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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. OK I will shut up about Gordon and definately about JJ before you throw your boot at me or something through the computer! I just found it interested and got excited when I read about Gordon extended his contract. As I said, I had to share it with someone! ;) Sorry to bore you with Gordon and JJ...and that I talk too much about them (especially Gordon). As I said, you can always tell me to shut-up.

  2. I also read another article on Gordon's page with someone asking him questions and so forth. But found it interesting to hear him have the same view on the chase as me. That they need to change some tracks on the chase if they want someone other than JJ to win for the tracks in it are ones that JJ is good at. He also stated that they should bring Bristol into the chase. (Sound familiar? LOL) Guess it goes to show you follow someone long enough you may start to share the same opinion...LOL. Probably not, but found it ironic all the same. Was interested in the part where they talked about Gordon bringing JJ into Sprint Cup and how he met JJ and how he got his interest. I still find it funny Jeff stating that Hendrick told him (when he suggested to bring JJ to the cup series) to put his money where his mouth is. LOL That's great...gotta love Hendrick (Gordon too ;) )

  3. I guess you can say I get excited easily, but as I said, am very relieved and excited at this news. I have been fearing his retirement for a while now, so now I can wait three years before worrying about it again. NASCAR would definately NOT be the same without him for ME. LOL Johnson and Knaus has extended their contract through 2015 which is good. Though Hendrick said something that kinda makes me disappointed with Jimmie:

    Jeff Gordon has a lifetime contract with Hendrick. Meaning that he can't and won't drive for anyone else. He will definately retire with Hendrick (He did that awhile ago). I guess Hendrick was wanting to do that with Jimmie, but Hendrick said he couldn't borrow enough money for that. I don't understand why Jimmie has to be so expensive if that is what the problem is. I would think he would jump at the idea. Though I don't know how that works, because Gordon is his car owner or part car owner.

  4. OK You probably will moan and groan when I say this, but I just got really excited and had to share with someone! I just read from Gordon's homepage that he has extended his contract through 2013 and possibly through 2014! :D I am sooo excited. I have three or four more seasons with good ol' Jeff! Dupont's sponsorship expires after this year, but Rick says it will continue to be on Jeff's car for most of those races. Sorry...as I said you are probably not as excited as I am, but with everyone stating with his back and his sponsorship expiring that this may be retiring soon (Goes to show you shouldn't be listening to media and other people. LOL) (I am feeling very relieved and relaxed and can now look forward comfortably for next season without fearing it may be his last!!!!)

  5. It'd probably take me an eternity to get to c. Missouri seeing on how I'd probably get lost and end up in Chicago or New York or somewhere. seeing how I got lost on my way to my dentist appointment on Wednesday...I'd definately get lost! LOL But please remember me and I'd love for a toast. ;) Though I would put up with you Martin fans...afterall, he does driver for Hendrick. I am hoping for a 1,2,3 finish for him. It has never been done for a company like it. He deserves it. But I really hope you enjoy your party and the race...I am looking forward to hear your opinion about it all!

  6. That is a bummer about missing the Edwards show that would have been fun to watch. Hopefully you find it on the internet.

    Everyone hasta love Elmo! LOL. Memo...that's cute.

  7. Maybe Hamlin is getting it from Kyle...makes you wonder about Joey. (See if they banned Kyle we may not have this problem;) ). I didn't view Tony as a crybaby just a very hot headed driver that needed to cool it. . .and NASCAR allowed him to get away with everything. (Sorry Tony once was my very least favorite to put it nicely for a loooooooongggg time until he cooled it and our one and only Kyle Busch took his place).

  8. Martin is signed up through 2011 so maybe he could win that year if I feel generous enough. HEE HEE. I'd prefer Martin or Edwards to win it highly over the one that you said thinks he should win everything. LOL. I think NASCAR should kick him out until he matures. But like you said, they definately did not ask me. They should just ban him...

  9. Eh Carl is younger than Gordon and everyone keeps talking of Gordon retiring...though I am hoping that he never retires...so I am thinking he NEEDS the championship before he retires; though like I said, he better never retire. I'd have Johnson to go for, but he's still not Gordon and won't be the same.

  10. Mad? Why would I be mad at ya for? We all are busy with our own lives and so forth. No worries here...it will take much more than that to upset me.

    Glad to hear all is well with you. As for me, I am off to finish my clothes before getting ready for bed. Good luck with school tomorrow...finally friday! :D

  11. So you claim...LOL. Ironic thing was right before I saw I got your message I thought I haven't heard from you for a while or talked to you.

    HOpe all is well.

  12. It sounds cute...he is suppose to be the announcer to a worm race. I guess the producers or whoever wrote it, thought he was retired and was announcing the races, otherwise he would have spoke for one of the worms. (I heard that awhile ago, back when the races were on FOX, but thought that it was already done. But they just said on Gordon's site that the episode is to air at the end of December). People should get their facts right...Gordon can NEVER retire. LOL. I am sure he would have something to say about that. Even though it is a kid's show, I can't wait to record it for my neice and to watch it with her. (How sad is that?) LOL.

    Hope you will have a great weekend...GO EDWARDS & MARTIN! :)....(GO GORDON GO! :) )

  13. OK I can't believe I forgot to say this in one of my posts...guess I was too busy worrying about the race and so forth. I am sorry for this long boring novel I am leaving you....thank-you for your messeges. I really enjoy hearing from you and what you have to say. Thank-you.

    Anyway at the end of December Jeff Gordon will be appearing on Sesame Street! I guess his daughter loves that show...my neice loves Elmo (she's two...actually just under a month older than Ella - Gordon's daughter).

