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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. OK I get your point...you never said that you nor did anyone else has said he wasn't a good driver. And if you or anyone choses not to like him...fine with me. As I said in the beginning of this thread, we all have our chosen driver...that is one of the many good things of NASCAR. So I really don't know what my point was in saying so... No, I haven't heard that song and don't think I'd care to either. You all can think what you want to think...and I'll continue to think what I think of him. Never meant anything otherwise... -Garrett Duke-
  2. HA HA HA very funny....NOT! I haven't heard him or anyone refer to them as the Rainbow Warriors - that isn't giving me a hard time - for a long time. He has changeds his car and design a few years ago...if you haven't noticed. Y'all are just trying to sidetrack away from the fact that he is a good driver and has a great chance of having a great season this year. -Garrett Duke- #1 Gordon fan and proud of it!
  3. I should expect it? Just for liking Gordon? Well if that is what I get for liking a talented driver, then I guess that is what I get. LOL. As for his only win...you can keep dreaming, because I am sure there will be plenty more wins for Gordon this year. As I said, this is his year! As for Jimmie Johnson - my second favorite...he may not be related to Junior Johnson, but he is still talented. Him and Gordon both will rule the track this year! Yee Haa!!!!! GO GORDON!!!!!!!!!! LOL! -Garrett Duke- #1 Gordon fan and proud of it
  4. Well Bethie...since Catherine's birthday is March first...you are now a couple of days early! LOL! Happy Birthday Catherine Bach! -Garrett Duke-
  5. Well...I am starting to get annoyed here! LOL. Why is it that it is my driver that is getting all the slack here? He is a good driver whether y'all want to admit that or not. His standings in the past prove that. If I can admit that JR's good then y 'all should be able to admit that Gordon is good. Well I think California wasn't very well for any of our drivers...hopefully next week will prove better for us all. -Garrett Duke- #1 Gordon fan
  6. Sounds good to me about the NASCAR thread...I could talk Jeff Gordon...uh I mean NASCAR all day if given the chance. LOL. As far as who's the man of NASCAR really is...I trully think you both are confused and have it WAY WRONG. Because.... JEFF GORDON IS THE MAN!!!!!!! -Garrett Duke- #1 Jeff Gordon fan and proud of it
  7. I stopped there after Dukefest last year and really enjoyed it. It was really cool. It has several Duke vehicles parked outside including his tow truck and inside is like a Dukes of Hazzard meuseum where he has DOH toys and collectables showing along with things from the show. Lots of pictures and autographs from the cast. He also has a small store of DOH goods that you can look at and buy. I really enjoyed looking around there and seeing all that he has to show and all that he has to sell. I hope you enjoy it! -Garrett Duke-
  8. Never said that anyone had to root for Jeff Gordon. Once again, just expressing my opinion...again. LOL. California should be just as interesting. Me personally, I think Gordon has another great shot at winning or being in the top five at least. This'll be his season...I can feel it. LOL. -Garrett Duke- #1 Gordon fan and proud of it
  9. Luck had nothing to do with Gordon winning Daytona...this was his third win at Daytona 500 and his 70th win of his career. I don't think he gets enough credit or his talent gets enough credit. He is a talented driver who is good at what he does. -Garrett Duke- #1 Gordon fan and proud of it!
