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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. I've been to NASCAR.com...afterall it is my number one stop when I come online ;). but can't really say you are missing anything. I haven't read anything since that article I think...well I scanned an article yesterday about other highlights of the season but that is it.

  2. I was so lost as well...don't know what I am going to do with myself the remainder of the off season. :( I'm sorry that Mark didn't win for you. I am not offended that you wish for another champion than Johnson...everyone has the right to their own opinion and I understand how you feel like that. It would make it more interesting to have more than one guy winning it...Like Gordon, perhaps. LOL...or Martin ;).

    Your theory makes sense about the retaliation thing...it does make it interesting and exciting. Though also worrisome of what may come out of it. It is interesting to see if anything will be done about it in the off season.

  3. I had a good Thanksgiving and enjoyed the break off of work. Though it made it hard to go back. LOL. You are braver than I...I didn't even go close to a store. LOL. Wow...maybe he bought one of those TVs for you? LOL That would be nice to have the money to do that.

  4. Hey you're on! LOL. Your nephew sounds cute...how old is he again? They are cute at this age...too bad they can't stay this way forever. LOL. Oh well each stage seems to be cute and fun. I bet your nephew will be looking forward to Santa coming.

  5. Thanks for the reply, Daney. All is alright here. Not much to complain about other than no races to watch. How sad is that...never was a fan of NASCAR - in fact thought any kind of racing was a senseless sport until I got back into the Dukes. Now look at me. LOL Oh well if that is all I have to complain about, all is good. Just saw you on last night and thought I'd say hi, it's been awhile.

  6. Hi Daney...saw you were on and thought I'd send you a big HELLO. LOL. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and all is going well with you.

  7. I am glad that your Thanksgiving got better as the day went on, but too bad the whole day wasn't a good one. I had a good one, but am now disappointed that it is all over and I have to go back to work tomorrow. Don't get me wrong. I have a good job and for the most part do get a long with the people I work with. I just wish for another day or two or t hree or four of staying home and catching up on some sleep. Maybe get a word or two wrote in my story that has been stuck for six months now...or h ow ever many months I've been stuck for. LOL. Anyways hope all is well with you.

  8. Well I am on for a few minutes...but am only on while waiting for the bathroom. I do...do...do want to talk to you! Don't you say such an horrendous thing like that! I can't wait to hear your story though...shame on you for getting kicked out of the theater! LOL...sorry. I shouldn't say anything without knowing why, but ol' Rosco made me say it!

  9. Thanks Dukefan1 for posting the pictures that you did - they all looked very familiar. I wonder why? LOL. Lucky you to be able to go there...I have always wanted to go there in person and to see what it all looked like and all. I am glad that you were able to do so and have some pictures of it. Looks like a fun time. Hopefully you will be able to go there again next year. Thanks again!
  10. Ah dang it, I missed you! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. :D

  11. :) I thought it was cute. I had to share it with someone that would understand. Even if it is just Gordon. LOL. Not a week past the season and I am already missing it...championship week is next week with the awards on Speed Channel I think Friday sometime. Normally I don't get to watch it, maybe this year I will be able to. Hopefully Gordon and Edwards and Martin at least win something for their efforts and all that.

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving with lots of turkey!

  12. Well guess who again? LOL. Sorry to be writing this huge, long, and boring novel to you. Please tell me if this is too much or too boring for you. YOu are probably wishing you didn't open this can of worms with me by inviting me to talk NASCAR. Sorry :(

    I just had to tell you...I am watching my 2 and a 1/2 year old niece from last night until Sunday. She woke up this morning saying she wanted to watch Tinker Bell. She made it out to the living room before I had and before I reached where she was, she called out "I want to watch Gordon." It made me smile to hear her say that, but was confused as to what she was talking about. When I got there she had my "CARS" DVD out and it has a picture of Lightning McQueen on it. Putting it in or when the movie started, she said I say Go Gordon Go. At first I thought she said No Gordon, but I think she was trying to say Go Gordon Go of which I try to get her to say when she is t here when the race is going on.

  13. Well I posted to this under an old screen name when it first came out, but thought I'd give it a new try...see if anything has changed. 1. I have a dog named Lilly who will turn five on Dec. 18 2. My favorite TV shows are: Dukes of Hazzard and Numb3rs 3. I am a big Jeff Gordon and Jimmie Johnson fan (in that order) as well as NASCAR (Sprint Cup) 4. Am also a big Chicago Cubs fan. My favorite current players are Derrick Lee and Alfonso Sorianno 5. I enjoy Christian and Country Music. 6. I am Catholic. 7. I have a cat named Daisy after Daisy Duke 8. I am the lead teacher in the 2 and 3 year old room at a local day care that I have worked at for seven years now 9. I have been to Dukefest four times. Have gotten a hug from Ben Jones and John Schneider 10. I enjoy reading when I have the time and enjoy writing when my muses agree to work with me. (Duke and Numb3rs fan-fic) 11. Though I have never been to a NASCAR race in person before, I have been to Bristol and ChicagoLand. I got to ride in Dale Jr's old number 8 car at ChicagoLand in Richard Petty's Experience program where his driver drove me around the track as they do in the races for three laps. (Would love to do it again! ) 12. My favorite food is Pizza, Spaghetti, and Mexican food 13. My favorite colors are : Red and Black. Orange for the General and yellow 14. My hero growing up was Ryne Sandberg who was the second baseman for the Chicago Cubs...still is my all time favorite baseball player Well I guess I gave more than just ten things about myself...
  14. I should shut up before I make you upset at me with all this. I hope not. I apologize if I have offended you. NASCAR and their rulings just don't make much sense to me I guess. The whole rivalry does make it enteresting...until someone gets hurt.

