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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. OOOO I would love to have that ring tone! I love DW Boogity, Boogity! You can give me DW and Hammond any day. I like Jarrett and Wallace as drivers, but for announcers? I am not a fan of any of the announcers that they have on ABC. I don't think Jarrett is too bad, but the others? Kyle Petty wasn't too bad as announcers. But I still highly prefer Hammond and DW over any other announcers - I think they should stay on FOX all season long. But, they didn't ask me.

  2. Yeah Brad K will be Kurt Busch's teammate...or is now. THe announcers were talking about that. Brad hit Kurt at the end of Talledega (the accident that took Gordon out) and I guess Kurt had a few choice words for Brad on that. Though I guess "they made up" afterwards and Brad even got to ride with Kurt on his plane. Or that is how the announcers put it. It will be interesting to see how they do get along and how Brad will handle being teammates. I didn't really think of it, but it could be an issue. I don't remember him helping Gordon, Jr. Johnson, or Martin.

    I am glad to hear that I am not the only one that will make a big deal out of something seemingly small or that may not be anything at all. I do that all the time.

  3. Thank-you for looking that up about Addington and Kyle Busch. It makes even less sense it coming from Gibbs than Kyle Busch - Kyle I would figure it was out of one of his numerous fits that he fired him. But Gibbs? That is pure craziness if you ask me. Sure he didn't make the chase, but look at how many wins he has this year? Hopefully Addington will find another team to work with, a team that will appreciate his talents. I didn't see him being inconsistant. And yeah...it doesn't help having Kyle yelling and cussing them out each time he has trouble with his car. Maybe if he showed them some appreciation for what they do, maybe they'd be more "consistant" whatever they mean about that. Sorry...they don't make much sense. Especially with three races remaining. Though I feel bad for Addington, if I were him, I'd be relieved for getting fired from that job. It would be hard to be Kyle's crew cheif and to keep him happy.

  4. Hope you have fun shopping on Saturday - hopefully you will find more Gordon stuff. Two more races left of the season. :( What am I going to do without having a race to watch and talk about? I'm going to go through NASCAR withdraw or is it Gordon withdraw? Anyway you look at it, I will be counting down the days until Daytona in February after the race on the 22nd (Homestead).

    OK I will shut up now that I have complained and bored you with NASCAR.. Once I start talking NASCAR or Gordon, I can't shut up. LOL. Hope all is going well with you!

  5. Thank-you for your messages! It was great hearing from you. Sorry that I missed you...I must have just signed off when you posted that. Sorry.

    Sounds like you got some great stuff! I bet you are excited! And I know what you mean about being excited and sad at the same time. It is a big step and a big change in your life. But if I can do it, so can you.

  6. I am glad to have you to talk NASCAR to, but also during the off season. i finally found someone who seems to feel the same way! I thought I was the only one dreading the off season and counting down to the next season. :) That is a long time to wait...at least it seems to, but it won't seem so long of a wait to have someone to talk to that will understand. Thanks!

  7. (Then again...I get defensive for Gordon, so I probably took their comment out of context. Hopefully. LOL)

    You are probably correct that Johnson will not have another bad race. He has an awesome ammount of luck it seems as to be in the right place in the right time. Talledega for example. Of having another bad race like SUnday next week or at Homestead is at a minimum. but it could happen. :)

    I will always root for Gordon. LOL. GO GORDON GO. Though I will be happy for Martin if he does pull it off. For you and for him. He deserves it...though so does Gordon. LOL - my opinion of course!

  8. Hopefully Kyle is maturing as to not take it out on the new crew cheif. Once again, his scenerio doesn't make sense either. (Maybe it is a brother thing...lol) Why fire Steve Addington for? Especially with only three races left. Some things will never make sense to me.

    Talking about Busch conserving fuel or suppose to be slowing down...the announcers, they made me so mad. Kyle was about to pass Gordon to lap him...which he did, but Gordon came back and passed him back to get back on the lead lap. The announcers made the comment that Kyle was trying to save gas that he even allowed Gordon to pass him! To me made it sound like Gordon was driving as slow as a snail or something and passed him. I don't know, just found it rude or annoying that they would say that about Gordon.

