enos, Hogg. Keep it between the ditches ~Garrett Duke~
  8. There is several things they could do for cover art for season five....They could have the law on the front. Cooter with the General...or Coy and Vance with Cooter. Or Coy and Vance with Bo and Luke. I am not a big fan of Coy and Vance, but I do think they do deserved to get recognized. It isn't their fault that Bo and Luke left, they were given a job and they did it. I highly perfer Bo and Luke, but I will most likely get the set to go with my other DOH collective items. So in that regard, I think they should do a Coy and Vance cover art theme. It would be neat to have them with Bo and Luke and perhaps the General. Or maybe Coy and Vance with Rosco and Enos, Hogg. Keep it between the ditches ~Garrett Duke~
  9. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TOBY!!!!!!!!!!! As a lot of people know, I am an avid Toby Keith fan! I have all of his albums...except for his "Blue Moon" album. I love his music! I saw him once in concert, which was a dream of mine, and he was great! As I expected him to be. Hmmm which one is my favorite song by him? That is a very difficult question for me...I love most of all of his songs. I would have to say it would be "How do you like me now?!", "Shoulda been a Cowboy", and "Dream Walkin'" . Those are to name a few favorites of his. Toby Keith is one of the few people I listen to while I am writing...his music helps inspire my writing...when I am in a slump, his music generally helps me out of it. ~Garrett Duke~
  10. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TOBY!!!!!!!!!!! As a lot of people know, I am an avid Toby Keith fan! I have all of his albums...except for his "Blue Moon" album. I love his music! I saw him once in concert, which was a dream of mine, and he was great! As I expected him to be. Hmmm which one is my favorite song by him? That is a very difficult question for me...I love most of all of his songs. I would have to say it would be "How do you like me now?!", "Shoulda been a Cowboy", and "Dream Walkin'" . Those are to name a few favorites of his. Toby Keith is one of the few people I listen to while I am writing...his music helps inspire my writing...when I am in a slump, his music generally helps me out of it. ~Garrett Duke~
  11. I would have to say that I liked Bo driving a little better than Luke, but I had also enjoyed watching Luke drive. They both had thier own way of doing things. It all had seemed to work well with Bo driving...Bo drove while Luke worked out the plans. And as for why Tom didn't drive very much at first, I heard somewhere that it was Tom's choice, that he perferred riding shot gun. I can't remember where I heard it from...maybe from one of the extras on a DVD set. That's what I heard. . . ~Garrett Duke~
  12. I would have to say that I liked Bo driving a little better than Luke, but I had also enjoyed watching Luke drive. They both had thier own way of doing things. It all had seemed to work well with Bo driving...Bo drove while Luke worked out the plans. And as for why Tom didn't drive very much at first, I heard somewhere that it was Tom's choice, that he perferred riding shot gun. I can't remember where I heard it from...maybe from one of the extras on a DVD set. That's what I heard. . . ~Garrett Duke~
  13. The_Dukes_Generl_Lee01 - It is great to see another Jeff Gordon fan and Dukes of Hazzard fan! A great combination...lol! Racing and Dukes! ~Garrett Duke~
  14. The_Dukes_Generl_Lee01 - It is great to see another Jeff Gordon fan and Dukes of Hazzard fan! A great combination...lol! Racing and Dukes! ~Garrett Duke~
  15. I wouldn't be counting Jeff Gordon out just yet...he may be having a run of bad luck here, but he sure isn't out of reach of making the top ten nor out of reach of achieving another championship. I would also enjoy to see Mark Martin, Rusty Wallace at least be up there somewhere close since it is their last season. It is sad to see such talented drivers to leave as of now. It'd also be great to see Dale Jarrett up there as well. Talk about a great driver who doesn't get much recognition. ~Garrett Duke~
  16. I wouldn't be counting Jeff Gordon out just yet...he may be having a run of bad luck here, but he sure isn't out of reach of making the top ten nor out of reach of achieving another championship. I would also enjoy to see Mark Martin, Rusty Wallace at least be up there somewhere close since it is their last season. It is sad to see such talented drivers to leave as of now. It'd also be great to see Dale Jarrett up there as well. Talk about a great driver who doesn't get much recognition. ~Garrett Duke~
