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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Well the race at Martinsville is currently just under the halfway mark and they are sitting under red flag. It has been an interesting race that seems plagued with tire issues as Jeff Gordon had been worried about beforehand...luckily he hasn't been affected by it yet. . .hopefully not ever today. HA HA. Matt Kenseth and Mark Martin had both been black flagged today for trying to pass before the green flag had fallen (different times) and had to do a drive through. Marcos Ambrose tried getting in line only to get hit behind by Michael McDonald who didn't want to be shoved behind. And now as I said, they are sitting under the red flag...for a very bad looking accident. Martin Truex Jr had something fall...they said, but I can't think of what it was right now, and he had been sent up toward the wall quick only to get into Kasey Kahne. Truex Jr had fire on his car for awhile...real hard and scary hit. Lucky NASCAR has the safety barrier on the wall and all the other safety devices to save both their lives...Truex Jr even had said he probably wouldn't be standing there if it had been ten years ago. Kahne had slowed him down when he ran into him like that...was neat to see Truex Jr run up the track to check on Kahne like he did. I am very glad to see them both walk away from it all! Right now Clint Bowyer is leading and Jeff Gordon (seven time winner at Martinsville...hoping to make it eight time winner after today )is in second. Yellow flag has just dropped...to end my half time report. KHEE!
  2. CHAPTER FOUR Exhaustion violently tears within Luke's tired and numb body as he lies on his back on his own bed, staring up at the ceiling through the thick darkness. Despite the heavy exhaustion within him, his mind remains wide awake and energized in dark dreadful thought of his cousin locked away in the dark jail cell; alone. In the past, the sheriff and commissioner had always framed them both, them both going to jail together or escaping together. Not this time. This time Rosco had only charged Bo with the trumped up jewlry robbery. This time, it had only been Bo in The General when Rosco had went down the ditch and into the trees. This time, it was only Bo who was arrested. This time, Bo was alone in jail, leaving Luke alone in the room he had shared with Bo since the day their Uncle Jesse had taken Bo home. Only to reinforce guilt to rip harshly within Luke. If only he hadn't talked Bo into picking him up, Bo wouldn't be in jail right now. If only Luke had stayed home instead of going out as he had, knowing Bo had the car... "Damn," he hears himself cuss as he restlessly sits up and finds himself looking over at Bo's neatly made bed through the darkness of the room. Staring at where Bo should by lying right now, Luke tiredly attempts to think of what his next move should be come morning. Luke and Cooter had spent most of the day searching and looking for a way to help clear Bo's name and came up with nothing. The facts spoke for themselves. Rosco was after Bo, to arrest him for supposedly robbing the jewlry store in town. Bo refused to pull over. Resisted arrest. Rosco lost control of his car, chasing Bo, and ran down into the ditch and now struggles to stay alive. Leaving Bo responsible since he had refused to pull over as Rosco had wanted him to. If he hadn't resisted arrest... But Rosco's brake lines had been cut. Someone had cut them on purpose. Everyone knew it wasn't Bo. But who? Rosco has made everyone mad in Hazzard at one time or another, but no one would want to hurt him. If it wasn't someone from Hazzard, then it had to be someone from out of town... Luke hears himself gasp in realization of the only person or people that he had assumed was in town once Bo was wrongly accused. Too restless to lie down and rest despite his exhaustion, Luke slowly climbs out of bed and slowly walks out into the small hallway and into the living room. Stepping into the living room, Luke is surprised to see the kitchen light to be on. In haling heavily, he slowly walks across the living room and into the kitchen to find Jesse sitting at the kitchen table, his back to him. "Jesse," he states and Jesse slowly glances around to eye Luke, "what you doing up?" Jesse sighs tiredly and Luke feels his own emotions build within him at see the worry deeply implanted in his uncle's crystal blue eyes. "I couldn't sleep," Jesse slowly states, "I keep thinking of Bo locked