    Once again, I hope you have a great Thanksgiving tomorrow...hope you get to eat lots of turkey!

  15. Secondly, the drivers are openly talking about taking matters in their own hands. In the article Kyle B. clearly stated after the Hamlin incident after Saturday's race (where he ran into Brad - supposedly the sun was in his eyes) that he thinks that five drivers should wreck Brad the first five races so he has to qualify into the race. (Surprisingly, he said he'd be the leader of it all...huh?)

    The second page of the article has Brian France saying he encourages the rivalry. THat it is hard racing and sometimes that comes along with it...they are encouraging drivers for it. ERRR Supposedly NASCAR is a contact sport...one of these days someone is going to get hurt because someone is mad at another driver. Perhaps even an innocent driver that has nothing to do with whatever is going on.

  16. I am back . . .to complain again. I should know better than to read articles on NASCAR.com they always get me upset or frustrated it seems. I just read an article about Stewart/Montoya...Keselowski/Hamlin and the rivalry. The author of the article seems to think Stewart should have been parked as well...but is it just me t hen that thinks Montoya started it? You run purposely into Tony he's gonna let you know he's unhappy about it and even more so than any other driver out there. So what did Montoya think was going to happen? Or is it just me? I guess that don't make it right, but if Montoya doesn't like the consequences to it, he shouldn't have done it then.

  17. Thanks for all your messages, I was looking forward to seeing what you had to say about the race. And the season. Hendrick finished 1,2,3 of which I was very happy with even though I would have been happier if my first choice of driver finsiehed first over third, third is pretty good too. ;)

    If I don't talk to you before, I hope you will have a fun and safe Thanksgiving. You get any days off for it? Any plans?

  18. I am glad you had a good party. Thanks for the cheer for me. You seemed to help Gordon out :D It did have some slow parts and some exciting parts to the race. I was happy for Ambrose as well and felt bad for him having the trouble that he had. He has come a long ways in h is first year in cup.

  19. No no no...Johnson can't go out on his own team. He has to stay with Hendrick! But that is the best sense of the statement so far. Johnson would be too scary to race against if he wasn't on the same team...he has to stay with Hendrick. LOL. I wish Rick would have said more or had a little more info there as well.

    Four in a row...wonder who will break his streak? LOL. He is good but as you said sooner or later he will be beat by someone else. Hopefully Gordon...or Edwards or Martin for you. Personally I am going for Gordon, but I'd be happy for you and them if Edwards or Martin were to win it as well. Martin has gotten so close so many times I can see where it would get frustrating, but he has accomplished so many things without it as well and that is what he needs to focus on.

  20. My opinion is, is that Montoya does seem to th ink that things should be given to him. I remember the first year he came to NASCAR, he cussed Gordon out for not letting him pass him over the radio. I kinda understood because Gordon was a lap down and Montoya was in second or so, but Gordon was trying to earn his lap back. Then afterwards when being interviewed he cussed Johnson out for not letting him pass to win the race. That irritated me...that he cussed on tv and he didn't get punished as JR did and that he would think that people should just get out of his way. That was a couple of years ago so I should move on and forget about it, which I have, but to me he just seems like he has a bad attitude. Then him banging into Gordon a few races ago and claiming "Gordon is hard to race against" ...I don't know as I said that is all of my opinion and I don't want to offend you if you do like him.

  21. Montoya really makes me upset. Never thought I'd be backing Stewart with how badly I felt towards him a few years ago, but Montoya had it coming if you ask me. No Stewart shouldn't have gone after him after Montoya got into him, but it's Stewart, what does Montoya think going to happen? And docking him two laps when he is already 20 some laps behind, I don't think did much good. I th ought NASCAR shoulda parked him the rest of the race. My opinin of course. But he was warned and he intentionally went after Stewart.

  22. No more races...:(:(. You hear me crying? LOL. It was a pretty good race all in all. Though I do have to apologize. I know you like Kurt, but I was really hoping he wouldn't finish too good. He made me nervous with points cause he kept pushing Gordon to fourth and I'd be disappointed with fourth after being third for so long. Luckily Gordon finished sixth which is pretty good finish all in all. The way kurt was racing, I'd a thought he would have won it and took over third place. He had me sweating. I did listen to all the post race interviews, but don't know which statement you are talking about with him?

  23. Sorry it has taken me so long to reply. Promise, I didn't forget about you. I got a little shopping done for Christmas, but still need to get some more done. Thanksgiving will be fun and am ready for the break off of work. I am already dreading work tomorrow...which I shouldn't. I like my job, I just think the weekends go by wayyyyyyyyy too quickly. Hope you will have a very fun and safe Thanksgiving.

  24. I need You - Tim McGraw and Faith Hill
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