  17. I have seen the entire season of the Coy and Vance era once and I agree with you...I didn't like it. To me, a show without Bo and Luke is a pretty dull show. I mean they still had the other cast and they seemed to try to make up for it, but there is only all they can do with that. But to be fair to the actors that played Coy and Vance...they didn't have it easy, nor is it them at fault. How can they expect two different guys with two different names be exactly like Bo and Luke? If they made them unique with their own personalities, they could have been good. The actors did as they were told... ~Garrett Duke~
  18. I agree...it is great to see the jumps and all, but it still isn't the same without good ol' Bo. Would be the same without Luke - you just can't have one without the other on the show! ~Garrett Duke~
  19. Cletus was a great replacement...I like Enos maybe a little better, but they are both great! Especially together. I like the part...I can't think of the title of the season right now. But I like the scene where he is handcuffed to the boys and they force him to escape and he is reluctant. Bo ends up biting him in the car because he won't let go of the steering wheel. Then he takes the keys out and Luke have them vote who wants what. Cletus is the only one to say they turn themselves in...then when he said about escaping Bo and Luke raises their hands to raise his...so he figured they won fairly. LOL! Gotta love ol' Cletus... ~Garrett Duke~
  20. Yes he does- it is neat to hear ~Garrett Duke~
  21. I am listening to Kenny Chesney's CD "When the Sun Goes Down" Right now he is singing "Live those songs". Very energetic - it helps my muses guide me through writing. LOL ~Garrett Duke~
  22. I'd have to agree with Min about going because of just to see everything! It is hard for me to pin point one reason of why to go...I didn't get John's or Cathy's autograph, but it was great to see them on stage. I didn't get to ride in the General but it was great to see all the Generals and police cars around - and to see the jumps. I thought the music was great. It was great to see all the cast that was there! It felt great to be among all those people out there to know they are all Dukes of Hazzard fans - it is amazing to look around to see all those people and to know there is even more fans that elsewhere. I think it is amazing to see all those fans and knowing that the show is an older show and I find it ironic. Ironic because of all that the critics had said (about the show) when the show had first aired... Anyway...it was great to just be there and to see everything that was going on. To be a part of it. ~Keep it between the Ditches~ Garrett Duke
  23. This was my second time I have attended Dukefest (last year was my first time) and I have got to say that it was as great as the first one that I attended. Perhaps better since John Schneider was there this year! Gotta love him, but it was great to see Ben, James, Catherine and Rick as well! The only regret that I have this year, that I was unable to meet John personally and get his autograph. I wanted soooo much to get his, I got everyone elses last year (except for Catherine's) ...but John's. But his line was so long and I had to chose to just stand in line for hours or to listen and watch the performances. I chose to watch the performances on stage. Which I thought was excellent. I got to meet Keni Thomas and Glenn Cummings and they were both very friendly and welcoming to us. It was nice to see upcoming Country singers being so friendly with fans...so appreciative towards them. The music was great...I enjoyed Ben's band last year and once again this year. It was great to see John perform personally! He seemed to be enjoying himself very much on stage and when I did see him as did the other actors and singers. The jumps were as exciting as they were last year. I was surprised to hear that Cooter donated his OWN General Lee from his museum for the jump - I wonder if he regrets it now. Cory really did a job on the landing and all. Glad to hear that others had a great time, as I did. As I said, my only regret is being that I was unable to meet John. Though I don't know if I would change anything if I went back, if I were to meet John, I'd have had to miss out on his singing and him on stage. So I guess it all worked out for me. ~Garrett Duke~
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