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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. We're onto Texas on Sunday...where Gordon broke his winless streak at. Maybe he can win again at Texas to make it two wins. If not, hopefully a top five. Hopefully Martin and Jr will have great races too.

    You hear that Lance McGrew will be Jr's crew cheif next year as well? I am very happy with that. :) I was afraid they were going to replace him next year and to me, that would have ben so unfair to McGrew and wouldn't have given him the chance it would take to prove himself. I think Jr has done a lot better since McGrew came on to be his crew cheif and tha the has had better cars, he has just fallen into bad luck and accidents. I think most of what Jr and McGrew needs is a new year, a fresh start together. McGrew was put in the hot seat to be Jr's crew cheif halfway through the season and in the type of season Jr is having. (My two cents at least).

  2. Three more races...you believe it? Dang this season went by way tooooo fast! I am so dreading the off season...I mean what am I going to do for three months with no NASCAR and no baseball? (Other than count down the days 'til Daytona?) Am I pathetic or what? LOL.

    Anyways, looks like Johnson pretty much has it in the bag. Four in a row to beat history. I should be happy. I am. I was just wanting it to be Gordon so badly - if you couldn't tell. LOL. Anyways, what you think of the season as in whole thus far? All in all, I think Gordon has had a great year despite the lack of a championship and only one win thus far. If he can't have the championship, I am hoping he comes in second (Sorry - I know you probably want Martin to...and if he does, that'll be good too).

  3. OK It is me again. LOL. Are you tired of me yet? LOL. You see that Roger Penske is taking David Stremme out of his car to replace him with Keselowski? I like Keseleowski, but at the same time, I find that so unfair for Stremme. Sure he is out of his contract at the end of the season when Brad is suppose to take over...but why take Stremme out of his car for the remaining three races? Sorry for my venting, it has nothing to do with me one way or the other, but it still irritates me for some reason. It just seams unfair to Stremme - of course I shouldn't complain, I didn't read the whole article so maybe Stremme wants out? But the summary or title of the article states that Penske is replacing Stremme starting at Texas with Keselowski.

  4. *Attempts to picture Uncle Jesse in a cheerleader outfit* Now that is quite the image you just described, Roger - one that I doubt Jesse would take too kindly everyone trying to think about. LOL. Thanks for all of your advice! General Grant you do sound very knowledgeable about working out and weight loss. Now if only I could follow through and to actually do it - that is a whole different story. My cravings would never be satisfied by putting something "healthy" in it's spot...it'd just leave me wanting the cookie or chocolate even more. LOL. Though I wish that would work...I need something to help me going for that cookie after work or during my break or to limit my pop intake. Also need to stop being so lazy and take my dog for more walks - she would love it and it is something that I need. If only I wasn't so lazy! LOL Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for all the advice and help. You both came up with good points!
  5. Looks like congratulations is in store here...Congrats Daisy on fan of the month! :D

  6. Sounds like you had fun. All of your costumes sound cute and fun. I use to watch Walker every Saturday night with my family. That was a great show!

  7. Did you dress up? If so, what?

  8. Ahhh you're fine. I hope you had a good Holloween! I assume since you said you're still on a surgar rush that you got a lot of candy. Lucky you. LOL

  9. Thought it was a good race up until they started the race up after Newman's accident and Gordon ran out of gas with three laps to go - while caution. And then got caught up in the last accident...which was started by Keselowski pushing another driver. Perhaps there is something to him driving too aggressively afterall! Dunno...that is my two cents. Sadly ironic how a race can go from great to horrible in a matter of three laps!

  10. As I told my parents, I think NASCAR is going to be hearing about it for awhile now about the race - complaints like Newman had while interviewing him. Of how boring it was at the beginning and so forth. Stewart complained to his crew of how boring it was as well. Single file for Talledega - who woulda thought? But I guess it kept "the big one" at bay until the drivers pushed caution to the wind to begin 'racing'.