away in jail. Alone." he pauses once more as Luke makes his way around Jesse and to the closest chair at the table, "I guess, it isn't much different. You two are always in there for something you didn't do. But I guess it makes me feel better knowing both of you are in there, together, and not him in there. Alone. "And then there is Rosco," Jesse goes silent, eyeing his hands for a long moment, "he looks so bad. His injuries sound bad. Just the thought that he -" Jesse shakes his head, "he don't deserve that. No matter what he was doing or going to do to Bo. And the thought that Bo blames himself," Jesse pauses as he finally looks up at his oldest, "when I visited him last night, he looked pretty bad himself. Enos says he has refused to eat anything. Hasn't slept. Just sits there, staring at nothing. Heck, I had to tell Bo to look at me. He refused to look at me. I think he thinks we blame him as well." "How can he think that? He has to know we know him better than that! Everyone knows Bo wouldn't do such an aweful thing as this...even Hogg has to know. He's too stubborn and upset to admit it," Luke states, running his hand nervously through his thick and messed up hair. Jesse nods. "He knows that," he pauses heavily, "but he's letting his emotions think for him." Jesse sighs heavily,looking around his old familiar kitchen as if seeing it for the first time. Looking back at Luke he asks, "What you doing up?" "Same thing. I couldn't sleep. Kept thinking of Bo locked away. It don't feel right being in that room knowing he was in jail. Just ain't right," he pauses for a long while, "but it got me thinking. We all know Bo didn't mess with Rosco's brakes. If it wasn't Bo, then it w as someone else. No one in Hazzard would do something like that either. Making it someone from out of town." "So," Jesse is quickly to speak up, seeing a little glimmer of hope in Luke's eyes, "what you thinkin'?" "Well, most times when Hogg frames us and winds up in trouble himself," Luke pauses as his thoughts are racing quickly within him, "so, I was thinking'...Boss has Bo framed for robbing the jewlry store. Which we know Bo didn't do. So it means someone else had done it. Hogg had someone else do it to frame Bo." "You thinkin' that someone else is that someone else who had messed up Coltrane's car?" Jesse questions, finishing Luke's thoughts. Luke nods slowly. "So come morning, I'm thinkin' me and Cooter are going to run over and talk to Enos. See if he has come up with anything with Rosco's car. Perhaps see if he knows if Hogg is working with anything or saw any newcomers in Hogg's office," Luke answers before going silent in thought for a long moment, "see where that takes us. Then perhaps change our way of searching to looking at who did rob the jewlery store...I'm thinkin' we find who did that, we'll find out w ho tried to kill Rosco." Jesse nods as he feels a small smile of hope crosses his worried face. "Well Lukas, I'm damn glad Bo has you on his side. That we all have you on our side. You seem to always find a way to bring hope into any situation. Thanks," Jesse nods at Luke, patting him on the arm, "perhaps we should get back to bed. Get some sleep. Sounds like you may need all the sleep you can get for tomorrow." Luke nods as he stands up with his uncle. "Yes sir," Luke thinly smiles in hope that his thoughts will work out as smoothly as they had thought out tonight. "Night Jesse." "Night Luke. Thanks for everything," Jesse tightly hugs his nephew in heavy gratitude for the hope that Luke had just given him. "Not a problem, Jesse," Luke states as he watches Jesse slowly walking down the first small hallway to his room before he slowly walks towards his own small hallway to the room he shares with Bo who currently lies locked behind bars in jail, by himself.
  3. Flying Thanks Hoss...you ruin all the fun!
  4. Cup (I love the way this is going...we can do this all day. Actually on Jeff Gordons fan forum they have a NASCAR word game on it. HA HA. )
  5. Race (couldn't let y'all down, now could I? )
  6. "Moments" Emmerson Drive Well the radio came to my rescue with this one...was trying to think of one word titles and couldn't think of one. Then this song came on! Haven't heard it for a long time, great song. Good band.
  7. Tomorrow's race is at Martinsville and will be on at one PM EST on Fox. Jamie McMurray will be the race's pole sitter. As always, am looking forward to it and will be giving my post race reviews afterwards. Hope y'all's drivers have a great race.
