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  • Biography
    Mom of three and married for 5 years. I started watching The Dukes in late 1996.
  • Location
    The great south!! YEEEHAAA
  • Interests
    God is my number one piority with ,family, Dukes,reading, history and writing next in line
  • Occupation
    Stay at home mom

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  1. How have you been?

    1. Garrett Duke

      Garrett Duke

      Hi Texasdaisy 09. Sorry this is so late. Sadly I have been busy and away from this site for a while. I have been OK. How about you? 

  2. So I finally got around to a visit again! I need to make this a bit more regular, I forgot how much I missed it around here. My last 24 hours have been a lot like the 24 hours before that, so on and so forth. Fed sheep, cook, clean and wonder what my dogs are barking at that I can't see...How is everyone?
  3. Im so happy for you! I'm thankful for many things, I could probably type for a solid 10 minutes, but I'll summarize. First, God. Second, my husband and kids, we've added a few I should probably update that...
  4. It is great to see you back! It has been a long time. Hope your kids are feeling better. Definitely not fun. Hope all is well. Hope all is better and great for you. Things are about the same here. Got the NASCAR race on...but my TV is having troubles getting it at times. URGH. Great to see you back!

  5. Hey girl! How're you doing?

  6. There just might be something in the water :) I have no excuse, I let myself get way too busy with unnecessary things. I hope to be around more though. God bless and I hope all is well with you.

  7. It's been way too long! Life kind of got crazy there. Sick kids, school, work etc. I hope to make this a more regular stop again. Hope all is well with you. God bless!

  8. Hey there! I had to disappear again due to sick kids :( I hope we'll be able to kick that out of the way soon. How are you doing?

  9. Yeah we're actually getting rain pretty often! That must be it :) I missed being here. We were without internet access for a long time. So good to be back!

  10. Hey! Welcome back :).

    Are they putting something in the water in Texas, because daisydukeXenosstrait returned to HNet recently.

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