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Everything posted by RogerDuke

  1. Nice! Is Cooter your favorite character? I'm asking because of your screen name. Do you have a favorite episode or season? How about scene? Have you met any of the stars? Do you still have a lot of Dukes toys? Tell us everything!
  2. Dirt bike racing has been going on several weeks but Kawasaki riders are getting hurt left and right so it's been depressing for us fans of Team Green.
  3. TV show
  4. family
  5. Welcome to the HazzardNet Breaker1 This is exciting. You sound like a real Superfan. We are happy and lucky to have you. I also watched the show when it first came out. I was 19. In fact, I am 7 days younger than Bo. We look forward to hearing more from you!
  6. You have my sympathy. As also mentioned last year, Ron Howard was born on the same day and year as Catherine. 2 icons of our culture.
  7. I'm not much of an internet shopper but my wife will get something if I want it. I have seen that a lot. I'd bet the farm that 99% of the time it's a trick.
  8. Cool. I wouldn't mind audio but no video. I wouldn't want people to be disappointed that I don't look like Uncle Jesse. Um, what am I saying? I really do look like Jesse. I just wouldn't want all my rugged handsomeness distracting people from the episode.
  9. DOOMSDAY gang gonna blow up the DAM
  10. street
  11. Happy birthday Daisy. Sorry to hear it's on a Saturday this year. That's always the busiest day of the week at the Boar's Nest. I bet that scoundrel Boss won't give you any time off. We love ya girl.
  12. I'd love something like that. So, you are talking about a website, right?.....not everybody putting a DVD in and hitting start at the same time and commenting on the scenes together?
  13. Sorry to hear that. For what it is worth you are loved and respected here. When you are hurting so are we. As I know from when I went through my tragedy two summers ago, people here really do care.
  14. LOL I am pathetically low tech. I have no idea what this is.
  15. Y'ALL come (song by Loretta Lynn)
  16. My hopes for an orange 01 Dodge Charger racing NASCAR are back on the table.
  17. bird nest
  18. It was just a 3 day thing. Thanks for asking. You too Hobie. Sorry but pictures are too complicated for me. Lulu is a 6 month old black shih-tzu with a little bit of brown....only weighs 7 lbs.
  19. It is based on states here. I live in Pennsylvania right by the Ohio line. Pennsylvania inspections are strict and Ohio's are not. So if your Pennsylvania car won't pass inspection because the body is too rusty you can take it across the line to sell it.
  20. WALTER'S paint shop
  21. We are always missing you cousin Vance. You left Hazzard too soon. Happy birthday in Hazzard Heaven.
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