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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Kyle Busch won the inaugral race at Kentucky after leading the most laps. Keselowski led a lot of laps as well. Not a whole lot really happened...Gordon and a lot of other good drivers were a lap down at one point and ended up finishing in the top half. Gordon finished eleventh...was tenth until a lap to go. Oh well. Better than 24th where he hung out for most of the race. Final green flag pit stop, Jr went in and only got gas only for his tire to explode once he got on the track. 1. Kyle Busch 2. David Reutimann 3. Jimmie Johnson 4. Ryan Newman 5. Carl Edwards 6. Matt Kenseth 7. Brad Keselowski 8. David Ragen 9. Kurt Busch 10. Denny Hamlin 11. Jeff Gordon
  2. Not a chance...Jeff Gordon won the inaugral Indianappolis (sp?) race and perhaps another inaugral race so I am hoping he earns another inaugral race tonight. HA HA. David Ragen can come in third behind JJ.
  3. A great rock Christian group...
  4. Captain (from Captain Kangaroo...)
  5. Sorry for the double post...meant to fix the times of the race. NASCAR.com has the time at 6:30 ET...not 7:30 as I first posted.
  6. The Sprint Cup will be racing at Kentucky for the first time while the Nationwide Series is currently racing there now. Kyle Busch won the truck series there and now will be starting first at the pole due to the qualifying run being rained out...Kentucky better get the rain over with by tomorrow. Kentucky is a mile and a half tri-oval shaped track. They will be racing Saturday night at 6:30 ET on TNT. Am looking forward to seeing what Kentucky is all about...plus missing Daytona last weekend, I am going through NASCAR withdrawl...
  7. The Sprint Cup will be racing at Kentucky for the first time while the Nationwide Series is currently racing there now. Kyle Busch won the truck series there and now will be starting first at the pole due to the qualifying run being rained out...Kentucky better get the rain over with by tomorrow. Kentucky is a mile and a half tri-oval shaped track. They will be racing Saturday night at 7:30 on TNT. Am looking forward to seeing what Kentucky is all about...plus missing Daytona last weekend, I am going through NASCAR withdrawl...
  8. Great picture, Hoss! Would love to see The General out on the race track...and Jamie McMurray would probably enjoy to drive anything with four wheels, but he probably would have a problem having General Lee's name on the car and not his own. Though I would love to see The General out on the race track, I doubt I could ever trade or give up Jeff Gordon as my favorite. Even for The General. Hope that don't make me a bad Dukes fan...General may have to take second to Gordon. Though if Bo or Luke was behind the wheel, I might have a problem.
  9. WOW...I miss a couple of days and I miss everything. How scary Roger! I pray that you will have a safe and speedy recovery. I bet that was a very awakening experience, especially the white light and what you later learned. Thank-you for letting us know and pleas keep us updated. Very scary and am glad to hear that you have survived the horrorific experience and seem to be on the road to recovery.
  10. Well Roger...know what you mean about not being wishy-washy. I'm the same way. Once I get a favorite, it stays a favorite (though took me a while to settle upon a favorite football team - go BEARS!!!!). The Cubs, Gordon, and Bears will always be my favorite teams... You're just lucky that you didn't go with Tony Stewart...MA may not allow you on HNet if you chose him as your favorite. As for you Hoss...you asked MA what car that certian driver drove, but hope y'all forgive me for answering. Figure MA don't like mentioning his name, she wouldn't care too much to talk about him either. Tony Stewart drives the number fourteen Office Depot car. (use to drive the number 20 Home Depot fan until he left to coown his own team.) He use to be on the top of disliked drivers as well, but he has seemed to change the past few years...but as I said earlier, his attitude seems to be returning to how he once was with his vow to turn people out if they block him. (Better not think of turning Gordon or Johnson...)
