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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/05/2007 in all areas

  1. HossC

    The last 24 hours

    Today I got to go on a river cruise with a group that I'm part of. It was nearly two hours each way with a stop-over for a hotel meal in the middle. We were hoping for a brighter day, but a bit of mist and rain on the outward journey didn't dampen our spirits, and the return trip was dry with much better visibility.
    6 points
  2. Hello from the south, been a long time dukes fan for over 40 years now and still love the show. Been to most all the Georgia filming sites with other dukes fans and have owned my old charger since 1999. Had the uniform on it for over 10 years and had to do a re paint in 2012. It is still hemi orange but with a black R/T stripe and magnum 500 wheels. 493 ci with a 4 speed, has plenty of attitude for a resto looking charger.
    6 points
  3. Back to Hazzard Square, I'm working on signage for all the storefronts. Untitled by Mark, on Flickr
    5 points
  4. The pilot is my favorite episode!
    5 points
  5. HossC

    The last 24 hours

    I couldn't use Spike's image because it's hard to recolor black panels, so here's a quick effort based on another image I found. There aren't many places for the graphics. You'll have to imagine the flag on the gas tank, because you can't see it from this angle.
    5 points
  6. Merry Christmas, everyone! We're expecting snow this weekend. Might not arrive in time for a white Christmas, but it might get here Christmas night/Sunday morning! We have a new pup this year (Troy passed last November). We got her from a rescue in Texas last June and she just turned about 1 year old last month. We're really looking forward to her first Christmas and to see how she reacts to the snow. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and a prosperous and happy new year.
    5 points
  7. HossC

    The last 24 hours

    Thanks everyone. You guys in the US have really gone to a lot of trouble for my birthday this year.
    5 points
  8. HossC

    NASCAR news

    We've mentioned a couple of historically famous non-NASCAR drivers recently, so I thought I'd share a quote from another that I heard last night. Juan Manuel Fangio dominated the early years of F1, winning the World Drivers' Championship five times in the first decade. Here's his quote: "Driving fast on the track does not scare me. What scares me is when I drive on the highway I get passed by some idiot who thinks he is Fangio."
    5 points
  9. Thanks for giving us a place to hang out, MeadowMufn. I wish I'd found it sooner.
    5 points
  10. Meadowmufn

    HazzardNet Supporters

    Someone, who shall remain nameless unless they want to reveal themselves, has graciously paid for HazzardNet's hosting this month via the Ko-Fi widget in the right sidebar. I did, however, create a new badge that I will give out to everyone who contributes. So, if you want to go poking around, you'll probably find said individual. 🤭 Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I won't go into details, but the last 6 months have probably been the roughest of my life and, though I have been a little absent from the forums (though I have been working on a few things in the background), I am so grateful for all of you. I know there's always a place here I can come to get away from all my troubles. Dukes fans are the best! -Mufn
    4 points
  11. Garrett Duke

    The last 24 hours

    Well it's been more than just 24 hours, but work has been stressful. My boss has emailed me on Wednesday (on my day off) saying that the daycare won't be participating in the college scholarship that has been helping me pay for my online classes. She said this on my way home from vacation two months ago, but my scholarship person was able to talk to her into signing up. But now that my contract is coming up in a week or two, she is withdrawing. So after two full years (halfway through) she is taking that away. There are other grants that I may be able, but I am not sure what to do now. We had DHS stop by last Monday and did a look over and she talked to everyone about stuff. My boss didn't like what she said to me or that I talked to the DHS lady . So Idk if that is what is fueling this. . .but that was stressful enough as it is. Then I was expected to do CPR on Wednesday (telling me Tuesday night) so the same day that she texted me all this, I had to spend 5 hours doing CPR training that isn't due until September. At least it is over. But it's the whole way she did it. I am currently thinking of applying at the school for a para position. The only problem is the breaks and summer and so forth and financially to do it - though it pays pretty much the same as where I am at right. But am already struggling financially and had to borrow money from my parents the other day. On top of it all, my left knee to my ankle has been killing me the past couple of weeks. Keeping me up at night and hurting worse when it's not moved for long periods. I know most of it is my weight. I need to lose weight, but with all this stress all I want is chocolate and french fries. It'd be so much easier if I loved fruits and veggies and all that is good for me...but it's the opposite. Sorry to rain on y'all's parade. I know so many others have it way worse than I have it and it could be a lot worse. It's just been a stressful week and more. Luckily, I only work Monday and Friday and a couple of hours on Thursday this week due to my scholarship (I got 48 paid hours off a semester to work on schoolwork or rest. I had 18 hours left from the past semester, so my boss wants to use them up this week.) I am sorry for the vent. Thank you for listening.
    4 points
  12. Meadowmufn

