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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Well howdy stranger, how are you? ;)

  2. Congrats on the new bundle of joy! Very exciting news!
  3. Staring out the window, Luke Duke once again saw very little that was outside, but instead was looking back at the bloody vision, of his cousin on the jail floor. Of the pain that had captivated his blue eyes, of the blood draining from his head and from his chest, and the words that he had weakly spoken once he had awakened. Bo was obviously in a lot of pain and fear when he had awakened, had seemed somewhat confused, and yet he spoke very little about himself. He was too worried about their uncle. Luke hears himself let out a deep breath he had been holding. Thankful that Tristian is in jail. Thankful that Jesse and Hogg are safe. And thankful of having his cousin in the bed behind him, resting and hopefully on his way to a speedy recovery. From his long years in the Marines and at war, Luke had seen first hand all the damages a single bullet could do to a person. Had seen men suffer slowly to death due to a bullet placed where Bo had been shot and seen men die instantly to death. His best friend at war had been shot and went home in a wheel chair due to that bullet. It would kill Bo to be restricted to a wheel chair. So Luke knows Bo suffered the least amount of damage he could have suffered with a bullet to his upper chest. It could have been worse. Not that it was great. He had to go through surgery for the removal of the bullet, blood transfusion, the pain he has and will go through, and the nasty scar it is bound to leave. But in Luke's mind it should never have happened. Bo was locked away in jail. Had no way of defending himself. And Tristian shot him anyway. If only Luke hadn't angrily forced him into picking him up from town the other day, none of this would have happened. . . "Luke," Bo's weak voice slowly interrupts his thoughts and Luke feels a small smile of relief cross his face as he forces his hands out of his pockets. Turning around to face Bo, his heart seems to tighten within him at seeing the pain still radiating in his eyes and his apparent struggle to breathe. Despite the aide of the machine. "Bo," Luke forces a smile as he is quick to make it to side of Bo's bed to slowly bend down and draw Bo into a gentle hug and whispers in his ear, "it's OK lil' cuz. It's all over." As Bo lies back down he eyes Luke with confusion and shakes his head no at Luke before coming to an abrupt halt, tears of pain enter his eyes. "Jesse," he says in a whisper. "Jesse's visiting Rosco," Luke states calmly, remembering Bo's worry over Jesse, "Look Bo, Tristian did have him. But thanks to Jesse's call in for help, I found them and helped him. Tied Tristian up and Jesse warned me of Tristian's bragging over dealing with you that tipped us that you needed help. Only reason we were able to get to you when we had," Luke goes silent, clearly recognizing the fact that if Tristian had said anything, Bo would be dead right now. "Jesse's fine. In fact, Rosco's awake and his doctors are saying he should be fine. Give him a few days. A lot like what your doctor says about you." Bo gives Luke a disbelieving look. "Yeah right," he slowly states skeptically. "I am right. I am right about him being alright, about Rosco being better, and I was right that all of this wasn't your fault. Rosco stated he over heard Tristian say something on the phone. Tristian cut Rosco's brake lines. He'd have some sort of trouble with his car not braking whether or not he was chasing you," Luke confidently states, patting Bo on the shoulder, "sad all this had to even happen. If Hogg hadn't hired Tristian to frame you as he did nothing would have happened to Rosco. To you. To no one. I'm sorry Bo you had to go through all this." Bo slightly nods, looking away from Luke as he takes all that he had just said in. "Not your fault," he finally states looking back at Luke, "so everyone is going to be OK?" Luke smiles and nods at Bo. "Yep," he nods confidently, "how you feelin'?" "Fine," Bo lies, not wanting to talk about how he feels, "I wanna go home." "You'll get there soon enough," Luke nods at Bo knowingly. "But for now you should be getting some rest. Why don't you close your eyes and get some rest and I'll run down the hall and get Jesse. He can tell you himself how he is. K?" Bo tiredly nods his OK before Luke gives him another hug, relieved to see him OK as he forcefully fights back asking the one question he wants to ask. The question of what all had happened. Everything was pretty apparent what had happened, but Luke wanted to hear it from Bo himself, but knows best not to ask right now. Now wasn't the right time. Give Bo some time and he may open up on his own about it. . . "I'll see you later, cuz," Luke states as he opens the door and slowly walks back out into the brightly lit hall way.
  4. Well the Sprint Cup race at Kansas, last race on FOX, has just finished. Kurt Busch led from the pole and led a lot of laps. Once again it all came down to a fuel run and who made the right fuel choices on pit stops and so forth. Though not everyone ran out of gas this time. . .just a lot of drivers had to make a short pit stops right at the end that were close to the front of the field. Though Brad Keselowski was able to hold onto his gas to win the race...Dale Jr who had more gas than Keselowski, came in second. 1. Brad Keselowski 2. Dale Earnhardt Jr 3. Denny Hamlin 4. Jeff Gordon 5. Carl Edwards 6. Matt kenseth 7. Jimmie Johnson 8. Tony Stewart 9. Kurt Busch 10. Greg Biffle Next Sunday's race will be on TNT...