  11. Luke pats Gordon on the back of the shoulder with a smile of confidence spread across his face before his hands are shoved into his back pockets. "Y'all stay here. I'll inform you when I get back," Luke states, eyeing Bo sternly who exhales heavily before nodding. "Very good. Thanks Bo...you both will have your roles in my plan. I just need to get the plan started, first." Bo nods before looking away in attempt to hide his displeasure and sits back down, impatient with how things are going so far. "We'll get you outta this mess, Jeff. Watch and see," Luke states to fill the empty void before turning around walking out of the room. Walking out of the whisky filled room, Luke is facing the wrong end of the gun, with Finley standing firmly on the other end. "I thought you all were to stay in the room until you got out of this problem of your's. Seeing how it's only you, I assume y'all ain't on your way out of my kingdom," Finley snaps at Luke as Luke puts his hands up in surrender, "you better make this good or else your friends in there will be cleaning up your mess." "Hold on a sec there Finley," Luke states with a small nervous smile, "we're not done in there. Not until we get Gordon in the clear. We was just thinking of a plan on tricking Rosco and Boss and well, I got to thinking." "You did, huh?" Finley questions still holding the gun aimed at Luke. "Yes sir, I did. Got to thinking of you and Jesse. Of your beef with Rosco and Boss and well," Luke pauses and shrugs, wishing Finley would put the gun down, "thought you and your boys may want to have a part in taking Rosco and Boss down for what they're corruptness that they imply on you, on Gordon...on all of Hazzard." "You thought, huh? You must be the one who does all the thinking in your group, huh?" Finley throws back at him, his gun still aimed at Luke, though not as firm, "Well you thought wrong. I don't want nothing to do with Rosco. Or Boss. Or Hazzard. I am fine here in my own kingdom. Alone." Luke grimaces and shakes his head in a dramatic fashion. "Well I apologize Finely. I took you all wrong," Luke forces a grin as he turns around and as he takes a step back towards the room he just left, he hears Finely drop the gun. "Wait a minute, Duke. You took me wrong?" Finley bites onto Luke's hook he had thrown at Finely, "How so?" Walking back to Finley, Luke states, "Well I took you as a man of justice. A man who would seek vengence when wronged by someone. And me and you both know Rosco and Boss both wronged you years ago. That's why you hide away from all the world to see. They hurt you once, you don't want to get hurt again," Luke pauses, watching Finley carefully, "don't you think it's about time your story gets heard once and for all? Don't you think it's about time Rosco and Boss pay for what they did to you?" Finley violently shakes his head at Luke. "I'm fine here. My boys are fine here," he vehemently states despite the anger in his eyes softening a bit, "things are best left in the past." "Yeah, so they can wrong other people? Like they wronged you?" Luke pause for a long moment, "Because right now, they have wronged Jeff Gordon. Jeff Gordon is a famous NASCAR driver who was driving home from the race in Atlanta...home to see his family. He has a wife and two small kids that are now at his house, waiting for him to return. And yet, he's stuck in your back room there. You want to know why?" Finley eyes him questionably. All of him wanting to angrily kick Luke and his friends out of his house, off his property. While all of him wants to ask why. Wants to help Luke and his friend out. "Why?" Finley questions despite his inner self yelling at him to get Luke away. "Because Sheriff Rosco Coltrane ran into him. Not only did Rosco ran into his car and did great damage to it, he is now accusing Gordon of running into him. Pressing charges against him for supposedly running into him. So me and Bo jumped in and pretty much forced Gordon to run from the law. Now we are wanted by the law as well," Luke sighs heavily, surprised and relieved to get this far with Finley, "Gordon has a wife and kids waiting for him to come home. He won't be going home if Rosco gets his hands on him. Not only that, he has a publicized race this Sunday that he won't be able to attend if he is arrested and doesnt' get out of this mess." "Sounds like Rosco and Boss are trying to use this man Gordon's job and celebrity status to their benefit," Finley snorts, "bet Hogg has a plan in that fat head of his to use Gordon to his advantage to get his hands on Gordon's money or to earn money due to Gordon being in Hazzard." Luke nods. "Exactly," he states, relieved. Finley nods, now relaxed with Luke standing in front of him and regrettably in his mind, willing to help them out in his case. "I really despise you for putting me in this position, Luke. You know damn well how I feel about people. About Hazzard. I allowed Bo and you to use my room to hide out in in my attempt to pay my debt to your uncle. You're now taking this too far. In fact, I may accuse you rightfully of you trying to use me and my past for your own damn benefit," Finley pauses harshly and premature frustration fills Luke in thought of his plan being forced to a short halt, "but despite how I feel and my reputation, I do have a heart and perhaps you are right about me," he goes silent once more as he eyes the closed door over Luke's shoulders before eyeing Luke, "So Luke. What's this plan of your's?" Luke grins with relief. "How 'bout you step into my new office and I'll fill you in with Bo and Jeff?" Luke asks and they slowly begin their way to the back room.
