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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Yeah Gordon was mad at the time, but he at least seemed to have moved on. While Montoya in their press conference claims Gordon is a hard driver to race and that he doesn't give him any space. I so badly wanted to yell at him that Gordon wouldn't have all his wins, championships, or be where he is today if he was an "easy" driver to race against. And if he gave Montoya space easily, Gordon would end up in the back of the field every race. I think Montoya was getting at that he had a faster car than Gordon and he may have been right, but even so, Gordon wouldn't be where he is today if he just slid out of the way.

    I am highly hoping there is no recoil come Talledega, that could be lethal to their race and to their championship hopes. I think Gordon is too smart for that, but I am not quiet sure about Montoya. Though Montoya said that they talked and all was fine between them. So hopefully. . .

  2. well I had to ditch on NASCAR.com today when I turned it on it had a big up close picture of Montoya licking his lips and talking how raced Gordon...as if it was the greatest thing. I am just frustrated with it all. Flipping through the channels Sun night, on Speed they were talking about it and they were saying Gordon should stop complianing because that is what Montoya is paid to do...to win races. Well Gordon is paid for the same thing, and he dont' have to wreck anyone!

  3. Well you can color me green then! Tickets to Bristol? That is sooooooooooooooo unfair! I wanna go, I wanna go! LOL I hope you have a blast and for your sake, I hope Edwards will do his famous backflip for you. Of course though, for my sake, I'll always be going for Gordon. :D Sorry, old habits die hard.

    That should help you get through the three month drought of no NASCAR...I wish I had something. LOL. Well I do...you. At least now I have someone to talk to who will understand how I feel! Of which, I am very thankful.

  4. YAY thank-you soooo much for your replies, I enjoyed reading through them! I am glad that you had a good birthday - you don't nessecarily have to go out and have a big party to have a good birthday if you know what I mean.

    I wish you the best of luck on your job. This is a scary time to gamble like that, but in the long run, I think you have to do what is right for you. Coming the end of November, I too will be at my job for seven years and will have the most senority there (except my bosses that own the day care). That would be hard to give up.

    I hope it goes your way...and better. Hopefully you will find a better job come spring or that this one will give you a BIG raise. After all, you deserve it for putting up with me. :D

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY REDNECK WOMAN, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! I hope you had a great day and that you found something fun and relaxing to celebrate your special day!

  6. Have a good week Daisy. I am off to bed of whichI was planning to go to bed early tonight - guess that's not gonna happen tonight! LOL.

  7. Sorry to have abandoned you like that. Guess I forgot to mention I was going to go watch the race at the last response. I hope you are having a good Sunday. I think I am going to attempt to find something to eat. Was going to make chili, but don't look like I will be tonight. Maybe tomorrow. . .

  8. I am still upset and confused about Montoya running into Gordon on purprose and why NASCAR didn't say nothing to him. Montoya seemed like he was blaming Gordon and Gordon at the end wasn't sure if he did something to upset Montoya. To me it seemed to be all Montoya (then again, my opinin is tainted) and that Gordon didn't do anything to Montoya. Did I miss something? I guess you have accept that is Montoya and how he races, but still, there was no excuse for it especially as early in the race that was. Gordon was right by saying at least it was then and not towards the end of the race when they did fight for position. Still, it bugs me that he did it and nothing was said and Keselowski got warned when he didn't even touch another car (at least of what I remember of). Then again I may be missing something. . .

    Anyway, am looking forward to hearing your opinion and responses of the race. I am sorry if you didn't get to watch iti and I gave too much away. . .

  9. I was surprised when Knaus said he was happy with a second place finish there at the end...as was the announcers I think. There was a lot of accidents it seemed today, a lot involving the same cars. I am still surprised they didn't wave the caution right there at the end when Andretti spun out. Knaus was too. I guess I shouldn't say much in case you missed the race and want to see the replay of the race...