  5. CHAPTER SEVEN Bo Duke awakes with pain screaming loudly throughout his entire body and a loud and irritating beeping and hissing screams in his ear. Only to send a rush of confusion and questions racing rapidly within him of what had happened? Where was he? Why did his entire body throb in violent pain? And why was his vision so dark and everything seeming to spin around him? Questions that only frustrates him and sends fear rushing thickly through his entire body. Minutes seems to last years before his vision slowly clears and the world around him seems to come to a halt, his breathing remains difficult and painful. Thankful for his vision clearing he slowly glances around the small room to come to the conclsuion that he is in the hospital. The beeping comes from the monitors and the hissing comes from the air tank that breathes air into his nose from the small clear tubes. Struggling to breathe, Bo attempts to sit up only for the sharp pain to send him lying back down upon the bed. The pain in his chest and his head quickly refreshes his memory and he once again sees the gun man staring through the bars at him. . . Exhaustion runs thickly through Bo's numb body as he sits silently upon the old ratty cot within the jail, his thoughts remain focused upon the sheriff. The sheriff who lies in the hospital fighting for his life after he had rolled his car in the ditch. Rolled his car in the ditch after trying to pull Bo over for supposedly robbing the jewlry store. And in Bo's mind, he was at fault of the accident. If only had pulled over, he'd be in jail for his framed robbery, but the sheriff would be alive and well. And Bo wouldn't be in jail for attempted manslaughter or murder. It was all the same to Bo. And despite his uncle's and cousin's stern order to lie down and get some sleep and to eat some food, he has yet to eat much of anything other than a couple of bites last night and has yet to truly fall asleep. And now he is paying for refusing to listen to his uncle and cousin. But with his guilt eating deeply within him, sleep wasn't an option. Even if he wanted to sleep. Sighing heavily, Bo glances down at his feet, wishing Luke was here. Luke always knew what to do. What to say. And Luke was always there and willing to listen to Bo when he needed to talk. And now that Bo is alone, he wishes Luke was nearby to talk to. Bo glances up as heavy foot steps fall upon the ceiling from the sheriff's station and jumps in surprise as a couple of loud noises echo from upstairs. As if something heavy was being dropped or being thrown. A moment later a door is opened and more unknown noises come from upstairs to force Bo to realize that it couldn't be Enos or Boss. It had to be someone else. But wh o and why? Not that it should matter to Bo. Bo was where he was suppose to be. In jail. So if someone was upstairs that wasn't suppose to be there, that was Boss' and Enos' problem. Bo shakes his head and lies down, listening to the noises die away for a long moment. Closing his eyes, he focuses upon Rosco, his guilt, of what may lie ahead of him now. In a few days, they'd be transporting him to Altanta to the state pen where he could be spending years locked behind bars for either attempted murder or murder of a law officer. Of Rosco. The only reason he wasn't already there, was because everone was still too occupied worried about Rosco than to make the phone call to get him picked up. Only to send chills racing up and down his body. Just at the thought of spending years behind bars with hardened criminals at the pen. Deep down, he believed he deserved to be there, but also doubts he'd be able to survive to be locked away in the pen. With people who were known murderers. Which is what he now was. A muderer. Or an attempted murderer. Bo abruptly sits up as the foot steps are now moving down the steps and a moment later a tall and muscular man steps down off the stairs, a gun man pointed at Bo. "Well, well, well," the man grins, "the old man's nephew lies in jail. For something I was hired to do. Ain't life funny?" "What. . .what," Bo stutters, "you talking about?" The man shrugs smugly. "Hogg hired me to rob that jewlry store to frame you wtih it. And here you are," he grins before shaking his head, "hey guess what?" Bo stares at the gun man, his mind now on his uncle as the man's words didn't escape him. "You ain't gonna ask. Oh well, I'll tell," the man waves his gun at him, "I've got your uncle locked up at my hiding place. Your uncle and your commissioner. I was gonna kill you since you are an unwanted witness, but my baby brother would hate me for killing you. For some odd reason. So, I'll tell you what, I'm going to give you a preview of what could happen to your uncle if you were to open that ugly mouth of your's." Fear penetrates deeply within Bo as he jumps to his feet with little thought. His thought remains focused upon Jesse, his fear aimed for his uncle despite the evil gun pointed at him. "Now wait a minute mister! You won't get away with this! My Uncle is loved by all and -" he yells at the gunman, taking a step forward. "Just watch me," the gun man grins as he pulls the trigger and a second later Bo screams out in soaring pain as the bullet throws him violently into the brick wall before he slides down the wall and onto the floor. Blood instantly flows down his face from his head, and down his chest from where he was shot. "Better hope someone gets here soon. Otherwise, you'll bleed to death." The gun man pauses as he takes a step towards the stairs, "Just remember, Bo, one word and the old man is dead. I meant to miss with you, I'll make sure not to miss with your old man. You have a chance to live if you're lucky to get help in time. He won't be so lucky." Bo eyes him for a short moment before the gun man turns around and runs up the stairs and out of sight. Bo tries to yell out for help only for the pain in his lungs to explode and nothing comes out and the world is quick to go black. A sharp sneeze is quick to pull Bo out of the flashback that has brought him to where he lies now and he glances to the right to find Luke standing silently still at the window. Luke's back is facing Bo as he stares out through the window, recovering from his sneeze. "Luke," Bo weakly states, relieved at seeing Luke at the window, only feet away from him.
