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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Well they'll be racing under the lights tomorrow night at Darlington where the lady in black lies in waiting...just hope she don't strike any of our favorite drivers. As noted before, don't know if I'll be able to watch it tomorrow night, but will be recording it just in case I don't get to watch it...my review may be shorter and later than normal.
  2. Thank-you Daney! It is great hearing from you. Hope all is well with you. :)

  3. I named the puppy, Rosco. I bet you can't guess who I named him after, now can you? HA HA. I had tried to post a picture, but have yet to really figure it out.

  4. Phillies (Don't know much about Pennsylvania but do know they do have two MLB teams...)
  5. Welcome back Roger! I hope you enjoyed your break away from the computer and that you got a lot accomplished! Good luck on your book. That had always been a dream of mine - to write a novel. Never got to it. Then again, I am now finding it hard to write my own DOH fan-fics which is starting to get to me. Hope you achieve your dreams and that you'll get that novel wrote and published - keep me updated on it, please. Welcome back!
  6. Here is the top ten in points after the spring Richmond race: 1. Carl Edwards 2. Jimmie Johnson 3. Kyle Busch 4. Dale Earnhardt Jr 5. Kevin Harvick 6. Kurt Busch 7. Clint Bowyer 8. Ryan Newman 9. Matt Kenseth 10. Tony Stewart
  7. Bo slowly walks back, grumbling to himself and feeling as small as he has ever felt. In Bo's eyes, Luke has always been his hero, the one that has always came to his rescue. Luke was smart, tough, and quick. Everything that Bo wasn't and no matter how hard Bo tried to help Luke, tried to prove himself to his older cousin, he always ended up failing in the end. If for once he could be the one to help get them out of trouble instead of the one getting themselves into trouble... He shakes his head as he approaches Gordon who stands straight and alert, awaiting his orders. "Where's Luke?" he questions suspisiously as Bo approaches him. "With Finley. We are suppose to join them. But I wouldn't say anything or do anything unless Finley or one of us says something to you. OK?" Bo questions and Gordon gives him a brief nod, "Finly is a grumpy ol' man that you need to know how to handle. Hopefully Luke knows how to handle him." Gordon eyes Bo for a long moment, his eyes filled with worry and doubt. "OK Bo," he finally says, "I just want to get out of here and to my family." Bo nods understandably. "Luke will figure a way out. He always does," Bo says with a sigh, disappointed in himself, "We don't want to keep 'em waiting too long. Follow me." Gordon nods silently before he begins to follow Bo through the brush.
  8. Well I have just returned home from my little road trip and I have to admit that I have lied. LOL. I got into the hotel just in time last night to catch the whole race...I was really excited about that. Missed the prerace show, but am sure didn't miss much there -though I do enjoy listening/watching the pre race show on Fox with Darrell Waltrip and Jeff Hammond. They make things interesting and exciting. Anyway, onto my race review... I thought the race was pretty exciting. Before the green flag dropped they made a statement how there wasn't much cautions in the Nationwide Series race and how they predicted the same for the Sprint Cup race at Richmond. Well...they were wrong. There wasn't extremely a lot of accidents, but there was enough of 'em due to accidents and such not. Five time...Jimmie Johnson...spent most of the day in the back (Uncharacteristic of him) and a lap down. Him and crew chief Chad Knaus was getting frustrated at the race and perhaps with each other. Stewart was back there with him too. Though they both got pretty good finishes come time for the checkered flag to drop (if I remember right...). Juan Pablo Montoya (red Target car) was the pole setter and as soon as the race started fell back some. Then after a hundred or so laps, he went to slide in front of Ryan Newman (Army car) and Ryan Newman got into behind him to push him into the wall. Newman did get some damage in it too. I will admit to agree with the announcers a little bit, Ryan Newman COULD HAVE breaked a little more than he did, but it is racing. In my opinion, Montoya was at fault for sliding RIGHT in front of Newman as he did...am I the only one who sees it that way? Anyway, several laps later or so, Montoya, still upset at Newman for what Newman supposedly did to him, went back for retaliation and PURPOSEFULLY ran into the back of Newman's car and into the wall. Newman was upset and said he'd handle it after the race personally....after the race, they did interview Newman (Montoya refused to be interviewed) and Newman said he was taking it to the NASCAR hauler to see what NASCAR was going to do about it. Haven't seen or heard as of yet if NASCAR was going to do anything yet, but feel that Montoya was out of line going back at Newman as he had when I feel like Montoya was the one at fault to begin with. As I said, am I the only one feeling that way? Up that that point, the race was going alright...Gordon ran sixth to third most of that time with a brief stint up front. Well after a pit stop with a hundred laps to go, Gordon got shuffled back to twelveth spot or so. Clint Bowyer looked like he got into the back of Matt Kenseth who in turn hit Jeff Gordon and sent him up the track and into the wall. He then richoccheted down teh track, hit the concrete inner wall (no safer barrier) that sent him back up the track and into traffic. Luckily NASCAR has all the safety devices in the car and all that