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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Garrett allows the silence to accelerate within the humid jail cell as his mind continues to wonder quickly from thought to thought before settling on a thought. For a short moment, he silently thinks about Daney's statement, of not being too hard on Rosco. Glancing down at the case he slowly leaves the thought of Rosco behind to wonder through ideas on how and when to escape. Night shouldn't be too far long away now and the local law should be on their way home, that is unless Rosco orders a deputy to guard him. "So," he begins as he looks up at Daney from the case that rests in his hands, "you wanna meet somewhere later on? If not, I could always find somewhere to -" Abruptly he is cut off as foot steps begin to thunder above on the floor within the sheriff's station. Garrett quickly eyes Daney with heavy worry for her safety, for her freedom before his attention is drawn to the open stair way where heavy foot steps begin to fall, growing closer by the second. (CUE DANEY)
  2. Wariness slowly slithers through Garrett's tired body as he slowly climbs down from his well groomed horse and slowly goes through the motions of tying him to the wooden beam in front of the saloon. "Whaddya think, pal?" Garrett tiredly breaks the silence that explodes within the small town. A small smile inches across Garrett's handsome face as his horse glances up at him from munching upon the weeds that rise above the sandy dirt road. Garrett gently rubs the horses soft velvety nose as he continues to talk, "OH you think, do ya? I know your ti-" Garrett abruptly stops talking to his faithful horse while his hand remains upon the soft nose as the sound of hooves beating upon the dry dirt roads to pierce through the silence of the night. Remaining close by to his dark horse he watches three dark figures slowly come into view, one rides in the front while two follow behind. After a long moment one of the large dark figures in the back slowly begin to speak to the man in front, calling him Jericho. Though the figure whispers in attempt not to be heard, they remain close enough for Garrett to hear what is being said as well as make out a few features in the men's faces. Fear crawls through Garrett's tired body that slowly grows numb while he silently listens to the men's conversation and of their reasons of being here. At hearing his cousin's name be spoken evilly from one of the men, chills creep up and down his body at the thought of his cousin lying deathly injured within the sheriff's station. Who else could want to harm him or how else could he be harmed without slipping into death? That is if he already hasn't. Staring coldly at the three large men while standing silently still within the shadows, Garrett's mind quickly spins within him with the horrid information he has just over heard. Fighting for ideas that could help save his cousin from any more danger. Fear for his cousin quickly turns to panic as the man in the lead gruffly answers his two partners in the back by suggesting to stop at the saloon to seek the next of kin and for some information. Garrett panickly searches his surroundings in order to find some way to escape, but comes up empty with any way to move without being noticed. Holding his breath, he slowly looks up to find the three men heading in his direction, only a few feet ahead of him. (cue anyone)
  3. Garrett grips tightly onto the metal bars that entraps him within the small cell as he fights to contain the excitement that bubbles through him. Excitment at the thought of someone coming to help him, someone willing to help bust him lose. Abruptly, his excitement is deflated as his sister comes to mind, at how upset she would be seeing him taking advantage of thier cousin's generousity. Daney was making a big risk by even suggesting to help bust him lose. . .if only Rosco would walk down the steps now, she'd be sharing the cell with him. Not alone if she was caught in the act. "I can't believe I am going to say this," Garrett runs a nervous finger across his thick, long scar, "I'd love getting out of this dump and watching the reaction of the joke you call your law around here, but I don't want you to get in trouble." He allows silence to fall between them as he takes in his cousin while thinking of freedom. "I'll take what you got to bust me out later, that way," he pauses, "hopefully they can't trace it back to you. Thank-you." (Cue Daney or anyone)