  6. All things considered, Kyle probably did get off pretty easy. He still may lose his driver's liscense, but wouldn't affect his racing any since they don't need a driver's liscense to race on track. On another Kyle Busch matter, NASCAR finds that Kyle Busch did not violate his probation during the altercation between him and truck/car owner Richard Childress. Childress punched Kyle in the altercation and will most likely face penalties for his actions on Monday. Childress is able to be at the track for today's Sprint Cup race, but with limited access at the track. (Richard Childress owns Kevin Harvick's car in the Sprint Series who had punched Kyle Busch at Darlington which is w hen Kyle and Harvick both got placed on probation...)
  7. Just read a couple of small articles that read that there was an altercation after today's truck race between truck/car owner Richard Childress and driver Kyle Busch. Supposedly, Childress' driver Joey Coulter and Busch was racing each other for fifth place late in the race. No contact had happened, but afterwards, I guess Busch slammed Coulter into the wall and later truck owner Richard Childress supposedly had a fight with Busch. It said there was a physical altercation between the two...don't know who started it, but the article made it sound like Busch was the loser in the fight. Could be wrong about that, but that's what it made it sound to be. Kyle Busch is on probation in all three tiers of NASCAR until June 15th and NASCAR is now looking ino the altercation.
  8. "Dukes," Jesse Duke jumps in surprise at hearing his name called despite having seen the doctor walk into the room a secong ago. Saw him slowly walk in and yet hadn't thought anything of it, too lost in thought over his young nephew in the ER. Of what he had gone through. Of what he must have thought and felt when the gun man pulled that trigger. Too lost in thought to really give much thought about a doctor walking into the room despite the fact that he could be the one to shed some light to his concern and questions over Bo. "How's my boy, Doctor?" Jesse is quick to ask as he quickly approaches the doctor, followed by the rest of his family and Cooter. "I'll be Bo's doctor. I'm Doctor McSnaw," he states, readjusting his dark rimmed glasses, "I take it y'all are family." Jesse eyes him impatiently. "Of course we're his family!" he snaps, "We've been waiting on word on him for three hours now and all you care about is if we're family?!" "Jesse," Daisy states through a sniffle, "he's only following his instructions. We've been through this before." Jesse nods and sighs as his thoughts fall back onto another long wait in the waiting room when Bo was fifteen due to him wrecking Jesse's truck when he tried racing a friend. "Yeah. Sadly we have," he admits as the old memory sends chills up and down his back at the thought of how close they came to losing Bo then. Looking back at the doctor, he inhales deeply to regain his composure. "Yeah. We're family. I'm his uncle, these two are his cousins, and he there is a close friend. Might as well be considered family." Doctor McSnaw nods briefly. "As she pointed out, it's only regulations that we ask, sir. I don't mean anything by it, but I do understand you being upset," he slowly states in a way of an apology, "I am sorry for your long wait. I know that has to make that much harder on you, but it had taken us that long to treat Bo in a fashion that would benefit him the most." Jesse nods. Impatient with the small talk. "Ok doctor," he states, his voice etched with his harsh emotions, "now that we got that covered, how's my boy?" "Well at the moment, he remains unconscience, but is stable," the doctor states, taking everyone in, "He was shot just above his right chest and the bullet must still be at the jail because it's not in him or in his clothing. It was a through and through shot. It tore through some muscle and had scraped a lung, but it hadn't gone through any vital organs or anything. Except for scraping his lung, it should cause some discomfort for breathing for awhile, but should be treatable." He pauses once more, listening to the ticking of the clock. "He hit his head pretty hard on something that was hard. Probably the wall behind him when he fell or the ground where he fell. Either way he has a bad concussion and now has twenty-four stitches in the cut. "But our main concern with Bo when he was rushed into the ER was the amount of blood he had lost. It was apparent that he had been left there awhile to bleed. Left much longer, he'd have bled to death," once more, McSnaw pauses to allow the family to digest all that he has said, "so once we got the bleeding covered and taken care of, we had to find blood matching him and give him a blood transfusion. It took him awhile to react to it, but after a half hour or so, he started to regain some of his complexion back and his heart rate and breathing had increased to safe amount." McSnaw finally finishes his description and awaits a long moment before Jesse asks, "So, you're saying he's going to be OK?" McSnaw nods. "He should be. We'll have a better knowledge of his condition once he wakes up and all. As I said, he was still unconscious when I had left his room. I'm sure he won't be feeling his best once he wakes up, but my guess is, that he'll be out of here within a few days. A week at the max. Have a nice scar and story to tell his