  9. The person that either owns or built the track hired an opera singer that was over weight to sing opera at the end of the race as to show that the chase is not over until the fat lady sings...or until it is over. It was funny to watch and to listen to. But I don't think I'd take it too kindly if I was that woman they hired to do it. LOL. She dressed up the part and everything. Can't remember who they were interviewing though when she sang. . .

  10. I did watch the post race interviews. I didn't catch Pat saying that though. It was odd because he wouldn't look at the person interviewing him. My mom guessed he was probably looking at stats or the points or something like that. I know he said he wanted the win as did Kurt, but as for him saying that it didn't matter to him any more, I didn't hear him say that or remember him saying it. But maybe I didn't catch it.

    That whole scenerio to me doesn't make sense. I understand Pat put kurt in a rough spot by giving his notice of next year when he had, but Pat has to do what is right for him. I think not allowing Pat into the garage during the week would only hurt him more than help him in any way. But he won Sunday, so what do I know?

  11. We must think similarily. It's funny that you even t hought of the same song that I used!

  12. Sorry Emy. No time today. Hopefully some ohter time we will be able to catch up and chat.

    See you h ave a birthday coming up. Hope it is a fun, relaxing, and a special one. :)

  13. EEHK!!!!! *Gets up* How are you?

  14. Dying of boredome...would still like to know how that feels. You could always come over and clean my apartment, fold clothes, go to work for me...LOL

  15. You sounded pretty good as Enos to me ;)

  16. LOL...must be a popular thread / song title. I posted to it at the same time as Redneck Woman did and then you message me that! LOL. Sorry Daisy, didn't mean to steal your title, but I was just so excited to be able to use a Kenny Chesney title. I love his music.

  17. LOL We just posted to the Musical Chairs thread at the same time. ;) Luckily my song had Heaven in it as well...and a different song. LOL

  18. Everybody wants to go to Heaven - Kenny Chesney
  19. Hell, this ain't Heaven - John Schneider (OK maybe not 100% the same, but I am hoping it is close enough to count. Would love to use a John Schneider song )
  20. Welcome back LifelongHazzardfan85! Glad to see you back.
  21. YAY you thought of me! :D The Gordon stocking and ornament sounds neat...I will have to look next time I am there to see if it is t he same one I have. Thank-you for letting me know!

  22. I am sorry I didn't get chat long last night. I was getting ready for bed when I logged on to begin with and had to use the shower while it was open. It has been forever since we last chatted too! I was beginning to wonder if you forgot about me?! LOL HOpe that things will get better for you soon.

  23. Your dress was pretty! Did you have fun at the dance? That is too bad that not a lot of people showed up! And school does seem to keep you busy...too bad about English keeping your back from your four point oh. I was never good in school, so I am su re I didn't even get close to it. I was horrible at quizzes and tests and at everything else in school. I was so glad once I got out. My opinion of course. Are you excited to be able to graduate? The different things you get to order and do will be fun and interesting I bet.

  24. OK I will shut up before you tell me to shut up. LOL. Thanks for listening...I would be lost without you to talk NASCAR to. I hope that your insurance will help with your car and hopefully they will find the people that did it to you!

    Hope you have a great week!

  25. I don't know if I said this in an earlier post, if so, I apologize. I liked Edwards' statement at the start of the race, after Johnson's accident, over his radio. I can't recall his exact words. But he said something about how the media should learn from this not to write their articles beforehand...I think referring to them giving Johnson the championship before it happens. How very true! They say that Jimmie keeps saying that it's not over until it is over, yet the media and the announcers are all about Jimmie winning it. If he does, great for him. If not, hopefully it can be Gordon...or Martin for you. ;) But they shouldn't be saying it is over until it is over. (though they didn't really learn yesterday - they kept talking as if Kyle was going to win the race before the race was over).

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