  8. *Bo Duke couldn't stand just standing there to see anyone wrongly accused and wrongly arrested by their crooked law not alone his all time favorite NASCAR driver. Just the thought that Rosco would even think of arresting Gordon for what he himself had done infuriates Bo beyond words and he feels his fists curling tightly. Despite knowing to attack the sheriff would only press charges upon him plus the long and angry lecture he would surely get from his uncle. But he had to do something.* "Then tell us, Rosco," Bo snaps out to bring everyone's attention onto them, "when was the last time that your beloved Dale Jr won?" Everyone continues to look at Bo as he briskly walks towards Rosco and Gordon and Bo steals a glance at Luke who briefly nods at his cousin. Turning back to Rosco, Bo harshly runs into Rosco to force Rosco to fall back a couple of steps. "Sorry Sheriff, I guess I was so distracted by your outragious lies and accusations that I wasn't watching where I was going." He turns to Gordon and grabs him gently on the wrist, "Let's go!" Gordon briefly nods in disbelief that he was about to get arrested for the sheriff's own error and even more so at the boldness of the two country boys who showed up to his rescue. Of course he was Jeff Gordon. He has a household name and he knows that has a lot to do with it. But who would be willing to get themselves into trouble with the law for his sake? Even more disbeleif that he was going along with their escape effort knowing that this will only make him look guilty and he briefly wonders what his lawyer would have to say about it. But he didn't care. What he cared about was that he was innocent and there was no way he was going to be arrested for something he didn't do. No way was he going to miss seeing his kids, his wife due to the sheriff's blantant lies and accusations. No way was he going to miss the upcoming race due to the false charges. He wasn't going to let his fans down. Let his family down. He didn't do it. He was innocent. So instead of fighting the two men the sheriff had addressed as Duke boys, he ran with the blond and taller one to the driver's door. Remembering seeing them climb out through the windows, Gordon doesn't even bother to try the doors but talently climbs in through the driver's door window as he always does in his race car. And as soon as he is seated in the back seat, both Duke boys are in the car and the blond hair Duke boy quickly peels back word while yelling a loud, "Yeee Haaa!" "That's Bo's way of sharing his excitement with everyone. That's Bo Duke," the dark haired man states turing around to face Gordon, "my cousin. And I'm Luke Duke. We apologize for our dimwitted sheriff. Him and the commissioner, the one Rosco addressed as Judge Hogg, is as crooked as they can get. Any way to earn or steal an extra buck." He shakes his head. "But we'll be glad to help you out anyway we can...we know how they work. Trust us." Gordon nods nervously. "I appreciate it. Thank you," he states, "I only have a few days before I have to be at my next track otherwise I will be unable to race. You think there is any way to get me out of it before then?" "If there's a way, ol' Lukas Dukas here will think of it," Bo states in the drivers seat as the loud angry sirens being to cry out behind Gordon and Gordon slowly turns to look out the back window. "Ah don't worry about him. We'll get rid of him in no time."
  9. I love "Cars"! That is one of my favorite movies! I can't wait til June 24th for Cars 2 to come out... I work at a day care in the two/three year old room. There is a two year old who brings General Lee into school every once in awhile. He use to call it the good ol boys car...now asked who drives it he says Duke boys.
  10. You are welcome. The announcers were talking about his birthday yesterday so it reminded me. I haven't seen an updated photo of Cale...tried looking it up, but really couldn't find anything current. It would be interesting to see him today. Ironic how some people just never seem to look their true age, huh?