grandkids." The Dukes all seem to let out an audible sigh of relief. "Thank you Doctor. That's the best news I've heard all day," Jesse states with a smile, "well not that he got shot and is injured, but that he'll be OK." he pauses to look at his family. Looking back at the middle aged doctor, asks, "Can I see him?" McSnaw nods once again, a look of sympathy in his green eyes. "Yeah, but I'm asking only for one visitor at a time for at least today. Perhaps tomorrow you all can go in, but for today I would like to limit the stress on him by limiting his visitors to one at a time." Jesse nods. Looks at Luke, Cooter, and Daisy and back at the doctor. "I'm first," he states. "Follow me," McSnaw states as he turns back around to walk down the hall he had entered from. After a couple of long minutes of silence they arrive at the closed door t hat holds a card plastered on the wall besides the door that reads: BO DUKE. "He is hooked up to IVs that helps feed him and gives him his pain killers. There is a tube in his nose to help aide his breathing. In other words," he pauses as he pushes open the door, "it looks worse than what it is." "OK, thank-you doctor," Jesse states as he walks into the shadow covered room, the beeping of the monitors loudly greet him as the doctor closes the door behind him. Walking up to Bo's bed to see him lying silently still on the hospital bed, his head tightly wrapped in a thick bandage that is tickly stained with blood where his injury lies. Thin clear tubes is in his nostrils and runs behind his ears to an air tank that hisses behind Bo's bed. And his complexion is still deathly pale, yet a shade better than it had been when he last saw him being rushed into the ER. "Bo," Jesse states, feeling a tear escape his eye and down his cheek. He was heavily relieved with the doctor's news on Bo's condition and Jesse is full aware that the news they got on Bo was probably the best they could hope for with Bo's injuries. Yet he remains deeply troubled seeing Bo lying almost dead like in the bed knowing it had came at the hands of Tristian. Troubled knowing that Bo will have to suffer with the pain, nightmares, and with the scar reminding him of it all the rest of his life. Only so that Tristian could rob Hogg of all of his greedy money. "Hi Bo," Jesse says leaning over to gently brush a lock of hair out of his eyes, "it's gonna be alright, Bo. It's all over." He is answered by the beeping monitors and the hissing of the air tank and Jesse takes a seat next to Bo's bed, silently watching him sleep. Silently praying for a strong and healthy recovery for Bo.
  9. Doctor McSnaw stiffly and silently walk out of the small patient room and into the brightly lit hallway as his mind slowly reviews his notes over his current patient. Only to send a pang of sadness and dread deep within his tired and numb body only to remind himself of the golden rule that he had often heard in college. Never get emotionally attached to the patient. No matter what. But despite that rule and the deep consequences behind disobeying the rule is, he can't help but to feel great pain for each of his patients that is rushed into the ER. Each patient that arrives in the ER is a loud reminder to him of just how precious life is. Of how quick one's life can dramatically change. A reminder to him to live life to the fullest. Every day. To never take anything for granted. Staring at the info that he has written for a long moment despite already knowing each description by memory. Bo Duke. Age twenty-five. Shot while locked in jail and charged with attempted manslaughter of a law officer and of robbery. Before this afternoon, Bo Duke's main concern and worry had most likely had been about the charges that were brought up against him and of the jail timehe could be serving for that. Until the gun man had entered the jail area and shot him. Shot a defensless man who had been locked away in jail and had no way of defending himself. Worse yet, the gunman had to have been a polished gun man in McSnaw's opinion to shoot the young man where he had. From McSnaw's experience and knowledge, the location of the shot and how he had been shot loudly explains that the killer knew what he was doing, knew where to shoot. He shot Bo with full intentions of not killing him instantly, but shot him where he would slowly bleed to death if he didn't get help. He shot him more for an example, a threat of what he could do to him. Or someone he loves. Bo Duke may have been charged with some pretty serious charges, but that mattered very little to McSnaw. That was not his category and his emotions ran heavily within him for the young Duke. Sure thanks to his cousin arriving whe he had and his quick and instant help he gave Bo, Bo should be OK. To make a full recovery. But all the same, his life has been changed, altered. It only made it worse knowing it had came from someone else's hand. That some had all that anger and violence locked within them to do this to another person. And now he was to walk into the waiting room and face his family. To face their harsh emotions that they must be feeling at the moment. Deep down, he knows it won't be as bad as other times in the past when he had to give love ones the horrible news that their loved one was no longer with us, that they died in the ER. Or on the way to the ER. Or the times he had to tell them some gut wrenching news that their loved ones was