  4. Anger and frustration bubbles lively within Garrett's tired body as he stares blankly at the brick wall that lies opposite of the ratty old cot. How he wind up in this mess? In jail for something he knew he didn't commit? Hell, he hasn't exactly walked the straight line in Hazzard and definately not before, but he still hadn't stolen any electronics. But how did it wind up in his car? "Damn it," he mutters silently as he listens to the activity above him, "what now?" Silence abruptly answers his spoken question as he remains staring at the wall while images of the road might lead him in the near future. Chills rush up and down his back at the thought of having to spend another night in another jail encounter. He had been caught and arrested twice in his past for two totally different incidents, his longest stay in jail had been a month and a half for stealing a box of electronics from a near by store. Hell, he had been guilty then. . .and deserved what he got. Not now. Garrett abruptly looks at the stairs as the silence that had captured the sheriff's station upstairs is interrupted by the scraping of a door opening. Instictively, Garrett glances down at his watch and sighs that it isn't even close to being time for dinner. He sighs discouragedly as he forces himself to relax into the cot, leaning his back against the cold metal bars behind him. Surprise thoroughly streaks through Garrett at the sound of footsteps beating upon the wooden flight of stairs that leads down to the floor of jail cells where he lies. Perhaps company? Garrett quickly shoves the thought out of his mind as he remembers Rosco blocking Kristy and not allowing her to come see him. 'Probably Rosco back to intergate me,' Garrett silently thinks, while watching the gated stair way in anticipation. His expectations of finding Rosco walking down the stairs is thrown to an halt as Daney approaches the end of the stair way with concern etched in her face. "Daney," Garrett says aloud as he jumps off of his cot to walk to his locked jail door. (Cue Daney)
  5. Harsh emotions streak through Garrett's numb and tired body as he sits hunched over upon an old ragged cot that is held upon the steel bars. He allows his mind to continue to rush roughly within him of the past few minutes that had led him to where he sits now. Silently, he wonders if all of this had been a set up on Chet's part, if this had been part of his plan all along. Just as fast as the thought had approached him, Garrett shakes it off, Chet is family and wouldn't do such a thing to him. Not when he had felt the same thing as Kristy and him had felt for a while now. . .he just wouldn't do it. But where is he? "Damn it," Garrett utters in frustration as he reads his expensive watch, watching the red second hand slowly move around the gold face. "Where are you Chet?" Garrett speaks silently aloud as he glances up from the stained cement floor as movement comes from up the flight of stairs. Listening to the shuffling upstairs he wonders if it is Chet or if it is only Enos or Rosco leaving for the afternoon. Once again, the hurtful thought of Chet setting him up enters his mind. But why would he do something like that for? There'd be nothing in it for Chet other than Garrett being arrested. One less Duke? Garrett's doubtful and skeptical thinking is abruptly deflated when somewhere from upstairs, Chet's powerful voice rings out, "“Garrett! Are you alright?!†Hope builds quickly within Garrett at hearing his cousin's voice from upstairs, calling his name. Garrett slides off of the rumpled sheeted cot as heavy foot steps come down the stairs and relief fills Garrett at seeing Ethan's five feet and eleven inche body entering the basement. "Ethan," Garrett smiles running a hand over his thin goatee. "Shoulda figured on you getting your pitiful self arrested," Ethan grins as he reaches up and takes a hold of the large ring of keys that hung upon a hook on the brick wall. Garrett watches him with a watchful eye as Ethan slowly unclock the door and Garrett shoves it open to step out into freedom. "Thanks," Garrett repsonds glancing around the empty basement and back at Ethan. "You owe me," Ethan answers as he leads the way to the winding flight of stairs and they slowly walk up to the sheriff's station in silence. (cue Riddick)
  6. "Garrett!" a couple of familiar voices ring out through the silent town to yank Garrett out of his thoughts. Garrett slowly looks up from the dusty dirt road and up at the old wooden sheriff's station to find his twin brother with thier cousin standing near the old shabby steps of the station. Their arms are stretched out to wave excitedly at him. "Hi Bo, Luke," he nods at them as he reaches to where they are standing at the stairs, "What y'all doin' here? Y'all in some sort of trouble?" The two cousins exchange looks for a moment before looking back at Garrett before they both shake their heads no. "Us? Never," Bo gives Garrett an ornery grin while resting a hand upon Luke's muscular shoulder. "Nah we're just up to see the sheriff," Luke adds in, "no big deal. What's got you up and about this evenning?" Garrett looks around for a short moment as the sky slowly grows into black. "Well I just got wind of what happened to Chet," he pauses to throw his attention back onto his family, "I figured that I would drop by and give him a visit and all." "Well I am sure he will appreciate your visit," Luke nods at Garrett while leaning upon the old splintering post. "We'll see," Garrett gives them a rare smile before shrugging, "Well I better get on my way, I'll see you both later." "Later," Bo grins at him. (Cue Daney)
  7. Actually there is no such thing as Hazzard, Georgia, it is a fictional place that the creators of The Dukes had made up. Though there is a Hazard, Kentucky - spelled with only one z though.