and thankfully, Jeff Gordon was able to walk away from the accident - he hit the concrete wall on the driver's side of the car! Which took him out of the car. Was very frustrated and upset about it, but am still thankful that he is OK after that (like he said, he seems to find the hardest part of the wall to hit!). Kyle Busch went on to give himself an early birthday present (he'll be 26 on Monday...) to win the race. Not a big Kyle Busch fan, but since I picked him for my fantasy team this week, was glad to see him win - I finally got a win for my team!!!!!!!!! LOL. At least one thing went right. HA HA. Here is the top ten finishes of the Richmond Race... 1. Kyle Busch 2. Denny Hamlin 3. Kasey Kahne 4. David Ragen 5. Carl Edwards 6. Clint Bowyer 7. AJ Almindinger 8. Jimmie Johnson 9. Tony Stewart 10. Brian Vickers We will be racing at Darlington next Saturday night for another night race under the lights ... am hoping Gordon will turn things around and go for the win (will make a great birthday present!). Sadly, I'll give y'all another warning, I may not be able to watch it due to going out of town to my grandparents' house. Am hoping to watch it there, but don't know for sure. So either way, my review next week will be late and may not be as detailed as normal if I don't get to watch it...
  9. The boys are racing at Richmond Saturday night this weekend for some racin' under the lights! Just a heads up, though, I am going to be out of town this weekend so I will most likely miss the race . I do plan on recording it, but I seldom get to watch my recorded races and tend to look up the results online before I get to watch it...with that said, I will try my best to give my best review sometime next week on either what I saw or most likely, what I read. I apologize ahead of time if it isn't as detailed as normal or if I miss out on anything. Am looking forward to this weekend, but dread missing a race. (Though if I am lucky, I'll be able to catch some of it at the hotel...) Just thought I'd let y'all know...
  10. Luke gives Bo a stern eye before he slowly slips through the thick weeded and bushy area, inhaling heavily to calm his nerves and emotions. He loved Bo like a brother, but sometimes his eagerness mixed with his naiveity got on his nerves. As it is now. Bo was only trying to help, wanting to feel worthy of his family, to do his share. Luke knew this and he forces himself to remind himself of that and that he would have to find something for Bo to do to make himself feel useful. So he could justly claim that he came to his hero's rescue. Walking out of the bushy area, Luke switches his line of thought towards what he is about to do and how he will make this work. After all, Finley won't be too eager to help them out whether Jesse had saved his hide or not. Stepping onto the old moonshiner's land, the thin older man jerks up; grabbing his shot gun in a swift motion on his way standing up, and sharply points it at Luke. "What ya want you evil tresspasser?!" he hisses, his thin finger inches on the trigger. "Finley, relax," Luke puts his hands up in surrender, "I'm Luke Duke. Jesse Duke's nephew. I'm here to cash in on a little debt you owe our Jesse." Finley spits over the gun, eyeing Luke with hard eyes. "I was wonderin' when he'd come sayin' he'd come sayin' I'd owe him. It's been years since that happened and he said nothing of it since then. He claimed back then that I owed him nothin' for his kindness. Fact I was alive and free was payment enough. And now he's come to cash in on his so called kindness act. Shoulda known him to be nothing but a liar. Not only that, he's too chicken to come ask for it himself. He sends his dumb nephew over," he shakes his head in disgust, "I no longer have any respect for your supposed uncle." "Now wait a cotton pickin' minute there Mr. Finley before you go and accuse our uncle of all them aweful and untruthful accusations you just placed upon our uncle! He didn't lie to you. He didn't send us. We are here, knowing what he did for you. Jesse doesn't even know we are here," Luke sighs, his hands still up in surrender, "I'd be glad to sit down and discuss all this with you, Mr. Finley," Luke goes silent as he hears something from behind him and prays that it's not Bo trying to do something bold and brave, "but right now, my cousin, my friend, and I are in a little bit of trouble with the law. We need a place to hide out for a day or two. Then we'll be out." "So you want me to hide a bunch of fugitives on your uncle's supposedly clean name?" Finley hisses, shaking his head, his finger tight on the trigger, "I owe you nothing. Nor your cousin. Nor your friend. No way I'm holdin' a bunch of fugitives as yourself. You're likely to bring the law to my place and I don't want the law or no one at my place. When I mean no one, that includes you and your fugitive friends. Now git outta here before I blow your ugly head off them whimpy shoulders of your's!" "Mr. Finely," Luke protests, a thick stick snapping sound penetrates the silence behind him, "we have to talk this out. The law won't think of coming out here. If they do, we'll leave and take them with us." "Impossible to say that," Finley states before his thin chest heaves in and out in a loud sigh, a sigh of surrender, "but I reckon I hafta sympathize with your situation. I've been there a time or two myself," he looks around as if looking for the law before eyeing Luke, his finger on the trigger losens and the shot gun slowly lowers. "and your uncle did save my hide all them years ago. Damn it." He hiss in frustration and disgust at Luke and his call out for help. "Well OK -" he goes silent as another loud snapping sound sharply cuts