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  1. Meadowmufn

    HazzardNet Supporters

    Someone, who shall remain nameless unless they want to reveal themselves, has graciously paid for HazzardNet's hosting this month via the Ko-Fi widget in the right sidebar. I did, however, create a new badge that I will give out to everyone who contributes. So, if you want to go poking around, you'll probably find said individual. đŸ€­ Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I won't go into details, but the last 6 months have probably been the roughest of my life and, though I have been a little absent from the forums (though I have been working on a few things in the background), I am so grateful for all of you. I know there's always a place here I can come to get away from all my troubles. Dukes fans are the best! -Mufn
    4 points
  2. As I mentioned on the previous page, it would also have been my mother's birthday today, so I've been remembering her.
    4 points
  3. Forgive me y'all, but I just found this site. I've been watching The Dukes of Hazzard since it first aired (I was 7), and have been an absolute fan ever since! I grew up in a Mopar family and have had my share of of muscle cars. I drive/own only Mopar, and the 1969 Charger has always been my favorite, I've had a couple of them. Anyway, most people on the show who come to Hazzard county, are just passing through, but I plan on staying for a while. Looking to rub shoulders with some like-minded people on here. I hope I can give at least as much as I get on this site. Thanks in advance for puttin' up with me! Keep it between the ditches y'all!
    3 points
  4. I used to like the sign in the bar just outside Boss' office that said "I would give all my fame for a pot of ale and safety.", but that doesn't answer your question. BTW. It's a quote from Shakespeare's Henry V, Act III, Scene 2.
    3 points
  5. Thank you! Glad to be here! 😄
    3 points
  6. Meadowmufn

    Watch Parties

    Would anyone be interested in having episode watch parties? I can't promise any sort of frequency, but I would love to re-watch the series again with you guys. If you're interested, comment with the days of the week and times that are best for you and I'll try to schedule something that works for the majority. I might be able to schedule a second viewing for folks across the pond. I would also like some volunteers to test things out with me on the website we'll be using.
    3 points
  7. HossC

    Watch Parties

    Probably for the best - you could start getting stalked online by Miz Tisdale if she saw that you looked like Uncle Jesse!
    3 points
  8. RogerDuke

    Watch Parties

    Cool. I wouldn't mind audio but no video. I wouldn't want people to be disappointed that I don't look like Uncle Jesse. Um, what am I saying? I really do look like Jesse. I just wouldn't want all my rugged handsomeness distracting people from the episode.
    3 points
  9. HossC

    Watch Parties

    It's a great idea, but don't let me hold things up. I'm often in bed by 10pm, which is 5pm ET and therefore 2pm Pacific.
    3 points
  10. HossC

    NASCAR news

    There's some discussion about the new road-going Charger and possible gas engines in a recent Doug DeMuro podcast. It's a good looking car with styling cues from the '60s Chargers. One of the publicity shots shows the new car in orange, but sadly it's the 4-door version. I'm sure it won't be long before someone slaps an 01 on the side of a 2-door.
    3 points
  11. Hobie Hartkins