  8. Disbelief builds quickly within Garrett as he stares up at the court house from across the street. The last time he had done anything remotely against the law had been a couple of years ago with his old friends; before he had been forced to move to Hazzard. "C'mon Ethan," Garrett pats Ethan upon his muscular shoulder while throwing out the butt end of his cigarette and smashes it into the pavement as they slowly walk across the street. "Let's do it," Ethan gives his own weary grin as they approach the parked cars in front of the court house where he looks around to find Chet, "Right at six, we're on time," he looks up from his clock and his intense gray-green eyes grow serious, "you be careful Garrett, Kristy would never forgive me if you were to get hurt doing this." Garrett elbows him in the stomach while putting on a smile before saying, "You worry too much, Ethan, things will work out fine. But in case, you be careful too," Garrett pauses as his right hand involuntarily goes up to his thick scar while he glares around towards the court house, "Well time's up...see you on the flip side." "Yeah," Ethan nods while he tightens the grip of his hat upon his hat before he gives Garrett a pat before heading towards the front steps. * * * * * * * * * Sweat drips slowly down Garrett's face as he slowly approaches the back door of the court house. Doubt slowly climbs within him as he rethinks of the plan they had came up with days ago. It had seemed so good to him at the time and so positive, something could actually be done for the better, and he'd be the one to thank for it. But will it work or will it explode in his face? Brushing the sweat off of his face with a thick hand, Garrett steadily throws the door open and a harsh wind of air conditioner is blown into his face as he steps into the wide hall way. Walking past a few closed and darkened windowed doors, Garrett glances down at his watch, timing his steps. Reaching a sharp white corner that leads into a longer hall way and of which will lead to the sheriff's department, Garrett abruptly comes to an halt at the sheriff's door being thrown open. Garrett's heart comes to an abrupt halt as his half sister, Kristy Duke steps out into the hall, holding open the door for a moment. Her back is turned towards him and he silently takes in her thick long strawberry blond hair and her knee length denim skir with her white blouse. "Good night Mr. Hogg," she says innocently into the open door, "I'll see you in the morning, Rosco." 'Damn, she'd kill me if she only knew what I am about to do,' Garrett silently thinks as he watches his sister. "Nite Kristy," the sheriff's voice calls out for her from within his office before she waves at him and closes the door. A brief moment passes before she walks across the hall and towards the main entry door into the building. A brief moment of silence buzzes through the thick hall ways before the front door slowly is drawn shut behind Kristy. A tingle of relief rushes through Garrett at hearing his sister leaving, glad to see her out of the way. Abruptly, his thoughts of his sister is interrupted as the sheriff's door is slowly opened and fear rushes through Garrett as Rosco steps out, holding the door open. "Nite Boss," Rosco says as he tips the end of his hat towards the plump commissioner that remains hidden within the sheriff's office. Garrett hears a mumbled response from Hogg as he glances down the hall in fear, wondering what to do now. Quickly, Garrett glances down at his clock to find only five minutes have passed since he had entered. 