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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Very sad news. Chris and his family are in my thoughts and prayers. May he rest in peace. Wish they would say what had happened and not leave us hanging like this wondering what had happened to him. Guess it shouldn't matter. It is sad anyway it happened. Must be very shocking and upset to his family and friends.
  2. Clubhouse in the corn Here is another great Pepsi Max commercial. This time it is baseball in a corn field - a remake of the great movie "Field of Dreams". Has Cubs ex manager Lou Pinella, CC Sebathia, Ozzie Smith doing a backflip, Randy Johnson as well as other MLB players in it. Finally something positive about Iowa!
  3. I hope you all will have a fun-filled special day today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  4. KHEE KHEE KHEE Roger...very true. He may have to settle on a self made card this year. Hope he has a great birthday! HAPPY early BIRTHDAY to one Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane!
  5. Very slick MM...I could take some pointers from you so I can either prevent getting arrested or how to escape.
  6. Bo and Luke Duke sat in the woods with Finley sitting behind them, silently watching as Rosco giddily shoves his new captive into the boat. "Well look at that, Lukas," Bo is quick to state as Rosco's laughter is carried and bounced off the hills, "ol' Rosco fell for it hook line and sinker! Way -" "Shut-up, Bo!" Luke quickly snaps, shooting looks of anger at him while Finley slaps Bo across the head to tell him the samething. Bo eyes them both angrily for a long moment, irritated at how he has been treated. Turning back around, he watches as Rosco snaps at one of his men who slowly unties the boat and another man shoves the boat away from the land. ********************** Meanwhile, in the boat the captive eyes the swamp water around him and the large men that surround him. Anger and irritation fills him at being wrongly accused. "What is your damn problem, sheriff?! You run into me and then have the nerve to accuse me for it! You know who I am, sheriff? I'm Jeff Gordon. I have access to the best lawyers there ever was. You go ahead with this frame up of your's, I'll use my phone call to give them all a call. You'll be finding yourself being sued for all your money. For all your partner's money! You don't mess with me!" he pauses as he glances around the swamp island they had just left. Looking back at the sheriff he continues with his rant, "You listening, Sheriff? Or you as deaf as you are dumb? If you were smart you'd face the truth that you messed up and ran into me and let me go."
  7. Glad all is going well and that youi've been having fun. Sorry to say that I am on my way out. I had left my computer on the internet it looks like while I went and watched "Blue Bloods" you ever seen that show? My other favorite TV show...besides the Dukes. Donnie Wahlberg from the New Kids on the Block plays Danny Raegen on it and he does a great job at it...plus it's a great show all together. Tom Seleck is on there and Will Estes is Danny's younger brother who isn't all that bad looking either. HA HA. And won't you go figure now that I should be taking the dogs outside to get ready for bed, it is raining and storming outside. :( Ah well. LOL. Sorry about the chat. Hopefully we can catch up some other time. :)

  8. Well howdy stranger! It's great hearing from you! All is ok here. How about you? Hope life is treating you well!:D

  9. Three months has gone by and yet poor MM remains locked in jail. She musta either made someone really mad or done something really bad to be forgotten about in jail for this long. Am really hoping they have been bringing her food and drink all this time...otherwise it would give her lawyer a prime route in order to get her a mistrial. Yells through the open cell window "Hey Meadowmufn...you alive in there? They taking care of you?!"
  10. Though I am frustrated with the weekend off since I have a free day on Sunday with no race to watch...I am sure the drivers are in need of a break. This will be their last off weekend of the season (luckily for me!) and while I am sure some are vacationing or doing other racing in other series or perhaps just hanging out at home. But not Jeff Gordon. He left after the race on Sunday or perhaps Monday to go to Congo, Africa or somewhere around there that sounds like one of the most dangerous places due to war and violence. He has went in hopes of finding or bringing medical help there or something like that. He is coming home on Thursday...today. (I could send you a link if you want more info from the article I read about it if y'all wish.) Perhaps I am biased, but it his charity work he does for children and other such charities that make me proud to be a Jeff Gordon fan. Not only is he a great driver, but also a great person. WAY TO GO JEFF GORDON! It is impressive to see him give his money away to such charities, but even more so to give up his week off, his time, to go down to Congo and to see first hand what is going on and in attempt to make life better for those in such dire need. Perhaps he will back up his charity work in Congo with a win at Indy next weekend... I can always hope, right? Anyway, to hear what Gordon is doing, makes the weekend off of Sprint Cup racing worth it. Am very proud of Jeff Gordon and to be called a BIG Jeff Gordon fan!