    NASCAR news

    seems like they would make a custom built Viper! That would probably be the fastest!
    3 points
  12. Note: This Story is the 3rd in The New Postmistress series. All written with my very talented co-author Dixie Davenport. BL shifted a little closer to her new husband Bo, throwing a leg over his, a cool front had blown in and the mid September air coming through the open bedroom window was a mite cool. Bo, usually a hard sleeper, hugged his wife . He couldn’t believe it would be three weeks tomorrow since their wedding day. “Cold Darlin?” Bo asked in a whisper. “Little bit,” BL nodded her head, resting on Bo’s shoulder. “Let me warm ya up,” Bo said, letting his hands start to roam. Moving out from under BL’s petite frame easily to hover over her, Bo lowered his head kissing BL passionately. Soon they were doing what newlyweds do, without making too much noise for their cousins Luke and Dixie to hear in their bedroom across the hall. Dixie managed to get out from under Luke's arm hopefully without waking him as she found her earlier discarded gown and slid it back on along with her robe. The house was a bit cool, but the robe was more for her benefit if she should run into Bo in the hallway. Dixie quietly opened the bedroom door and looked to see if Luke had woken up. He hadn't moved, but Scrapie and Trixie's heads popped up from under the covers. "Alright, but me first." She said, "Shhh." Dixie was followed into the hallway by the two pups and into the bathroom. Once she was done, they followed her into the hall and started down the stairs. Dixie let the pups out back, grabbed a drink and let them back in to head back upstairs. As she reached the top step, she understood why Sadie had not joined the pups. She shook her head with a grin as she quietly opened the bedroom door to find Luke propped up on his pillows, looking at her. Both pups knew they didn't have to be easy and leaped into bed. "I tried not to wake you." Dixie said. "You didn't. The cold, empty bed did." Luke admitted. Sadie heard Scrapie and Trixie go past the bedroom door and she hopped down from the easy chair, padding over to the door but it was shut all the way. Coming over to the bed, Sadie reared up on BL’s side of the bed. “Alright give me a minute,” BL whispered, Bo was sound asleep again. BL found her gown then her robe, incase she should meet Luke in the hall. “C’mon,” BL said, opening the bedroom door. Sadie trotted down the stairs and to the back door. BL opened the door letting Sadie into the backyard. When Sadie came back inside they headed back to bed. Bo hadn’t moved. BL shook her head as she took off her robe, Sadie hopped back in the chair. BL knew which of them would be up for those 2 o’clock feedings when they did decide to have a baby and it looked like it likely wouldn’t be Bo. Dixie managed to make Scrapie and Trixie give her enough room to get back into bed and in Luke's arms. Soon, the four were cuddled up to each other under the covers and back to sleep. BL was sleeping good, snuggled in Bo’s arms until his alarm went off. Bo didn’t even flinch so BL nudged him with her elbow., he still didn’t move so BL nudged a little harder. Looking at her own clock, which said it was 5:30 am, saying “Bo time to get up, your alarm is going off.” “Yes sir, I’m coming Uncle Jesse” Bo said, still half asleep. “I ain’t Uncle Jesse,” BL replied, giving Bo a deep kiss. Bo came alive then saying “No ma’am you sure ain't!” BL grinned and let Bo get up, he put on his jeans that were by the bed, then his socks before getting his shirt off the bedpost. Stepping into his boots, he then leaned over kissing his bride. “Keep my spot warm darlin, be back directly,” Bo left the room, making a stop at the bathroom on his way downstairs. BL scooted over to Bo’s side of the bed, the sheets were still warm. “Come on Sadie,” BL called, patting her side of the bed. Sadie had raised her head, watching Bo, she wasted no time getting off the chair, joining BL on the bed. Gloria Kravitz crammed cotton in her ears when General Lee fired up, these were her retirement years meant to be relaxing and peaceful but instead they were aggravating, mostly due to the 4 young hoodlums across the street with their loud vehicles, friends in and out at all hours in loud vehicles and the 3 yapping mutts the 4 of them owned. Luke heard Bo pull out in the General and for just a moment, felt a twang of guilt, and then he felt Dixie wrap her leg over his legs. Luke pulled her closer and wrapped his arm around Dixie, but instead of feeling warm flesh, he felt warm fur. He scratched Trixie's ear and fell back to sleep. As Bo pulled up at the Duke farm, the kitchen light was on, which meant Uncle Jesse was cooking breakfast and the coffee was likely ready. Sliding out of the General, Bo headed inside for a cup. “Morning Uncle Jesse,” Bo said, helping himself to a cup of coffee. “Morning Bo, how’s the missus?” Jesse asked, laying strips of bacon in an iron skillet. “She’s fine,” Bo replied. “I better get the chores done, said I wouldn’t be gone too long. Thanks for the coffee,” Bo added, putting his empty cup in the sink. Uncle Jesse said as Bo turned toward the back door, "I'll have breakfast done by the time you get done. Come on back in for more coffee and bit of breakfast." Jesse cut Bo's reply off, "Neither of them girls are early risers. You are used to eating this early and if I know you, you'd rather sneak a few minutes back in bed than to cook your own breakfast. I know ya'll is newlyweds, but you can't live just on love either. " Jesse had already planned to send the others a couple biscuits a piece back with Bo because he also knew that Luke wouldn't get up to fix breakfast for him and Dixie unless he thought the baby needed to eat. “Ok,” Bo said dutifully, not arguing, grinning and shaking his head as he went out. Uncle Jesse was right he planned to do the chores, go home and crawl back into bed with his wife for as long as possible. Bo and Luke pretty much met at the top of the stairs as Luke was going in the bathroom while getting ready to leave for his job. Bo said, "There's a thermos of coffee and a couple biscuits each in the kitchen for ya'll. I put BLs in the microwave for her. Luke shook his head, "Uncle Jesse still saying he's cooking too much from habit?" Bo replied, "Nope. He just handed me a bag of biscuits and the thermos on my way out." Luke grinned and shook his head as Bo shut his bedroom door. "Make sure ya'll got a clock set or you will both be late.", Luke called. Sadie raised her head which she had on the pillow beside BL’s, jumping off the bed with a huff going back to the chair and curling up. Bo checked to make sure BL’s alarm was set then shucked his clothes down to his boxer shorts, hanging his shirt on the bedpost then climbing in bed with his wife saying, “I’m back,” “Good, missed you,” BL said, laying her head on Bo’s chest. “Uncle Jesse sent biscuits for the rest of you, yours is in the microwave. I ate while I was there,” Bo said. “If Aunt Pauline ever finds out how often Uncle Jesse cooks for all of us, she’s gonna think you and Luke married the laziest girls in the county,” BL moaned and groaned. “Uncle Jesse don’t mind, I think it kinda pleases him,” Bo replied. Luke came back in the bedroom, "You have biscuits in the kitchen and I'll make you a travel cup of coffee when I go down." Luke was in 'work mode'. Dixie replied, "OK. Thanks." She put her work BDU pants on and went to button them. It wasn't happening. She checked the size. They were not the same pair she had worn yesterday but they were the same size. She quietly grumbled.Took off those pants and tossed them in a heap in the corner then opened the closet to find a pair the next size up. Luke chuckled to himself before quietly saying, "You do know you could just stay home, right?" Dixie gave him a look, "Luke." He put his hand up in his defense, "Just a reminder." "Thanks, but I got this." Dixie said. Luke thought but his mouth happened to voice what he was thinking without his consent. "That's what worries me." Dixie gave Luke a look and he decided it was probably a good idea to leave, “well I gotta go, see you at the Boar’s Nest after work like usual,lets go to work Scrapie, you too Trixie,” Luke gave Dixie a quick kiss. BL’s alarm went off, sending Sadie into a barking frenzy, the same as every work day. “Does she have to do that every morning?” Bo grumbled. BL reached out and turned off the alarm, “she just don’t want me to be late,” BL replied. “I’m gonna go take a shower,” Bo said. “Well hurry because I need one too, I’ll let Sadie out while I wait my turn,” BL replied. “You could let Sadie out and join me, together’s got to be faster than separate showers,” Bo reasoned with his usual Bo logic. BALLADEER: They should talk to Luke and Dixie about that, they thought so too. Hazzard County was waking up and coming alive as shops, the garage, bakery, and such came to life. Daisy was in town early to run a few errands. Her first stop was the local drug store. Inside, she took out the small package with her name and prescription with refills on it and handed it to the pharmacist. "Good morning, Danny. How have you been?" He smiled at Daisy and replied, "Good. How are Uncle Jesse and the fellas?" Daisy replied, "Everyone is good." Danny checked the prescription and said, "Daisy, the medication this time is the same medication.The pills will just look a bit different. You know how it is, if they can save a dollar they will order from the cheapest company." Daisy nodded, "Alright, by me as long as it's the same medication." "Yes, it is. Instead of the tiny round pill, these are just a bit bigger and pink." He explained. Daisy took the bag of medication, put it in her purse, paid the man and said, "Thanks," as she headed toward the street and over to Rhuebottom’s. Daisy read over her short shopping list just inside the door of Rhuebottom’s store. Morning Daisy, can I get ya something?” Mr. Reubottom greeted and asked her. “Morning Mr. Rhuebottom, I just came in to pick up a few things, since I was in town already,” Daisy replied, picking up a shopping basket. On the other side of Cooter’s garage a little ways down the street BL was dashing around like a mad woman, trying to get to the post office before the mail truck. BALLADEER: Uh huh I had a feeling showering together wouldn’t be faster. “Sadie get out the way,” BL fussed at the overexcited dog barking while bouncing all around her. Bo handed BL her travel coffee mug that matched his, that BL had gotten at her bridal shower. He also handed her a ziploc bag with the biscuit from Uncle Jesse. “Here’s your coffee and biscuit. I pulled your car out and left the motor running,” Bo kissed BL, adding “have a good day darlin. “Thanks, see you after work,” BL replied, calling over her shoulder before driving away, “LOVE YOU.” Dixie decided while driving to work that she needed to stop in the office and grab a few more pairs of work pants a size or two up. She knew she wasn't showing, but you sure couldn't say that by the way the BDU pants were fitting or well not fitting the past few weeks. Once parked instead of heading into the jail, she went into the administrative building and spoke to the girls that do the hiring. After a bit of small talk, Dixie said, "Can I grab a few more pairs of pants? It's crazy. It's way too early for me to be showing and I'm not, but the way these pants are cut, I've already moved up a couple sizes." "Sure. Get you a couple changes of whichever sizes you need." Said one of the ladies. "Thanks. I'll wash up what's not fitting and drop them in next week." Dixie said as she went to the room with the uniforms in it. BL whizzed into the square and saw the mail truck coming down the street toward the post office, so she pulled in a parking spot out front. “Sadie stay,” BL said, pulling the key out of the ignition, she found the post office key on her keyring and had the door unlocked by the time the mail truck drove up. “Morning Joe, how are you today?” BL said as the truck driver got the mail bag from the truck. “Morning Miss Dav
Mrs. Duke, I’m good, how about yourself?” Joe replied. “I’m good thanks,” BL replied, adding “have a nice day now.” “Once the truck was gone, BL sat the big bag inside behind the counter, then moved her car around back. Daisy finished with her shopping, sat her shopping basket on the counter so Mr. Rhuebbottom could ring up the purchases. How’s your Uncle Jesse and the boys?” Rhebottom asked. “They’re fine, Bo and Luke and their wives eat supper out at the farm atleast once a week,” Daisy replied. “That’ll be ten dollars,”Rhebottom said, sliding the paper bag over to Daisy. Daisy gave him a ten dollar bill, picked up her bag and went back to her car and figured she may as well head over to the Post Office and chat with BL while she put up the mail. Daisy dropped her bag off at the car and walked toward the Post Office. "Good morning BL and you too Sadie girl." Daisy said as she came inside and started petting Sadie. “Good morning Daisy, I don’t have the mail sorted yet, if you’re here to get the farm’s mail. I’m running a bit behind,” BL replied. “I was in town running errands and thought I’d drop by and chat, the farm’s mail can wait until you get to it and if I’m already gone, just deliver it like usual,” Daisy said. “Ok,” BL replied. “Are you and Bo going on the hayride next month and to the Annual Hazzard Derby?” Daisy asked. “Probably, you know the only way Bo will miss being in a race is if both arms are in casts and he can’t drive,” BL replied grinning. Daisy said with a giggle, “he’d probably drive with his knees then.” “You’re probably right,” BL agreed. Daisy said, "Luke has got some of the Smokejumpers helping with the Hazzard Volunteer Fire Department’s booth. Well I bet I can guess atleast two smokejumpers that volunteered to help, if he promised the company of a certain two of your cousins,” BL grinned asking “Think Jeb will come? The race ain’t motocross.” Daisy replied, “he prefers motocross but he’s a Duke boy and will race anything with wheels. Uncle Jesse says all 5 boys liked to race even when their wheels was tricycles!” BL made a mental note to tell Dixie to invite her coworker Debbie, it hadn’t escaped BL that Jeb had taken a shine to the young woman. “Who are you going on the hayride with?” BL asked Daisy. Daisy replied, "We'll just have to see who asks me. So after we get Bo off the track are ya'll gonna be helping out or just there to enjoy?" “I don’t know, Luke is helping with the hauntings and I think Dixie is helping with concessions. It just don’t seem right for them to be working most of the time while me and Bo are having fun.” BL replied. "I am more than sure that Luke or Dixie can find something for ya'll to do. I'm trying to figure out a costume, too. You just never know about the weather. I can think of a lot of things but if it's cold I'll freeze or the costume will be covered up." BL said, "True." Daisy wiggled her eyebrows a bit, "Not that I need or want graphic details about my cousin, but how is married life? How is it with ya'll living together? When can I expect another little cousin?" BL laughed a little,”I wouldn’t expect any more little cousins right away. Remember,that conversation me, you and Dixie had a few weeks ago? Well me and Bo talked and decided to just get used to marriage before we add kids to the mix, well kids of our own that is. As for all of us living together, it's going good,” Grinning wickedly BL decided to paint a picture of ‘married life’ without graphic details but she couldn’t help what Daisy’s mind conjured up. “It is not quicker to shower as a pair!” BL emphasized the word not. Daisy had the good graces to blush just a bit, "You know, I've heard that! " The girls continued to chat until.....Clara Coltrane came through the door “Good morning Miss Clara, what can I do for you? BL asked. "Good morning BL, Daisy I need to send this registered mail,“ Clara replied, handing BL an envelope.. “I better get back home, bye Miss Clara. Talk to you later BL,” Daisy said, leaving. “Ok, I just need you to fill these out. Front and back on the green one,” BL gave the older woman a pen. When finished filling out the forms Clara paid the fee and left to carry on with her day. As Daisy walked out of the Post Office, she saw Cooter outside the garage and decided to go say hello. "Hey, Cooter. How have you been? I haven't seen much of you lately." “Hey Daisy, I’ve been good. Spending most of my time with Crystal,” Cooter said. “Crystal?” Daisy asked, she knew a couple of Crystals. “Oh yeah I forgot, you were with Dixie and BL the night before the wedding,” Cooter replied adding, “Crystal’s my girlfriend. Daisy nodded, "So which Crystal are we talking about?" There was a couple Daisy seriously hoped Cooter wasn't seeing. She hoped he knew better. Even Bo and Luke hadn't gone around them, at least as far as Daisy knew. Cooter replied, "I don't think you'd know her Daisy. She's from Placid County. She works in a diner over there." Daisy was a bit relieved. Even without knowing the girl, at least she wasn't the couple Daisy was worried about. "You'll have to bring her by the Boar's Nest sometime." Cooter nodded but knew their relationship had gone a mite further than a beer at the Boar's Nest. “I wonder if Aunt Pauline knows her,” Daisy voiced her thoughts aloud. Aunt Pauline knew just about everybody in Placid. “I doubt she does,” Cooter said. He hoped not anyway, Crystal didn’t have a snow white reputation but Cooter felt like he knew the real Crystal. She was sweet and funny, she just had too much liquid courage in her that night. Daisy said as the courthouse clock chimed, "Oh, I need to get a move on. I'll see you soon." Cooter let out the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding since Crystal's name had come up in conversation. He had literally been saved by the bell from further questions. The mail all sorted, BL decided to eat her biscuit that was still a little warm because Uncle Jesse had wrapped it in foil while it was hot. She was hungry but at the same time was feeling bloated just like she did when her period was due, so that was probably why. Getting a mug of hot water, BL put a peppermint tea bag in it. Peppermint tea helped with the bloat, Grandma Betty had told her when she was just a girl and had her first period. Bo was making his normal rounds throughout the tri-counties area but had a new stop in Placid County. Bo parked the truck. Got out the paperwork so he knew which boxes he needed to get off the back. Getting out of the truck, he headed inside to see where they wanted the boxes of parts. He had just gotten in the door when a shrill voice squealed, "Bo! Bo Duke! Is that really you?" Bo still had not placed the voice or the face. He answered cautiously, "Umm, ... yes, ma'am it is." Before he knew what was happening, there was a shapely blonde wrapped around every part of him! "ma'am. Miss." Bo tried to get her attention while trying to unwrap her off him. “Not having any luck extracting himself Bo said, “excuse me ma’am I don’t want to be rude but could you let me go and tell me who you are? My wife wouldn’t like it none if she found out another woman was all over me, especially one I don’t recognize,” Bo said. Of all Bo's words, the girl heard the last two, "Don't recognize? What do you mean you don't recognize me?" She asked, very appalled, just before she slapped Bo right in the face and she got louder as she explained who she was, "I'm Linda Lou Miller from the Tri-Counties race! Not recognize Me?! I could have had your baby!" Bo now had a few pieces to the puzzle and remembered at least part of a victory celebration that just might have ended as the girl eluded to. Unknown to Bo, Pauline was having her weekly visit with her oldest friend Evelyn Griggs. They heard every word of Linda Lou’s tirade. Pauline was glad Evelyn had been in the restroom at the beginning of this exchange, she didn’t know the man on the receiving end of Linda Lou’s tirade was Pauline’s nephew Bo that she had talked about many times at their weekly breakfasts together. Bo was still trying to get untangled from Linda Lou, "I remember now, but Linda Lou, Linda, stop it." Linda blew in Bo's ear and nuzzled his neck. Bo froze as his body betrayed him, and his work jeans suddenly became very tight. Linda Lou knew exactly what buttons to push and where those buttons were. "Oh, Lord." Bo's breathing had even changed. He needed out of there, and he needed either his wife or a cold shower, now! Linda Lou knew exactly the effect her efforts had on Bo and was just getting ready to start them toward the back stock room as her hand wandered to Bo's jeans. Just at that moment, Pauline stepped toward the counter, "Bo Duke! What do you think you are doing?" She said as she saw the blonde tangled around Bo. “Aunt Pauline!” Bo had never been so glad to see his aunt. Linda Lou’s hand drooped as she silently cursed the older woman’s interruption. Bo felt his jeans loosen instantly at the ‘dry’ cold shower. Going around the counter so that it was between him and Linda Lou, he gave his aunt a bear hug. Taking his time hugging his aunt, Bo took a couple of nice deep breaths to regroup, "I'm just here, trying to deliver these parts." He held up the now crumpled invoices. "When Linda Lou there spotted me, I didn't even have time to," Bo increased his volume, "to tell her I'd just gotten married." Linda Lou heard loud and clear this time that Bo was married and like a lot of girls she was not happy about it. When Bo released Pauline she said, “tell BL I said hello.” “Yes ma’am I will, I better get going, I got more deliveries to make,” Bo said, leaving the invoice on the counter but out of the way so a customer didn’t pick it up by mistake, Bo left through the front door to avoid Linda Lou even though it was the long way back to his truck. Bo couldn't have dropped his last delivery fast enough. Once back in the General Lee, Bo took a look at his watch, it told him that BL wasn't off work yet. "Dang it!" He decided to head to the Boar’s Nest for a beer and hope his evening got better. Bo signaled to Daisy to bring him a beer as he