'Come on Ethan and Chet' Garrett panickly thinks as he steps out into the main hall way. "Hey sheriff," Garrett breaks the silence and the aging sheriff quickly turns around, surprise registers in the sheriff's bright blue eyes, "You got a minute?" "Garrett Duke," Rosco slowly responds, his words tremble within surprise, "What you want?" "I want...no I mean, I need to talk to you," Garrett motions towards the closed door with his head, "in your office," Garrett glances around the empty halls, "I want to talk to you in your office where no one may over hear and all." "Well, I don't know Garrett," doubt drips in the sheriff's voice, "It's closing time and I'm on my way home. Can't you come by in the morning?" "No, it's now or never sheriff," Garrett takes a deep breath, "and I need it to be now." "Well OK," Rosco resigns reluctantly and he slowly opens the door and Garrett follows him through it to find Deputy Strate finishing some paper work at his desk and a shadow of Hogg's reflection through his windowed door from his office. "What is so important Garrett?" "I need to talk to you about," Garrett searches desperate for something to say, "about Hazzard. It has really changed within the past year since I have moved here." "Things change, Garrett," Rosco states with a bit of annoyance in his voice, "that's life...live with it or get out." "I wish I could get out, but you see, I have to be here for my sister. This town is very important to her," he fumbles while praying for Chet and Ethan to show up, "and well, I was hoping there may be something that you could do to help her feel more comfortable here." "Comfortable? What's so uncomfortable about Hazzard?" annoyance builds within Coltrane's words, "I think you better go home, Garrett. Get something cold to drink or something. But you are now out of my time... I need to get home." "Not so fast," Garrett places his body in front of the closed door, glancing around the room as Enos steps up from his seat, "I want some answers from any of you, before any of you leave." Disbelief and anger dart within the sheriff's eyes as he takes a quick step closer to Garrett. "If that is the way you want to be, Garrett, you are now under arrest," he says grabbing his handcuffs out of his belt, "I should throw you under the jail!" (Cue Riddick)
  9. Garrett watches silently while sitting on an old milk cart as his cousin steadily moves into the darkness of the cave, followed closely by the tiger. Chills race down his back as he silently notices how evil the tiger's bright eyes give an cold evil look within the darkness of the mine. "Yeah we're here," Garrett slowly speaks up as he grabs a Marlboro light from the hard box that he had sat besides him. Lighting up his cigarette with his midnight blue lighter he eyes the new company with hardened eyes, taking them in. "Of course we're ready." "We wouldn't have been here before you," Ethan pauses a he slowly stands up from his milk crate that had been positioned on the opposite side from Garrett. He slowly readjust his black leather, curved outside edged cowboy hat upon his coppery brown hair before finishing, "if we weren't ready." Silence caves within the old mine as Garrett slowly stands up to approach Chet and the tiger while he slowly organizes his thoughts and his emotions. "The question now, is, are you ready?" he give them an ornery evil grin from within his thin golden blond goatee, "I say we do it and see what happens." (cue Riddick)
  10. Silence continues to swarm amongst the two muscular men as they slowly desend into the cave like darkness of the old mine. "They're late," Ethan slowly breaks the silence as he pushes a button off of his watch to make the face glow a bright green within the pure darkness of the cave. "Is this what we'll have to put up with if you come along?" Garrett lets out a long breath he had been nervously holding as he watches Ethan for a reply. "There's no if in there, Garrett, I'm coming along for the ride," Ethan speaks up with a little hurt in his voice, "and I was only stating a fact." "Well," Garrett goes silent as another powerful engine blares from somewhere close, "hear that? That's probably them. You sure you want to