    Hazzard County Chase

    I made a thing. 😁
    4 points
  13. Well fellow Hazzardinians ! I just had my long , put off , Hernia surgery today but I'm back at the car lot !! It seems that all went well but I'm not out of the woods yet. ( won't be 100% sure for about a month! ( Aug. 1st ??)
    4 points
  14. I hope it gets better for you Bud!! I gotta get to the hospital tomorrow ....they just called to tell me when my surgery is going to be....I KNEW IT!!!! !!!! 6:30 AM!!! And they're in the next county over!! ( Putnam!!) GRRR!!! It's called a Herniotomy...you got it! Hobie is now Hobie Hernia!! ( Hernia Hartkins???? )
    4 points
  15. I do. I love cats. I have a cat that lives at my parents house named Waylon and I have a cat that lives with me and my dog at my apartment named Wrigley. Pets are the bessssttttt!
    4 points
  16. Happy 25th Anniversary Hazzardnet! I'm so glad this great forum is still around.
    4 points
  17. Congratulations to Meadowmufn on this fantastic accomplishment! What a labor of love it has been. So many ups and downs. Since MM is such a big Rosco fan I'm sure having James Best in the chat room was a huge up....and talking about his death was just the opposite. Friday will mark my 17th year here. I hadn't used a computer in my life and when my daughter said you can find anything on the internet, the first thing I asked was "Even Dukes of Hazzard stuff?" She showed me right away and when HazzardNet came up I was hooked.....still am. Best website on the internet! And of course the greatest part of it is all the friends I made. Long live Hazzard County!
    4 points
  18. 4 points
  19. I wonder what they would do if you parked a General Lee in the driveway. They couldn't say it represented racism. The car represents The Dukes of Hazzard and there wasn't a single racist scene in 7 seasons.
    4 points
  20. I am sorry to hear all that, Spike. That is frustrating and annoying.
    4 points
  21. HossC

    NASCAR news

    The first race of the F1 season took place yesterday in Bahrain, and it was pretty much a continuation of last year. Max Verstappen took pole and went on to win the race with his Red Bull team mate in second (albeit 22 seconds back). Behind them, the Ferraris, McLarens and Mercedes were all pretty close, although Mercedes had a battery issue which meant they couldn't show their full potential. Only a week to go until the next race in Saudi Arabia.
    4 points
  22. Hi folks, My first time on the forum in a LONG time (in fact, I've just spent two hours trying to remember which email I used so I could access my old account). One of my goals is to post MUCH more regularly this year, but for now... It's a key date for U.K. fans such as myself... as Sat 3rd March 1979 marked the first time 'The Dukes of Hazzard' was ever broadcast in the United Kingdom! My all-time favourite TV series, that shaped myself, my interests and my character in so many ways. Literally my first memories in life are sitting on my father's knee watching the series (he watched it religiously every week, on the excuse that "he (meaning me) likes it")! BBC1 showed the first four episodes in a Saturday 9 p.m. slot, before a brief break and resuming a month or so later with episode 5, "High Octane" on Mondays at 7:20 p.m. (a year or two later it would move again to it's early Saturday evening slot where the series would enjoy it's highest U.K. viewing figures). Although I'm pretty certain I would have been tucked up in bed for those first four episode (I would have been 1 year old at the time), I'm pretty certain that by some of those earliest Monday broadcasts I would have been sat on my Dad's knee watching it all. Last year I pieced together the original U.K. broadcast history and order for the series (I might share it on the forum at some point actually), just to see what was shown in what order... and to try and piece together my very earliest memories; it was actually quite therapeutic. For those of us that were there originally (even us who can barely remember it), we were very lucky. Will never see the likes of such a TV series again.
    4 points
  23. In the last couple years, I’ve been replicating the interior of the Boar’s Nest at Cooter’s in Pigeon Forge. The bar area is done and the rest will be completed in the near future. I’ve put pictures up here: https://www.flickr.com/gp/10867551@N00/1v6Y9c7N34
    4 points
  24. I saw something cool on the local news today. They showed a semi sitting at a red light in a small town near me and there was a huge orange Dukes 01 that took up most of the back doors. Somebody is a big fan!
    4 points
  25. Good to hear from you again Spike. Thanks for updating us on your life. Too bad it's not all good news. I'll admit yer Uncle Jesse was gitting a bit worried about where you were.
    4 points
  26. Sending hugs and prayers your way Roger. Please take care of yourself.
    4 points
  27. True, I know when they moved production from Georgia to the Warner Bros lot in California, they decided to “soften” the show even more, as they had discovered it was so popular with kids. Originally I think they were trying to aim towards an audience of perhaps late teens to 30s. But, they ultimately gained an audience & fans of all ages!
    4 points
  28. RogerDuke