came in. Daisy brought over his mug of beer saying, “here you go sugar.” “Thanks Daisy,” Bo replied. After Daisy had gone to take another order, Dobro Doolin came from the back room where the pool table was “Hazzard’s newest member of the chain gang,” Dobro teased. “Your time’s coming,” Bo said. “Where is BL?” Dobro asked. “Still at work,” Bo looked at his watch. “She should be here soon,” Bo replied. BL finished her mail run, ran by the house to change and let Sadie chill at the house tonight since it was everyone's payday weekend. Dixie hadn't taken a change of clothes to work with her so she planned to head home to change before stopping at the Boar's Nest. Luke also knew it would be too crowded for Scrapie and Trixie tonight so he was on his way to drop them off and pick Dixie up at the house. Over in Placid, Linda Lou had also made plans. She had called a couple of her friends who had been trophy girls at various races and they were making plans to head over to Hazzard for a bit of fun tonight after she went home and changed into something a lot less than what she currently had on. BL left the pouting dog behind, parking beside General Lee she headed inside. Heading to the back table BL sat down beside Bo, “hey did ya miss me? “Always,darlin,” Bo replied. BL had no idea how much he’d missed her today. “Hey Dobro, Jeannie Ann had them twins yet?” BL asked, making conversation. “Not yet,” Dobro replied, “I’m sorry I gotta go, catch ya’ll later,” Dobro said. “Are you sure you can’t stay? Cooter, Luke and Dixie oughta be here shortly. “I might come back later,” Dobro replied, leaving. When Dobro had left, Bo kissed his wife, not nearly as passionate as he wanted to though. “I saw Aunt Pauline today, she said tell you hello,” Bo said, then told BL about the rest of his day, most of it anyway. Dixie had just stepped out of her uniform when she heard Luke's truck. She had to laugh, "Do you believe your Daddy knew I was undressed?" Luke opened the front door, "Dixie?" Before Dixie could answer, Scrapie and Trixie had made a beeline up the stairs. Sadie joined in the chase. After the dog express got by him, Luke started upstairs. "I'm up here. Well, hello. Did you two work hard today?" Dixie was carrying on a total conversation with the pups when Luke walked in to find Dixie in just her underwear. "Now, there is the sort of sight I like to come home to." Luke said as he wrapped his arms around his wife. The dogs were suddenly bored and all three ran back downstairs. Luke shut the door with his foot as he felt very overdressed. Cooter walked in the Boar's Nest and saw Bo and BL at the back table. "Hey, hey. I figured this place would be packed by now." Bo replied, "Luke and Dixie should have been here." Cooter gave Bo a bit of a grin, "Well, now I ain't one to tell tales out of school and all, but both vehicles were in the driveway when I went by." “You told tales when you were in school, what’s the difference?” BL grinned. “Hush!” Cooter said. “If you saw both their vehicles at home they may be a while getting here,” Bo said, thinking he’d like to be home alone with his wife too. Daisy came over to see if Bo needed a refill and see what BL and Cooter wanted. “I have the wrecker so just one beer and then switch me to coffee,” Cooter said. “I’ll take one too,” BL said. While Daisy was getting the drinks Dobro’s brother David and his very pregnant wife Jeannie Ann came in. Jeannie Ann had wanted to get out of the house for a bit but they were planning on leaving before things got rowdy. A bit later found Luke snuggling a napping Dixie. He was about to just forget about going out when she nuzzled closer. "Sorry. I reckon I got comfy while we were snuggling." Dixie said. "Don't be sorry. I'm good to stay right here." Luke replied truthfully. He had worked all day, then put a lot of effort into making sure that Dixie had as much fun as he had. "Don't be silly. I'll just try to find something to wear that looks nice but is comfy too." Dixie said knowing that the guys still liked to go blow off some steam on payday weekends. Luke said, "OK. Take your time. I'm gonna step in the shower." Dixie said, " If you are serious about going out I'll get dressed and let the pups out awhile." Luke replied, "Meet you downstairs." In no time flat, they were pulling into the Boar's Nest. As they made their way to the table, no one missed the fact that Luke was freshly showered and shaved. Bo looked at Cooter and wiggled his eyebrows knowing it would get Cooter’s goat. Luke shook hands with David. The evening was like any other payday, people came in to cash their checks then to spend their hard earned money. Three married men danced a few dances with their wives, the music was live tonight, Bo and Luke’s cousins Coy, Vance and Jeb were playing. Cooter suggested, “how about a game of pool fellas.” Bo, Luke and David didn’t want to look henpecked by asking their wives permission but the look on their faces spoke volumes. “That sounds like a good idea, I can give these two tips about being a wife,” Jeannie Ann said. The girls were talking at their table. The guys were playing pool. Jeb was on stage, but out front when he noticed several girls walk in together but 'alone' all the same. When the song he was singing ended, Jeb went into Travis Tritt’s, T-R-O-U-B-L-E. Dixie was asking Jeannie Ann a few pregnancy questions, when the guys had deemed the pool game over and returned to the table. BALLADEER: Friends here comes walking trouble The Duke boys had been passing subtle warnings through songs and such since they were teenagers but Luke couldn’t figure out what or who exactly the warning was about. Bo didn’t have a clue either, it was like any other payday, then he saw Linda Lou and her friends. Jeb finished the song and went into When I touch you by Travis Tritt. “How about another dance darlin?” Bo asked. “Yes,” BL replied. On the dance floor Bo held BL close, just like the song’s words were saying, Bo felt calmer now touching BL than he had when he first saw Linda Lou. “You about ready to cut out darlin?” Bo asked. “Yeah I believe we have some unfinished business,” BL replied, blowing in Bo’s ear. Bo’s jeans felt a little tighter especially when the band started playing Conway Twitty’s I’d love to lay you down. Luke caught Jeb's attention and gave him a questioning jester. Jeb waved him off and hoped to explain later that the group of girls that just walked in not only looked like walking T R O U B L E but being from Placid County and 'trophy girls', Jeb at least knew of them since he too lived in Placid and ran Motocross. Linda Lou and the other girls found a table right in the middle of the action which put them in front of the stage and by both the dance floor and pool tables as well as being pretty close to the Duke's table. Bo had figured to finish their beer and say their good nights and slide out. BALLADEER: Too bad the moon and stars had a different plan. As BL and Bo got back to the table, Dixie said as she took BL's arm, "Come on, you can be company. Tea hit bottom." Not having much choice, BL, as usual, said, "Alright." Bo watched his wife leave the table and questioned aloud for the millionth time since he found girls to be interesting, "Why, do they do that?" Luke laughed, "There's no point in trying to figure it out. I'm certain that we would never understand it." "Understand what, Sugar?" Daisy asked. "Nothing Darlin'." Bo said. Luke saw Bo's mug, "Two more, Daisy. How about you, fellas?" “Can I get a coffee? I got the wrecker,” Cooter said. “Yeah I’ll take another,” David Doolin replied. “What about you Jeannie Ann, can I get you anything else?” Daisy asked, David’s wife. Jeannie Ann thought about it and then said 'if you got any hog jowls, I’d love some.’ She couldn’t explain why it sounded good. Normally she wouldn’t touch them. “Dixie, me and Bo was thinking about cuttin’ out. Was it really necessary I tag along?” BL asked as Dixie disappeared in a stall. Dixie smiled at BL's comment, "Bo hadn't even finished his beer. It's Friday night, surely ya'll ain't wanting to go home already like old married people are ya?" Dixie was making sure she was giving back all the ribbing that she and Luke had been getting every time they tried to head home early. Luke added, "Bring Dixie another tea and BL another beer too." “Cute. We were kinda wanting the house to ourselves for a little bit, you and Luke was late getting here. Cooter seen both your vehicles at home as he passed by,” BL added the last so Dixie didn’t try the ‘we had to work over’ excuse. Dixie laughed, "OK, so just say so, but ya don't have to leave yet. We can occupy ourselves, ya know." “Bo’s idea to leave now, not mine. He seems hot and bothered,” BL replied. Bo wished BL and Dixie would hurry up and come back before Linda Lou spotted him. Linda Lou not only had spotted him but took the seat at the table facing him, which happened to be behind Cooter’s back. Luke took a break in the music to step over to Jeb, who explained his general concern about the girls. When Luke turned back around and got a good look at the girls, he noticed that a couple of them did look a bit familiar. Luke also noticed that Bo was sweating bullets and suddenly seemed pretty thirsty as his new beer was nearly empty now. As Luke sat down, he said for only Bo to hear, "What?" Bo wiped his face so no one could see what he was saying and managed to say, "Tri-Counties spring race, trophy girl." Not seeing any sign of a wife nowhere around, Linda Lou got brave and went over to the Duke's table, “well hey Bo, fancy seeing you here, thought you had a wife,” Linda Lou said. “I do, she’s in the restroom,” Bo replied. Before Linda Lou could say anything BL and Dixie came back to the table. BL noticed a half a mug of beer at her place but before she could even form a word Bo jumped in with introductions, Linda Lou this is my wife BL. BL this is Linda Lou.” Linda Lou's sweet southern accent just gained about ten pounds of sugar as she turned toward BL, "Oh, hello there, Darlin'. Ya see, I'm a 'real close, and personal friend of your husband's. I just wanted to 'congratulate' you both, but ya may want to keep an eye out. He seems real chummy with that waitress over there. Bo I sure hope to see you at the Tri-Counties race again real soon like." Linda Lou said as she stepped away from the Dukes table and back to her own table to watch any fireworks explode that she just had lit the fuse to. Bo finished his second beer and reached for BL's in the same motion. Luke wisely wrapped his arm a bit tighter than normal around Dixie's waist, hoping that this gesture was a sign that he was very taken. “Thank you,” BL almost laughed seeing the waitress Linda Lou indicated, it was Daisy. Her back was turned so they couldn’t see her face. ”Maybe I should drive home,” BL said, seeing Rosco make his first check-in of the night. It was also time for his supper break. Bo was about to argue that he was fine but then he saw Rosco and handed over the keys. Finishing BL’s beer, Bo was debating whether to order another or go home as planned. Bo caught Daisy’s attention and felt like he may be out of the woods, "Can I get a beer for the road, since I have a driver and a tea for BL. Do ya'll want anything it's on me?" The table took Bo up on his offer for another round. Luke was thinking, "BL, since you have your car, do ya'll want me to take the General and Dixie can drive the pickup? That way, you can keep a close eye on Bo there." Luke kidded. “Sounds like a plan,” BL said, handing Luke General Lee’s keys. “This is like changing guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier,” Cooter said reverently. Daisy brought their drinks and everyone talked and drank, David Doolin finished his beer then said, “it’s been fun but me and Jeannie Ann need to get on back home.” ‘Me and Bo are gonna head out too,” BL said. Saying their goodbyes the two couples left. When Bo and BL opened the front door they were greeted by woof ‘hello’s’. “Let them out back and I’ll put a frozen pizza on,” BL said. “Ok but I’d rather skip the pizza and go straight to dessert,” Bo replied, wiggling his eyebrows. Bo let the dogs out and he and BL sat on the back porch watching them play while the pizza cooked. Once they had eaten they went upstairs, the pups zoomed ahead, Scrapie chased Trixie under the foot of the bed and out the side, Sadie didn’t fit under the bed but as soon as the little ones shot out the side, Sadie was back in the game. Out into the hall they ran. Bo shut the door then said, “I believe you said something about unfinished business,” “I did,” BL replied, undoing the button and zipper on her jeans, letting them drop to the floor then stepping out. Bo dropped his own jeans and picked his wife up, laying BL on the bed gently, then laying beside her, the rest of their clothes making heaps on the floor as they engaged in couples games. BALLADEER: Kinda like reindeer games Luke finished his beer and was about to suggest heading out also. Dixie instead said, "Did you get the feeling that we weren't welcome home for a while?" Luke replied, "No. Why wouldn't we be welcome at our own home?" Cooter was enjoying watching his sister and cousin play their husband's like fiddles as he drank his coffee. "Let's just say that a certain brother of mine saw both our cars home before we got here." Dixie said. "Oh." Luke said with a slight grin. He was still careful to try not to rub Cooter or Luther the wrong way. "What do you think about leaving the pickup here awhile and us taking a ride in the General Lee before it gets too cold or I'm too big to do it?" Dixie suggested. Luke replied, "I can make that happen. Cooter let Daisy know we'll be back for the pickup and maybe one more before closing." “Will do buddy roe,” Cooter said. Daisy came to check on them all but only found Cooter drinking his coffee, “what happened to everybody?” “They left but Luke said tell you, him and Dixie will be back for his pickup before closing and maybe another drink," Cooter replied. “Ok, well can I top of your coffee?” Daisy asked. “No thanks, I’m heading out,” Cooter replied. At the house in town, Bo and BL were fully enjoying being newlyweds and having the house to themselves. “If I wasn’t on birth control, I’d probably be pregnant before this night is over,” BL said, breathing hard. “You might be anyway.” Bo replied, grinning. Luke and Dixie drove around the county at a decent pace. They were talking about old times, long ago moonshine runs, some of the chases and races the General had got the boys into and out of, when Luke drove by an overgrown, unseen, barely there path. He stopped in the middle of the road, backed up, and turned General Lee up the mountain side. "Luke, I ain't one to complain, and I trust you, but do you know where you are going?" Dixie asked. "With my eyes closed." Luke continued up the trail to an open flat area where he cut the engine and lights. Dixie said, "AM I supposed to know where I am?" Luke shrugged. "It's real close to somewhere you used to beg me to bring you." "I did?" Dixie asked, a bit confused. Luke was a bit disappointed she seemed to have forgotten. "You did, well, not to this specific spot, but it's one of a few different places you used to want to come see and I valued my hide a mite too much to bring you up here." Dixie looked around. All she could see was woods around the area but figured out what he was talking about. "One of the still sites? Really? Where?" Luke grinned, "Are you up to a bit of a walk?" Dixie was on the windowsill. "For this. You bet I am!" They walked about a quarter of a mile through thick woods before a little clearing opened up with what looked like a hunter's shack came into view. Bo watched BL sleeping on his arm. He grinned, he’d worn her out but in a good way judging by the soft smile on her lips. Once in the cabin, Luke showed Dixie the fireplace and explained that if the still was cooking a batch of shine feeding, the fireplace actually also fed the stills fire. Jesse and the others had built the cabin so that it concealed the still and the shine making unless you knew exactly where and what you were looking at. For that reason, this was Luke's favorite still site. He had often come up here to camp out even if there was no shine being made. The big double bed was there and only in need of clean bedding. The tiny kitchen still had a coffee pot, dishes and a few pots and pans. "Do you think we could come up here and camp out before it gets cold?" Dixie asked. Luke knew why he loved her, "I like the way you think Mrs. Duke." Luke said, kissing her. "There's a little pond where I bet the fish might just be real hungry a little ways away too. Would you like to maybe come up here next weekend" Dixie beamed. "It sounds like fun." A bit later, they pulled back into the Boar's Nest. Luke said, "Do you want to go back in?" "Well, I don't want to cook when we get home, so let's go get something at least to take home and you can get that other beer before we head home." Dixie suggested. Luke and Dixie walked into a calm bar, even on payday it usually was calm by now. The usual table in the back was occupied so the couple sat more in the middle. Dobro indeed came back but this time it was the blonde newlyweds missing, “hey why are you two still out? Don’t married folks turn into parents this late?” Dobro asked, with a silly grin. He had no idea Luke and Dixie were well on their way to just that. “Bo and BL commandeered the house for a little bit,” Dixie replied, blushing when Luke added, “but we found a way to entertain ourselves.” Daisy came over and asked, “what can I get ya’ll?” “Is the kitchen still open?” Dixie asked. “Sure is, what would you like?” Daisy replied. “BBQ platter with slaw, and fries. I’d like a sweet pickle on the side and a glass of tea,” Dixie said. “How about you Luke? Dobro?” Daisy asked as she finished writing Dixie’s order down. “I’ll take just a couple BBQ sandwiches and an order of onion rings and a beer,” Luke replied. “Just a beer for me,” Dobro said. “Be back in a sec with those drinks,” Daisy said before going to place the food order and get the drinks. Daisy brought their drinks back, "I checked when I was back there. We still have plenty of peach and lemon pie." Dixie felt as if she were starving but tried to play it down. "Why do you do these things to me? I'll have a piece here and a couple to take home for breakfast for us." Daisy said, "Lemon or peach?" Dixie replied. "Yes." Dobro looked at Luke, who was grinning like a Cheshire cat who just ate the family canary. Dobro sat there saying nothing so long Luke was beginning to think he needed to draw a picture. Dobro might not have a PHD but he wasn’t ignorant, he thought about the way his sister-in-law Jeannie Ann had been eating for months and it was just like Dixie. “Congratulations ya'll. When does baby Duke arrive?” Dobro shook Luke’s hand. Luke looked at Dixie, who figured a vague answer was best and all that Dobro needed. "April." “What gave me away?” Dixie asked Before Dobro could answer, Daisy brought over the food, “Here’s your sandwiches and onion rings, Luke,” Daisy set a plate in front of Luke, then a plate and couple of smaller plates with a pickle on one and pie on the other. in front of Dixie, “here’s your BBQ platter with pickle on the side and pie for dessert. I put the extra pie in take out boxes.” “Thanks Daisy, Dixie and Luke both said. ”That gave you away!” Dobro replied, gesturing at Dixie’s large order. “Jeanne Ann has been eating alot more than her normal, for months,” Dobro replied. Dixie glared at the man sitting with her and Luke, "Thanks. I needed that." Luke chimed in, "Besides, Jeannie Ann is havin' twins." Dobro put his hands out in his defense, "Sorry, Dixie, but ya'll asked." "Besides, I haven't eaten since lunch." Dixie left off the rest of her thought, 'and I was starving.' “You about ready to go take back our part of the house darlin’?” Luke asked, if he didn’t get Dixie out of there, he was liable to be minus one friend. “Yeah I’ll eat my pie at home.” Dixie said, finding the right takeout box, adding her piece of pie. “Saying their goodbyes, going out to the parking lot. Dixie getting in Luke’s truck and Luke in General Lee. Both Bo and BL were asleep when Luke and Dixie got home and would have stayed that way if the dogs hadn’t barked when they heard boots on the porch. “Luke and Dixie are home,” Bo stated. “Ya think?” BL asked, with just a mite of sarcasm. Luke let the pups out back. Dixie was starting to put the pie away when she decided that she needed just one piece, but she was having trouble choosing between the peach and the lemon. She finally chose peach and was putting her fork in the sink as Luke and the pups came back inside. "Ready for bed?" Luke asked. "Just grabbing something to drink." Dixie said. The two of them and three pups headed upstairs. Trixie and Scrapie made a beeline for Luke and Dixie's bed, leaving Sadie to give Luke her biggest puppy dog eyes. "Alright." He knocked once, "Sadie's ready for bed Bo." Luke cracked the door only enough for Sadie to squeeze in and shut the door back. Once inside her bedroom, Sadie leaped into the bed and promptly licked both Bo and BL's entire face, ears and nose! “Alright, alright we’re sorry we locked you out but your help wasn’t needed,” BL said, trying to fend off the doggy kisses. Once Sadie settled down she went to her chair, made three circles and layed down. BL snuggled back down into Bo’s arms and all was peaceful again. About 4am, BL woke with cramping in her abdomen, figuring she knew the cause BL eased out of bed trying not to wake Bo. Putting on her robe and getting her discarded underwear, BL opened the bedroom door and slipped out and around the corner to the bathroom. Downstairs, Dixie heard someone upstairs moving around. She hoped she hadn't woke Luke up when she slipped out to the bathroom then the pie in the fridge had called her name. She finished the last bite of lemon pie and put her fork back in the sink. As Dixie reached the top of the stairs she heard someone in the bathroom as she went in her room and slid back under the covers after making the pups move over.
    2 points
  13. Breaker1

