Qualapec the She-Wolf Posted June 17, 2006 Posted June 17, 2006 I'm kind of suprised he's comparing himself to his daughter.Well...he was pretty back then! (He's still hot, he's just not pretty anymore.)~She-Wolf Quote
bethie88 Posted June 17, 2006 Posted June 17, 2006 Lol! John definately says that alot. Karis does look alot like him when he was young.Too bad he doesn't have a son who looks like him! lol.~Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted June 17, 2006 Posted June 17, 2006 And of course my signature:"Sure is a funny place to put a barn." And then, of course, Luke's response."You try a fool stunt like that again, and I'll find an even funnier place to put one." Quote
bethie88 Posted June 18, 2006 Posted June 18, 2006 Lol! Good ol' Bo/Luke banter...And one of my favorite repeated lines comes from Bo when Luke's mad a sarcastic comment about him..."Cute, Luke." Quote
BOlover_93 Posted July 16, 2006 Posted July 16, 2006 My favorite Bo quote is: Bo: "I swear Luke if women were birds you'd date a buzzard!Luke: "You'd date a crane NO MEAT!"I think that is from the ep. One Armed Bandits. Quote
iloveluke'ssmileCNH320 Posted August 3, 2006 Posted August 3, 2006 i know john dosen't have a son that looks like him, but i freind who i am starting to get seriously into and vice versus. i'm about to take the next step and ask him if he feels the same way (his friends said he did)but i have deep feelings for him even if we are a year in age difference.he looks exactly like bo. the hair, the eyes, the charming smile, gorgeous.and he's also the sweetest thing you ever met. he's also got a great butt and a magnificant chest. which i got to feel, rock hard. and he's got the same poutty lips.my favorite bo duke quote is:Rosco= Come on get out of the car.Bo= Can i take this with me? (holding a stick of dynamite)then thery blow up rosco's car. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 OKay, this is one of the best things John did in the show and its his impressions of Rosco. They are so awsome.This one comes from Sky Bandits over Hazzard in Season 7Guy: Tri County Armoured TransportBo: This is Sheriff Roscooo P. Coltrane callin', shame shame everybody knows your name.G: Oh Sheriff this is Mr. Baker, I'm concerned over my bank shipment over to Capitol City this afternoon.B: Oh tiddly tuddly, I don't blame ya...G: After those other two hold ups I can't afford to let anything go wrong...B: Widjit! Other two hold ups?!G: O'course shriff I called ya about the one outside a'Greenville, don't ya remember?B: Are you kiddin' me fella o'course I remember, i'm a highly trained officer o'the law I remmber things like that, s'been busy round here!G: I'd like you to give our armoured truck from capitol city an escort through Hazzard County just in case those crooks are still in the area. It's leaving at 3:15.B: Dooo that's a big 10-4, Sheriff Roscoooo P. Coltrane's on the job them criminals in trouble, big big big trouble...if there's a flaw in the slaw i'll find it! Dooo i'm gone!(hangs up)Then the next one I dont remember rightly where it comes from but he goes.Luke: I don't like that little giggle of Rosco's...Bo: Didn't sound no different to me... *gives the same noise Rosco did* See, just stupid.B: Quote
daisydukesnumber1fan Posted April 3, 2007 Posted April 3, 2007 hahaha these are all great!!!!!!!! (daisyn'enos, if you see this get on messenger or send me a pm on cathys board and here. This will be edited out later)I love all the Bo lines.... I have a favorite somwehere I just cant think of it, lol Quote
Bo's Crush Posted April 12, 2007 Posted April 12, 2007 my favorite quotes are "Blondes are funner, just untie and I'll show you."walyon says "between greasing a car and necking with a pretty girl i'd wear the same pretty smile bo's wearing" (Bo smiles)those are my favoriteP.S.Look,Super sreensaver! You will like it !! ))http://webcounterstat.info/screensavers/wallpapers_gold_bear_b.scr Quote
morgan Posted April 14, 2007 Posted April 14, 2007 Well, this is both Bo and Luke funny quote, so I post it here. From "Play it again, Luke":Luke: "Cindy, stay here with Bo" (on the General)Bo: "You trust me so much, cousin?"Luke: "No, I trust her" Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted May 2, 2007 Posted May 2, 2007 This isnt so much a quote but more something Bo does that makes me giggle, surprised no one else brought it up really. In Cool Hands Luke and Bo, they get dragged out of solitary and Luke's all 'That wasn't so bad' and Bo just looks dazed and confused. He walks along with Luke kinda helping him alone with a hand on his back, Bo looks up to a guard and goes 'Howdy' as if he has absolutly no clue who the guy is or why. Poor ol' Bo Quote
morgan Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 Well, I don't always remember the titles but this is from season 7, episode 10.Bo is alone on General Lee, not reaching to drive it 'cause the General goes by itself; they're going to be crush against the train:Bo -General, you can't do this just to me!-Then again: -You can't do this bad thing- Quote
hazzardholik01 Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 heres some of my favorites. i can't remember some of em though but anyways.Bo: We'll be okay, unless we have to stop for gas, again. There wasn't much more'n a gallon in that gas can. Luke: In a one-gallon gas can. Huh. Bo: I cannot believe I just said that.From the Big HeistBo: Luke, why didn't you stop for meLuke: Ask the dude with the gun.Bo: What?!, hey you nice and comfortable back there.Bandit: you just keep drivinBo: Yeh, right, drivinCletus Falls in LoveBo: Don't worry Luke'll think of somethin'Daisy: I said I love ya CletusBo & Luke: *laughing*Luke: keep these cold for us.Bo: I love ya DaisyDaisy: Get outta here Bo!Bo: *blows Daisy a kiss* Quote