  12. Well MaryAnne...guess you don't like Tony Stewart very much. Am I right? LOL. Never was a fan of him either, but he has gotten better about his attitude. That is until last weekend when he spun out Brian Vickers for supposedly blocking him and now claims he will spin out anyone who blocks him...even Ryan Newman who is his own team mate as well as own Newman's car. Looks like the old smoke is back...which I really hope I am wrong about. Drivers wreck one another enough as it is than to have some help from the number fourteen car. As for the sponsorship, sad to see Winston change, but think you're going over board in the brands. Gerber? I may work at a day care and all, but would like to think NASCAR would stand for a little more than just baby food and accessories. HA HA. Be better if the had a car part brands for a sponsor or something. Something that could represent NASCAR.
  13. Thanks for the update on Edwards, Hoss. I didn't see anything on him when I checked things out. Thanks for the videos as well... Your forgiven Roger for not caring "too" much for Gordon...I am the same way with Gordon. He's my main concern before thinking of other people's favorite drivers and so forth. Next week's race is at Kentucky...first ti me Sprint Cup has or will race there. Think Nationwide Series has raced there before.
  14. Just read a post from Jimmie Johnson on my facebook...looks like he finished 20th after getting involved in the last lap wreck. Figure that must be the big one they were talking about and showed...and seeing how I think Jr finished 19th, am I correct to assume he was involved too?
  15. Thanks for the summary of the end of the race, Roger. I hate missing the races, but knew I'd regret missing the concert as well. Thought of you when I saw Ragen won...dang, I almost put him on my fantasy NASCAR team too, but went with Trevor Bayne instead. think I put a curse on the drivers I chose. Oh well. Saw some of the big one...was that big accident at the end of the race? What happened to Dale Jr? He finished 19th . . .another driver I chose for my team. LOL. I was getting upset when I saw online about Gordon spinning. Played the video and was very impressed with Gordon's recovery...and I think you are right. His skill and talent came into play with that one. Very relieved with his sixth place finish after seeing that...thought he'd be finishing in the back fo the pack when I saw he spun out like that. (Moves him up to eightth in points!) Thanks again Roger!
  16. Well I am not going to be of much help this week...I missed the race tonight. Miss Daytona...just ain't right. But I just read up on it or seen footage of it. David Ragen got his first Sprint Cup win tonight...after the win got stolen from him at the Daytona. Glad for him. Gordon got spun out at the end when Brian Vickers slid up into Kasey Kahne...Gordon did an awesome job of saving it and came home sixth or seventh! Though sadly, all my fantasy NASCAR drivers finished poorly tonight...Bayne got caught up in the big one. I apologize for my lack of a review here...went to a free outside concert tonight instead. Did try to record it, but don't know if I was able to do it right or not. Was a great night...great concert, but always sad to miss a race.
  17. Saw you were on today...great to see you still hanging around. Hope all is great with you!

  18. You know Roger, I feel for you and others that find it difficult to find a driver to follow...if it took me this long to pick a favorite driver to follow, I'd have probably gave up on NASCAR all together. Then again, your method of researching the drivers before picking is probably a better way to do it than how I picked Gordon out as my favorite. LOL (I found his picture in a magazine of the best looking men or some odd title like that...reminder to all, I am a girl. Garrett is only my ID. . .HA HA. Saw his picture, saw he won championships and he drove a Chevy. My mind was set on him. Of course my reasonings behind liking him has greatly improved since then. . .) Sorry...don't mean to confuse you any. David Ragen drives the number six UPS car and drives for Jack Rousch. He is a good and young driver. Almost won the Daytona 500, but at the last restart had passed too early and had been black flagged for it. Felt bad for him. He's a great driver and a nice guy. I am pretty sure it is Peachtree Georgia that he is from...though he don't look to be a redneck, then again, looks are deceiving. Good luck with your quest, Roger. You'll have to let me know who you come up with as your final canidate...my final canidate is Jeff Gordon if you can't tell. HA HA. Then Jimmie Johnson. Then Jr.