  11. Bo Duke sits on the old ratty cot with guilt and exhaustion violently fighting within him as his mind remains fixated upon last night's events. Of all the blood that the sheriff was covered in when he had walked down the ditch to check on him. Deep down he feels as if he should be worrying about and fearing the charges the commissioner had placed upon him in knowlege that if he is found guilty of any of them charges, he'll be shipped to the pen to face years behind bars. Alone with men he doesn't know nor wants to know. Meanwhile Luke, his family, and everyone other than him and Rosco go on with their life without them. But his strong and violent guilt screams back at him, that is what he deserves. He ran the sheriff down the ditch, he put the sheriff in the hospital, and thanks to Bo himself, the sheriff is fighting for life. I deserve to suffer. I deserve to die. I deserve to pay for what I did. The thought runs over and over in his mind. Which his why intense anger rushes heavily through him as footsteps draw his attention towards the bars to find his elder uncle walking down the thin stairway. He didn't deserve any visitors. Didn't deserve his uncle, his family looking out for him. Looking to clear his name. After all, he did what he is charged of. "You're awake," Jesse speaks as he approaches the bars as he attempts to shove a smile onto his face yet his crystal wise blue eyes shine with worry. "Enos says you've been refuse to eat or drink. Haven't laid down. Just sat there and ingore everything around you." Bo shrugs and looks away from his uncle, no longer able to look at his uncle. To see the anger, shame, and disappointment he is sure his uncle must feel towards him would only make him feel worse than he already does. But, to him, that is what he deserves to see. It was he that did it. That made his uncle feel that way, to put his family through all that he is putting them through... "Ignoring me or Enos or food or sleep isn't going to help it go away, Bo," his uncle continues to say despite Bo's lack of response, "it's going to make it worse. For you. For everyone." His uncle goes silent before he sighs audibly to etch Bo's guilt deeper within him. "I know you feel responsible for what happened to Rosco. I know you feel guilty for it. And I assume you feel like you deserve the worst," Jesse continues, gripping the bars tightly, "but you didn't do that to Rosco, Bo. Someone messed with his brakes, that's why his brakes went out. That's why he went down the ditch. So unless it was you that messed with Rosco's brakes, you are not responsible for Rosco's accident." Jesse goes silent for a moment and when Bo doesn't react or say anything he asks, "So, did you mess with Rosco's brakes?" Bo quickly jerks his head to glare at his uncle, angry that he would even ask such a question. "Of course I didn't mess with Rosco's brakes or anyone elses!" Bo quickly snaps before looking away from Jesse. Jesse gives a small smile at getting a reaction from Bo. "Then you should know as well as I that you didn't do that to Rosco. You are not responsible for what happened to Rosco. You shouldn't be feeling guilty for it," Jesse states before falling silent to take in his youngest nephew. Yearning desperately to help Bo feel better in any way he could. Bo shrugs once again. "Maybe not," he slowly states, still looking away from Jesse, "but if I hadn't ran from him -" "You'd either be in jail for something you didn't do or you'd be in the hospital with Rosco," Jesse interrupts Bo. Bo sarcastically laughs before shaking his head. "In case you've forgotten," he slowly states, stealing a glance at Jesse, "but I'm already in jail. But instead of being in jail for robbery, I'm now in here for attempted murder." Jesse nods. Knowing there is little use of arguing with his nephew. "Well," he slowly states, his eyes glued on his nephew as his own guilt begins to gnaw at him. Guilt at seeing Bo locked away, guilt at seeing Bo suffering at his own inner torture, and guilt for knowing he has only a few more minutes before he is going to have to leave. To walk out of the jail, go home, and leave Bo locked within the small cell. All by himself. "Luke and Cooter are looking into the accident. We are all