    Word Association

    second (I knew a guy like that. You could ask him what the first, second, third or fourth Sunday was of any month of any year and he always got the number right. Sometimes he got it quick and sometimes it took a few seconds. We tested him a lot because he loved doing it and he never missed. He only did Sundays though. He was in his mid 20s at the time and was about at a 5 year old level with intelligence. It was amazing to witness!)
    4 points
  29. Cousin.... ( specifically MY cousin) He was born blind and retarded because the doctor used forceps on his head. He is a savant however. He is 56 and believes in Santa Claus but he can tell you what day any date is on! This year, last year or next year! He can also tell you how many Friday 13ths we will have. He told me this year we will have only one more! It will be in October! I haven't looked it up but he's always right!
    4 points
  30. I agree Hobie but what really impresses me is anybody who loves Hazzard County enough to do this. Of course it's the greatest show in the history of television so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised!
    4 points
  31. Sorry to hear this, Skipper. I hope Gary's family is doing well despite the situation.
    4 points
  32. I'm still lurking around here, Hobie. We had an ice storm yesterday and managed to get through it without losing power. Last time we had an ice storm, we lost power for 3 days. Stay safe and warm, everybody. Wishing you peace and joy this Christmas, my cousins. And a Happy New Year!
    4 points
  33. Thanks Boss. You too. We are going to have one heckofa white Christmas. It sounds like major weather problems are in store for much of the USA. Stay safe everyone.
    4 points
  34. The Dukes (and Dukes fans) are sometimes down, but never out!!
    4 points
  35. I recently bought BeamNG.drive and have been playing around with it. I found out they have a General Lee mod. There's no Charger in the game, so it's basically just General Lee livery on a somewhat similar car body. Crashing is extremely fun in the game because of physics. So, I figured maybe Rosco would take the General Lee out for a little run. I recorded it and made a short video of it. Added a few sound clips from the show at the end too. I hope you enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsLKta98Svo
    4 points
  36. HossC

    RIP Angela Lansbury

    Angela Lansbury has died just 5 days before her 97th birthday. She passed away in her sleep at her LA home. Born in London in 1925, when she wasn't in LA, she spent a good bit of time at her home in Co. Cork here in Ireland. I'm sure we all remember her as Jessica Fletcher in 'Murder She Wrote'. Here she is entering the former Duke Farm at Valencia Oaks in the 1988 episode 'Coal Miner's Slaughter', an episode which also featured Denver Pyle and Celebrity Speed Trap victim Hoyt Axton. The rest of my pictures are in the Valencia Oaks Movie Ranch thread. For another Dukes tie-in, from 1976 to 1981, Cathy Bach was married to Angela's stepson David Shaw.
    4 points
  37. HossC