  14. I can't believe we are at the last race already. It is so depressing me and yet it isn't over yet. I keep saying that, but one more race! Then what? Three long months of counting down the days...oh well, I am just lucky to have you to talk to and complain to during that time this year. It will make it easier.

    I hope that you have an awesome party on Sunday. HOpefully it will bring great luck to Edwards and Martin for you. Perhaps my lone party will bring Gordon some luck...probably very unlikely. LOL. Have a great party...and a great weekend!

  15. I am sooooo jealous of you right now...I am so coming over to your house for the last race! It is starting to look like I am going to be watching it by myself this Sunday since my mom is talking about going to my grandparent's on Sunday. (I am not missing the last race) But I would love to have a NASCAR party! Think of me when you are having your party - it sounds awesome. Ihave never had a NASCAR or superbowl party. The NASCAR party sounds a lot more fun since I don't watch football.

  16. I am soooo incredibly mad right now...not like JJ? What is wrong with you? (Please know that I am totally just joking here...pretty please. Don't be mad!LOL) No I'm not mad at you...just as long as you don't start dissing him and Gordon, you are fine. I understand that we all have our favorites and unfavorites if you want to call them. I am just glad to hear that you like him better and Gordon better ;) and that you like him better than Kyle Busch. LOL (Just like you like Kurt and I'm not a Kurt fan...sorry) I guess that is what makes this sport so great. There is so many drivers out there and everyone has their opinions on each of them. . .which is good if they can respect other people's opinions on the drivers and crew. Which can be hard I guess...I hope I do a good job at that.

  17. Nah...sorry to break it to you. Next year is definately Gordon's year. Martin and Edwards will have to battle it out for second. ;) Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I'd be happy for you and for Martin if he were to win. He does deserve it. So does Edwards. They both are good and deserving of the title...but I'm still hoping for Gordon's elusive fifth title that he soooo badly deserves too. LOL. I mean...look at how many titles this dumb chase has stolen from him? I'd be interested to see where he'd be now if it wasn't for the chase. ERRRR. LOL (OK not totally dumb, jsut frustrating)

  18. What do you have against Johnson? LOL...He wins too much? LOL. Sorry. I agree with you. He can take a couple of years off...though just not doing too badly.LOL. I can't be too hard on him, he is my second favorite afterall and Gordon does own his car.

    Martin did sound down, but he shouldn't be too down. I understand it is disappointing to come in second, but look at how he started out? He started out horrible with all sorts of trouble, now look at him. No it isn't the title, but still great. I would love for Gordon to finish second instead of third. But third is good too, though would be sad to see him drop any farther down.

  19. *GASPS* You didn't watch the race last week? Shame on you. LOL ;) Kidding of course. You didn't miss much. Johnson led seventy percent of teh race and won the race. Gordon started out great, but then kinda faded away to finish nineth, which wasn't too bad. But not the way he had started the race. That is about all I can remember at the moment. Edwards had a rough race if I recall, but I don't know why.

  20. LOL...apparently Brad should watch all around him. I don't see him as being NASCAR's next big bad guy or as Sr. I like him, just my opinion has changed a bit about him now. I know what you mean with the retaliation thing...Gordon did to Busch last weekend and I was all for it and I have seen him do it from time to time when someone drives him roughly or bangs into him...but he doesn't spin them out or cause accidents over it. I think Brad just needs to learn on how to do that without causing the big accidetns he has so far this year.

  21. I agree with what you said about Brad and Denny. My opinion about them both has changed. Denny has changed since his rookie year and maybe he has hung out with Kyle too much. ALl I know is that someone is going to get hurt if NASCAR doesn't get involved soon. I am surprised they didn't talk to both of them about what happened and what was said. Hamlin looked like he thought he was pretty tough when he said that.

    Maybe Brad does get it from JR. I can't recall teh one you are talked about with Kyle, but I remember he did that to Gordon, I think it was before he joined Hendrick, and Gordon wasn't too happy about it. He called into NASCAR about it and Jr got upset trying to claim he was trying to help push Gordon along and that next time he won't try to help Gordon out like that.

  22. I TOTALLY AGREE! LOL. I love Johnson, but I am kinda sad to see him match Gordon's title record. Just like I really want Gordon to have more wins than him...I am greedy aren't I? LOL.

    Hopefully Gordon can get things together this off season. He had a great season, but it just seems like he is missing something. Something that Johnson and Martin and everyone has and needs to be fixed. He has better himself over last year so he can do it again...hopefully next year will be his year!

  23. Jr awhile back when they kept talking of getting a new crewcheif or changes for next year said he needed a dictator as a crew cheif. But I think it is a good choice to keep Lance McGrew for next year. See what he can do with a clean slate.

  24. I heard that too...that Johnson and Knaus didn't get along at first either, but they sure do now it seems. They are a perfect match together. As for Knaus with Jr...I don't know. I know Jr and his cousin didn't get along for awhile either. The drivers do need someone that they can get a long with and work well together. Gordon and Knaus may work. It is hard to tell. I know or heard people comment that Letarte needs to go and that is what he needs is a new cc. But I don't knwo about that either. I like Letarte...the only one I can see better for Gordon is if Gordon could bring Ray Everanham back to be his crew cheif. By what I heard, they got along and were on the same page and that is who he won the championships with. Though I do like Letarte and would feel bad if Gordon got rid of him, but I am kinda getting the feeling I am the only one to feel that. . .

  25. LOL. Wanna hear something ironic. After years o wondering that...while waiting for this dang computer to load this page, physical training came to me. LOL.

    It'll give you a few months to think it through ;) Good luck with it all

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