    CB Talk

    Breaker! Breaker! Calling all citizens of Hazzard County! I am looking for information on any, and all CB radios used in the tv series. Bo & Luke had a Cobra 78X in the General, but I don't know what everyone else used. I have always planned to search the episodes to put together a complete history on this, but I have yet to do so. I am going to start with episode 1 to see what I can find. Please add screenshots if you can. Looking for pictures and info on the radios, mics, antennas, and base stations shown throughout the show, and movies. Thanks everyone!
    2 points
  14. .....Ok, back to your questions RogerDuke. I don't have a favorite season, scene. or episode. I love them all. Who else has that much video footage of their favorite car other than 1969 Dodge Charger fans? Not to mention all the other Mopar cars and trucks. I guess I tend to shy away from the Coy & Vance episodes, just because they're not Bo & Luke. When I was little, I was devastated when Bo & Luke left, I still watched every episode in anticipation of them coming back. It was a very long and painful wait. But then they finally returned, I mean, the angels were singing and heaven was shining down on me again!!! The only cast member I have met is John, which is sad because I don't live very far from Cooters Place in Pigeon Forge TN. Some of the others show up there once in a while. With our schedule, It's just difficult to get there when they are there. As far as toys go, I do still have some of them. And I have some stuff that I got from John. When I was a kid I was loaded with Dukes stuff, I had the bedding set, curtains, waste basket, tv tray, cereal bowl set, dinner set, pj's, wallet, watch, belt buckle, tee shirts, activity books, posters, model cars, and countless toys. I wish I still had all that now. Man, now I need to watch some Dukes!!!!
    2 points
  15. Yes sir RogeDuke! I will do that. I have not had the chance look around much. I was tempted to comment on a couple of threads but I didn't because they were old. On some of the Mopar forums that I visit, they seem to discourage that, at least that's my take on it. Thanks for the nudge. I see wise ol' uncle Jesse on your avatar, is he your favorite character? I will get to the rest of you questions one of these days. Sorry for the delay.
    2 points
  16. HossC

