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Everything posted by RogerDuke

  1. I wouldn't have known that one but I'll agree with MA. He sure played a pretty convincing bad guy on Dukes. I was a Rambo fan back in the early 80's so I remember him from Rambo II.
  2. You sure sound like the kind of person who belonGGs here. We're sure GGlad to have you and look forward to your posts.
  3. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

  4. I hear there were some water problems over there. Were you affected?

  5. I put the question mark because I was unsure of my answer. Richard Petty seemed too obvious to be right. You got me on the number of wins. I know it's over 200 so I'll guess 212.
  6. horses (hammer time---good one Hoss) (I know what you mean about NASCAR Garrett. It's always done that for me too. For some reason when you type it with other words, it's fine)
  7. I know a little bit about the A-Team. There aren't many TV shows that I've loved in my lifetime but that was one of them. Lance DeGault played Colonel Decker. He took Colonel Lynch's place chasing the A-Team. I can't remember who played Lynch but Lance is the guy you're looking for. I love it when a plan comes together!! (and I love it when I know a trivia answer)
  8. Belated Happy Birthday!

  9. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

  10. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

  11. So far, yours truly is the only winner of last year's contest. I've sent PMs to the three we haven't heard from. Hopefully they're winners too and we'll hear from them soon. Here's the 5 entries for the 2011 resolution contest. 1) Meadowmufn---"take charge of what I can involving my health" 2) Buford---same as Meadowmufn 3) Garrett---"not eat so much...in hopes of losing weight" AND "take more time out to pray" 4) waikiki23---watch every "Dukes" and "Emergency" episode at least twice AND lose 50 pounds before friend's wedding 5) Roger---watch every Dukes episode at least once AND watch every Dukes cartoon at least once AND personal financial goals Good Luck everybody and Happy New Year!
  12. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

  13. Here goes.....I'm hitting "Submit Reply" the second the ball drops... 3....2......1........0
  14. You're right about that Hoss. Folks over here were using that one long before Dukes came out. Nobody can knock old Rosco in the middle of next week 'cause he can take a hit that would kill ten ordinary men.
  15. I'll be celebrating an hour before you Brian. Hmmm, I wonder what time zone MaryAnne's in. It's always nice to be ahead of the law around here.
  16. Hopefully we'll hear from the first 3 folks listed from a year ago. daisyxenos hasn't logged in in 3 months now but texasdaisy and Redneck girl have logged in recently. I'll send them a PM to see how they did and maybe they'll let us know. Garrett didn't do so well but I kept mine. Since it's not midnight here in Pennsylvania yet, I'm changing mine to watching each Dukes episode at least once in 2011. I did it in '08 and '09 but not in '10. I didn't make a resolution to do so in '10 but I am this year. It's a fun resolution that's easy to keep. I still plan on keeping my financial goals resolution. I'll type up a final post Saturday night with all the resolutions for 2011..... And I will be sending you a PM a year from now if you don't let us know how you did. Hopefully we'll get more before the end of the day New Year's Day. The strict deadline to post is 11:59 pm EST on Jan 1
  17. Hey Alex, ya staying up until midnight?

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