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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. YOu are a lot braver than me...thanks for your dedication and excitement for it. Do you have to wait until school gets out or until you turn 18? What does PT stand for? (I've always wondered that...lol) Sorry for all the questions.

  2. I like it, I love, I want some more of it - Tim McGraw
  3. I don't know how you feel about Johnson, but now with Gordon out of the championship picture (all Johnson has to do is start the race at Homestead to eliminate Gordon) I am hoping for Johnson to take it again this year. Afterall he is my second favorite driver and Gordon does own his car - so Gordon will get a part of the championship. (I still can't see how anyone can like one of those two drivers and not the other. They are so much a like to me). Though I will still be rooting for Gordon to win the race at Homestead...he will always have the number one spot as my favorite driver and the one I go for.

    All in all it was a good race I felt. Though had felt bad for Jr in that accident and for Edwards to be having the kind of race he seemed to be having. Every driver has their off year, Gordon has had his a few years ago, so I know how it is. Hopefully the old Carl and Jr will be back to win races next year...along with Gordon of course. ;)

  4. Well the race is now over...I am looking forward to hear what you have to say about the race. I was disappointed with a nineth place finish since he was so good and fast at first - seeing how fast he had moved up at the beginning of the race. Though I am happy that he got a top ten finish, so I am not going to complain too much.

    I felt bad for Martin as well. Both Martin and Gordon sounded disappointed, but a fourth place finish for Martin was a good finish. I'd love a fourth place finish today...HA HA. But know how he must feel in the big picture.

  5. OK I just got done complaining about retaliation with B. Keselowski and Hamlin, but I gotta admit, I was cheering Gordon on when he bumped Kyle Busch in the bumper after Kyle went up and hit him. I don't know if he did it on purpose or not, but the announcers were sure backing Kyle about it.

    I feel so bad for Jr....how can Johnson have such great luck and Jr so bad luck? He just can't win for trying.

  6. Long time no hear. I hope all is well with you!

  7. NASCAR really needs to step in with those two and put an end to it. Start penelizing for retaliation, for what they are doing. It's all fun and interesting until someone gets hurt - plus in doing it, they can hurt other cars/drivers that have nothing to do with their little fight.

    Sorry it is just frustrating to see it and to think that Brad is going to be inthe cup series all season next year. Perhaps it is best he is not with Hendrick if this is how he races...I agree with Busch's N. Series crew cheif, someone one of these times are going to retaliate back at him and he may get hurt...it seems like all I hear with Keselowski is is that he starts one accident or another. NASCAR should go beyond warning him now and make it clear to him that it is unacceptable before someone does get hurt.

  8. I am surprised that NASCAR didn't say anything to him or called him into the trailer...in the cup series they don't allow retaliation, why would they in the Nationwide Series? Like Kyle Busch's crew cheif had said, one of these times someone that Brad K wrecked is going to cash in on him and he may get hurt, no one wants that.

    They interviewed both drivers of course. Keselowski states that Hamlin did that from the past events and that Brad moves on. That he saved his car when Hamlin bumped him and Hamlin lost it when he tried paying him back for it.

    I thought it was kinda funny and worriesome at the same time when they (the interviewing people) asked Hamlin if he thought it was time for NASCAR to step in and talk to Keselowski about his driving aggressively, Hamlin said no, that he would take care of it himself.

  9. Brad K. and Denny I guess have a history in the Nationwide Series races. I can't exactly remember all that has happened, but do remember reading about a time or two where they got in at it in with their cars. I don't know if you watched the race yesterday (hopefully you did since Edwards won) but Hamlin bumped Keselowski when they were three wide -I don't know if it was on purpose or not - but Brad thought so and in turn three he bumped Hamlin's back bumper to send Hamlin spinning. It didn't take him out of the race I guess, but it limited his winning percentage I am sure (Don't know where Hamlin finished, but Keselowski I want to say finished fifth).

  10. The race has yet to start and yet look how many messages you have to read. LOL. Hope I am not too boring for you or too much - you are probably wondering what you got yourself into with inviting NASCAR talk with me...lol. Feel free to tell me to shut up!