go through -" "Of course I am," Ethan throws daggers through the darkness before he slowly finds an old latern and slowly lights it with an old lighter that he had shoved into the pockets of his dark denim tight fitting jeans, "Are you?" "Hell yeah," Garrett gives him a smile as he nervously begins to trace the long thick scar that runs from behind his right ear and down his chin, "it's now or never. I'll chose now." Silence once again crowds between them as they wait in anticipation for the rest of the group to join them in order to go through the plan again before pushing the plan into action. (Cue Riddick)
  11. “I can’t believe you have gotten me into this, Garr,†Ethan’s gravely voice breaks the piercing silence that had accelerated within the powerful engine car as his intense green-gray eyes stare out through the passenger window. “We’ll either wind up dead or in jail when this gets through, you do realize that, don’t you?†Garrett remains silent for a long moment as he stares sullenly through the dirt splattered windshield of his 1970 Mustang Mach I that he had rebuilt only a few years ago. Listening to the powerful engine purr within the hood, pride swells within him at the hard work and talent he had placed within his dream car. “Don’t give me that crap, Ethan, you yourself agreed with all of us that something had to be done. If not Hazzard will never be the Hazzard it once was,†Garrett glares through icy cold and hard smokey gray-blue eyes at his muscular passenger. “Well it won’t do either of us any good,†Ethan pauses for a long moment to glance over at Garrett, “if we are dead or in jail.†Impatience steadily begins to grow within Garrett as he glares into the sun while his own doubts begin to grow steadily within him. “As if I don’t already know that, but things have to change and the only way they’ll change is if someone does something to help it change. Perhaps we won’t be able to enjoy the better Hazzard, but someone else will,†Garrett tugs the black leathered steering wheel sharply left to throw his red car into a sharp turn, “look, if you want to back out now, Ethan, go for it. I can stop here and call someone on the CB. . .I’ll tell Riddick that something had come up or something. Just tell me.†“I didn’t say that, Garrett and I think you know what I mean,†Ethan slowly responds as he shoves his black cowboy hat half way over his eyes to block the blaring sun, “I just have my doubts.†“Don’t we all,†Garrett lends his friend a small smile while patting him on the back, “things will work out.†“Yeah,†Ethan answers softly as the old dark mine slowly comes into view, “here we are. I don’t see their vehicles here or anywhere?†“Perhaps we beat ‘em here,†Garrett shrugs as he allows his mind to slowly wander through the plans they had worked out a head of time, of what it might lead to, “relax Ethan...we’ll be fine.†“I’m as relaxed as I’m gonna be,†Ethan mutters as Garrett forces the Mustang to an abrupt halt. (cue Riddick)
  12. For my part...I apologize as well. I really didn't know exactly what I was signing up for. All I knew was that I was started to feel left out of things so I figured if I signed up or wrote more here, that it may change. I (author) is not a fighter, I shy away from any confrontations as much as possible. My character Kristy is the same way to an extent, but will fight if it is needed to protect something or someone important to her. My other character, Garrett, is completely opposit. He lives for confrontations and for fights...he would never turn down a fight whether it is planned or spontanious. I was acting out of character when I signed up and when I fought. If it were my choice, I would have given up within the first beating Garrett took...but that isn't who Garrett is. Which ended up costing him With that said, I am sorry for the violence I had allowed my character to produce here on the board.