in a coma, didn't know if they would wake up or not, survive or not. Or that their loved one was paralyzed or brain dead. It could be a lot worse for the Dukes than what it is. And McSnaw was sure they'd be relieved when he tells them how Bo is doing. But once again. Life has been changed and altered for all of them. Their safe little world has been shattered at the hands of another. By a single bullet. Sighing heavily he reminds himself of the golden rule once more. Never get emotionally attached. Never. If he had followed that his entire career, perhaps he wouldn't be so emotionally tired every day. But he couldn't help but to feel something for each of his patients, for their situation. It helps fuel his need to help people, fuel the reasons behind why he has to be a doctor: to help people. If he were to detach himself from them, it would only drain him much more and would give him little reason of going to work every day, give him little hope of ever achieving happiness with his career. Taking a long last look at his paper work, he slowly walks through the hallway and to the waiting room where he finds an older man sitting staring at the clock over the nurse's station. Tears are apparent in his clear blue eyes. A young woman with light brown hair sits next to him, staring down at her feet while hugging on tightly to the older man's bent arm. While a man a few years older than her sits next to her with grease stained clothes, staring ahead at nothing. And tall muscular man looking to be aged between the woman and the younger man stands at the window, staring out and probably not seeing anything that is out there. "Dukes," he says in a loud and clear voice to grab all of their attention and within a second he is surrounded by them all, their eyes locked in on him, demanding answrers of how Bo is doing.
  10. That is a catchy tune, Hoss. Thanks for the link. Well figured I'd give y'all a break with the NKOTB and go to a genre of music I am more familiar with. NKOTB is the only rock band I really like or follow. I generally listen to Country and Christian Rock. Kenny Chesney is one of my favorite artists!
  11. OK I am seriously cheating wit this one but I had to post it! It is the New Kids on the Blocks singing with Backstreet Boys...they have combined several of their songs toghether into one great song. It has me even more excited about my concert in two weeks when I get to see 'em both in Chicago! Was and am still a huge New Kids fan, though I do remember owning the BackStreet Boys' first album and remember some of their songs, wasn't as big of a fan of them as the New Kids; but it is great to see or hear them together like this. Or at least to me. Sorry to cheat on the thread, but had to post it...to excited not to. Just a warning, towards the end they do have a few unappropriate dance moves . And as not to get my character a bad rep or anything...Garrett is only a screen name. HA HA.
  12. Don't know if I posted this one or not, but love this song! Great emotion behind it. Plus, I had to post something NKOTB...exactly two weeks from today I am going to Chicago to see them with BackStreet Boys. I am soooo excited! (Sorry Hoss, don't mean to make you jealous or anything. ):escape: Anyone else watching "Blue Bloods" with Donnie Wahlberg and Tom Selleck in it? Donnie is one of the New Kids and is great on the show. Makes a great detective of police officer. Love the show! Donnie is the first guy that is shown in the video listed above.
  13. The little sheriff is ornery and has a lot of energy...poor Lilly is now hiding under the couch from him and refusing to come out! I've gotta be doing something wrong! Oh well; at least he's cute. :)

  14. Daisy stares dreadfully out her passenger door, questions rapidly within her. Why had Cooter so urgently yank her out of work? Why wasn't he answering her questions? What was so wrong? "This is killin' me Cooter, what's wrong? What's going on?" she finally asks, turning to look at Cooter, silently demanding answers. "I tol' you. I got orders to pick you up. Luke will explain everything when we get there," Cooter responds with the same answer he had said a few minutes ago, refusing to look at her. Daisy rolls her eyes and as she goes to glare out her window notices with horror that he is pulling up into the hospital's parking lot. Only to send her imagination to run rapdily within her of who it could be. Cooter said Luke would explain everything. Meaning he was OK. Bo was in jail. So it had to be Uncle Jesse. Perhaps all this stress of Rosco's harsh accident and Bo sitting accused of it in jail was too much for him. Perhaps he had a heart attack. "No, no, no," she states as tears already sting her eyes before even knowing what had happened, "Jesse?" she looks at Cooter for support. Cooter sighs as he parks in the closest parking spot. "Let's go in and see how everyone's doing," with that he climbs out of the truck and Daisy slowly follows suit and meets him at the grill of the truck before they begin to walk towards the front door of the hospital. A gust of cool air hits them as they enter the hospital and the strong smell of Lysol, disinfectant, and sick sweat greets them. Though Daisy barely recognizes it all as she begins to think of the worse. Of Jesse's funeral. Of a life without their patriarch. Of where that would leave everyone. Following Cooter into the ER's waiting room, Daisy slowly takes