through the silence, this one louder than the first and Finley has obviously heard it this time as his gun is quickly thrown up, aimed over Luke's shoulder and his finger tight against the trigger once again. "Who there?! You have a second to make yourself known before I begin shooting at anything in front of me...including Luke here!" Luke gulps his anger premature soars within him in full knowledge of who is there in his attempt to attempt to help. Despite Luke's warning. And now he's about to either get themselves shot or Finley's acceptance to help them out to be turned around. Despite knowing, Luke slowly glances around to see the bushes and weeds slowly moves and Bo cautiously steps with a sorry look spread across his face. "Don't shoot, Mr. Finley," Luke hisses turning around, "it's only my stupid cousin, Bo, who doesn't seem to like to listen very much." Finley eyes Luke for a hard moment, stepping threatenly forward before the barrel of the gun is shoved into Bo's chest who has his own hands up in surrender. "Well if he's stupid and don't listen, then I spose you and Jesse won't miss him very much then, huh?" he questions, eyeing Bo with crazy green eyes. "At the moment, I wouldn't object too much to you shooting him, but Jesse would for some odd reason be upset over losing him," Luke sighs impatiently, hoping Bo would get the hint of how upset he is over all of this, "and despite his several faults, he's still family." "Well excuse me for trying to help, Luke! You expect me to stand back and do nothing while you go off to play hero as if you think I am too dumb and weak to be of any help! Well I ain't! And I ain't gonna sit back and be treated like that, either!" Bo snaps, his hurt feelings clear in his angered voice, "Well, I'm sorry, for not listening to your commands to stop as if I was nothing but a dog, but I can't just sit there and listen to him talk about Uncle Jesse like that! Jesse ain't no liar!" Luke glances back, sighing heavily in recognition of the truth in what his cousin had just stated, yet not wanting to admit it in front of Finley or Gordon. Finley stares at Luke, as if waiting to hear his response before he presses the barrell harder into Bo's chest once more. "You said there was a friend, where is he?" he finally snaps, "I'm going to regret this, but we can't stand out in the open like this forever." Luke fights back the strong urge to tell Finley they could stand out here forever and no one would hear or see them. "He's back there. Where he was to stay until I got it worked out. Bo, go get him," Luke states. Bo eyes him, standing still for a long back before he turns his angry eyes on Finley who reluctantly drops the gun and Bo slowly walks back into the brush where he had came from only a minute or so ago.
  11. Well the Sprint Cup Talledega race has just gotten over and I think my heartbeat just finally went back down. LOL. Talk about an exciting packed race with such a surprising ending to it! As predicted, they raced two by two just as they had done in Daytona in February. Was exciting and fun to watch, but agree with Dale Jr about not liking it when they race that way. I'd much rather see them race everyone as they normally do than to see them speed dating as they had been calling it today. Talledega is normally known as having the 'big one' but there wasn't the 'big one'that one thinks about with 'Dega. There was a wreck that took out five cars and that was the biggest one - which is big enough for me. Sadly most of the wrecks was caused by Kurt Busch who didn't make such a great dance partner today. I apologize to Roger and the other Kurt Busch fans on this great site, but facts speak for themselves there. (Sorry Roger . . .) I was very impressed with how Jeff Burton, Ryan Newman, and Dave Blaney were able to expertly control their cars and prevent accidents from occuring. Newman saved his car twice towards the end of the race and had completely had his car turned sideways before saving it. Shows just why they are out on the track as they are. Hendrick cars, Stewart, and a few other drivers hung out towards the back all day. Jr and Johnson, Gordon and Martin had been teamed up all day through the race. But had made it towards the front with twenty or so laps to go. The finish of the race . . .well, I never seen a race finish THAT close! When they had dropped the white flag, Gordon was leading the race. Halfway through Clint Bowyer (who led the most laps today) caught up with him and was almost passing him. When they got to the line, Martin backed up for some reason and at the last second, Jimmie Johnson passed him and Bowyer to win the race by .002 seconds. Carl Edwards had snuck up between them and almost made it four wide, but ran out of room. Here is the top ten finishes of the race: 1. Jimmie Johnson 2. Clint Bowyer 3. Jeff Gordon 4. Dale Earnhardt Jr 5. Kevin Harvick 6. Carl Edwards 7. Greg Biffle 8. Mark Martin 9. David Gilliland 10. Joey Logano Well on a personal perspective, I was very disappointed to see Gordon finish third after being so close to winning the race. But if he was to lose it to anyone, it would be to Jimmie Johnson. Congrats to Jimmie Johnson and team 48!!!!!!!!! It ain't the win I was hoping for, but third isn't too bad either. Was disappointed that they didn't even interview Gordon after the race, but bet he was just as disappointed as I was. Was great to see Jimmie give Junior the attention and credit he deserves for pushing him to the front like that. He gave Junior the flag after Johnson had gotten it, that was neat. Looks like next week will be an off weekend for Easter, but they will be racing under the lights for some Saturday night racing on April 30th!
