YEEHHAAWWW!!!! Congratulations Daisy! I wish you and Steve all the happiness in the world. Hey, here's some ideas for the wedding. See if you can git on that "My Big Redneck Wedding" show on CMT. Tonight it's on at 2:30AM right after the Dukes of Hazzard marathon. Wait a minute, maybe you could recreate a wedding on the show. How about Milo and Daisy's wedding? Hmmm, never mind that didn't go so well. Hey, how about Enos and Daisy's wedding? Woops, never mind. That didn't go too well either. I got it, you and Steve could recreate the wedding of Emery Potter and Mabel Wooster! Yep, that's it! This is going to be fun. I can't wait! Seriousely though, congratulations again. I'm very happy for you!