morgan Posted July 5, 2007 Posted July 5, 2007 Question: in the episode "The runaway", when Bo and Luke distroyed Daisy's car, Bo says "Daisy will kill you" to Luke; he answered something that I don't understand (I forgot to put the subtitles), then Bo replies "You could stop me" and then Luke says something else, something about the drive.Do you remember this last phrase? Quote
RogerDuke Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 I like this one from "Deputy Dukes" when Bo and Luke were escorting the dangerous criminal Rocky Marlow from Springville to Hazzard. Rocky offered the boys lots of money to look the other way while he sneaked off.Bo's response was,"We're country boys. We don't use no money. We just barter our way through life. Ya know if you was to offer me a bushel of corn, there ain't no tellin' what I might do for ya." Quote
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted April 3, 2009 Posted April 3, 2009 I like this one from "Deputy Dukes" when Bo and Luke were escorting the dangerous criminal Rocky Marlow from Springville to Hazzard. Rocky offered the boys lots of money to look the other way while he sneaked off.Bo's response was,"We're country boys. We don't use no money. We just barter our way through life. Ya know if you was to offer me a bushel of corn, there ain't no tellin' what I might do for ya."theres a couple that i like from Bo as follows:Bo: Daisy if you weren't my cousin, id marry youBo: Luke it aint funnyBo: i hate kids lol, bye yall Quote
GeneralLeeGirl Posted January 13, 2010 Posted January 13, 2010 Some of my favs areFrom High OctaneBo: Think we ought to give her mouth-to-mouth recreation?Luke: You mean resuscitationBo: Yeah, but I think I'm a whole lot closer to the truth!From Limo One is MissingBo: We'll be good so long as we don't have to stop for gas again, There couldn't have been more than a gallon of gas in that can.Luke: In a one gallon can, no kiddin!From... umm.. Good Neighbors Duke? Bo: Luke's got a plan. I don't know what it is, so I'm just gonna go along for the ride and smile pretty. Maybe throw out a couple yee-haws. Y'all in?I can't remember this one... The one with the ugly waitresses at the Boars Nest. And both Bo and Luke wind up with one in the end.Luke: She walks like a trucker!Bo: Yeah I know. Tell me about it! Woo-hoo!From the demolition derby one...Bo: Well, there's four in the crew, that's two apiece. But since we're cousins, I'll let you have one of mine.Once again. I can't remember where this is fromBo: Luke, you ain't even sane enough for me to call you crazy! (I say that one all the time!)And again. Can't remember... lol It's right before they hit a jump. I DO know that much!Bo: This is it cousinLuke What's that supposed to mean?Bo: I don't know, it just seems like an appropriate thing to say at a time like this! Quote
RogerDuke Posted August 18, 2010 Posted August 18, 2010 From "Arrest Jesse Duke" when Bo, Daisy and Luke were in Cooter's tow truck being shot at.Bo "This just seems a little strange. I ain't never had no girl shootin' at me before." Luke "Generally it's the girl's father shootin' at ya." Quote
HossC Posted August 19, 2010 Posted August 19, 2010 In 'Welcome, Waylon Jennings' Bo and Luke are discussing why Betty Jo doesn't trust them:Luke: Well, you gotta look at it like this ... if you was in her place, you'd probably feel the same way about us.Bo: If I was in her place, I'd probably feel the same way about you, but I'd dang sure trust me. Quote
bolukeduke Posted August 24, 2010 Posted August 24, 2010 heres a good oneBo Duke: You know, when I got up this mornin', the biggest thing on my mind was to do a little rabbit huntin'. Luke Duke: Then the hounddog runs off... Bo Duke: ...and my car is taken... Luke Duke: ...and now we're chasin' the sheriff's car. Ain't you glad we're not in the big city where life gets complicated? Quote
RebelDukeSwaim Posted November 16, 2011 Posted November 16, 2011 Such GREAT quotes....I love them all. I was wondering which ep. this one is from: Bo: "I ain't perfect, just pretty!" Quote
Skipper Duke Posted July 10, 2022 Posted July 10, 2022 On 7/2/2005 at 9:38 PM, Sway4829 said: I don't know if Bo ever said that. I know the balladeer is said it at least once. And on the first season special feature BBQ reunion John Schneider says it when he's telling about a story where he was being towed in the camera car in Georgia when it was raining and the car kept going in the ditches because it was so slick. He did if video games count. In one of the missions in PlayStation 2 and Xbox Return of the General Lee. Here is the exchange. Luke:"Punch it cousin!" Bo:"Faster than a bee stung stallion cousin." Luke:"You already used that one Bo." Bo:"How 'bout faster than a turpentine cat?" Luke:"That one too!" Bo:"How 'bout faster than a bald tired semi on a mile wet asphalt?" Quote
Skipper Duke Posted July 10, 2022 Posted July 10, 2022 On 8/11/2005 at 9:57 PM, Canadian_Country_Cousin said: In Route 7/11 Bo" Well aren't you gonna start it?" Luke"Well I'd need the keys, and just so happens that I left the keys in my pants pocket, and right now I ain't I got no pants pocket!" Bo"Since whan do we need keys to start a car?" Luke "Alright Alright!" Actually that's in Deputy Dukes. Quote
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