doing all that we can to get you out of here." Bo nods, eyeing the brick wall that is solidly built across the small cell from him. Tears threaten once more to swell in his eyes as his mind rotates from his dark future that seems to lurk ahead of him to the sight of Rosco lying helpless and still in his trapped patrol car. "How's Rosco?" he finally finds his voice. "He's unconscious and pretty beat up," Jesse starts before being interrupted by foot steps approaching and Bo and him both look up to find Enos walking down the steps with a tray. Looking back at his nephew he states, "Rosco's tough. He can beat this and so can you. You hear me?" Bo finds himself nodding as he feels his uncle's worried eyes locked upon him. "If you say so," he weakly answers. "Dinner is here," Enos cheerfully states, "sorry Mr. Jesse Duke, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Bo is unable to have any more visitors until morning." Jesse nods at the deputy. "You find any prints on Rosco's patrol car?" Jesse turns to face the deputy in hope of hearing some good news. Enos swallows nervously. "Yes sir. I mean no sir," he pauses, clearly frustrated with Jesse putting him on the spot. "I'm sorry Mr. Jesse, but I can't talk about the case with you at this time." Enos nervously turns away from Jesse to unlock the door before taking a step in to place the tray on the edge of Bo's tray and backing out and relocking the door behind him. Turning to Jesse he states, "I really need for you to leave, Mr. Duke. I know this is hard on you. On him. On your whole family. But rules are the rules. No matter what." Jesse nods. "I understand, Deputy. Let me say good bye to my boy first," Jesse eyes the deputy firmly before Enos nervously nods and walks to the stairs to begin walking up the steps. Turning to face Bo, Jesse states, "Well you heard the man, I've got to go. Know that I love and care for you. No matter what. We all know you were wrongly accused of the robbery and we all know you are wrongly accused of what happened to Rosco. I think, deep down, you know that too." Jesse pauses, gripping tightly onto the bars in attempt to get as close to his aching nephew as possible, "We'll get you out of here, son. That's a promise. Understand?" Jesse is silent for a long moment before Bo slowly nods, still refusing to look at Jesse. "Look at me, Bo. Talk to me," Jesse firmly states, his own heart tightening up within him in his own hurt to see Bo in this position, to see him blaming himself. Bo slowly looks up at his uncle with emotion-filled eyes. "Yes sir," he finally responds in a whisper. "Thank-you," Jess nods, holding eye contact with Bo, "as I said, I love you. We all love you. We are all here for you and we will all be by in the morning to visit with you. OK?" Once more he pauses and Bo nods with a brief forced smile. "Well I got to go for now. Enos brought you dinner. When I return in the morning, I will check with Enos and I want to hear that you've eaten dinner and breakfast. Heard you got some sleep. Beating yourself up like this is only making it worse. For you. For everyone. Understand?" "Yes sir," Bo reluctantly responds with a ragged deep breath. Jesse nods. "I'll see you in the morning," Jesse forces himself away from the bars, knowing it won't get any easier, "bye Bo." "Bye Uncle Jesse," Bo states as sadness washes over him at seeing his uncle leaving. Of being left alone once again. He's been in jail before. But always with Luke standing besides him and now he is being faced with having to spend the whole night alone in jail. "Thank-you." "Not a problem," Jesse forces a smile, hearing Bo call him Uncle Jesse makes things seem somewhat normal. "Night Bo." "Night Jesse," Bo states as he silently wataches his uncle slowly walking up the steps before eyeing the cold food that Enos had brought down. Not hungry, Bo quickly looks away from the food, knowing there is little Jesse can do to him if he refuses to eat. Yet if he refuses to eat, it'll own make his family worry more about him and he didn't want that either. Bo sighs before eyeing the food once more, figuring if it'd make Jesse happy to hear he ate something. Then he might as well as eat whatever it was that Enos brought down for him to eat.