in the scene in front of her in sheer confusion at seeing Jesse sitting in a chair, staring blankly at a magazine and Luke standing restlessly at the window. Relief and excitement floods within her at seeing Jesse and she is forced to hold back her excitement and running to her uncle to show her relief. She holds it all back knowing that even if Jesse's fine, something was wrong. Deadly wrong. But what? Bo was in jail. Luke was standing at the window. And Jesse was sitting in the chair. They all looked fine to her. "Luke, Jesse," she states and both men look up at her and Luke is first to reach her as Jesse slowly and stiffly stands up from his seat, "this ape," she points to Cooter, "is refusing to answer my questions. He won't tell me what all this is about. Or what is so important and urgent to pull me out of work. Hogg will be hot when he finds I left early," she pauses as Jesse stands next to her, "What's going on?" Luke inhales heavily knowing Daisy will take it hard. Harder than he had imagine as she already seems to be upset about it before even knowing what had happened. "Bo's been shot," Luke blurts out, not knowing any easier way to answer her question and she loudly gasps in fear, tears sting her eyes. Jesse hugs tightly onto her, letting her cry onto his shoulder as Luke calmly explains all that had happened. From what Jesse had said had happened from following Hogg to the hide out to Jesse getting caught and Luke showing up and onto their rush to the jail to check on Bo. "When they took him into the amublance, he was unconscious. He lost a lot of blood. Looks like got shot right above his right chest and he hit his head pretty hard on the wall. Probably a concussion." He finishes. "No. Not Bo," Daisy breaks her silence after a long moment of silence after Luke's story. "I thought it had to be you, Jesse, when Cooter pulled into the parking lot. After all, he said Luke would explain it all. Meaning Luke had to be fine. Bo I figured was in jail. That left you." Jesse shakes his head with intense grief and fear. "Would have been better off if it was me," he states, his own tears clear in his eyes, "I'm fine." Silence is quick to flood between them as a doctor's name is called over the intercom. Everyone facing the harsh emotions that floods through them over what had happened, their thoughts stuck on Bo who remains in the ER. "Hey Lukas," Cooter breaks the silence to bring Daisy's attention onto Luke and for the first time sees the blood thickly staining his pants and shirt and she is struck in horror with realization that it's all Bo's blood, "we all know how long it may take 'em to get things figured out before the doctor comes out with word on Bo. Why don't you go home and change clothes? With all that blood on you one of the doctors is bound to see you and think the blood's your's and think you're hurt or somethin'. I could call you if -" "I don't give a damn about what a doctor may or may think of my clothes or what's on my clothes! I ain't going home until I hear word on Bo and see Bo with my own eyes!" Luke uncharacteristically snaps at Cooter before he steps away from the group returning to his window he had been stationed at when Daisy and Cooter had walked in. "It was only a suggestion," Cooter sighs as he glances at Jesse and Daisy and shrugs before they all slowly finds a seat on the bench seats alongside the wall. As silence welcomes it's awkward way into the waiting room, the loud ticking of the clock above the nurse's station echoes off of the white walls.
  15. Well I have to humbly admit that I am not perfect and that sometimes I make mistakes...even when it comes to NASCAR. Shocking, I know. LOL. And now I am here to admit to my mistake...though honestly, it's not my fault. Sunday's Sprint Cup race at Kansas will be at one EST as I had said it would, but it will be on FOX. And NOT TNT as I had posted in my earlier post a couple of days ago. They will be racing on Fox on Sunday for the last time this season and next Sunday they will be on TNT. I am sorry for giving y'all the wrong information about the channels! But as I said, this time, it's not my fault. I bought NASCAR Illustrated 2011 Season Preview at the beginning of the season that gives fantasy picks and driver and track info. I then subscribed to NASCAR illustrated and got my first magazine last week...Anyway, they both have schedules in it with the channels it will be on. In the season preview it says that they will be on TNT this weekend. While my newer magazine says Fox on it...I just checked NASCAR.com and it says the races is on FOX. I am very glad to get another race on FOX with Darrell Waltrip, Jeff Hammond and crew. I missed last week's prerace show and was disappointed to miss thier last pre race show (I really like their prerace show!) and am very glad to get another last chance to watch them. I am sure glad that I caught that mistake on the magazine part...I would have been very upset if I turned it onto TNT to watch the race and it not be on and all. We are entering race number thirteen - halfway through the regular season before the chase starts. Hard to believe...at least for me. Meaning Gordon has thirteen more races to get his act together and start winning races. At least do better than he has been if he is wanting to have a chance at making the chase this year. REMINDER: SPRINT CUP RACE AT KANSAS ON JUNE 5 AT ONE EST. ON CHANNEL FOX!