  12. Well it is only Saturday night and I am revved up about tomorrow's Sprint Cup race at Talledega. As always am. HA HA. Love restrictor plate racing, but am kinda disappointed to know that it will be a lot like Daytona this February was with two cars hooking up and talking to other teams on the radio and all that. Guess it makes great team work to do it that way, but would much rather see 'em all racing together as they normally would. Much more exciting to me to have them racing individually against each other than to see two cars hooked up racing against other two car mixes. Don't get me wrong, any sort of NASCAR racing, especially with Gordon and Johnson in it, is exciting and fun to watch. Just rather they wouldn't be paired up as they will be and just go for it as they do any other race or how they use to race. What y'all think about it? Any race I am excited about, especially the big ones like Talledega, but I have another reason to be excited for tomorrow. And that is because not only will Jeff Gordon have a much better starting position than he has the last couple of weeks where he started in teh twenties and thirties, but... Jeff Gordon has scored his seventyth career pole! He has finally earned a great starting position for 2011 and will be starting at numero uno when the green flag drops. Not only that, but Hendrick (my favorite team...) will be starting one, two, three, and four (all four teams...)! Here is the top ten starting positions for tomorrow's race: 1. Jeff Gordon 2. Jimmie Johnson 3. Mark Martin 4. Dale Earnhardt Jr. 5. Paul Menard 6. Landon Cassill (from Iowa! From only a half an hour away from where I live actually, though never saw him race or heard of him until he got into the Nationwide Series...) 7. David Ragen 8. Kurt Busch 9. Brian Vickers 10. Clint Bowyer Sadly, I know, even a pole or a top ten starting position, is great and exciting, but means very little once the green flag drops and the racing starts. Just glad to see my drivers finally get a great or good starting position - better than thirtieth or twentieth where they have been starting out at. In fact, I often say that Gordon does better if he starts fifteenth or so, but it is great to keep his pole rising in numbers. Also great for my NASCAR fantasy team since I have both Gordon and Jr on my team this week (though if I remember right, last year's spring Talledega race one driver got caught up in an accident and my three other drivers were involved in the "big one" that always happens at 'Dega. *GULP*). Well I apologize for talking about Gordon...he is my favorite driver as most you know, but I do try to keep my writings generalized and not just on him or Johnson or Jr who are my top three drivers. But had to share my premature excitement for tomorrow's race once I found out about his pole. Tomorrow's Sprint Cup race at Talledega is at noon on FOX EST...or 11:00 my time - central time. Don't know if I'll be able to watch the whole race or not since I am watching my niece, but am hoping to do so and will let y'all know as much as possible afterwards. Hope all your drivers will have a great and safe race!
  13. OK I highly apologize for letting this thread slide as I have had. Not only have I not watched the Nationwide Series as I had hoped to this year, but have had a hard time writing the results of the race as well due to the lack of time. I am considering myself lucky to watch the Sprint Cup races... They raced tonight at Talledega and it looks like it had a wild finish with Joey Lagono pushing team mate Kyle Busch to his first Nationwide Series Talledega win. Here is the top ten finishes of tonight's Talledega race: 1. Kyle Busch 2. Joey Lagano 3. Joe Nemechek 4. Brad Keselowski 5. Elliot Sadler 6. Trevor Bayne 7. Justin Allgaier 8. Dale Earnhardt Jr 9. Reed Sorenson 10. Aric Almirola
  14. You are very welcome. A guy at the grocery store in town here likes Kenseth as well, sure he was happy for him. Great to see drivers end their long endless streaks as Gordon done in Phoenix and Kenseth did last week. Now if only Junior could break his winless streak...