    I guess I don't have much room to talk (though I will. LOL) since I didn't watch the Nationwide Series race, but I just got done watching a couple of videos on NASCAR.com of an incident that happened with Denny Hamlin and Brad Keselowski. I think it has changed my opionion on Keselowski a whole lot and maybe makes more sense why NASCAR warned him against driving the Chasers so aggressively. (Though it still upsets me that they didn't warn Montoya when he was running into Gordon like that)

  11. That was totally awesome! Thank-you for posting that, MaryAnne!
  12. I thought of you just a little bit ago. I have NASCAR.com as my homepage at my parent's house...anyway, I saw that Carl Edwards won today. Did you watch the race? I don't watch Nationwide Series races...I did once and it was interesting. But I thought of you when I saw it - guess they'll have to wait for next week to clinch the series title. Bummer for Kyle. LOL

  13. Baby got her Blue Jeans on - Mel McDaniel (I know this has been posted before, but had to post it again)
  14. It was great to see John back into singing! The song was awesome with a great message behind it and the video was good, but sad to see at the same time. Hopefully they can get enough views to put it out into the main stream of things and for it get popular and so forth. Way to go, John!
  15. Hi Texas Daisy. Just thought I'd send you a note to say hi. Hope this finds you well and that you and your family are feeling/doing well. I like your signature, that is one of my favorite Bible verses. It's awesome.

  16. I read an interesting comment on NASCAR.com. The person stated that they should trade crewcheifs - Put Knaus to Jr. That way it would prove or show Jr's talent or untalent and to see what Johnson has by himself or without Chad. It would be interesting though I don't see it happening. Gordon is Johnson's boss or car owner, I think he should steal Knaus for himself. LOL. Ahh i like Letart. I just wish th ey could figure out whatever is missing th ere.

    It is unprobable that Johnson would face another race like last week, but it could happen. I am sure Martin would be able to take over if that were to happen. :) And no, I am not ready for the second to the last race! :( this season has gone way too fast!

  17. Thank-you...I will have to look for the ring tone. I do like that song!

    Thanks for not minding me talk about Gordon. I don't mind listening about Edwards or Martin. They are both good. Though to be honest...there was a time that I didn't like Martin. Ironic thing is, is that when I started to like NASCAR, I picked Martin as my second favorite. But then he accused Gordon of cheating in a all star race (I think) he claimed he put water on his tires or something like that. Which got me upset and not wanting to like him. I don't think anything came of it, but it still upset me that he would accused Gordon of cheating.

    That was years ago, so I have moved on. So don't get me wrong, I do like him now and like him at Hendrick.I'd be happy to see him win the championship - maybe not as happy if it were Gordon, but I'd still be happy. ;) He is talented and he is so positive about Hendrick and his crew. It is refreshing to see that. Though I th ink most people at Hendrick are that way.

  18. I understand how busy goes. Hope all is well.

  19. No you haven't talked to me for awhile...now that you are fan of the month you think you are too good for me. HA HA. Hope all is iwell with you.

  20. Oh well. Whether he finishes second or third, I would concider it a pretty good season. I am hoping he would at least advance his position to second and would be disappointed if he finished the season worse than third for that means he had a couple of bad races to finish the season. I would be happy for Martin if he would win the championship - he deserves it. He is always so positive and after all his years of racing, he needs a championship. Also would be happy for Johnson to win a fourth in a row. . .

    OK I am sorry if I am repeating myself here. I feel like I might be. Sorry if I keep complaining about the announcers or talk too much about Gordon. As silly as it sounds, I know not everyone likes Gordon. ;) So I am sorry about that.

  21. Lucky you that you missed them say that about Gordon. My mom even kept making fun of it Sunday night. I should learn to ignore them. I know they didn't mean it as bad as it sounded, but it came out to sound like Gordon was really slow and that Kyle allowed him to pass him. Still annoying. Just like the fact that NASCAR.com keeps mentioning that Gordon didn't capitalize on Johnson's accident. Almost if he chose to have a poor race. He still finished 13th, had 11 laps led, and is closer in points than what he had before the race. They make it sound like he don't have a chance...which his chance of winning the chamionship is probably pretty low, but I would think he'd still have an chance. Or perhaps that is my wishful thinking.

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