  10. Well a top five finish is never a bad finish even though the number one spot is what we all want for our drivers. Gordon finished fifth...would have been fourth but Kyle Busch passed him right before the finish line. ERRR. LOL. Edwards looked like he was going to have a good day though he didn't have the finish to show for it. Martin finished eightth which isn't too bad either. Though Johnson finishing second pushed him ahead of them in points now (Martin is 118 points behind him and Gordon is now 150 behind Johnson) with only four races remaining - but Talledega is next week and no one knows what that will bring. Hopefully no accidents for any of our drivers...hope they can avoid "the big one" and come home with a good finish.

  11. You are going to be tired of me by the time you get to reading this...either that or telling me to shut up. LOL. Once again, they are still racing, but I have a question. Why does NASCAR allow some drivers to race aggressively and not others? They warn Keselowsky a few weeks about about racing chase drivers aggressively...well what about other chase drivers racing other chasers aggressively? Sorry am highly frustrated right now with Montoya bumping into Gordon several times on purpose and yet nothing is said other than the announcers saying how good Montoya is. If NASCAR is going to warn Brad, then they should be at least saying something to Montoya if not penalizing him. There is no need for it t his early in the race. Then again, that is my opinion.

  12. Is it just me or is there something wrong when the announcers make a bigger deal over someone taking second place away from someone than someone taking the lead from someone? *takes a deep breath* Sorry had to complain...they are currently racing, but had to complain to someone. LOL Hope you are having a good day and that you are enjoying the race!

  13. Don't worry about it. I just didn't want you to think you had to go nor did I want you feel bad abuot not watching the races. It don't make you a bad fan, trust me.

  14. Well I am off to bed. Once again, have a great Sunday tomorrow and hope you have a good week.

  15. He is cute and having a rough year. Maybe next year will be better for him. Though I feel bad for making you feel bad, it wasn't the point. As I replied to your post, just cause you don't watch the races, don't make you a bad fan. For example - I love the chicago cubs and have most of my life...but I didn't really watch a game this year. But I followed them from online and how they were doing (Just as I've done the past few years) I guess it don't make me the world's greatest Cubs fan, but don't make me a horrible one either I don't think

  16. well Daisy you know how to make me feel bad. I didn't mention the group to make you feel like a bad fan or to make you feel bad about not going to the site. I'm sorry for bringing it up. Please don't be so hard on yourself.

  17. Ahhh I see. That is OK. Don't want you to feel like you have to either. Was just making sure I didn't scare you away. :D I hope you have a good rest of the weekend if I don't talk to you tomorrow. I think I'm going to get ready for bed...if I can find the energy to do so. ;)

  18. Raining on Sunday - Keith Urban (Sorry if the song has already been mentioned and to be getting back to songs about rain - they seem to be pretty popular. LOL But had to use a Keith Urban song when possible )
  19. I am going to get going in a few minutes. Tired tonight. Though you've been pretty quiet on the club page...hope we didn't scare you away. Or I didn't bore you to death. LOL Once I get tlaking racing, I cant' stop.

  20. Bored...I can deal with bored about now. Wait a few more years and you'll feel the same way . ;)

  21. Don't worry Daisy. It'll take more than this to make me mad. I know you're only teasing, as am I. I hope you know that. I would never allow Garrett to hurt you.

  22. Pendragon - First of all, I am very proud of the accomplishments that you have done over the past ten years! I am so happy to hear that you had made it past that horrible time in your life to work had at earning the success you seem to be having in life now - you are well deserving of it! Second of all, thank-you for sharing your story with all of us. I know it was probably a hard thing to do, but in doing so, you may be helping others in need plus giving everyone a little inspiration as well. Thank-you! Once again, I am very happy for you and to read on your latest update and am very glad to hear that things are much better now for you! In hoping for many, many, many more happy and successful years for you and your family...cheers! I hope you all the best.
  23. *Raises eye brow* Poor helpless fourteen year old? You didn't seem so helpless a moment ago when ya was threatening poor little ol' Garrett. Now he don't take kindly to being lied to...;)

  24. *GASPS* Garrett a jerk? You really better hope that Garrett didn't hear you say that...you'd make him real upset. *Holds Garrett back* Well now you did it...you gone and made him upset. Nice going. :) LOL...I know as am I.

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