  15. You are welcome. Chocolate makes any day better. :)

  16. Marshy water covers their feet as they continue to walk through the swamp land as the older Duke leads the way. Bo excitedly talks to Gordon in a hushed voice about cars and racing while Gordon nervously listens and does his best to keep up with the conversation. "Enough Bo!" Luke abruptly snaps as he comes to a halt and Bo runs into the back of him before giving Luke an angry look for telling him to hush. "We're getting close and in order to get Finley to listen, we need to sneak up on him. He sees us comin' no tellin' what he'll do." Bo rolls his eyes at his cousin and whispers to Gordon, "He's being over dramatic." "Then I'll stay here with Gordon and you go try Finley to see what he does," Luke snaps and as Bo steps back, he states, "let's go. Quietly." Bo slowly nods before he begins to follow Luke, still out of shape at being told what to do by Luke, but know better than to question Luke. Gordon, glad for the silence, follows Bo while looking around while his mind quickly pictures all that his near future may hold for him. All because he wanted to go for a drive. "Stop!" Luke hisses in a loud whisper, coming to a halt and Bo once again runs into him and Luke glares angrily back at him. "Stop," he hisses as he pulls a large tree branch out of the way and he inadvertantly gasps aloud as he sees Finly in front of an old small shack, bent over with a saw in hand, cutting a thick tree. An old shot gun rested upon another thick tree stump a foot away, just within reach. "He's there, saw in hand, his gun nearby," Luke states to the others, "you two stay here. I'll go talk to him." Bo goes to protest only for Luke to slowly disappear before he could say anything.
  17. Poor Meadowmufn has been locked away for some time now...
  18. General Lee (from "Ghost of General Lee" one of my favorite episodes!)
  19. Here is the top ten spots in points after the Texas race: 1. Carl Edwards 2. Kyle Busch 3. Matt Kenseth 4. Jimmie Johnson 5. Kurt Busch 6. Dale Earnhardt Jr 7. Ryan Newman 8. Juan Pablo Montoya 9. Kevin Harvick 10. Tony Stewart
  20. *Hurt look* Well thanks a lot Roger. Mind telling me what ever I did to deserve you to say something like that about me? Welcome LD to HazzardNet...where not everyone is as ornery as Roger is.
  21. *Reaching the other side, Luke ties the boat to a dock as Bo climbs out of the boat, onto the dock and helps Gordon out. Luke slowly follows them out of the boat.* "Well my life experiences just keeps growing ever since I entered this -" Gordon stops what he was about to say, not wanting to insult his rescuers, "your town." He goes silent as he follows his new friends off of the dock and onto the land that is wet and mushy under his feet. Looking around he asks, "Where to now? I don't see nothing but woods and weeds." "That's the point. Old Man Finley don't like no visiters. His place is as hidden as any racing secret you got on the circuit. Just follow us and you'll be fine," Luke instructs before he turns and starts walking into the woods. "If you say so," Gordon states, following them through the thick woods, "how a man like this Finley guy survive out in the middle of no where? I don't see someone this hidden getting out on the boat and into town too often." "Dang right he don't. Folks have long forgotten about him. Either than or just assume he's already dead. But thanks to our Uncle Jesse, we know otherwise," Bo grins at Gordon as he stops to watch a deer eating in the distance before running to catch up, "Finley is one smart fella. He survives by hunting and using mother nature to the best of his knowledge. Plus, I'm sure a few jugs of homemade shine here and there helps him along the way." "Home made shine? Wow," Gordon shakes his head, "that's where NASCAR was born from, but haven't heard of it for awhile." "Well you don't live around these parts then," Bo grins at him, "now just a heads up, Finley won't be too happy to see us. He's as growly as an grizzley bear. Just as fierce too. He'll come out aiming a shot gun at us with full intentions of using it on us too." Gordon stops to eye them suspiciously. "You mean you helped me escape your crooked law only to get shot? My lawyer could talk them out of them trump up charges," Gordon firmly states, "he won't be able to talk me back alive!" Luke rolls his eyes and comes to a stop. "Look, Bo's right with the warning and the description of Finley, but he won't shoot at you or us," he states, "Finley owes Jesse a huge debt for what Jesse done for him eight years ago and we are going to cash in on it. Grumpy and dangerous or not, Finley will repay us by helping us out here. At least once." Gordon solomnly nods before he continues to walk again, his mind falling on his kids, wondering what they are doing. What he would be doing right now if he hadn't taken his own ride home as he had.
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