  11. You just had to go and remind me, now didn't you, Roger? I'm already going through NASCAR withdrawl .:(
  12. Bo slightly jumps and looks up as the door opens and Luke walks in, slowly followed by Finley. "Luke," he jumps to his feet and glances over at Gordon who remains standing uneasy in the corner. "What's going on?" "Our friend Finley has agreed to assist in helping us out," Luke grins as heh pats Finley on the back who shrinks back, "You OK with that, Jeff?" Gordon slowly glances around and shrugs. "Anything to get me home and onto my next race," he slowly states, "well anything legal." Luke nods and turns to Finley and motions everyone to have a seat and they slowly sit down next to one another in order to talk quietly amongst each other. "I was thinking. . ." Luke begins to share his idea.
  13. Well I was out of town this past weekend so my racing kinda got messed up, but don't worry, I watched or listened to all of it. Plus I got to watch most of the truck racing in Iowa as well. Don't normally get to watch it. Watched all but the last sixty laps...I know, I know the most important part of the race, but when your ride is leaving, you either got to leave with it or get left behind. So I had to leave. There was a scary accident in the truck series where Justin Marks slid across the track and plowed into the inner pit road wall that is all cement. Caved the wall in a foot and a half. He got out and instantly doubled over. Got up, walked a little bit before the officials caught him before falling. He was taken to the hospital and the race was red flagged for twenty minutes. Guess Marks is ok according ot his wife. Still had tests to be done last I heard, but all looked to be OK. Austin Dillion led most of the laps - was in a race of his own, until with sixty laps to go they had a caution and he went in and his crew sent him back eight spots. Matt Crafton went onto win and Dillion who had it won came in second. Very sad to see him lose it that way and so close... Anyway, now onto the Sprint Series...LOL. They raced in Loudon New Hampshire. Ryan Newman had the pole with the fastest qualifying lap ever made and was followed by his boss, Tony Stewart. I only watched the first hundred out of three hundred laps before we headed back home...but don't worry, I caught most of the rest of it on the radio. If there's a will, there's a way, right? Jimmie Johnson started way in the back and for most of the race, stayed back there. Must have gotten frustrated because at one point towards the start of the race, he shoved Kyle Busch out of the way - almost turning him. NOt usually his style of racing. Kyle Busch was in the back...which is not normally his style either. Seems like something happened and he was sent back and then later on, his tire blew and he slammed the wall. He went to the garage for some ninety plus laps. When I had to leave, Gordon was first...that is until BOTH of his batteries died at the same time. Guess if both could die at the same time, it would happen to Gordon. Luckily he got a caution, was able to change his battery, get a lap down, get another caution and earn his lap back. He was quick to charge to the front. Must have had an awesome fast car! (Wish I could've seen it! LOL) Johnson had to deal with controversy throughout the whole race it sounded like. Sounded like he got in it with Montoya, his crew didn't tighten a lugnut on pit road and he had to do a drive through penalty. And even with all that, came up with a top five finish. Very impressive run by the forty-eight. Jr got penalized as well when his crew didn't put the tires over the wall and he drove away. Very rookie mistake if you ask me and should never have happened. Bet Jr was upset as he should have been. He came home fifteenth and disappointed with his run. Though am disappointed,...Gordon was running fourth for a long time and by the announcers talking sounded like him and Stewart were best on gas at the end. So I figured it'd have to come down to those two...well guess who ran out of gass during the white flag lap? None other than JEFF GORDON!!!!! ERRR and of course all the announcers on the RADIO would say was that he lost a ton of spots. Took them forever to come down to the final lineup to find out Gordon finished eleventh...not the position I was hoping for. But it could have been a lot worse and luckily he was able to finish the race. (Trying to stay positive here...) Meanwhile, Kurt Busch led a lot of laps...but it all came down to Ryan Newman who led the most laps and his boss