    NASCAR news

    We're still just over a week away from the start of the 2025 F1 season, but Formula 1's YouTube channel has just posted highlights of five season-opening races going back over more than 20 years. It's amazing how the cars have changed during this time, e.g. in 2013 the cars had really ugly high noses, and in 2009 the cars had really wide front wings. There are several drivers in the video that I'd forgotten, and even a couple of teams! You can watch it here.
    2 points
  17. Nice! Well, give or take. I don't know about you, but I burned up a General Lee big wheel and a few others while tearing up the sidewalks in my own little Hazzard County back in the day. Did you watch the Dukes back then, during it's original airing?
    2 points
  18. Thank you everyone! I'm in Cleveland TN, just north of Chattanooga.
    2 points
  19. Welcome to HazzardNet!
    2 points
  20. Welcome to Hazzardnet! It's always great to meet a Dukes of Hazzard fan.
    2 points
  21. Yes. In fact, I think there is also audio/video capability for those who'd want to try that.
    2 points
  22. Yep. I will set everything up at the website and start the video at the specified time. No need to try to synchronize anything. That said, if you're a little late, you'll miss some stuff.
    2 points
  23. I hope things are getting better for you, Roger. The loss of someone you care about hits hard, as I know all too well.
    2 points
  24. It should still be there? Maybe I need to make a new goal for March? I'll go update it and let me see if it comes back for you. I really appreciate the support, but don't feel like you have to.
    2 points
  25. What happened to the Beer buy on the right hand side? I might buy more later on!
    2 points
  26. + 1 !! You got that right! ( We love you very much ma'am and all you need to do is reach out! Feel the love! )
    2 points
  27. Sorry to hear that. For what it is worth you are loved and respected here. When you are hurting so are we. As I know from when I went through my tragedy two summers ago, people here really do care.
    2 points
  28. If you ever need to talk Ma'am, I'm here for you!
    2 points
  29. Awe sweet. My Rosie (I named her after Rose on the Golden Girls) is shih tzu and corgi mix but is white and black. My mom says I should have called her checkers. HA. I'd love to see Lulu but I understand. Give her a treat for me. (My last dog was Rosco. I miss him...)
    2 points
  30. It was just a 3 day thing. Thanks for asking. You too Hobie. Sorry but pictures are too complicated for me. Lulu is a 6 month old black shih-tzu with a little bit of brown....only weighs 7 lbs.
    2 points
  31. HossC

    The last 24 hours

    My car passed its NCT (National Car Test) tonight. I realize that regular vehicle testing is not something that most of the US members have to worry about, but over here all vehicles are tested. For private cars, the first test comes at 4-years-old, then every other year until they're 10-years-old, and then every year after that. My car's getting on a bit now, so it was a relief that it got through. The test covers: brakes; emissions; wheels and tires; lights; steering and suspension; chassis and underbody; electrical systems; glass and mirrors; transmission; interior (seat belts etc.); fuel system. If you don't have a valid test, you can get fined and points on your licence.
    2 points
  32. Spike

    NASCAR news

    Dodge is rumored to be returning to NASCAR. First in the truck series in 2026 with the Ram 1500 then the following year with the Charger coupe in Cup and Xfinity series. It is unknown if they will go with a V8 or make a race engine with the new i6 engine.
    2 points
  33. HossC