  12. Happy seventy-second birthday to Cale Yarborough! Sprint Cup Fontana race has just gotten over...not only had they eliminated a Fontana race from the schedule this year, but they also shortened it from five hundred laps to four hundred laps. Though it looks like maybe it was a good thing....sadly. It was a long race with not a whole lot happening until the very end of the race. Only three cautions, two were for debris and one was at the end with fifteen or so laps to go when Bobby Labonte ran hard into the wall that had cut down a lot of laps to caution. Kyle Busch dominated the race until four laps to go, Jimmie Johnson passed him. Kevin Harvick passed Kyle Busch and then right before the checkered flag had bumped Jimmie enough to pass him for the win. Here is the top ten finishes of today's race: 1. Kevin Harvick 2. Jimmie Johnson 3. Kyle Busch 4. Matt Kenseht 5. Ryan Newman 6. Carl Edwards 7. Clint Bowyer 8. Brian Vickers 9. Kasey Kahne 10. Juan Pablo Montoya
  13. "You were saying, sheriff?" Gordon states sarcastically at the sheriff before eyeing the two men the sheriff had addressed as Duke boys. Looking back at the sheriff he states, "You must not pay too close attention to the races if you can't recognize me or believe me to be who I say I am. Not alone to accuse me with such harsh accusations on my driving skills. You must've been talking about your driving skills." "Rosco? With driving skills?" the blond and younger of the two pipes up with a sarcastic laugh, "The only thing he's good at with driving is driving into the pond." "In the pond?" Gordon raises a questioning eye brow, "Well by the looks of your muddy car, sheriff, I think it's about time you take another drive into the pond to wash it off." "Good one. His free car wash," the younger one laughs only to be elbowed by the older darker haired guy. "Anyway sheriff, between the two of us, we all know it was you who ran into me...but let me guess," Gordon pauses momentarily, "you don't want to take responsibility for it because then you'll have to answer to your big bossman who ever that is." Gordon shakes his head as he once again eyes the damage the sheriff had done to his car. He had the money that he could pay for his own damages. And perhaps he would have if the sheriff had been honest with him or even apologetic for what he did. But not when the sheriff blantantly lies about it and has the nerve to accuse him for what the sheriff himself did. Looking back at the sheriff he states, "Well, at the moment, I don't really care what your boss man has to say about the damages YOU created or about what YOU did. You ran into my car, you damaged my car, and now you have the nerve to stand there and accuse me for what YOU did. Well if you don't mind, I want your name so I can call my lawyer and see how much I can sue you for damages since you obviously don't want to take responsiblity for it." When the sheriff don't say anything, the blond haired man speaks up again, "It's Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane." "We'll be glad to back you up on this," the dark haired man nods at him. "Thanks guys," Gordon offers a smile at them before facing the sheriff once again to address another one of his accusations, "and Sheriff, since we both knew you were at fault, you also know these two guys had nothing to do with any of this. Now if you're finished with my ID, I want it back."
  14. Another great Tim McGraw song...sounds like he's singing about my muse/DOH created character, Garrett. LOL. Another TM song I hadn't heard for a while. One thing about Tim McGraw is that each album he comes out with has a different style to it than his previous albums. Very talented...my opinion, of course.
  15. Well Hoss, couldn't match the last half of your song, but I could the first half. This song came to mind instantly when I saw your song title...even though I haven't heard it in a long time. Though love the song...very true. Gotta admit, am a big Tim McGraw fan.
  16. Today's Nationwide Series results at Fontana, California (top ten) 1. Kyle Busch (2 in a row in NW) 2. Carl Edwards 3. Kevin Harvick 4. Ricky Stenhouse Jr 5. Elliot Sadler 6. Trevor Bayne 7. Joey Lagano 8. Mark Martin 9. Aric Almirola 10. Brad Keselowski
  17. Well I finally got to go see Lincoln Lawyer tonight and it was as great as the previews had shown and as great as the book! Matthew McConaughey was great as the defense lawyer, Mickey Haller. A lot of action and a lot of twist and turns. Being the big Country music fan that I am, I was surprised to see that TRACE ADKINS was in the movie and hadn't known before hand. I didn't even recognize him in the previews. He has a small parts and is only in there a couple of times, but it was great to see Trace in it. He plays the leader type person of a motorcycle gang. I had read the book by Michael Connelly that the movie was made after a while ago, when the book first came out, so don't remember it all that well. Would love to go back and reread it and compare the two together, but by what Connelly says, the movie pretty much followed the book. Anyway, I thought it was a great movie and is a movie I would love to see again once it comes out on DVD.
  18. Beach (The snow is gone,, but it has been in the middle to high thirties here. It was warmer for a few days before the temp dropped back down.)
  19. I'll second Hoss...welcome to Hazzardnet. Always great to meet other DOH fans. :)

  20. Very cute photos Tammy...he makes a great Bo Duke! Welcome to HNet! Hope you enjoy your stay here at Hnet and am glad to meet another big DOH fan as you and your son!