  16. Disbelief, anger, and fear violently wash over Jesse's heavily numb body as he stares silently down at his blood covered nephew. Watching the trained paramedics work at cutting off Bo's bloodied shirt and hooking him up to IV's and reading the monitor, Jesse can't help but to feel as if he is trapped in a horrible nightmare. A nightmare that he is half expecting to be thrown awake from the beeping of the alarm clock next to his bed. Instead, the only beeping comes from the irregular beeping sounds coming from the monitors that is now hooked to Bo's chest. The paramedics talk about themselves in an language that seems foriegn to Jesse, throwing out numbers and medical terms that is way above Jesse's level of medical knowledge. Only to make things worse for him. "What's all that mean? Is he going to be OK?" Jesse breaks his silence from the corner of the cab, the paramedics not even allowing him close enough to touch his nephew. "We don't know sir," the youngest paramedic patiently responds, "the bullet wound looks to have gone in and out. Which is good. Means it's not lodged into something vital or anything. But we won't know for sure until we get to the hospital and do farther tests." He pauses for a short moment, listening into what another paramedic was saying before turning back to Jesse and saying, "Right now, our biggest concern is the amount of blood he has lost. It looks like he has lost a lot. Which means he had been lying there awhile before y'all showed up to get him help. He has a small and irregular heart beat and his breathing is slow and shallow. Another big concern is his head injury. You can tell by looking at his eyes that he has suffered a decent sized concussion. But once again, we won't know for sure how much blood he has lost or how bad of a concussion he has until we get him into the ER and the doctors can do farther tests on him." The young paramedic gives Jesse a sympathetic look for a moment before he turns back around to help his collegues with Bo who remains silent and still on the stretcher; his complexion has gone a bluish white color. Jesse falls back into staring at his nephew as tears streak his cheeks, running freely into his thick beard. Bo had always been the one he worried the most about. But he had always thought if something were to happen to him, it'd have something to do with a car and racing. Not shot while sitting in jail for something he didn't do. But now sitting in the back of the ambulance with the sirens wailing above him, the only thing telling Jesse that Bo was even remotely alive was the beeping of the monitors, the hissing of the air tank. To Jesse's bare eyes, just to look at Bo, Bo looks dead. The thought send harsh shivers down his back. He has lost a lot of loved ones in his past. His parents. All of his brothers. His wife. He doubted he could survive another great loss of a close family member. Like Bo. "We're here," another paramedic calls out as the ambulance seems to come to a halt and Jesse dares to look away from Bo and up at the paramedic as he throws open the back doors. Sighing heavily, he falls back into heavy prayer for Bo as they carefully pull his stretcher out of the back of the ambulance before he stiffly climbs out after them. "Sir," the paramedic stops him at the sliding open doors that leads to the ER, "you're going to have to go through the main doors over there. Go right and it'll lead you to the ER's waiting room. They'll have you fill out his paper work and the doctors will come out and talk to you as soon as they are able to stabalize him." Jesse shakes his head and goes to argue but the paramedic pats him on the shoulder and is quick to turn around and follow Bo and the other paramedics in through the sliding doors. "Bo," Jesse hears himself say as he watches them disappear from sight and Jesse slowly follows the paramedics instructions. ******************************************************** Staring down at the paper work that the clerk had handed him minutese ago, Jesse finds it hard to concentrate upon the paper work at hand, finding it hard to make out the words or to understand what they are asking. His whole body seems to be paralyzed in fear as his thoughts remain focused upon Bo as he had been in the ambulance. His vivid imagination draws up vivid scenes of what the doctor may be telling him in the near future, of having to put on another dreaded wake an funeral. For his youngest nephew. It just wasn't fair. What did Bo ever do to deserve this? What he even do to the gunmen that they felt like they should shoot to kill him for? All Hogg's money was upstairs, Bo was down stairs and wouldn't have been in their way at all. The only answer Jesse could think of was that he had done it to get at Jesse for following Hogg and being witness to their hideout and what they did to Hogg. If only Jesse had listened to Luke and had allowed him and Cooter to investigate everything, perhaps Bo would still be alive and well in jail . . . Jesse's thoughts are interrupted as Luke walks into the room and Jesse's eyes are instantly fixated upon his blood stained clothes. Bo's blood. Only to send more chills racing rapidly across his numb body and more tears to melt down his cheeks. And he is reminded of what the paramedic had said...Bo lost a lot of blood. "Luke. . " he lets his words drop as he weakly stands up to greet his nephew and notices that he is alone, "where's Daisy? I thought I tol' you to pick her up?" Luke sighs heavily, unable to look at his uncle. "You did," he slowly states, "I called Cooter. Enos has the prisoners in tow and are on their way to jail with Hogg riding shot gun. So I asked Cooter to pick her up and bring her to the hospital. Told her