  19. Well Roger I find it insulting that you don't think Gordon represents the south or of it's roots...or that he don't appreciate it all. (HA HA) He may be from California (just as JJ) and then moved to Indiana (where Stewart is from), but he's been racing since he was five years old... As for Duke related drivers...the closest one I can think of is Ryan Newman. I don't know exactly where he is from, but do know he lives in North Carolina. He lives just miles down the road from James Best...James Best told me last year that Newman would be his favorite driver. Best contributes to Newman's dog charity that he has. Then again, James Best also helped Gordon with his video game... As for redneck drivers...perhaps Jr is the closest redneck. But there is still some southern drivers out there. David Ragen is from Peachtree Georgia. Denny Hamlin is from Virginia. David Reutimann is from Florida. Jamie McMurray drives the number one car as Hoss pointed out and sometimes his car is orangish red. Jamie McMurray is from Joplin Mo...his home town just got blown away in that horrible torndado. They showed him going back and looking at his old neighborhood...very sad. Luckily him and his family no longer live there, but still horrible for those that do live there. So sad and scary! Carl Edwards is from Missouri. Clint Bowyer is from Emporia Kansas. Mark Martin is from Arkansas. Busch brothers are from Las Vegas Nevada. Jeff Gordon, Jimmie Johnson, Kevin Harvick, and Robby Gordon are from California. Kasey Kahne is from Washington. Matt Kenseth is from Wisconsin. Better yet...Landon Cassill is from Cedar Rapids, Iowa! . Trevor Bayne is from Knoxville TNN (as is Kenny Chesney!) As for Jr winning this weekend...I'd be more than happy to see him win Saturday night...my NASCAR fantasy team could use his win. Plus it would be good to see him win (if Gordon or Johnson don't get the win.) I believe his day coming real soon where he breaks his winnless streak with Gordon's old cars, old crew cheif, and crew. Hope I helped you Roger on your quest to find your perfect driver...though still don't know what is wrong with Gordon. Or Jimmie Johnson for that matter. LOL.
  20. Next race is Saturday night at 7:30 EST on TNT...at Daytona. Sadly, I don't think I'll be able to watch it due to a concert I am going to. Should be fun but hate the thought of missing a race. Though I really hope that they changed something so they don't have to do the two by two racing they did at Daytona in February, but I doubt that they did so. How much I liked Daytona, wish they could all just race and not the two by two that they did. Oh well...racing is racing, I guess.
  21. Well I just saw the best commericial ever...on the computer. LOL. Go figure, huh? LOL. Anyway, my new favorite commercial! Then again my opinion is biased here ... As I said, I may be biased in my opinion on this commericial, but Gordon or no Gordon, the commericial is hysterical and had me laughing through the whole thing. Hope they play it Sunday during the race...
  22. Well I am glad to hear that is your last weekend you'll have to work for a while...next Sunday is Daytona. You don't want to miss that! You are welcome for spreading good news...but in my opinion, it would have been much better news if Gordon had won it. LOL:escape: Though as I said in my review, him coming home second after the race he had, felt like a win. (Lucky for ol' KB that they didn't have any more laps. My boy Gordon woulda caught up and gave him a run for his money. HA HA After all, they don't call Gordon the road course king for nothing!) And just because your driver took home the big check and trophy you felt obligated to rub Dale's bad fortunes in my face, is that it? Well I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't know since you didn't watch the race and will forgive you. LOL. (OK I had to give you a hard time Roger...Am disappointed with what happened to Jr, but would have been way more so if that were to happen to Johnson and even way more so if it was Gordon. . .) Dale Earnhardt Jr's engine somehow got a hole in it half way through the race so it took Jr to the garage and gave Jr his first DNF of the season...and knocked him down to seventh in points. Though Jr and Jr nation shouldn't lose hope or give up hope on him and the great season he has had thus far...Daytona is next weekend and he's great at Daytona! (If I remember right, he doesn't do all that well on road courses to begin with...) I will be looking for him to rebound next Sunday night. Sorry that I forgot to post Jr in my review...know a lot of people like him (including me) so do try to keep him in my review.