    A-Z Game

    "UNDERNEATH them long johns, you'll find every single one of them Ten Commandments."
    2 points
  34. We are always missing you cousin Vance. You left Hazzard too soon. Happy birthday in Hazzard Heaven.
    2 points
  35. When Bo’s clock went off even though it was saturday he hit snooze even though he had to get up and go help with the farm chores. “Bo chores won’t do themselves,” BL mumbled only half awake. Bo didn’t reply, he hadn’t even flinched when the alarm went off. BALLADEER: That boy could sleep through a freight train running through the room. Across the hall, Luke cut his clock off before it went off. He had heard Bo's go off. He eased off the bed, stepped in his jeans, picked up his boots, socks and shirt as he eased to the door. As soon as his hand touched the door knob, Scrapie was out of the covers with a 'woof' as his feet hit the floor. Trixie was next. "Come on." Luke said as he headed out the door. He knocked on Bo's door, "Bo. Let's go." Luke said going to the bathroom to finish getting ready. He knew Bo wouldn't have moved yet even if he hadn't been up in the middle of the night with BL. “Coming,” Bo said, turning off his clock before the alarm went off again. As quietly as he could he stepped in his jeans, put on his shirt then picked up his boots and socks going to sit on the top step of the stairs to put them on while he waited for Luke to come out of the bathroom. Sadie came trotting out of the bedroom ready to go or play with Scrapie and Trixie. “C’mon I’ll let ya’ll out while I wait for Luke. The trio ran down the stairs to the backdoor and waited for Bo. Zooming out the door and around the yard. Once the bedroom was quiet again, Dixie curled up, hugged Luke's pillow and was out for the count before the guys left the driveway. A while later Bo, Luke and the pups come home, Bo saying, “I’ll take the dogs in, I want to see how BL is feeling.” "Alright, but remember, half this yard is yours." Luke said as he headed to the shed to get out the lawn mower. The yard was small compared to the farm yard, but it was a matter of principle. Dixie heard Bo come upstairs, then heard the lawn mower start up. She figured she'd get up and go make coffee and maybe a jar of sun tea while the guys mowed the yard. It was a good thought with good intentions as Dixie figured just another minute or two of snuggling the pillow wouldn't hurt as she listened to the sound of the lawn mower it lulled her right back to sleep. Bo tried to be quiet as he came into the bedroom, so he wouldn’t wake BL if she was sleeping but Sadie had other ideas. BL was on her side and Sadie couldn’t get to her face, undeterred she jumped on the bed and proceeded to snuffle BL’s head then licked BL right in the ear. “Sadie” BL said, wiping at her ear. “Sorry she was on the bed before I knew it,” Bo said, shooing Sadie off the bed, “get down Sadie.” Bo asked once Sadie was down and had gone looking for Scrapie and Trixie, “How do you feel darlin?” “Better but I don’t want no more of the Dixie diner’s Friday night special, atleast for a while,” BL replied. Bo kissed the side of BL’s head saying, “I gotta go help Luke mow.” BL replied, “ok,” dozing back off, when Bo was gone. Dixie still heard the mower but also heard Luke in the dresser, "What are you doing?" She asked without ever opening her eyes. Luke was holding a clean t-shirt, underwear and socks, “heading to the shower. Want to come?” “I’m sure I’ll be along as soon as the shower turns on and I hear the water running,” Dixie said, content to lay right where she was even if it wasn’t for much longer. BL heard the lawnmower through her state of dozing but she heard Luke come upstairs and go into his and Dixie’s room across the hall so Bo must be doing his share of the work. After a couple minutes BL heard Luke go into the bathroom and shut the door, a second later the shower kicked on. Followed by Dixie going into the bathroom. Down in the yard, Bo was working up a sweat, pushing the push lawn mower. So he took off his shirt and laid it over the porch railing. Gloria saw him through her kitchen window and shook her head
.not only were those hooligans disturbing the peaceful morning but there was that blonde boy half dressed! A bit later Bo put the lawnmower back in the shed, grabbed his shirt off the porch railing, then went upstairs. Opening dresser drawers Bo got socks and underwear. ”What are you doing?” BL asked, propping her elbow on the bed and her head on her hand. Bo replied, “gathering my stuff for a shower when Luke comes out. “You probably won’t get one for a while, I heard Dixie join Luke a minute ago,” BL said. Bo replied, still hearing the shower running, "They are likely talking while Luke showers. Luke never takes long in the shower." He took his stuff and went to the bedroom door, figuring to hear the shower cut off as he reached the hall. It didn't. Instead, Bo heard Dixie giggle. The mental image that he pictured on the inside of the bathroom caused him to sit his clothes on the small table in the hallway and go back in his and BL’s room. BL had heard Dixie giggle too and grinned when Bo came back in the bedroom and flopped down in the chair in the corner, “still think they’re probably just talking?” ”Cute, I reckon I thought
I don’t know, Luke had grown boring, with Dixie in her condition,” Bo said. ”Booo, Dixie’s pregnant, neither one of them is dead. Talk to David Doolin, I bet him and Jeanne Ann still have a little fun even though she looks like she could pop,” BL chided. Bo was quiet for a whole minute. BL saw the wheels turning as he thought through whatever was bothering him. "Ya mean that won't hurt the baby?" Bo asked as he was still trying to remove the mental image of Luke and Dixie messing around in the shower, which would be perfectly normal if it were him and BL, but this was Luke, Bo thought. Sure Luke had a reputation when they were growing up, that still came up occasionally, but Bo just couldn't picture Luke and Dixie, ..... the mental image crossed his mind again, ..... no, no the problem was that he could see the mental image of it and, .... well, .... EWW!!! “I don’t know! You think just because I’m a woman I just know these things??” BL replied. ”Well yeah I reckon,” Bo answered.. “I don’t, maybe Dixie’s been talking to her doctor friend at work
Why don’t you come join me and rest awhile? You’ve had a busy morning and you were up with me half the night,” BL scooted over to make room. “My clothes have grass all over them,” Bo replied. “So shut the door and take them off. Didn’t you say being married meant we didn’t have to wear clothes if we didn’t want to,” BL parroted the gist of what Bo had told her, when she was showing him the matching robes and pj's she’d gotten at her bridal shower. “I did indeed,” Bo replied, shutting the bedroom door. Shedding his clothes in record time, he was in bed beside BL. A bit later, Luke and Dixie made their way to their bedroom. Once in the bedroom Dixie opened her dresser drawer for underwear and such to get dressed for one of her days off. Luke asked, "What are you doing?" "Getting my clothes to get dressed." Dixie replied. "What's your hurry?" Luke asked, as he reached around Dixie and placed his hands on Dixie’s now fuller breasts. From there, they moved their activities to their bed. Bo and BL were in the midst of a heavy petting session when they heard Luke and Dixie’s bedroom door shut. “Our turn,” Bo practically chirped as he got up, putting on the fluffy robe Dixie had monogrammed for the first time. BL did the same, Bo collecting his clothes off the hall table on the way to the bathroom. The shower cut on a couple minutes after. A bit later the shower cut off, the newlyweds got out and dried off, while BL was bent over drying her legs, Bo wound his towel then flicked her backside, BL squealed. Putting on her robe BL dashed back to her and Bo’s room. Bo wasn’t ready to get dressed so put his robe back on, grabbed his clean clothes and chased after his bride who was removing her robe as he came in the bedroom. Ditching his robe and tossing his clothes on the dresser, Bo scooped BL into his arms, getting another squeal, followed by a giggle as he tossed her gently on the bed, crawling over to where she lay, lowering his lips to hers. A bit later the couple lay entwined, the covers twisted around them. Luke was holding Dixie as he was propped up on pillows against the headboard while Dixie was curled up to him. Both were mostly awake but both had been napping. Luke had never been one to lay around and be lazy but doing this on an occasional Saturday couldn't hurt anything. Cooter was at the garage and had been struggling to get an engine block to go into the pickup that he was working on. Luther was gone out in the wrecker. Cooter looked around, scratched his head and came up with a plan. He put the out to lunch sign in the window, locked the garage and headed toward Bo and Luke’s figuring to get lunch and recruit some help with the engine. It was a nice day so Cooter had walked, whistling Camptown Races. Tipping his hat as he met Mrs. Palmer on the sidewalk. Bounding up the porch steps at Bo and Luke’s and letting himself in, he didn’t worry about anybody running around indecent. The minute Cooter opened the door the 12 legged ‘burglar alarm’ went off. “Hey now settle down, it's only me,” Cooter tried calming the trio of pups. Luke and Dixie came fully awake when all the barking started. “It’s probably just a squirrel in the yard, be right back,” Luke said, letting Dixie go and stepping into his jeans. Luke left the bedroom, appearing at the top of the stairs. Bo by now had been woken up by the ruckus downstairs. Untangling himself, first from BL and the covers Bo put on his underwear then pulled on his jeans. “Can’t Luke hear all that racket,” Bo grumbled. As Luke reached the top of the stairs and saw Cooter in the livingroom with the pups, he called down, "Turn them loose out back. I'll be right down." Luke stepped back in the bedroom where Dixie was getting dressed. "Figured I'd come back for my boots and shirt. It's Cooter. He's letting the pups out." Even though she was a grown, married woman, Dixie second guessed her outfit of joggers and big shirt, then quickly brushed her hair, "Crap. Do I look ok?" Luke replied, "You looked better ten minutes ago, but yes you're fine. What are you worried about?" "It's nearly noon. We've been in bed all morning." Dixie said. Luke replied, "So sue me." He said as he casually walked downstairs bare footed, with his shirt on, but unbuttoned and not tucked in. Cooter let the dogs out back and had just stepped back into the living room, when Bo was coming down the stairs shirtless, barefoot and his hair sticking out in all directions because it had been wet from the shower when he and BL had gone back to bed. ”Luke, what is the matter with them dogs? Bo asked. “Before Luke could say a word Cooter spoke up. “Sorry ya’ll I got ‘em stirred up bustin’ in here, must be nice to still be in bed at almost noon.” “BL was sick half the night and I was up with her and then I got up to go help with the farm chores,” Bo defended himself. Luke had gotten his socks and boots on by now and replied, "It was very nice." Dixie had been far enough down the steps to hear the exchange between the men, "Do ya’ll want coffee?" She asked as her feet hit the bottom step. Cooter as usual, not bashful in the least said, “I was hoping for lunch.” “You got it,” Dixie replied, heading for the kitchen, now that Cooter mentioned it, she could eat too.. “After lunch I need some help putting in an engine block,” Cooter said as he and Luke sat in the livingroom. Bo had gone back upstairs to finish getting dressed. “Sure no problem, me and Bo are happy to help,” Lke replied. BL sat up when Bo came back in the room. ‘Where’d you go? I was lonely.” “Cooter’s here,” Bo replied. “This early?” BL asked, having no idea how late it was. The latest she ever stayed in bed was 10am, Clyde had made it a rule when her and LB were teenagers, the only exception had been if they were sick. “It's nearly noon darlin,” Bo said on his way out the door. Dixie was glad to busy herself in the kitchen fixing a bite of lunch. She was looking for something quick, so she got out two packs of hotdogs that were frozen and put them in a pot of water to boil. Then, put on coffee, grabbed a can of chili and put it on to heat up while she grabbed the buns, mustard and an onion. Dixie was now chopping the onion as the coffee brewed and hotdogs boiled. BL had gotten up and put on leggings and a big t-shirt, still tired she didn’t feel like wearing anything that wasn’t super comfortable. Opening the bedroom door she realized she was a bit hungry but that changed as her feet hit the staircase halfway down and the smell of boiling hotdogs met her. BL capped a hand over her mouth, made an about face running back to the bathroom and slamming the door shut causing the 3 men in the livingroom to jump. “I better go check on her,” Bo said, heading for the stairs. BL knelt in the floor, gagging and retching but nothing was left after last night but each time she thought about that smell a new round of dry heaves hit. ”BL darlin, you ok?” Bo asked, coming in. “I thought it was food poisoning last night but maybe I caught something from somebody that came in the post office,” BL replied. Dixie came in the living room, "Lunch is on the table. Where is Bo and BL?" “BL’s sick again,” Luke answered Dixie. In the bathroom, BL sat back on her heels once her stomach was under control. Bo wet a washcloth and handed it to his wife,”feel better?” BL washed her face with the cool cloth, replying “yeah”. Dixie replied to Luke, "Ya'll go ahead and eat. I'll go see if she's alright." Upstairs, outside the bathroom door, Dixie called. "BL? Are you alright? Can I get ya anything?" BL opened the bathroom door answering, “I’m fine, do we have any sprite or 7up?” “Yeah I'll get you one,” Dixie replied, heading back downstairs. When Dixie came into the kitchen, Luke asked, "Is she alright?" "She said that she is. I'm gonna take a Sprite up." Dixie said. Luke wiped his mouth, "Sit and eat. I'll take it up. I need to put on some work pants while I'm there." "Thanks." Dixie replied and she began putting her hotdog together. “Here’s your sprite BL,” Luke said, poking his head in the bedroom, holding it out. “Thanks Luke,” BL replied, accepting the soda, opening the can and taking a sip. “Does Cooter need something or is he just looking for free food,” Bo asked. “He needs our help putting in an engine block after lunch,” Luke answered.”I said we’d help,” Luke added. “I don’t know if I should leave BL,” Bo said, worry in his voice, BL still looked a mite green. “I’ll be fine, Dixie will be here,” BL replied. “Great it's settled,” Luke said over his shoulder, going into his and Dixie’s bedroom. Bo wasn't happy, but at BL's insistence he changed clothes and met Luke and Cooter downstairs. After straightening up the kitchen, Dixie went to check on BL. "Are you feeling better?" BL replied, "I didn't feel bad. I just started down the steps and something hit me." She remembered the smell and reached at just the thought. "What did you fix for lunch?" "You can't be ready to eat yet? But, it was hotdogs." Dixie said. "No. No, I'm not. But are you sure they weren't spoiled?" BL said. "Yeah. We all ate them. They were fine." Dixie said. BL couldn't explain it but felt the smell had been why she was sick. "Let's try something. Want to go to the garage?" "Well, I'd been planning on it before you got sick." Dixie said. BL said, "OK. Let's go. Just once the door is open I'm heading straight outside." Dixie replied, "Go. I'll grab leashes and get the pups and meet you on the porch after I open windows to air the house out." A few minutes later, pups on leashes, the two headed around the square to the garage. At the garage the men were working hard when BL, Dixie and the dogs arrived. “Hey, how’s it going,” Dixie asked. “It’s going,” Cooter replied. “Thought you were gonna rest a while, darlin?” Bo asked. “I feel fine. We’re trying something, the second the bedroom door opened I went straight downstairs and right on outside while Dixie opened windows to air out the house, got pups and leashes. It had to be the smell of the hotdogs that made me sick. I just don’t know why,” BL replied. For the rest of the afternoon, the guys worked on putting the motor back in the pickup, while Dixie and BL manned the gas pumps and the telephone. Luther was happy to take all the wrecker calls and leave the hard labor, putting in the motor to the younger men. “Ya’ll coming out to the Boar’s Nest tonight?” Cooter asked. Luke replied, "This is becoming an awful thirsty job so we might just have to come out awhile. Bo?" The fun loving part of Bo wanted to say yes but the part of him that was trying to show that he was a responsible married man, wasn’t sure. BL watched uncertainty cross Bo’s face as they all waited for his answer. “We’ll be there,” BL answered for Bo. Luke looked at Cooter, who was looking at him. Luke cracked a smile, Cooter gave him a bigger grin, Luke chuckled, Cooter laughed. Before anyone knew why Luke and Cooter were enjoying gut busting laughter and were nearly in tears they were laughing so hard. Dixie was also controlling her own amusement. ”What’s so funny,” Bo asked, confused. It was at that moment that Luther walked in and thought his garage had been turned into a hyena refuge, "What in the world is the matter with those fools?" Dixie was grinning but replied, "Let them tell you." Cooter tried to explain while also trying to breath and not start laughing again, said, "Bo! Bo and ... BL ...." Luke added, "Ain't been married two months yet...." Cooter took back over, "And Bo is henpecked!" Luke really wouldn't have put it that way but Cooter did. “I am not henpecked!” Bo defended himself. BL hadn’t realized that she made it sound that way, she just hadn’t wanted to be the reason Bo missed out on a fun night. Two matching pink spots of embarrassment appeared on her cheeks, was she really becoming one of those wives. Cooter egged it on, "Did he or did he not look to BL for permission to go out tonight?" Luke looked at Bo, "Well, he did, but I'll give him that BL was sick last night and then just a bit ago." Luther had started to be amused somewhat, having been a young man with a new bride once, he could understand where Bo was coming from. Amusement turned to concern with Luke’s words about BL being sick. Not only was he concerned for his niece but Dixie was carrying his grandchild. “BL, honey are you ok, shouldn’t you be in bed or something? Luther asked. “I’m fine now Uncle Luther, it was probably something I ate. Getting out in the fresh air has me feeling alot better,” BL replied. Cooter said as he wiped his hands, "Well, since that is all settled, how about we get cleaned up and head out for a beer. I'll even buy ya'll the first round. I have put in more engines alone than I care to count, but that one just wouldn't line up long enough for me to work with it." They all agreed and the Dukes headed home. At the house BL said, “ya’ll go in first see if it’s free of that smell, then holler and I’ll come in.” Dixie went in and walked through to the kitchen taking deep breaths, not even a hint of hotdog smell was left. ‘It’s clear, you can come in BL,” Dixie called. BL went straight to the kitchen, her stomach starting to growl, “I’m gonna fix me a baked potato and one of those leftover pork chops, Bo grilled Wednesday, anybody else want one or are ya’ll gonna get something at the Boar’s Nest?” “I’ll eat there so you nor Dixie has to cook,” Bo replied. Dixie replied, "If you are going to cook anyway, I'll help and throw us all something in. They can have theirs later, or eat with us. I'll throw the chops in the oven to heat up and go change, if you put the potatoes on?" Luke was heading toward the shower as he called back, "If ya’ll cook, I'll eat." “I’ll eat too then,” Bo said. Dixie got the pork chops in the oven heating then ran upstairs to change. BL scrubbed 4 potatoes, poked holes with a fork then put the potatoes in the microwave. “I’m sorry about jumping in at the garage and making it look like you are henpecked and need my permission to do stuff. I just saw the indecision in your eyes because you were worried I wasn’t up to a night out,” BL said, when she and Bo were alone. “It’s ok darlin, I’m a big boy I can take Cooter’s teasing,” Bo replied. After they all got ready and had eaten, the 2 young couples headed to the Boar’s Nest. Luke and Dixie were in Luke’s truck and Bo and BL in General Lee. By the time they pulled into the parking lot, anyone could see the place was filling up fast. Luke saw the wrecker, "I hope Cooter got us a table. Cooter was watching and when he saw Bo and Luke along with Dixie and BL come in, he waved them over. “Is it a holiday? The only time this place gets a big crowd is when it’s payday for the mill and the factory,” Bo said. Daisy came over to get their drink orders and heard Bo, “no Whey Jennings is performing.” “You mean Whey Jennings the grandson of Waylon Jennings?” BL said. “Yes! Ain’t that exciting? Ya’ll want 4 beers and a tea for you Dixie?” Luke replied, "You better go ahead and bring us two rounds of everything before Boss marks up the prices!" Dixie laughed, "Tea is fine." “Be right back,” Daisy said and headed back to the bar. Daisy brought the drinks back to the table and headed back to the bar. LB walked in. He had hoped that it was quiet and that Lori Mae would get off early. So much for that thought. He pulled up a chair, "What in the world?" "Whey Jennings is performing," BL answered her brother, handing him one of the extra beers, Daisy or Lori Mae could bring another later. Rosco got on the stage, stepped up to the microphone saying, “alright settle down we got a special guest. We got a visit from his Granddaddy several years ago. Ladies and Gentlemen I present Mr. Whey Jennings the grandson of the great Waylon Jennings.” Rosco stepped off the stage as the band began to play the first notes and Whey sang I’m A Ramblin’ Man, sounding very much like his grandfather. Luke motioned to Daisy, who was really enjoying watching, as well as listening to Whey. He handed her some money, "Take Whey and his band a beer when they get done." Daisy was now not so annoyed at Luke's interruption, "I would love to!" Daisy grabbed a tray of beers fresh out of the tap, hopefully before Boss could water it down. She went over to where the band would have to come off the stage and waited. After the song, Whey said, "Would you believe me when I tell ya'll that I told our driver not to come this way? Ya see I remember my grandfather telling me about this place and even as a kid I thought he must have been kidding. That is, right until we pulled into the lot and I saw this orange stock car setting out front." Whey paused for a moment, "Would the fellas that own that car be the same ones he knew?" The crowd all answered that they were and pointed to Bo and Luke, which brought a lot of attention to their table. Jesse was at the bar elbowing Luther and Clyde. Daisy was even close enough to be heard when she said, "They sure are Sugar and they have something cold over here when you get done." "Well, now, thank you guys! That was another thing I was told is how hospitable ya'll are. Well, most of ya’ll." He motioned to Rosco and Boss to point out that they were the exception. “As a matter of fact, we were together with some Ole boys and Walyon was telling them about this place and this Ole boy by the name of Johnny Cash was listening to him talk and by the end of the story he had a song scribbled down. Let me see if I still know it." He broke out into the song, General Lee! Whey finished the song and as he and his band came off stage Daisy handed them a beer and they joined the young Dukes and Davenports at their table. Dixie and BL had vacated their chairs because there were no empty extras around, perching on their husbands knee instead. “Whey this is my wife Dixie and the guy in the CAT hat is my brother in law Cooter Davenport and the man over at the bar on the right of the man in the red cap is my father in law Luther Davenport, he owns the garage in town and Cooter helps run it,” Luke said. Whey shook hands with Cooter and touched the brim of his hat, giving a little tip to Dixie. “Nice to meet you Dixie, what do you do? You’re too pretty to be a grease monkey,” Whey replied. “She’s a correctional officer, over to the Tri-Counties jail,” LB volunteered helpfully. Dixie just happened to be close enough to elbow LB had she not been afraid of getting Luke instead because she was sitting on his knee, so she rolled her eyes and gave LB a dirty look saying “you don't have to tell everything you know with this place packed out like it is.” Luke said, “Mr. helpful there is LB Davenport, the man on the left of the red cap at the bar is his father Clyde Davenport.” That’s my father in law, he owns the cabinet shop. This is my wife BL and LB is her brother,” Bo took over the introductions. Again Whey gave his hat a little dip to BL and shook hands with LB. Daisy took a minute to make sure she checked on the band, "Can I get ya'll anything else, maybe another round?" Luke added before anyone replied to Daisy, "And this is our cousin Daisy. Our Uncle Jesse over there in the red cap pretty much raised us all, mostly by himself." Dixie cut in, "That's the reason for all that grey hair." “Yeah Daisy, bring us another round,” Bo said, answering Daisy’s question before Luke had cut in. “Make one of those a tea for me and baby Duke," Dixie said. “Ok so that’s 9 beers and 1 tea, be right back,” Daisy replied, heading back toward the bar. “Congratulations Luke,” Whey said, having immediately figured out why Dixie ordered tea, when everyone else was having beer. Over at the bar Jesse said, “I’m gonna go over to the kids table and introduce myself to that young man, why don’t you two come along.” That’s just what they did. “You sound just like your Granddaddy, I’m Jesse Duke,” Jesse said, shaking Whey’s hand. “Nice to meet you Mr. Duke,” Whey replied. “Where are my manners? Whey this is Luther and Clyde Davenport, Dixie and BL’s Daddies,” Jesse said. Whey shook hands with both Davenport men, “nIce to meet you both. Now can anybody tell me what the deal with the sheriff is, he said we could pay a $200 fine or perform here for disturbing a bird habitat or something.” “You’ll have to overlook Rosco, he used to be a good and fair lawman then when his pension got beat in an election he became crookeder than a dog’s hind leg,” Jesse replied. Just as Jesse finished Daisy and Lori Mae came to the table each with a tray of drinks. Noone at the table was paying much attention to anyone around them but if they had been, the Dukes and Davenports might have noticed the looks of envy they were getting while they talked and drank with Whey and his band. Luke replied, "You see Boss Hogg over there has Rosco always on the lookout for the fancy buses. If he gets you to stop and agree to play here, Rosco calls back to Boss on the CB. Boss lets the cat out of the bag that there's a big name playing here and then he raises the prices." “Ain’t that price gouging or something illegal?” Whey asked. “It’s Boss’s county as long as no big outside companies are involved he can charge whatever,” BL replied. “One time not only did he raise popcorn and beer prices, he charged 10 bucks to get out!” Jesse said. The band was finishing their beers. Whey said, "Other than meeting the Sheriff over there, it was nice to get to meet ya'll, but we better be heading out or we will be late." Daisy gave a million dollar smile and asked, "Don't you have time for just one more song? Please?" "Whey tipped his hat, "Just for you, we'll make the time. Harry there will just have to drive a little faster." Bo offered, "Luke here, and me, can run a little interference for ya until ya'll cross the County line and we can show ya just what General Lee can do." “That’s mighty nice of ya Bo but neither me nor Harry want to be the cause of anybody getting in trouble with the Sheriff,” Whey replied. “We won’t get in no trouble, Rosco’d have to catch us first and he ain’t too good at that most days,” Bo said with a cocky grin. “Too bad the General Lee don’t have a red light, then Rosco couldn’t do nothing,” Luke said thoughtfully. “Let me think about it while we do this song,” Whey said before he and his band got back on stage and Whey said “This song is for Luke Duke and his wife Dixie,”. The band played and Whey sang Only Daddy that’ll walk the Line. Everyone was enjoying Whey's song, though there were many envious of the attention the Dukes and Davenports were getting. Only a few people there understood the true meaning behind why Whey chose that song. Once the song was over, Whey and the band bid their goodbyes as they gathered their equipment and headed to the door. True to his word, Bo stood up. Luke finished his beer as he too stood up to head outside. "Give me the truck keys and we'll meet ya’ll at home if ya ain't back shortly. Dixie suggested. "Alright. Yell at us on the CB if ya leave." Luke gave Dixie a quick kiss and the boys headed out to play Rosco games if he tried to stop the bus again. Bo and Luke drove just ahead of the bus but didn’t get above 55 MPH. “Keep your eyes sharp, Cletus gotta be hiding somewhere, I didn’t see him at the Boar’s Nest,” Bo said. Back at the Boar’s Nest a few folks that just came for the show, were leaving but the bar was still packed more than a normal Friday at this hour. Rosco had left when he saw Bo and Luke leaving without their wives. “They gotta be up to something and I wanna know what,” Rosco said to Flash. As Bo came up on Stix River that was the county line between Hazzard County and Placid County, Bo shifted gears and left the road going cross country about 100 feet from the bridge, hitting a slightly elevated spot becoming airborne, the notes of the General’s horn playing dixie, getting the attention of everyone on the bus. “YEEHAA!” The occupants of the bus let out cheers of excitement and surprise at seeing the General Lee going airborne across the Stix River. Harry stopped the bus just over the Placid County line. Bo swung a U turn and headed back to the bus. Whey and the band were off the bus giving the boys back slaps and high fives just as Rosco pulled up beside them, "Alright! I got you now! All of you! You are under arrest!" Luke frowned, "For what?" Rosco stuttered and mumbled unintelligently. Bo reminded, "You can't arrest any of us, Rosco." Luke added, "The County line is way back over there." Rosco huffed as he turned to see that they were correct. "I'll arrest you and you and all of you... for, .... for, ..... You just keep moving out of Hazzard!! Jut, ... jut, .. jut, ... next time we're just gonna cuff you and stuff you, that's what we are gonna do! Ain't that right, Flash?!!" Rosco got in his patrol car and headed back to Hazzard. Whey asked, "Does he have those fits often?" “Yeah he does, he’s gonna give hisself a vapor lock one of these days,” Bo answered Whey’s question. They all had a good laugh then Harry said,”we better get going Whey, if we’re gonna make that show on time.” After saying their goodbyes and loading the bus, Whey and his band were on their way. Once the bus was out of sight, Bo and Luke headed back to the Boar’s Nest, crossing the Stix river by bridge this time. “Might want to go cross country, avoid Rosco. He was madder than a wet hen, he’ll be watching for us on the road,” Luke advised. “10-4 cousin,” Bo replied, heading back. Without any hindrance from Rosco, Bo and Luke made record time. Dixie was just finishing her tea and about to suggest to BL that they head back to town when Bo and Luke came back in the door and joined Dixie, BL and the rest of the crew at the table. ”Is it just me or is it a mite warm in here?” BL asked then added “think I’ll go out and get some air. Dixie want to come with me?” "Sure. We can go to the bathroom on the way back in." Dixie replied. Luke was motioning Daisy over. Daisy knew what they wanted, so she grabbed two beers on her way over. "Get me a lemonade or something this time please." Dixie said to Luke as she stood up to go out with BL. Across the room, two blondes were looking to find a date for the night, one motioned to the Duke table, "You know that last song, Whey played for Luke and his wife?" The other replied, "Yeah." "Look at her. She's not had a beer all evening." The first stated. "So?" The second asked. "Wonder if there's a reason? Loose top. Stretchy pants??? How long was it they got married?" She asked. “You think anybody connected the dots after Whey’s song to you and Luke? BL asked. "I don't know." Dixie said as they started toward the door, "After all, it is one of his regular songs." BL and Dixie went outside and were leaning against the building, suddenly BL went very pale. “I think I better sit down,” BL said, making just a few steps away from the cinder block wall before crumpling to the ground, out cold. Dixie saw BL going down and moved to make sure her head didn't hit the ground. "BL?" Dixie said, trying to get BL to respond to her. BL was out for the count. Dixie was behind BL's back with BL’s head in her lap. She couldn't very well leave BL to get the guys and certainly couldn't pick her up herself. Just about then, Dixie heard the Boar's Nest door open. She looked up to see Brodie coming out the door, "Can you go get Bo and Luke to come out here? Preferably without the entire crowd?" "Sure thing, Dixie." Brodie said as he turned around and headed back inside. At the back table Brodie went to Luke and pulled Luke away from the table. "Miss Dixie sent me for you and Bo. She said not to bring a crowd." Luke frowned. Something in that message didn't set right but he said, "Thanks." He turned to Bo and motioned Bo to follow him. He didn't waste any time following Brodie back through the crowd and outside. Luke spotted BL almost as soon as they got outside, “Oh Lord,” Luke said. Behind him Bo asked “what,” then he saw his wife on the ground out cold, Dixie holding BL’s head in her lap, Bo rushed forward picking up BL’s hand, “I knew we should have stayed home. BL darlin are you alright, can you hear me?” “Brodie give Bo your hat to fan her and get a damp towel from Charlie but don’t tell Daisy what happened, she’ll just get Clyde worked up,” Luke said, fanning BL. “Be back in two shakes of a lamb’s tail,” Brodie replied, going inside. “Why’d she fain't?”Bo asked Dixie. Dixie replied, "I have no idea. We walked out for fresh air and was talking. She got real pale and said she needed to sit down. This is as far as we got." Luke had checked BLs pulse and respirations. They were normal. Brodie came back with a cold wet towel that Luke put behind BLs neck. BL was starting to respond to them. Bo saw BLs eyes trying to open. “There she is” Bo said when BL finally got her eyes open. “What happened?” BL asked. “You tell us,” Bo replied. “I don’t rightly know, one minute me and Dixie was talking and I all the sudden felt like if I didn’t sit down, I was gonna fall down and well you know the rest,” BL said, sitting up. “I’m taking you to the hospital, you were sick as a dog friday night. Got sick again earlier today and this is twice in a week’s time you fainted,” Bo said. “No, no they’ll charge an arm and a leg, just take me home, I’ll be alright,” BL replied. Dixie offered, "Bo, I'm off Monday. We can maybe go see Doc then if she needs to." "First things, first, ya'll. Let's get her up and to the car. Just take it real slow and don't stand up too quickly." Luke helped Bo get BL up to her feet and to the car. He turned to Brodie, "Hey, thanks for your help. I don't think I paid Daisy for those last beers. Settle up with her for me and get you a beer with what's left." "Thanks, Luke. Anytime. The only reason I'm taking that beer for helping ya’ll is cause you need me to settle up with Daisy and besides I was out of money for another beer, but I'll get you next time." Brodie said. “Monday? Thanks Dixie but Monday’s an awful long wait, what if she faints again?” Bo said, worried. “Monday is fine, I just will have to make sure not to get too hot. Thanks Dixie,” BL said, giving Bo a stubborn look, she absolutely was not going to the hospital. “Anybody ever tell you, you are a stubborn woman?” Bo asked as he helped BL in the car. “Maybe once or twice,” BL replied. Dixie and Luke got in Luke’s truck and they all headed back to town. Luke asked Dixie once they were alone? "Is she alright?" Dixie shrugged her shoulders, "You know as much as I do." Letting him know that her and BL hadn't talked about anything he didn't know about. When Bo and BL pulled into the driveway and parked, Bo helped BL out of General Lee and kept a steadying arm around her in case she fainted again, “are you sure you’re alright? It’s after hours but I’m sure Doc Applby would see you at the clinic or come here,” Bo said. “I’m ok, feeling much better,” BL replied, smiling to look more convincing. It was a rather low key Saturday night at the Duke household, they popped popcorn and watched a couple of movies before going to bed earlier than usual for a Saturday night.
    2 points
  36. Good to have you back Justin. How have you been? It's always nice to have another Dukes super-fan hanging around here.
    2 points
  37. Glad to see the Dukes memorabilia , is still goin strong. Collectables, original and repop, are goin up in value everyday it seems.i just spent a small fortune, on 3 more Dukes items. To ad to my collection. I always wanted a tin pressed steel ertl General Lee. 1/16 scale.i have 2 of them now. In good condition. Not mint. But not a problem for me. Missing the brown plastic dirt Ramps. Those are rare as hens teeth. Some day I’ll find one. Maybe . I also found, a mint Dukes plastic wallet. Like my older brothers had. So that’s cool. A lot of other Dukes orig, things, for sale online, Are above my price range. But never say never.you only live once, and you can’t put a price, on good memories. Live on Dukes, and Dukes Fans! And be safe out there.
    2 points
  38. Boss JD Hogg