  11. Well I think the championship had just been handed to Johnson. For a while there I thought there may be a chance for Gordon to catch up, but that dang accident with five to go and then the last one...really done Gordon and Martin in. Glad Newman is OK after that horrible accident - that was hard to watch. Was almost as bad as Logano's.

  12. Good luck Lori at losing weight. Let me know if something works...PT from the Army - maybe that is what I need to find the motivation to lose weight. I would think my clothes and the mirror would be motiviational enough to lose weight - guess not. Anyway, good luck, Lori.
  13. Hi TexasDaisy! How are you? HOpe all is well with you. Things are alright here. Getting over a bad headcold. Hope you are having a good Halloween!

  14. Thank-you - I hope you have a great Halloween weekend too! You going to dress up or go to a party? I'm not. I don't get all that into it for Halloween. It will be interesting to see if anyone is dressed up for tomorrow's race. :D Well I will be anxious to hear what you think of the race - like always. :)

  15. Talledega is tomorrow. I don't know how to feel about it. Part of me is excited the other is dreading it. LOL. Qualifying got rained out so they will be starting in their point order- Johnson, Martin, Gordon and so forth. Guess Gordon caused the big accident in practice. Though don't understand what happened. Hopefully his car is OK and that it won't happen in the race itself. Jr and Martin ran into each other in that incident as well! Johnson was the only Hendrick car unharmed by the sound of it.

  16. Thank-you for your responses and for what you had said about my complaining/venting. Sometimes I may get carried away and am not sure how it is received by the other person. It feels good that I can vent to someone...as well as vice versa. :D Thank-you.

  17. I'd love to go to a race, especially Bristol. I've been to Bristol twice but was for Dukefest. It'd make it even better to meet you! That would be great! I hope you have a great time!

  18. It's not bad...I'd have to laughed at theat with Busch and the wrestling show - that would have been funny. :)

    Sorry if I complained too much about the incident between Gordon and Montoya...as I say, I can get carried away about things like that. So I'm sorry.

  19. Happy birthday Val! I hope it was a special one!

  20. Didn't see the wrestling with Busch or Logano, but saw commercials for it. Don't know when Edwards is going to be on, but saw picture of Foxworthy with McMurray on NASCAR.com, but didn't read the article or anything. Hope that helps a little bit.

    Thansk for your responses.

  21. Well I am a die hard Gordon fan (if you haven't figured that out) and I am not going to give up on him until it is all said and done. :) Though I guess if I HAD to be REALISTIC about it, you are most likely right. Other than Dega, the chase seems to cater to Jimmie and his racing style. As I said, if you want others to have more of a chance, you should put Bristol in there -I believe he has yet to win there and a road race.

    Being a Gordon/Johnson fan I have mixed feelings. One part thinks it would be great for Johnson to win four in a row to make history but then th at would tie him with Gordon's championships so the other part doesn't want him catching up with Gordon...selfish I know. Though technically, Gordon would have 6 championships if not for the chase. But they don't count technicalities I guess. LOL Dang chase anyway!

  22. I agree. Jarrett and Wallace were better as drivers than announcers in that regard. I think all the drivers you listed would have an open mind to the whole racing field and probably more positive as well. Which is why I love it on Fox so much. Waltrip and Hammond both have such a positive attitude about all the drivers...even Gordon. LOL. If it wasn't for the championship and Gordon where he is, I'd be looking forward to Daytona 500 just to be back on FOX.

  23. *Takes a deep breath* Whew...sorry for venting like that. It still makes me upset and waht is worse is NASCAR didn't say nothing as they did to Keselowski a few weeks ago.

    I know...forgive and forget, move on. I will shut up about it...or try to. But I am soooo glad to hear you have the same opinion about the announcers! These announcers pick one driver that is "hot" at the time and only seem to follow them. Forget anyone else out there. I guess I should be lucky it is Johnson and not Kyle Busch, but I would highly rather it be Gordon. LOL For examply during pit stops one time, the announcers began to talk about Paul Menard at pit, but stopped after a sentence to talk about Johnson's pit. I like Johnson alright, but it is getting old.

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