  23. Rosco inhales heavily as the patrol car pulls to an halt behind the parked General Lee. "We're here," Boss states to break the silence that had plagued the patrol car as he opens his car door. "Yeah," Rosco nods as he watches Luke approach his car door, "just remember, Boss. You're here to apologize for what you did. To Bo. To the Dukes." "I know, I know. Don't remind me," Boss scoffs as Luke opens Rosco's door with a smile and Jesse walks up to Boss's open door. "Well hi there, Rosco," Luke grins as he helps Rosco to his feet, "how you doin', Sheriff?" Rosco shrugs as his eyes falls upon Bo who sits upon the porch swing, refusing to look at him. Looking back at the older Duke cousin, he finally says, "I'm doing alright," he pauses as they walk and meet up with Boss and Jesse at the grill of the car, "thanks to Bo there. If he hadn't acted as fast as he did, I wouldn't be here right now." Jesse smiles proudly and looks up at Bo for a long moment and then looks back at Jesse. "He just did what anyone should have done," Jesse finally states, "for you. For anyone." Rosco shrugs and stutters momentarily at the Duke's humble attitude. After all he has done, one would think they would blame him. Hate him. Despise him. And yet the welcome him onto their property with open arms and shrugs off Bo's heroism that led him to being shot and in the hospital. As if it was nothing. Only to reinforce his guilt within him. "On any count, he saved my life and I owe him and all of you a big one," he hears himself saying aloud, knowing he shouldn't be surprised at Jesse's attitude. At the Duke's attitude. They have always been this way. Towards everyone. No matter who or what they did. He just forced himself to look the other way on their openness, friendliness, and welcomeness in order to fulfill Boss' orders to arrest the Duke boys. "How's Bo doin'?" he brings himself to say as he looks back at the blond haired Duke boy. Luke shrugs as he places a gentle hand upon Rosco's tense shoulder while his other hand goes into his back pocket. "He's doin' alright," Luke slowly answers, worry laced within each word, "he has nightmares and still blames himself, but give him time, everything will return to how it once was. For him. For us. And hopefully for you." Rosco nods, appreciative for Luke's honesty. "I'll be fine," he answers as he leads them to the front steps, "I'm just glad all of this is over." "Same here," Jesse and Luke say in unison as Daisy walks out of the house carrying a tray of glasses and a pitcher of ice tea. "Well hi there Boss. Hi Sheriff," Daisy smiles as she offers them a glass and Jesse helps pour them their tea, "I got chicken ready to be put on the grill in a few minutes. Enough ready for us all if you have time to stay." Boss grins. "I've got all the time in the world...especially for food," he says with a grin to recieve a shake of his head from Rosco. "Sounds good, Daisy. Thanks," Rosco says soberly before he moves past everyone and up the stairs to where Bo sits on the front porch. "May I have a seat?" Bo looks up at Rosco and offers him a small nod and a shrug at the same time. "Yeah. Of course." Rosco nods and slowly sits down next to him. "Thanks," he states before taking a deep breath, "Well Bo, I don't know where to start," he pauses for a moment as he watches Boss and Jesse for a moment before turning back to Bo, "so I'll start by saying I'm sorry. I'm sorry for persuing you wrongfully. We all knew you didn't rob the jewlry store and yet I went along with the plan and was attempting to arrest you for it. I'm sorry." Bo shrugs. "There's no need to apologize Rosco. We both have an understanding of each other. You try to arrest us. We try not to be arrested," he rests back against the bench swing, "the only thing different now is that the man Boss hired to frame me was violent and willing to kill. You didn't know." Rosco sighs, wishing Bo would be upset at him. "Don't make it right," he pauses for a long moment once more as Daisy goes into the house and walks back out with a plate full of chicken, "Second of all, you saved my life. If you hadn't acted as fast as you did, I wouldn't have made it. It's because of you I am here right now. Thank-you." "I didn't do anything, Rosco. All I did was go back and call in for an ambulance," Bo pauses for a long moment and Rosco notices the short wave of horror flash in Bo's eyes before fading away, "I know Tristian had cut your brake lines and your brakes would have went out sooner or later. But if I hadn't run from you as I had, you wouldn't have had such a bad wreck. You wouldn't have been hurt as you had been." Bo laughs sarcastically and shakes his head, "You don't need to be thanking me, Rosco. You should be rearresting me for what I done to you." "I'd have ran too if I were in your position. No one wants to get arrested for something they didn't do. I don't blame you, Bo. No one blames you. I was enraged at Boss when I woke up and he told me what he charged you with. Still am," Rosco states confidently, "I owe you a huge apology and an even huger thanks. You didn't do this to me. You saved my life. Thanks Bo." Bo eyes Rosco for a brief moment and looks away to find Luke watching them with worry in his eyes. Looking away from Luke and back at Rosco he finally states. "I did what anyone would have done, Rosco. You were hurt and in need of help," he states as he watches Luke, Jesse, Boss, and Daisy slowly make their way up onto the porch, "but you're welcome." "Well here's Boss," Rosco changes the subject, "I believe he has something to tell you. To tell everyone here." "I do?" Boss asks, feigning surprise at Rosco pointing him out. Rosco eyes Boss harshly for a moment and Boss jumps back and states, "Ah that's right. I did. How could I forget?" he nervously looks around before eyeing Bo, "I'm sorry, Bo. I'm sorry Jesse, Daisy, Luke. I really am. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. To Rosco. To Bo. You've got to believe me. I just," he goes silent fighting for words, "I just thought if I could get the boys seperated, that things in Hazzard would be easier. For everyone." "Not for everyone. But for you, maybe," Luke is quick to inject, anger at Hogg's subtle lie. "OK. For me. So I thought it'd be easier to frame Bo," Boss shrugs as if it was nothing, "but I didn't plan on all of this to happen. Didn't mean for this to happen. I'm sorry Bo. Jesse. Luke and Daisy. I'm sorry." "Well Boss," Jesse states calmly as everyone else remains silent, "perhaps you should let this be a lesson to you on who you should and should not hire. Who you should make your friends. But," Jesse eyes Bo a moment before Bo nods. Knowing what Jesse was silently asking him. Looking back at Boss he states, "you're forgiven." "Thanks Jesse. Bo," Boss states with a smile. Bo nods as he stiffly stands up. "It's startin' to smell good, Daisy," he grins as he goes and pours himself some more tea, ready to switch the subject. "A few more minutes and it should be ready, sugar," Daisy grins as Bo walks down to The General and opens the hood and Luke is quick to join Bo. Jesse watches from the porch, glad to see things moving forward and away from the shooting, from Bo in jail by himself. To have his family back together. "Bo's right. It's smells good. Think I smell something cookin' in the house as well," Boss comments, letting their differences to slide away for the moment, "what is it?" Daisy grins. "Some green bean casserole and an apple pie," she responds, watching the boys talk amongst themselves as the tinker under the hood of their beloved car. "Thank-you, for everything," Rosco states as he takes everything in, relieved for everything to be over and things seeming to move forward the way he was hoping it would. Daisy nods and pats him on the shoulder before she disappears back into the house to check on her food that she was making to leave a comfortable silence to cover the Duke porch. A comfortable silence between a couple of old friends. A comfortable silence between the good guys and the guys that make it their business to frame the good guys. Two different sides, now on the same property. Enjoying their company. Though no one was fooled. Everyone knew once the law left the Duke property, they would fall back upon their old habits. They'd turn back and find ways to frame Bo and Luke in attempt to put them behind bars once and for all. And Bo and Luke would continue to run from them, plan their own ways out of the false charges. Life that they knew it would return to normal. And they all were fine with it. Even sitting on the same porch, talking about old times. About the future that lies ahead of them. Enjoying the fact that the nightmare is over. That despite the scars and the nightmares that will haunt them at night, that life was returning back to normal. The life that they all enjoyed. THE END
  24. Sonoma just came to an end...and Roger, if you're watching the race...I bet you're happy. Kurt Busch dominated the race today...two stop race, and went on to win his first road race. Not a big KB fan, but congrats to Roger on his team winning today. Tony Stewart seemed to revert back to his old attitude. He spun out Brian Vickers in the first half of the race. Later said that Vickers was blocking him and that anyone blocking him in the future will be spun. Well, Vickers got his retaliation towards the last half of the race. Was in fifth in positions and still had to pit when others had pitted...he then ran into the back of Tony Stewart where Tony got stuck on a pile of tires - his front tires on top of the pile of tires, his last two tires on track. Vickers just got done explaining his view and said he wasn't blocking Stewart, that Busch was to his side coming down, and McMurray was in f ront of him on the side...Stewart wasn't of his concern...I guess until Stewart wrecked him. Well Jeff Gordon is known as the road course king...so I was excited for them to go road racing...only for him to hang out around 25th spot most of the race. Was very disappointed and was figuring that was where he'd finish at since he had a bad car that he said was plowing in the first half of the race. Well with a third of the race to go he somehow moved up into the top ten...either by racing or pit road strategy...was very excited, but didn't think it would last. Well...to my surprise it did. He went from seventh and drove his way to a second place finish! May not be number one, but on how bad his car was and where he was in teh first half of the race, it feels like a win! Here is the top ten finishes of today's Sonoma race: 1. Kurt Busch 2. Jeff Gordon 3. Carl Edwards 4. Clint Bowyer 5. Marcos Ambrose 6. Joey Lagano 7. Jimmie Johnson 8. Martin Truex Jr 9. Kevin Haravick 10. Brad Keselowski Well next Sunday we go night racing at Daytona! Nothing better than Daytona at night...we are back from where we started at in February.
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