    A-Z Game

    REPO Men - I love the Georgia episodes.
    2 points
  39. Shows like that remind me of how much the world has changed. It was so easy to have fun. Now everybody is hypersensitive and gets their feelings hurt at the drop of a hat.
    2 points
  40. By the time Bo and BL were waking up, Luke and the pups and Dixie were already out of the County heading toward their jobs. Luke had received a page about a fire in the wee hours of the night. He had gone downstairs to call in for details as the phone rang, he figured it was base camp calling him when he answered the phone, but instead, it was Tri-Counties calling for Dixie to come in early. BL had packed her lunch and a few snacks, then had gone back upstairs to shower. Getting out and wrapping a towel around herself then going back to the bedroom. She was brushing her damp hair still wearing just a towel when Bo returned from the farm, liking the view very much as he came into the bedroom. Going over behind BL wrapping his arms around his wife,kissing BL’s neck saying, “Mrs. Duke, you do look pretty that way. But even prettier this way,” with those words BL’s towel dropped to the floor. “Bo you’re gonna make me late for work,” BL halfheartedly protested as Bo cradled a breast in each hand. “So call Ellen Sue to open up, until you get there,” Bo replied. “Can’t, she had business to take care of this morning,” BL said. Bo squeezed one last time then dropped his hands, giving BL’s backside a smack as he stepped back and turned to go he said, “Uncle Jesse sent you a sausage biscuit, I put it with your lunch. “Ok thanks, see you after work” BL said, then finished getting ready. BL ate her sausage biscuit and drank a cup of coffee while she sorted mail. When Ellen Sue came in at noon BL ate the lunch she’d brought from last night’s supper at the Boar’s Nest. After going in early, by quitting time, Dixie was tired, really tired and sleepy. She headed to the car without changing. Her plans included going home, to bathe, food and bed. Not necessarily in that order. Luke, for not the first time since he and Dixie had been married, was glad that rain had moved in on the fire they thought they would fly out on, and was now heading back to Hazzard. Trixie and Scrapie were being themselves, looking out the windows and sniffing the fresh country air. Coming up on the Boar's Nest Luke saw Bo and BL had beat them there today. He reached for the CB's mic, "Lost Sheep One looking for Little Shotgun." "You got me." Dixie replied. "Well, where are you?" Luke answered. "Circling the Square. About to park." Dixie replied. Part of Luke was glad Dixie had headed home to rest, while a small thirsty part of him was ready for a beer. He turned the truck back out of the lot and headed home. "Behind ya." "You don't have to come right home, but I'm tired." Dixie replied. "Be there in a few." Luke replied. Daisy was working tonight and came over to Bo and BL’s table when 30 minutes had passed with no sign of Luke and Dixie. Daisy asked,“Any idea where Luke and Dixie are?” “They were already gone when I got up to come do the chores out at the farm,” Bo replied. At the house in town Dixie said ”I’m gonna eat me a sandwich, take a shower and go to bed. I’m sorry, just too tired to cook, maybe BL will fix you something when she gets home.” “It's alright sweetheart I ain’t hungry yet,” Luke replied. While Dixie made herself a ham sandwich, Luke went to the livingroom and turned on the tv to see what was being said about the fire they’d watched all day at work. When an hour had gone by and Luke, Dixie nor Cooter had shown up, Bo was ready to go home, he had more important things to do. ”Whaddya say we head home, don’t look like nobody else is coming,” Bo emptied his beer mug. “Ok, if you’ll take Sadie with you I’ll go by the Dixie diner and get us all some supper,” BL replied. So that’s just what they did. Luke, Scrapie and Trixie were stretched out on the couch. Luke actually had caught himself dozing a couple times when he and the pups heard the General pull in. Scrapie and Trixie were ready to play with Sadie. They jumped up bouncing. "It's Bo. Sadie's not with him." Luke said as Bo stepped in the back door and said, "Yes she is. Come on you two." Luke stood up, stretched and turned the TV off. "I'll leave the door open for them, but I'm heading up." Bo questioned, "Where's Dixie " "Already in bed. Night." Luke said. "BL is getting food at the diner." Bo said. Luke nodded. "OK. Good. We'll eat it later." Luke had just gotten in his and Dixie’s bedroom when BL pulled in the driveway. The dogs heard the GTO pull in and all three came tearing in the backdoor, barking. Letting everybody know she was home. “I heard her, you can hush now,” Bo said. The dogs paid no attention to Bo and kept up their ‘talking’ as if trying to tell BL something when she came in.Seeing the backdoor open, she knew the trio had probably heard her from out back. “Oh my, really. They’ve been ignoring you?” BL asked the threesome when she saw the back door open. “Fibbers, you were playing in the backyard,” Bo said. “Let’s eat, it’s still warm. Where is Dixie and Luke?” BL asked “They went up to bed, Luke said they’d eat later,” Bo replied. BL put two plates in the fridge and then sat down at the table with Bo. After they got done and BL cleaned up Bo said, “Luke and Dixie had a pretty good idea, how about we turn in early,” Bo said,sleeping the furthest thing from his mind. Shutting the backdoor after calling in the pups they went upstairs. The pups ran ahead of Bo and BL. With the door opened, all three went into Luke and Dixie's room and promptly in the bed. Sadie gave Dixie a lick all the way up her face. "Sadie. I love you too." Dixie mumbled. Luke hadn't been asleep and was trying to calm them down. "Come on Sadie. Bo and BL need you to protect them. Luke tossed the covers and managed to get Sadie out the door and it closed. He turned around to find Scrapie on his pillow. "Scrapie. That's my pillow." He reached to move the small dog who decided to grrr. "Scrapie." Luke gave a warning tone. Dixie said, "Come here baby." Scrapie left Luke's pillow and promptly went under the covers where Dixie cuddled him still mostly asleep. "Trader." Luke said. When Bo and BL got to their bedroom, Sadie was stretched out in the middle of the bed. “And just who made you the queen of Sheba,” Bo asked, trying to get Sadie to move. “C’mon off the bed,” Sadie didn’t grrr at Bo like Scrapie had Luke but she huffed her displeasure, getting down. BL knew what Bo’s next move was going to be and said, “I don’t think putting her in the hall for a while is a good idea, considering Sunday morning’s storm.” “We don’t need her help either,” Bo said. “We’ll just have to teach her, sometimes the bed is off limits,” BL replied. “O
.kay” Bo wasn’t sure how well that was going to work. BL told Sadie to get in the chair and stay. Then shut the door, shucking their clothes, the still relatively newlyweds, turned off the light picking up from this morning. They newlyweds weren't the only ones enjoying some time alone. With Daisy working Lori Mae and LB were parked up a lonesome hollow, while Cooter and Crystal had just checked into the "No Tell Motel". Just before closing, Darcy came into the Boar's Nest and ordered a beer. He looked around, "It looks slow tonight Charlie." Charlie nodded, "So we will be packed tomorrow." The slow night at the Boar’s Nest played in Daisy’s favor. Charlie let her go a little early, saying he’d close up. So Daisy found herself in Darcy’s Chevy headed to the Shawnee Indian cave. “I’m glad Charlie let me go early, it was killin’ me seeing you sitting there all alone and wanting to be with you,” Daisy said. “We got a couple hours before you’re expected home, don’t we?” Darcy asked, parking outside the old cave’s mouth. Daisy grinned widely, "We sure do Sugar!” Darcy got out of the Chevy, grabbing a sleeping bag and a lantern. BALLADEER: Two things a Hazzard boy rarely leaves home without, ya never know when you might want to do some frog gigging and night fishing. Ole Darcy wasn’t always a pilot. Lighting the lantern and helping Daisy out, giving her the lantern the couple went into the cave. Darcy sat the lantern on a rock platform that jutted out from the cave wall and then spread the sleeping bag. “Have a seat m’lady,” Darcy waved his hand as if he was presenting something special. “Darcy this is so nice, a lot more roomy than the backseat,” Daisy grinned widely, patting the space beside her. Darcy didn’t have to be asked twice, he replied “sure is.” Darcy leaned closer and pressed his lips to Daisy’s, wrapping her arms around Darcy’s neck and deepening the kiss. Darcy’s hands wandered, finding their way inside Daisy’s top, Daisy felt her bra loosen. Luke thought back as he sat propped against his pillows watching Dixie sleep while hugging Scrapie. It wasn't too long ago that he would have only been thinking of one thing, now he was content to let his wife and his baby's mother get some needed rest. He knew they had both gotten up early this morning to go into work early. There would be plenty of time for other activities. He turned the bedside light out and snuggled down in the bed behind Dixie. Dixie automatically turned toward Luke and his warmth. Just as Luke was about to doze off Trixie licked him in the face. He held the covers up for her to get under them and get settled. Now they could all get some rest. In that lonesome hollow, LB and Lori Mae had, themselves a real good time, now they lay in the truck bed snuggled up as they watched shooting stars in the night sky. Bo and BL had worn themselves out a few hours ago now they slept soundly, Bo spooning his bride but he was wide awake the instant BL threw his arm off her, jumping up and running from the room, the bathroom door banging shut a second later. BL knelt by the toilet naked but she didn’t care as she fought to control her stomach. Bo followed a second later, having put on pj bottoms first, “darlin are you alright?” His answer was more retching. Opening the door slipping in he saw a very naked and pale BL kneeling by the toilet both sweating and shivering at the same time. ”Can I get you something,” Bo asked, wetting a cool washcloth for the back of BL’s neck. “A gown and something to pull my hair up,” BL replied, noticing her lack of clothes. ”Be right back,” Bo said just opening the bathroom door, wide enough to slip out. A few minutes later Bo slipped back in, handing BL a gown and a ponytail holder, “here ya go darlin.” “Thanks,” BL replied, putting the gown on, then pulling up her hair. BALLADER: One thing about a Marine, once a Marine, always a Marine. That slamming bathroom door caused Luke and Dixie both to sit up quickly which triggered the dogs to jump up and bark. Luke had already tossed the covers and reached for his jeans as he thought typical Hazzard trouble had found them. Luke opened the bedroom and the mighty protectors ran out the door but instead of going downstairs, they ran to the closed bathroom door. It was only then that Luke saw the light under the door. He said quietly, "Bo? BL?" Dixie had sat up and grabbed her robe wondering what was going on but stayed put since Luke knew where she was. She had seen him when there was trouble. It was best to stay where she was at, at least for now until he figured out what the trouble was. “BL’s sick,” Bo answered. “Sorry didn’t mean to wake the whole house,” BL replied. “It’s ok BL,” Luke said. “Feel better, night,” Luke added heading back to bed. By now Sadie was barking too, only she didn’t really know at what, she was just barking because Trxie and Scrapie were barking. Luke attempted to hush Sadie,”Shhhhh. It's alright girl." He opened his bedroom door and Trixie and Scrapie ran out to check on Sadie. Together, all three ran downstairs. Luke knew where they were heading, "Everything is alright. The dogs want out. I'll be right back up." Dixie turned over and found herself alone in the room. She tried to get comfortable, but decided if she wanted to sleep she needed a snack. In the kitchen, she could see Luke standing on the porch waiting on the pups. She opened the fridge and found the plates that BL had brought home. She was just getting them out when Luke and the pups came back inside. “Do you want to eat the plate BL brought in or just a dessert?” Dixie asked. Luke hadn’t eaten before going to bed but it was too late/early for a big meal and then go back to bed, he’d eat breakfast later at the farm. “I’ll eat the dessert now and save the rest for later,” Luke replied. Upstairs Bo wiped the cool damp cloth over BL’s cheeks and forehead as she tried to concentrate on not throwing up again. “Are you alright now?” Bo asked, worriedly. “I think so, give me a few minutes,” BL replied. A second later though she clenched her teeth as her mouth watered and hot bile rose up her throat. Leaning over the toilet the battle was lost to more retching. A bit later when BL was feeling a little better, she warned, "Tell Luke and Dixie to make sure those dinners are good. Maybe there was something wrong with them." Bo heard Luke and Dixie coming back upstairs, "Ya'll didn't eat those dinners did you?" Dixie replied, "Just the desserts." Bo nodded, "BL said to check them because that may have been what made her sick, but I had the same thing and am fine." Luke frowned, "Bo you could eat anything and not get sick." “He has a point,” BL said with a weak grin at Bo . “Cute darlin,” Bo replied. A bit later when BL felt like she could lay down again without having to make another mad dash to the bathroom to throw up, she and Bo went back to bed, leaving the door open this time.
    2 points
  41. HossC