  13. Anger coarses through Garrett's pain-filled body as he gently holds onto his broken, ugly shaped right arm. With hardened gray eyes, he glares over at the Coltrane, attempting to think oof his next move. Never in his life has he ever given up or given in to a fight, no matter what; he refuses to give in to the enemy or the opponet. Blood pours thickly down his nose and onto the matt as he slowly kneels before weakly standing up. Somewhere off the distance he hears a familiar voice scream out in fear and for a short moment, Garrett scans the matt before spotting Kristy in the right corner trying to get in. One of the people standing near by is quick to gaurd her away from the ropes, saying something about her not being signed in to fight. Her temper radiates from her face, a temper that has arisen from her concern for Garrett. Garrett attempts to nod, trying to say, he's fine, though within, he knows that is far from the truth. "This all about money, is it Coltrane?" Garrett wheezes through the thick blood pouring from his nose, "Whatever happened to the fun of the sport?" With that Garrett sends a sharp right kick to Brian's chest to send Brian stumbling to the matt before Garrett lends Brian a kick to his left cheek. "You expect me to give up? I admit Coltrane, you know how to fight and you did lend me some discomfort," Garrett snorts through the blood as he sends Brian a couple more sharp kicks, giving Brian a good example of his own anger, "perhaps a little pain, but it's nothin' I can't live with. I've been through more than a broken bone and a broken nose in the past...I ain't scared of you nor will I give in to the likes of you." Off to the side Garrett hears Kristy yelling at him, pleading him to get out of the ring to see a doctor. Fighting to ignore his sister, Garrett sends the heel of his boot down into Brian's bare chest, digging deeply into his chest. With the amount of pain that ushes through his arm and down his nose the more Garrett's anger grows harshly within him, sending his kicks more intensely into Brian. Throwing his heel harshly and quickly back do wn into the Coltrane's chest, Garrett forces out, "I tol' you at the beginin', the only way I am leaving this ring is when I beat the snot out of you," Garrett pauses to send Brian a few more harsh kicks to the ribs, "or when you drag my unconscious body out of the ring." With that, Garrett gives Brian a quick session of blows to the chest and ribs, letting out the anger that resides in him out on Brian.
  14. Keeping a defensive stance while watching the Coltrane dressed in black with heavily skeptical hardened smokey gray - blue eyes. Garrett slowly gives the Coltrane a slow shrug as he keeps a tight focus on Brian while searching for answers, to the Coltrane's questions as well as to wondering if the questions were a way to side track his attention. "I hadn't heard about no prize either," Garrett answers thoughtfully, his eyes glued intensely on the Coltrane that stands in front of him, "and I don't hold any grudge against you nor do I wish any harm upon you." Another small shrug of the shoulders as he begins bouncing from foot to foot as he continues to watch the Coltrane, awaiting for answers. "Yeah, I spose this all, is making a fool out of ourselves," Garrett answers unwilling to let down his defenses until he is certain it is over.
  15. Scoot, I don't know if you will be able to see this or not, but I have been wanting to write something, to express how I feel, but nothing seems to sound right. So I hope that by some chance, that you will be able to read what I am writing. . . I want to thank-you, Scoot, first of all, for your friendship. You were always there when I needed someone to talk to, ready to listen, to talk or to role play. You are a great friend and someone I was glad to call my friend. I really enjoyed the chats we have had with one another, whether it was the silly play chats or the serious chats...you seemed to bring a smile to my face when I was down about my writing or anything else. Thank-you for listening to me all the times I had complained about my writing and for all the help you have given me with my writing/ideas. I hope that made a little sense at least. Thank-you for being such a great friend...please don't give up on yourself...believe in yourself. Once again, you are in my prayers and in my thoughts.
  16. "Yield to you?" I grunt as fighting with the pain that ripples through body to give a couple of weak kicks to Brian before fighting arms loose to grab a hold of the Coltrane's elbow that presses tightly against throat. Fighting with his strength as well as to breath, to slowly roll over, pinning Brian tightly to the floor with the tight hold of knees. Sending a few powerful punches to Brian's face and chest before sending a direct elbow quickly down into Brian's stomach. "As you said, you'll have to drag my unconscience body out of the ring, before I yield or surrender tot he likes of you." With that, sends a couple more heavy elbows across the face before yanking shirt off and throwing it out of the ring.
  17. Raises eye brow at name being called before yanking the tight tank top off to display a muscular chest. Handing it thoughtfully to Kristy and stepping up the ring. I ain't afraid of you nor do I ever plan on forfetting or surrendering to the likes of you. Nor do you seem to really know who I am nor understand who I am for that matter. No one will be carrying my unconscience body out of no where. Obviously, you have me confused with someone else. As for the other Dukes behind me...they will just have to wait to find who they will fight. Time will tell... I am glad to hear that you don't plan on showing me any mercy, because I don't plan on show any to you either. You are like anyone else I have fought in my past, in Knoxville. So with all that said, let the fight behind...Let the best Duke...uh I mean the best man win.
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