    R. I. P. Loretta Lynn

    I just heard this sad news on the radio before I left work. They have a spot each week where they talk to a pair of American correspondents with differing political views, but both were united in their tributes to Loretta Lynn. RIP to the Coal Miner's Daughter.
    4 points
  38. The square in Covington also appeared in 'The Cannonball Run' - Burt Reynolds and Dom DeLuise land their plane there to buy more beer near the start of the movie.
    4 points
  39. HossC

    Word Association

    Frog (I'm seeing a lot of Miss Piggy/Kermit memes at the moment) 9 brains and 3 hearts. I've seen another meme a few times recently that says "If Adam & Eve had been Cajuns, they would have eaten the snake instead of the apple and saved us all a lot of trouble."
    4 points
  40. Here's a look at the PS2 version. I know that Edward Mulhare (Devon Miles) died in 1997 (five years before this games was released), but they don't seem to have licensed any of the original actors to provide voices (unlike the Dukes games).
    4 points
  41. If it wasn't for this thread, I wouldn't have understood this joke that I saw earlier. I assume there's room for five passengers!
    4 points
  42. Found a great one while researching Daisy's Plymouth. From that car's final chase leading up to its destruction at Kissing Cliff, they recycled the same shot but reversed it. I first noticed it by noticing the same body damage (rear fender above the wheel) on both sides. When I slowed it down frame-by-frame, I was shocked to see it was the EXACT SAME FOOTAGE but reversed...and that I'd never had a clue! First time we see it is the reversed footage. You can see on the supposed driver's side what is Luke's arm casually on the window ledge, gripping the roof...on what is actually the passenger side. In the subsequent shot, a millisecond later, the driver can be seen gripping the wheel on the wrong side (must've gone to the UK). One will also notice between the two shots the rear view mirror is on the wrong side, to emphasize what we have already seen. Now, compare the first photo with this one, taken later in the same chase scene. It's EXACTLY THE SAME but reversed. Even the tree, shrubbery, position of the Sheriff car, etc....
    4 points
  43. I don't think I've visited either of those sites. www.hazzardonline.com still appears to be available, but there's no trace of www.dukefarm.com. I know of a few other Dukes sites that are still running, but I can also name some that have disappeared over the past decade. HazzardNet may well be the only remaining Dukes forum after cglfc.com shut down about five years ago. I never joined cglfc.com, but I did read posts there from time to time. At the end of the day, it costs money to keep places like HazzardNet alive. We should be thankful that our Supreme Superior Commander is such a dedicated Dukes fan!
    4 points
  44. HossC

    The last 24 hours

    A episode of the current season of the UK TV show QI put forward the following: When the Vikings invaded in the 11th century, English women found them attractive because they washed more often than the native British men. The Vikings tended to come without women, so they married English women, upsetting the locals. One monk, John of Wallingford, claimed that Danes cheated by washing. He wrote: "The Danes made themselves too acceptable to English women by their elegant manners and their care of their person. They combed their hair daily and took a bath every Saturday, and even changed their clothes frequently, be which means they undermined the chastity of the wives." Thus there is a theory that all of that stories about Vikings raping and pillaging were written by Englishmen whose wives were taken by more attractive Danes. I must remember to have a bath on Saturday to make myself irresistible to women.
    4 points
  45. HossC

    Hazzard Square

    At least Boss' house is still standing. The houses after it, including the haunted house from 'The Hazzardville Horror', have been replaced by newer buildings. Considering LA's liking for redevelopment, the remaining houses on Hazzard Square must be among the oldest in the area .
    4 points
  46. The tunnel on Soledad Canyon Road appeared in 'Duel' and 'Witness for the Persecution'.
    4 points
  47. RogerDuke

    New Moderator!

    He's going to need it with folks like me and Hobie causing trouble!
    4 points
  48. There's only one thing I want for Christmas. That's for you to get better. You are an amazing person and have brought so much joy to thousands Dukes fans worldwide with the HazzardNet. We love and appreciate you and hope you get better. *HUGS*....and try what Spike's doing...Dukes DVDs. *MORE HUGS*
    4 points
  49. All he needs to do is steal some more slot machines and stick them in the local businesses. Then he can get out of this mess and save the orphanage at the same time. It worked back in '79 and it can work again.
    4 points
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