to tell her I'd explain it all to her once she got here." Anger is quick to radiate in Jesse's blue eyes at Luke's bold refusal to follow instructions. "If I wanted Cooter to pick Daisy up, I'd have asked him to do it! Did I ask Cooter to pick Daisy up?!" Jesse's voice rises in anger to cause the secetary to look up at them from her desk. Luke shakes his head quietly. "No I didn't. I asked you to do it! Why can't you follow one simple instruction? Huh? It's not like you'd be missing something here...other than sitting and waiting as I am now! And look at you!" he pauses, his eyes remain on Bo's blood, "You walk in here with his blood all over you. You think everyone wants to see that?" "I don't have any other clothes and I'm not about to take time to go home and change," Luke boldly states unmovingly. He knew Jesse was upset and had to take it out on someone and he'd be more than glad to be that someone if it'd help vent out some of Jesse's raw emotions that seem to be locked within him. "and we may just be sitting and waiting, but I'd rather be here waiting on word than in the car when I knew damn well that Cooter would be going past The Boar's Nest. That he was closer to Daisy than I was. Plus," he sighs heavily as a heavy wave of exhaustion washes over him, "I thought it'd be better on Daisy to get somewhat a warning that something was wrong from Cooter than for me to walk into the Boar's Nest like this and say something's wrong with Bo. She'd assume the worse." Jesse exhales heavily and takes a step back and shakes his head. "She may be correct assuming the worst. They said he lost a lot of blood. Was obvious that he had some sort of a concussion. He was lying like that for a while before we came in," Jesse pauses as he eyes his paper work, "well if you are so anxious to be here to wait on word, you can fill out his paper work. I can't concentrate long enough to read a single word on the damn page. I just keep seeing him..." he goes silent as he sits back down in his seat and hands the board to Luke who slowly accepts it. "I can fill out his paper work," Luke sighs sitting down next to him and looks down at the paper attached on the clipboard to see that Jesse hadn't filled anything out, not even Bo's name. Looking at Jesse he states, "I don't care what some paramedic had said. He just said the obvious. I could have told you that. But that don't give you or anyone any right to give up hope on Bo. He's tough. He can fight this. I refuse to give up on Bo." Jesse slowly nods as they go silent and Luke goes to Bo's paper work, his mind remains focused upon the scene he had walked in on at the jail of Bo lying in his own puddle of blood. His imagination drawing all that he had gone through, what all had happened, and what Bo must have felt and was thinking. Only to enforce anger and hatred towards the evil person that did this to him. His worry and fear runs thick through him for what the doctor will have to tell them once he walks into the waiting room despite what he had just said to Jesse.
  17. Well Roger - I was rooting for Jr to win after Johnson's engine blew and Gordon was all the way back where he was. Too bad for your friend...he got to see a lot of action though. As for the language that Chad had used...I didn't hear what he said or realized he swore until the announcers apologized for him. Hoss is probably right, he didn't know he was being monitored on TV. Though people can pay to listen into their radio so that doesn't make him safe from kids not hearing them. And I imagine, especially with some of the drivers out there, there is a lot of cussing going on on their radio and people listening into their radio should be prewarned about it. Chad was upset and said it while upset. I don't see NASCAR or anyone penalyzing him for it since it was on his radio and not to a TV announcer or something like that. I remember the year Juan Pablo Montoya first came to NASCAR, he cussed Gordon over his radio for not letting Montoya pass Gordon (Gordon was a lap down trying to get his lap back, Montoya was on the lead lap...second or so )...after the race, Montoya cussed Johnson out during a post race interview on TV for not allowing Montoya to pass him to win the race . NASCAR didn't penalyze Montoya at all. I remember Harvick and Stewart cussing on TV and nothing... But a year or two before all that...back when Jr was winning. He won a race and was excited afterwards and said the s word. He got fined twenty five points. Last year at Texas, Kyle Busch was caught speeding on pit road. He got mad at the NASCAR official who was holding him back and gave him the bird. He got held for two laps, fined, and put on probation until the end of the year. (Same race that Gordon got into a shoving match with Burton...) It may not be appropriate for kids to hear such stuff, but Chad was upset over what had happened and had no way of knowing that FOX was airing what he was saying on the radio. I highly doubt that NASCAR will say or do anything about it. I remember a couple other times where soemthign like that happen and the announcers apologizing for it. Drivers get upset...as do the crews...and things are said out of emotion. I guess I would feel differently about it all if he had said it to the TV reporters knowing kids would be watching on TV. As Montoya, Harvick, Stewart, and Jr had done. Don't understand how NASCAR can penalyze a driver like Jr who says it out of excitement and even admitted he wanted to see what they would do and not to Harvick who was upset or Montoya who was disappointed with his second place finish. NASCAR seems to have double standards when it comes to penalying people...
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