  21. *Gordon feels his anger throb violently within him with all the harsh insults the local sheriff had just handed him and he feels his hands balling into fists. Learning from track experiences, he is quick to place them in his pockets and look away attempting to calm his harsh emotions. Law is the law despite how crooked it is. He watches the orange car get closer and two forms are shadowed behind the wheel and he begins to wonder how the local people deal with the law they are forced to live with. Turning around to face the sheriff, he inhales heavily before stating, "I am going to try to ignore all your harsh insults you've just given me and blame it all on your ignorance of the truth and of talent. In fact, all this has me wondering how you became sheriff at all. Is that outfit you wearing an oversized halloween costume that you put on in attempt to shadow power over everyone else? That's the only way I can think of how you came across that dull badge and uniform you are wearing. You definately didn't come to that uniform and badge due to your love of justice or wanting to help people." Gordon shakes his head as the orange car slows down several feet from them and Gordon watches them for a moment more. "I have more talent behind the wheel than you'll ever wish to have as a lawman." Anger still violently washes over him at the words the sheriff had spoken to him, but he reminds himself that lashing out at the sheriff won't help him any. "It don't matter. I did not create this mess. You did. I am not going to pay for what you did. If I have to, I will call my lawyer down here and he'll be more than glad to do business with you. Perhaps sue you for the damages you done to my car!" Gordon goes quiet as the orange car comes to a halt and a lanky blond haired man pulls himself out through the open window. "Hey mister," the handsome blond haired man motions at Gordon, "is Sheriff Coltrane giving you a hard time?" "We'd love to help out," a dark haired man pulls himself out of the passenger door. Gordon eyes them and then the sheriff and back at them. Shaking his head in confusing he states, "He ran into me and now has the nerve to blame it on me! I feel sorry for you all to have to put up with such crooked and ignorant law." The blond grins and nods. "Don't feel too bad, he keeps things interesting around -" he goes silent as he steps forward, "I apologize. I keep thinking you look like, but you have to be him. You're Jeff Gordon!" Gordon nods with a hint of a smile as he leans over to shake the tall lanky man's hand. "I am he. At least someone here knows who I am unlike someone here," he motions at the angry lawman. "Don't worry ol' Rosco don't have time to watch NASCAR on TV," the dark silent man states, "he's too busy out harrassing innocent people as he is you." Gordon gives a short laugh before daring to look up at the sheriff still upset over the words he had previously stated.
  22. Rain (We just got done with all the snow and cold (though it is still cold...) and yet you have to remind me of it all....brrr! )
  23. Thanks for sharing the artwork..they look to be good artists.
  24. 'You? Authority?' The thought thickly hits Gordon but wisely decides against speaking his mind on the topic to the clown sheriff. Despite his anger and distaste for the sheriff, he still had to go home to see his family before packing up and going off to the next race. "Snotty attitude? Me ran into you?" he cautiously questions, not being one to have patience with someone else's lack of responsibility, "I'm sorry, Sheriff," he pauses dramatically, a serious and conern look spread across his face before he slowly picks up his stepped on wallet; ignoring the fact that the 'supposed' lawman had purposely grinded it into the mud. "Are you OK? You hurt? You must have hit your head when you ran into me and are now confused." Gordon slowly glances up from the sheriff as a strong and powerful engine pierces through the quite afternoon and off in the distance an orange stock car comes into view. Only to send questions rippling through Gordon's mind. An orange stock car? Odder yet, it was being drove on road and not on the track. For a moment he wipes his wallet off with his hand before flicking the mud off at the sheriff before opening it and grabbing his ID out of inside pocket. "Well Sheriff, you are honestly the first person in a long time that has had to ask me of who I am. Not alone to see my ID to identify me," Gordon shakes his head in disbelief, "but if you must know, I'm Jeff Gordon." He hands his North Carolina ID card to the sheirff before looking back up at the orange car that is getting closer to them.
  25. Ice cream (Well I like ice cream with apple pie...mmmm:))
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