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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Saw it a couple of weeks ago. It was a good family show and John had a pretty big part in it as well. It was great to see him on TV again. Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  2. The latest "Country Weekly" magazine that is out (I don't know the issue date right off hand) but it has Keith Urban on the cover - it has a nice page long article about John Schneider. It is about his new movie. Has a couple of nice pictures in it as well. Keep it between the ditches, y'all! Garrett Duke
  3. Mark Martin is racing the 01 car for part of the 2007 season - though that may change - but if Martin sticks to his word, a rookie driver will take over the races he doesn't race in the 01 car. He has been offered to drive all year because he has done so good in racing this year, but he continues to say he'll stick with only part of the year. The double zero car driver is David Reutimen (spelling? LOL) and is also a rookie. It will be interesting to see how he does - he seems to be doing an ok job for his first year or so. There is a lot of changes with drivers and rules this year and it will be interesting to see how things shape up this year. . .as always. Take care and keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  4. I'd be Bo, so that I could drive The General as well as to play chase with the local law. Being a part of the Duke family would be great as well. Keep it between the ditches, y'all Garrett Duke
  5. My favorite TV shows are: Dukes of Hazzard Numb3rs Dog Whisperer ~Garrett Duke~
  6. Dukes of Hazzard will be always be a favorite, but I would have to say that Numb3rs is closely behind it for second. I look forward to my Fridays just to be able to watch Numb3rs and Dog Whisperer. ~Keep it between the ditches~ Garrett Duke
  7. I've read chapter one and two so far and have enjoyed reading what I have read so far. Can't wait to see what else is in store for Cooter and Kelly! Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  8. First of all let me say, I am a huge Bo and Luke fan. In my eyes, no one could ever take their place and do them justice. I never was much of a fan of Coy and Vance for several reasons - but have nothing against the actors portraying them. They were placed into a difficult situation by being forced into wearing such big shoes as replacing Bo and Luke. If WB did it differently-like make Coy and Vance their own character instead of Bo and Luke, they could have had a chance for acceptance. Even if that was the case - no one could take the place of Bo and Luke -John/Tom. But to defend WB - what else were they suppose to do? Tom and John just walked out on them and on a show that was high in ratings. I understand why Tom and John did what they did - they shouldn't have gotten cheated and if everything was as it was suppose to be, they wouldn't have been placed in that position. (Which has nothing to do with the Meyer and Cherry). But at the same time, WB had to do something to fill in the void that John and Tom left as they went on strike. Well there is my two cents worth in the topic. ~Garrett Duke~
  9. OK I got a question. . .will the movie go out everywhere or just to certian places? Will it eventually make it to a DVD? OK that's two questions but am curious about it seeing that I don't see any showings any where close to where I live. Have been looking forward to seeing this movie so hopefully I will be able to see it sometime. . . ~Garrett Duke~
  10. Well I was five years old or so when The Dukes stopped airing and if I remember right at the time it was The General Lee that generally grabbed my attention. When I started to watch it on TNN in 1997 my favorite character is was Bo and is still Bo - but Luke is right there behind him. You can't really have one without the other I don't think, they both add onto eachother's character. So I'd have to say since 1997. Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  11. That is a great CD - Tim McGraw's Greatest Hits Volume 2. I have that in my CD player back home...then again I think all of Tim McGraw's albums are great . I enjoy his music. I think my favorite song on that one is "Real Good Man" and "The Cowboy in Me." Right now I am listening to "Ultimate Waylon Jennings" and "Luchenbach Texas" is on now. "Mamma's don't let your babies be Cowboys" is on next. Two of my most favorite song by him. Then again, I enjoy this whole album. ~Garrett Duke~
  12. My favorite movie is the first (only the first one) Smokey and The Bandit. Has good car chases as noted already plus good actors/actresses in it. There are a lot of similarities between Smokey and the Bandit and the Dukes. ~Garrett Duke~
  13. I don't watch it due to the lack of time and not having cable tv at my apartment, but I follow up on whether or not Sara Evan's makes it. Hopefully she can make it.
  14. I can't remember what episode it was in or if it was mentioned in this thread before...but I always get a laugh in it Rosco at Enos after Enos running into him: "Don't talk to me when I'm yelling at you!"