Tony Stewart. Ryan Newman crossed the checkers first with Stewart behind him. The last couple of years I was quick to point out that Stewart's attitude has changed...and that his anger management classes he had to take finally helped. Well to me it seems like he's lapsing back into the old Tony Stewart. The take no prisioners Stewart who was easy to anger and was quick to wreck people. (Or is it just me?) A couple of weeks ago he vowed to wreck the next person who blocked him (why he wrecked VIckers who wasn't blocking him)...even if it was his teammate Ryan Newman. And yesterday he vowed to wreck Andy Lally (who is always a lap down car...) if he didn't learn how to get out of the way of lead lap cars. (The announcers stated Lally got out of their way...) And according to my uncle who watched qualifying, said that Stewart snapped at the reporters for asking a question...so far (except for wrecking Vickers) he's been all talk and I personally am hoping it stays as that... Well here is the top ten finishers of the race yesterday: 1. Ryan Newman 2. Tony Stewart 3. Denny Hamlin 4. Joey Lagano 5. Jimmie Johnson 6. Kasey Kahne 7. Bobby Labonte (Great to see him get a top ten finish again! Way to go Bobby!) 8. Martin Truex Jr 9. Marcos Ambrose 10. Kurt Busch 11. Jeff Gordon (Sorry...I couldn't leave my favorite out of the line up...) (Just read...Gordon had problems with his alternators (had changed batteries on multiple stops, and that his tire blew on the last lap - not gas. Article I read said if not for the alternator, Gordon would've won. Oh well, coming in eleventh after all that, is pretty dang impressive, if you ask me. But my opinion, as you've probably guessed, is biased...LOL) (Definately not a bad race for my Fantasty NASCAR team...had Kurt Busch on it who led 66 laps, finished tenth. Had Newman on it who led the most laps, got pole, and won it...two out of four had great races. Other two so-so. Moves me up to sixth...from seventh.) And since I am too lazy to go to the other thread, I am going to post the top twelve points here: 1. Carl Edwards 2. Jimmie Johnson (-7) 3. Kurt Busch 4. Kevin Harvick 5. Kyle Busch (who was first coming into the race) 6. Matt Kenseth 7. Jeff Gordon 8. Ryan Newman 9. Dale Earnhardt Jr 10. Denny Hamlin **** 11. Tony Stewart 12. Clint Bowyer I am sad to announce that there is no race next weekend...it is an off weekend. Feel the tears comin' already. The next race will be on ESPN (TNT is done for the year) and will be at Indianappolis where Gordon was the inaugural winner...hopefully he'll be kissing the bricks once again.
  14. Congratulations Val on the marriage! I agree...may have a very happy and blessed marriage. Once again, congratulations to someone who is deserving of such true happiness.
  15. NASCAR (Roger - I was hoping someone would pick up on my thinkin' when I said Bristol. Only one of the best short tracks on the circuit...next month they'll be racing there under the lights. It's a great race on Sunday during the day in the spring, but it is even better at night in late summer. )
  16. Wow...I'd be furious too! Though I'd be dang determined to find a parking spot, even if I had to walk five miles in order to get to the track. Seems like I remember there was a pro football game or something like that who sold more tickets than they had seats...don't quote me, but it seems familiar. Like last year or so. That would be horrible to pay all that money and not be able to get in due to parking. Hopefully they get refunded or get tickets to the next race at Kentucky...can't imagine how upset they are. Ironically, I was on NASCAR.com on another window while reading this and came across this article about what you are talking about. NASCAR.com article. That has got to be so frustrating for NASCAR and it's fans. Hopefully France will see fit to force Kentucky to solve their problem. Sure it will keep a lot of those fans from returning next year. Know I'd have second thoughts about going knowing I may face the same problem...
  17. CORRECTION: Jeff Gordon finishes tenth and Denny Hamlin finishes eleventh today. I was going by NASCAR.com at first and then went to my facebook account where I get Gordon updates and Gordon stated that there was a correction that he finished tenth and not eleventh...took awhile for NASCAR.com to change it, but they finally did. Being a Gordon fan...am very grateful for a top ten finish. May only be one position, but now I can say Gordon got a top ten finish.
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