    NASCAR news

    I'm still waiting for the start of the F1 season (the first race is March 16th), but all the cars and drivers appeared at a special show in London earlier this week to launch the 75th season. Below is a link to highlights of the show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0NJ3KqMjKY
    2 points
  42. Monday morning BL got up nice and slow to avoid another dizzy/fainting spell. ‘Morning darlin, how do you feel?” Bo asked. “I’m better, told you it was probably just water in my ears,” BL replied. Dixie, Luke, Scrapie and Trixie had gotten up, out and on their way to their jobs on schedule for a change. At the garage, Cooter was moving a bit slower than Luther liked but he was at work and moving. He might be burning the candle at both ends but he was doing his part. So far BL’s day had been uneventful, she hadn’t been dizzy even once but that was likely due to her careful movements. Truth be told she was a mite afraid of fainting again and noone there but Sadie to know it. Bo had gone out to the farm as usual to do the morning chores but hadn’t stayed for breakfast, he had to be at work to unload a truck early this morning. Ellen Sue reported to work right on time, taking her pink helmet off as she came in the back door, bending down to pet Sadie and give the dog a treat,”here ya go sweetheart.” “Howdy boss, how was your weekend?” Ellen Sue asked, grinning at BL who kept telling the slightly older woman that she wasn’t the boss, just a coworker. BL replied “Afternoon Ellen Sue, the weekend was busy and a little eventful.” “Oh?What’d you do?” Ellen Sue asked. ”Me, Bo, Luke and Dixie spent the day at the lake on Saturday, then grilled hamburgers and hotdogs that evening.Then Sunday we all went out to the Duke farm for breakfast before going to church then having lunch there,” BL replied. “That was a busy weekend, I don’t know how you had time for anything else sounds pretty eventful to me.” Ellen Sue said. “Well all that wasn’t what I meant by eventful. Sunday I had a couple dizzy spells and fainted once.” BL replied. “Oh my, are you alright, should you be at work? I could have filled in all you had to do was call,” Ellen Sue said, eyeing the younger woman closely looking for signs BL was sick. “I’m fine, must have just been water in my ears from swimming Saturday but would you deliver the mail, might not be a good idea to drive all over the county,” BL replied. Ellen Sue replied, "Right. I'll get it. You can stay here or head home to rest." “Thanks, think I’ll head home. I’m exhausted for some reason, I slept good though,” Ellen Sue replied, "Alright. I'll make the deliveries quick and be back to close. Sadie take good care of her." Sadie wagged her tail as her and BL headed out for home. Once home BL let Sadie out back a few minutes, “How about a nap, Sadie girl?” BL asked and got a ‘woof’ and Sadie making a beeline upstairs. BL stopped off at the bathroom, she had to pee for what felt like the 100th time today. Finished in the bathroom she went to hers and Bo’s bedroom, taking off her shoes before laying down beside Sadie, falling asleep within seconds. Dixie had a free minute and decided to call the Hazzard Post Office. Placing the call to the Hazzard switchboard she was transferred to the post office. Ellen Sue was just unlocking the door from the mail deliveries when she heard the phone ringing. She hurried to the phone, "Hazzard Post Office." "Ellen Sue? This is Dixie. Is BL there?" “No, she said she was going home to rest that she was exhausted,” Ellen Sue replied. Dixie replied. "Alright. I won't bother her then. I was just calling to check on her." “She told me about her dizzy spells and fainting yesterday. Asked me to deliver the mail, she didn’t think driving all over the county a good idea even though she feels better.” Ellen Sue said. "Alright. I'll go right home after work and check on her. Thanks." Dixie said as she hung up to get back to work. BL was sleeping good when the need to pee woke her up, at first she thought she could ignore it but nope that wasn’t happening. Getting up as easy as possible so she didn’t set off a wave of dizziness, BL went to the bathroom. The dizziness was strange but BL thought with needing to pee so much today, she must have a kidney infection. “How about you girl, need to go out?” BL asked Sadie, while she was up. Sadie woofed and headed downstairs. While Sadie was in the backyard, BL fixed herself a glass of ice water, she’d have to go to the bathroom again but her mouth felt like cotton. Letting Sadie back inside, BL took her ice water and went back to bed until she had to pee again anyway. When Dixie got off work, she didn't bother to change clothes. She was heading straight home so she didn’t waste time changing. Once across the county line, Dixie passed the Boar's Nest, noting that only Daisy’s vehicle and a few workers from the mill were there. Luke was coming from the other direction but also would pass the Boar's Nest. He noted that no one else was there. "Lost Sheep One to Little Shotgun or Lost Sheep Two." "Little Shotgun here." Dixie answered. "I'm coming by the Boar's Nest. Where are ya'll?" Luke asked. "I'm almost home. I'll explain in a bit." Dixie said. Luke replied. "Behind you." Bo was just getting back from making deliveries in Choctaw, unloading a truck this morning had put him getting started a little late. He hadn’t heard Dixie’s call on the CB but noted as he passed the backside of the post office BL’s car wasn’t there but Ellen Sue’s pink moped was. So he was a mite worried about BL. “Lost Sheep 2 looking for Sweet Talker, I just passed the post office and you ain’t there, what’s your 20? BL you out there come back,” Bo tried calling on the CB as he headed General Lee toward the Boar’s Nest. Dixie went in the front door, expecting BL to be in the living room. When she wasn't, Dixie called out, "BL?" Nothing from BL, but she heard a small woof from upstairs. At the bedroom door, Dixie knocked lightly, "BL?" The knock set Sadie off barking, the normal reaction except usually BL was wide awake and expecting it but not today and she nearly jumped out of her skin. “SADIE HUSH! You nearly gave me a heart attack just now.” BL fussed, not happy at being so rudely awakened. "Sadie, it's me. BL are you alright? Can I come in." “I’m fine Dix, yes you can come in,” BL replied. Dixie looked confused as she came into the bedroom, "If you are alright why are you home in bed?" “Taking a nap. I don’t know why but I felt drained and exhausted when Ellen Sue came to work at noon. I took a nap yesterday afternoon when we got home from the farm,” BL replied, a puzzled expression on her face. "Yeah, we all took a nap yesterday afternoon, so?" “Boy do we all sound old taking a Sunday afternoon nap,” BL said grinning then shrugged her shoulders adding, “maybe I’m coming down with something.” Dixie replied, " Maybe you are. We were all up with the dogs and storm Saturday night too. Well, alright Luke was up with the pups and Bo was up because Sadie took his bed." Dixie grinned as she petted Sadie. Luke pulled in the drive and cut the pups loose in the backyard. Dixie opened the bedroom door for Sadie who wanted to play. Luke opened the back door to a bouncing Sadie as she ran out to join the others. "Hey? Where are ya’ll at?" "Up here." Dixie said. Luke came upstairs to find Dixie sitting on BL and Bo's bed. “Why are ya’ll here instead of the Boar’s Nest? How come you’re still wearing your uniform Dixie?” BL looked from Dixie to Luke curiously. When Bo got no response from BL and noone but Daisy was at the Boar’s Nest he headed home, hoping BL wasn’t worse, she acted fine this morning. Bo saw all the vehicles home. He hurriedly got out of the General and took the front steps two at a time? Inside, he yelled, "BL?" Luke hadn't gotten any answers yet but called to Bo, "Up here." Bo again took the stairs two at a time, "What's wrong?" He asked as his pulse raced thinking something was seriously wrong. “Nothing’s wrong, ya’ll got your knickers in a knot for no reason,” BL said but that was as far as she got. Cooter was coming back from a job but didn’t see the other vehicles at the Boar’s Nest so turned off to go by the house to see what was up, he figured one or both girls were changing before they all met up. Seeing everybody home Cooter parked in front of the house and went to the door and knocked but when not even the dogs came to the door, he let himself in, “hey where is everybody?” Cooler called out. Bo answered “we’re upstairs.” Cooter had joined the ‘party’ a second later, “what’s everybody doing up here?” Cooter asked. BL wondered when hers and Bo’s bedroom had become Hazzard Central. “Let’s go have this discussion in the livingroom,” BL said,picking up her water off the nightstand. Downstairs Luke and Dixie sat on the couch, Bo and BL settled on the loveseat and BL set her water on the end table, Bo’s arm automatically went around his wife, like Luke’s had Dixie. Cooter didn’t want to get grease on the furniture and got himself a dining chair. BL started, “I asked Ellen Sue to deliver the mail today when she came in to work, I didn’t think it was the smart thing for me to go driving all over the county after fainting yesterday,” Cooter interrupted “you fainted yesterday?” BL replied “yes I had a couple dizzy spells yesterday and fainted once. Anyway Ellen Sue told me to come home and rest if I wanted to, so I came home and took a nap.” Cooter replied unconcerned after hearing the explanation, "Oh, ok. So are ya'll coming out tonight since BL is alright? " “Cooter, coming home at noon and sleeping all afternoon ain’t exactly alright,” Bo replied. “Is that a no then?” Cooter asked. “Yes!” Bo exclaimed. “We’ll take a rain check too.” Dixie said. After a hearty supper the 4 newlyweds settled in with a movie then went to bed. BALLADEER: Well for a few days everything was normal, as normal as things ever get in Hazzard.
    2 points
  43. technology (too much of it on cars if you ask me)
    2 points
  44. A loud clap of thunder rang out, Scrapie and Trixie both jumped up and barked as if a burglar were breaking in. Luke sat straight up in the bed at the urgency of the dogs barking. "Shhhh. What?" Then he heard another rumble of thunder that set the dogs off again. Dixie pulled the covers closer and asked while still half asleep, "What?" "Storm. Go back to sleep. I'll take them downstairs awhile." Luke said as he put on his pj bottoms. He met Bo in the living room dressed similarly. "What brings you down here at 4 am?" “I was checking to make sure the top was up on BL’s car, before it rains,” Bo answered. “Ah guess Sadie woke BL up too and you got the pleasure of checking the car,” Luke said. “No, actually it was me Sadie woke up, when she jumped right in the middle of me because the thunder scared her. BL had gone to the bathroom, when she came back, asked about the car top and said she was gonna check. Told her stay with Sadie, I’d check,” Bo replied. Luke smirked, "How much of the bed do you think you are gonna have when you get back up there?" Bo frowned, "Not much." "Want a beer?" Luke asked, heading for the fridge “Yeah, might as well stay up so we can go out to the farm and do the chores,” Bo replied, maybe he could talk BL into an afternoon nap. Luke nodded. "That's pretty much the way I saw it. These two are small but not when they are hiding from the storm or wanting to run, jump and bark at it. I figured Dixie needed to sleep." Bo, Luke, Scrapie and Trixie took seats in the living room. Each had a small trembling dog with them as they sipped their beers and talked guy talk while Dixie, BL and Sadie slept upstairs. About 6:30, Sadie nudged BL’s hand, getting no response. She licked up the side of BL’s face, “Ok, just a minute, let me get dressed, Uncle Jesse is making a big breakfast.” Pulling on jeans and a top then going to the bathroom. before going downstairs, grabbing her boots from the bedroom, Sadie ‘herding’ every step needing out bad. “Morning fellas. Scrapie, Trixie, you wanna go out too?” BL said on her way to the back door. The two little pups abandoned Bo and Luke, racing outside. “Morning darlin, did you and Sadie get any sleep after I vacated the bed?” Bo asked good naturedly. “Yup! Like babies,” BL grinned replying then asked, “Do I need to get my church clothes gathered or are we coming back home to get ready?” Luke was heading upstairs, "Ya'll probably want to take your clothes. It will be quicker to dress while we do the chores. I'll get Dixie and be down in a few." BL didn’t say it but thought ‘good luck’ as Luke headed upstairs. Dixie didn’t like getting up early on her days off, especially since getting pregnant. “I’m gonna go get my church clothes. Want me to get yours too?” BL asked Bo. “Yes please and I’ll let the pups in,” Bo replied. BL headed upstairs thinking about what to wear. Luke went upstairs and closed the door behind him in case the pups came back inside. He pulled the covers back and got under the covers. Going back to bed was tempting, but the responsibilities of the farm and family wouldn't let him stay in bed. He brushed Dixie's hair back as he sat beside her in bed, "Dixie." Between the bed moving as Luke got in and him calling her name, Dixie was conscious if not awake. "Mummm?" She uttered. Luke pulled her to him and cuddled her as Dixie wrapped herself around his warmth. He decided to 'hit a bit below the belt', "Are you hungry yet?" Dixie replied negatively with a contented sigh, "Nope." Luke waited patiently, then added, "Not even for sausage? ... Eggs? ... Hash Browns? ... and Uncle Jesse's biscuits and gravy?" Dixie may have been able to resist, but literally, her belly growled. Luke brushed her hair back further, "Come on Dixie, Uncle Jesse is cooking a big breakfast for us all. You said last night you couldn't wait, besides you are gonna have to go to the bathroom soon." Luke smiled and waited. He almost thought he was wrong when suddenly Dixie sat up, tossed the covers back and threw her pillow at him, "That was dirty." "But it worked." Luke said as he dodged the pillow and threw it back at his wife! Dixie threw the pillow again as she wrapped her robe and darted out the bedroom door. She could feel liquid nearly to her eyeballs and was sure she'd never make it to the bathroom in time. BL heard Dixie’s hurried trip to the bathroom and then the door shutting with more force than necessary but it wasn’t slammed either and Luke hadn’t followed which must mean they weren’t fighting and Dixie wasn’t sick. Both good things. BL heard the distinct click of doggy nails as the three pups raced upstairs, likely headed to the first bed they could get to. BL had laid out hers and Bo’s church clothes on the bed and didn’t want wet, muddy paw prints on them, so spun toward the door, swinging it shut before the pups got upstairs. “Whoa,” BL muttered as she grabbed the bedpost for support when the room spun. Sitting on the side of the bed until the room righted itself, BL figured she had fluid in her ears from swimming the day before being the cause of the dizziness. Luke slid into his jeans, then proceeded to make the bed while Dixie was in the bathroom to avoid them getting ideas about going back to bed. He was snapping his shirt as Dixie came back in from the bathroom with pups behind her. Bo came back upstairs to get dressed so they could get to the farm asking as he opened the bedroom door, “what’s the door shut for?” “To keep wet, muddy paws off our church clothes. I packed your white sunday shirt and your good jeans,” BL replied. “Thanks darlin’,” Bo replied, snapping his shirt. "You made the bed?" Dixie asked, a bit surprised. "Yes." Luke replied. "Why?" Dixie asked. Luke replied, "To make it harder for us to go back to bed." Dixie said, "I'm not gonna lie. The thought crossed my mind. I'm dressing. I swear." She pulled out a pair of stretchy pants and top. As she put on her bra, Dixie noted her boobs were rather sore. She chalked it up to maybe Luke getting a bit too aggressive yesterday. Luke said, "Grab something for church and we can leave from the farm." Dixie nodded. She hoped finding something nice that fit right was as easy as grabbing a change of clothes like Luke had done. Dixie looked through the clothes that were a little big on BL and found a long flowy skirt with elastic and a top that looked roomy enough. The foursome loaded up into General Lee and Luke’s truck then headed out to the farm. Jesse was already cooking breakfast when he heard General Lee pull in. Bo parked the orange stockcar where it had been parked for years. Luke and Dixie parked, where Luke could get out easy if need be, the four came in the back door, the men going straight for the coffee pot. “Morning, breakfast will be ready by the time you boys get the chores done,” Jesse said. “Let me and BL put our church stuff in the boys old bedroom and then we’ll help with breakfast,” Dixie said. After a big breakfast the guys took showers and then got dressed while the girls showered. Dixie, BL and Daisy were getting ready in Daisy’s room, out of habit and necessity since all the makeup, hair stuff and such were in there. Dixie put the top on which was meant to be a bit low cut. She pulled, tugged and rearranged the top which was a bit snug but the problem was the top was now a bit too low. "Daisy, do you have a safety pin?" Daisy replied, "Ummm, .... let me look. I should have." She dug through a drawer and found the safety pins. "Here ya go." Dixie pinned the top closed. Looked in the mirror not a bit happy with the result but figured she was in the top and decent so it would do. She sat on Daisy's bed to put her shoes on. Just as she bent over to pick up her shoe, the safety pin popped loose. "Crap!" Dixie exclaimed. “Hang on, I may have something you can make work,” Daisy said, rifling through her closet pulling out a peasant top that could be worn off the shoulders, Friday and Saturday nights at the Boar’s Nest or on the shoulder with a skirt on Sunday morning and look decent. “Here try this,”Daisy handed Dixie the top. BL bent down to get her shoe, closing her eyes a minute when another wave of dizziness hit when she straightened up too fast. Dixie changed tops. Daisy was fussing with the sleeves on the shoulders. Dixie checked the mirror critically. She didn't think she was showing but she wouldn't argue the point that her figure was changing. She was sure that Luke wouldn't mind her being a bit more endowed on the top. Finally she asked, "Are we ready?" Daisy replied, "I'm good." "BL?" Dixie asked. “Yeah I’m ready but need a minute, I must have fluid in my ears from yesterday’s swim. My head feels a little funny if I turn too fast or bend over then stand straight again real quick, it’ll pass,” BL replied, trying to downplay the dizziness. Everyone made their way to their vehicles to head off to church. The pups were content to take a nap after a morning of running wild. In church, everyone settled in and listened to the Sunday school message. Then sang a couple of hymns before the preacher started his message. The small church had a good turnout today, which made the crowded church a bit warm. Bo's head was the first to nod, which rewarded him with an elbow from Luke on his left side. Bo straightened up, put his arm across the pew behind BL. Luke was glad Bo nodded off as his eyes had been on their way to closing too. He took the opportunity to change position, hoping to wake himself up a bit. He noted that he and Bo weren't the only two trying to nod off. Cooter had barely made it through the doors before the services began and from Luke's view, he looked to be out for the count. Just about that time, Luther gave him a disapproving look and nudged him none too easily with an elbow to Cooter's ribs. LB had at least managed to stay awake through half of Sunday school before his chin was resting on his chest. Clyde saw his son’s chin dip but instead of a nudge like his brother had given his nephew, Clyde took a more attention getting approach and pinched LB on the tender spot at the back of the arm, this had the desired effect as LB sat up straight, barely containing a yelp. As the final amen was said, BL raised her head and stood eager to get out where it was a mite cooler.The quick movements were a bad idea but she ignored the dizziness, going ahead of Bo. Stopping at the door to shake Reverend Frawley’s hand, “Good lessons this morning Reverend.” “Thank you BL. It’s nice to see you and Bo with us this morning,” Reverend Frawley replied. Bo, Luke and Dixie followed BL, each stopping to shake hands and speak to the reverend. Cooter and Crystal had made plans last night to go out to lunch after church, so he was in a hurry to pick her up at the Placid Baptist church , so he didn’t stick around to socialize nor did LB. Not sticking around to socialize themselves, the Dukes went back to the farm. “Finally I can get rid of this dress,” Dixie said, as they all filed into the farmhouse. Bo and Luke headed to their old room to change and Daisy and BL followed Dixie to Daisy’s room. Changed the trio headed back to the kitchen to make lunch. Bo and Luke went out to work on Jesse’s moonrunner Black Tilley, Jesse liked to keep the car running in case it was needed. “I’m gonna go sit down a minute,“ BL said to Dixie and Daisy. “You alright sugar?”Daisy asked. “Yeah, just a little warm in here, I am gonna go in the livingroom and cool off,” BL replied. Taking just a few steps, BL fainted crumpling to the floor. “Dixie get Bo,” Daisy said as she went to BL. Dixie saw BL was coming too and headed to the barn. She yelled before she actually got into the barn, "Bo! BL needs you." She exclaimed. Both Luke and Bo's heads shot up as if they had been shot or at least shot at hitting the solid metal hood of the old car with a thud! Bo tossed down the wrench he was about to use when Dixie yelled, not really caring where it landed he took off running toward the house. Something in Dixie’s voice told him something was wrong that BL didn’t just need him to come do something. “What’s wrong?!” Bo asked, tearing into the kitchen. “She fainted,”Daisy replied. Bo knelt beside his wife“ BL darlin are you okay?” Bo patted BL’s hand that he held. Jesse had been on the porch when he heard the ruckus inside. As he got up and opened the door to go see what was going on Sadie ran past him and ran right to BL and began licking BL's face. “I’m ok, I’m ok. Bo help me up before I’m licked to death!” BL was now fully conscious. “That’s enough Sadie!” Bo said but instead of helping BL to her feet Bo picked her up, laying BL on the couch. Dixie had turned back to the house behind Bo. Luke cursed, rubbed his head and followed Dixie back to the house to see what was wrong. Dixie went over to BL, "What happened? Did you feel dizzy again?" “Again? What does she mean again?” Bo asked. “Do you have to be such a blabbermouth?” BL asked Dixie, giving her a look. Sighing, BL looked at Bo. Dixie had already blabbed so BL figured she might as well tell Bo everything. “I got dizzy a couple more times this morning but this is the only time I’ve fainted.” “You need to see a doctor.” Bo said. “None are open, it’s Sunday. My only option is to go to the ER and that’s not happening,” BL replied. Dixie said, "She probably got water in her ears yesterday while we were swimming." Jesse nodded, "It's likely an ear infection starting. I'll warm some sweet oil and get some cotton balls. By tomorrow you will either feel better or be running a fever with an earache." Jesse got BL seen to and with lots of reassurance she was fine and a promise to stay on the couch, BL convinced Bo to go finish working on Tilley with Luke until lunch was ready. Jesse let Sadie stay inside, laying beside the couch, he could tell the dog was worried about her human and Bo seemed more at ease with the pup on watch. After a hearty meal, Bo took BL home to rest. For a couple hours all was peaceful as the couples napped.
    2 points
  45. Boss JD Hogg

    A-Z Game

    The Dukes Of Hazzard is FAR better than most shows.
    2 points
  46. So good to hear from you BL. You are an amazing writer. I'll check this out later.
    2 points
  47. I am glad you like your car. I'm all Hendrick which is Chevys.
    2 points
  48. Spike

    NASCAR news

    Could be Kyle Busch's year, similar stats to Dale Earnhardt when he won his only Daytona 500. Winless season last year, 20th Daytona 500, RCR team. I'll be happy as long as it isn't a Toyota though lol.
    2 points
  49. Garrett Duke

    NASCAR news

    That is such a hard question for Daytona. Daytona and Talladega are so unpredictable and anyone has a chance to win if you can avoid the big one. I really hope Chase Elliott will win, but I'll go with William Byron (he won last year) or Brad Keselowski.
    2 points
  50. Hobie Hartkins

    NASCAR news

    Who do you think will win?
    2 points
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