  15. It is all very sad and still very unbelieveable that something like that could happen. Steve was a great guy - he cared about what he did and he put emotion into everything. It was great to see and hear just how much his family meant to him, how much he adores his kids. His family is in my prayers for their loss and the trials that they are now facing. I've always enjoyed watching Steve Irwin on TV, whether he was at his zoo or in the wild. He put just as much enthusiastic into each topic he was covering and he made it very interesting to watch. He was funny and educational at the same time. He will be missed. ~Garrett Duke~
  16. Thanks! I think I kinda remember him doing that! Garrett Duke
  17. LOL! What episode did he do that in? Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  18. Which episodes whas his name mentioned? I have always been told his name was Alex, but don't ever remember his name being spoken during an episode. No he never really did talk, but he did have a line or two in "Mary-Kaye's Baby". He objected to an idea of Boss' against her or gave an opinion or so. Can't remember exactly what he said, but he did speak. He'd be good to use in a fic - I had often times thought of using him. Take care and keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  19. I think I heard somewhere that the boys (Tom and John that is) is ten years apart. John was eighteen, but told everyone he was twenty-four because that was the age the producers or whoever was looking for. Tom at the time was twenty-eight. That is what I read some time ago and had always thought. But then again, I've been known to be wrong from time to time. As for the ages on the show...I don't know what the character's ages were. All I knew was that Bo was the youngest and Luke was the oldest...placing Daisy in the middle. Take care and keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  20. I was at my parents' house last Friday (I don't have cable at my apartment) watching TV. While searching through the channels, I found "The Dukes of Hazzard" on TV - and not CMT! It was ABC family...it was on at eleven at night - central time. They were playing "Repo Men". I was really surprised to find the Dukes on another channel other than CMT! On the schedule of ABC Family, it shows other listings of the Dukes around midnight, but not every night. I don't know if this was listed other place, but figured I'd place a little note of notices of other sitings of our Dukes. Take care and keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  21. This year was my third time of going to Dukefest and I agree there are pluses and minuses to each location. But then again, nothing is going to be perfect or the way that each individual thought it would be like. I am just grateful for Ben and Alma to go to all the work they do to make it run. Just glad to see that the cast like Ben and the others still keeping the Dukes alive after all these years of the show ending. I think I am one of the few that didn't even attempt at getting an autograph. I already have Ben's, Sonny's, Rick's, and Jimmie's from the first year I went. But to look at the line on both days, I just figured that it would be almost impossible for me to get an autograph. Figured I'd be missing all the other shows with little chance of getting Tom's, John's, or Cathy's autograph. I would have loved to have gotten their autographs and probably would have stood in line if I was for sure I'd get their autograph. I think the one thing I liked about Bristol was that the cast took more breaks from signing autographs to go to the stage to sing a little bit before going back. As it is, they were on stage a few minutes Saturday afternoon and then back at the concert that night. I regretfully missed the concert because I went out to eat. They came back up Sunday, but only to sing one song together...but boy do they all look great! Especially John and Tom! It was great to see Tom there and see his surprise to see everyone there! They all walked down the isle besides me and I guess Tom kept saying he couldn't believe all the people. SUnday coming on off the track, he was taking pictures of the crowd! And always glad to see John : ...and the other cast. One of my favorite parts of Dukefest was meeting a great online friend that I had met way back when I had first started online. Being able to walk around and talk with her while looking at all the Duke vehicles was great - just to get to know her better. Meeting the Denver Pyle look a like was great too! I enjoyed the concerts that was put on...glad to see Jessi Colter this year. I was glad to see that they had Kenni Thomas come back from last year - I enjoyed his music both years. Met him last year and he was very personable and friendly. Wish him the best luck with his music - would enjoy hearing him on the radio. Another favorite part - other than meeting people from online and seeing the cast onstage - was the car jumps! Each year they impress me on how far and how bad they can jump/land and no one yet (of the years I went) has gotten hurt! It was always a joy seeing them jump and wreck cars on the show, but even more so, now that I have seen them do it in person. Overall, I had a great time and think that things ran somewhat smoothly. I am sure, with all that many of people, it was hard to please everyone and get things done. It is just great that people are this excited about The Dukes of Hazzard...after all these years - and to find out, that I am not the only one to feel that way about the show! If there is a Dukefest next year, I plan on going - that is if all goes right! Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  22. She too could have made a mistake when she said that...I have always heard it to be May 11th - even before the disc set had came out. They have John Schneider's birth year wrong because when he walked in for the role, he gave them the wrong year in order to present himself to be older. He was only eighteen years old and they were looking for someone who was twenty-four or so. He told them the wrong birth year to get the job and that is what they wrote down. I know Denver died on December 25th and maybe Cathy is right when she said that. Afterall, she did know Denver personally and had worked with him. Perhaps she said it wrong and she or no one else caught onto it until it was too late. Whenever his birthday is...happy belated birthday Denver. Keep it between the ditches Garrett Duke
  23. Happy be-lated birthday Denver! Denver's birthday was last Thursday. Keep it between the ditches y'all Garrett Duke
  24. Season six will be coming out at the end of May...as far as I know anyways. I agree..."Opening Night at the Boar's Nest" is a great episode! That is one of my favorite episodes. There is a lot of emotion put within the episodes, between everyone, but mostly between Boss and Rosco. Bo always makes me laugh in that episode when they get wrecked by the bad guys and the smaller of the two steps up. Bo says "Takes a big man to send his goon out." (something like that) Then the main guy steps out of the car to stand way taller than Bo! LOL! Anyway, it's a great episode! Garrett Duke
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