  10. Ok y'all rip and pull at Gordon and now you want me to keep my mouth shut? LOL...just joking. Just think of it this way...Daytona was just a preview of what is to come from Gordon this year...khee. I personally think yesterday's race was a great race, but then again I am biased. I am sure last year when JR won, y'all were estatic...now it's my turn. LOL. And for Jr...I think he did pretty good. I mean he came from thirtyth spot to first for a moment or two only to be knocked down to third place. Third isn't so bad...not the best, but not the worst by all means. Then again...all that is of an opinion from a Gordon fan. NASCAR is such a fun sport...not only in the racing but in the chosing of the drivers. Everyone has a different driver to root for...it seems like either you really like a driver or you despise them. It never gets boring...that's for dang sure...lol. -Garrett Duke-
  11. Earnhardt's good...but not as good as Gordon. Go Gordon! Khee -Garrett Duke-
  12. Al McQuid! He was a very believeable bad guy character! I liked him for a bad guy...or Jason Steele. -Garrett Duke-
  13. As I said, I am yet to see why y'all dislike Gordon this much. A cuss word? I guess I cuss a lot, because I tend to like Gordon and his style. 8) Now Jr...he's another story. LOL! Go Gordon! Four more days til Daytona! -Garrett Duke-
  14. Gordon a cuss word? *shakes head in disgust* Y'all don't know what you're missing out on. LOL. I still don't see what y'all see that is so wrong with Gordon. LOL. Oh well, as I said, we all have our right to a certian driver. As for that beer...Gordon fan or not, it is very much appreciated! -Garrett Duke-
  15. LOL! Good point!...No more Rosco's for me! Or Luke's for that matter! One of my gold fish - the one named Luke - died this morning or last night. I went to feed him this morning and found him on the bottom. So now it's only Bo, Flash, and Cooter. -Garrett Duke-
  16. I understand what y'all are saying! I am the same way...most people I know are Jr fans -still don't know why - (LOL!) but we all get along other than teasing back and forth about eachother's drivers. I don't have a problem with JR or SR...they are great drivers...in fact Sr is one of the two drivers who has more championships than Gordon....Sr and Richard Petty both have seven. Gordon has four...for now at least. LOL! Bethie...thank-you for your input on "Hazzard in Trouble" hopefully you can talk some sense into my twin. LOL. Hopefully all our drivers will have good seasons and that we all shall enjoy the season while it lasts...five more days until Daytona! -Garrett Duke-
  17. OK...I realize I came off as kinda harsh on my last post; I didn't mean to. I am sorry if I offended you or anyone. I'll say the same as I did about Jr...Tony is a good driver...he won the championship only a couple of years ago. He is a good driver, but a very aggressive one at that. I respect you and everyone elses choice of driver. If Stewart is the guy for you, then that is great. I didn't know all that about him...thank-you for pointing that out to me. Those are some pretty good accomplishments he has. As I tell a friend of mine...who is a big JR fan...I don't have anything against JR or any of the other drivers out on the circuit. They are all pretty good to one extent or the other. I just go for Gordon. -Garrett Duke-
  18. LOL! I got a new dwarf hamster last weekend that I named Flash! He is such a cutie. My older dwarf hamster that I got a month ago, is Cooter. I had another dwarf hamster that lasted seven months until it died last month...his name was Rosco! All my animals are DOH name related. My two fish are Bo and Luke (had another named Rosco - but he died after amonth) and my cat is Daisy! LOL. -Garrett Duke-
  19. Y'all think I am the one that needs help? I think y'all are confused because there is NOTHING wrong with anyone in Hendricks Racing or anything wrong going for them. Granted we all have our drivers and we are all entitled to go for them and against others...that doesn't mean I am the one in need of help. Because it's not me...Gordon has four championships under his belt and had a great season last year. If it wasn't for the new point system, he would have won last year. I'll give you all some credit, because Jr is a good driver ...otherwise he wouldn't be where he is now. And for Tony Stewart...you don't want me to get started there either. Gordon will always be the man I root for...him and Jimmie Johnson. -Garrett Duke-
  20. Yes it is sad to think that was the last episode of the Dukes...but I spose it had to have ended sooner or later. Good thing is, is that it ended on a high note by having "Opening Night at the Boar's Nest" be the last episode. (Well at least I think ) Very touching episode that was wrote by none other than John Schneider! -Garrett Duke-
  21. Whew! Glad I am not the only one counting down the days until Daytona. Been looking forward to it since the end of last season. LOL. As for who I will be pulling for this year...will be the same driver I always pull for. LOL. Only the best...Jeff Gordon. -Garrett Duke-
  22. I like that episodes...one of my favorite episodes. I enjoyed the plot line and the emotions. It really showed how Boss felt about Rosco...I think. (that is if I am remembering right - it has been awhile since I last saw it) I loved the part where Bo and Luke ran into the bad guys' vehicle and the guy's side kick jumps out to confront him and Bo say something like "it takes a big man to have someone else stand up for him" (something like that - sarcastically) and the leader of the two brothers stand up to stand way taller than any of the two Duke boys! LOL. Talk about putting your foot in it...lol. Garrett Duke
  23. LOL! Sheriff must be having a good day today, he allowed me a moment of freedom to send along a little post. -Garrett Duke-
  24. A little off topic here...back to the kid spitting coke on the window...the guy who played Dobro in the first episode "One Armed Bandits" (Same ep.) is the same guy who played Cooter's cousin, LB Davenport. Anyway...the kid spitting on the window is his son. The guy playing LB/Dobro is Ernie Brown...I think the kid's name is Jason. But don't quote me on that. LOL. Just a little information...LOL. -Garrett Duke-
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