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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. (Season 3 Slave Girl) Gilligan:"Imagine, havin' a barbecue, an' you didn't invite me! Because I'm the barbecue!"
  2. (Season 2 Gilligan Gets Bugged) Gilligan:"Those green bugs sure do bite hard." Skipper:"Don't say that! Green bugs!" Gilligan:"Ok. I won't say it. But they sure do bite hard."
  3. Her license plate number in the book was HY-6241-J and Pennsylvania
  4. CHRISTINE CARS DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN ’57 & ’58 As many Christine fans are aware, the ’57 and ’58 Plymouths are virtually identical with some minor discrepancies. On the 57’ the grille below the front bumper where the front license plate sits is a series of slits. On the ’58, it’s an actual grille, like above the front bumper. On the ’57 the high and low beam headlight share the same seal beams. The forward turn signal lights are where the inner seal beams are on the ’58. The ’58 has separate seal beams for the high and low beam lights. The turn signals lights on the ’58 are at the top between the high and low beam seal beams. Also, on the ’57, the word PLYMOUTH is spelled across the front of the hood. On the ’58, it has a chrome piece that has PLYMOUTH spelled out on it. Also on the ’57’s that have V-8 engines, the V emblem is on the forward end of both the port and starboard sides. On the ’58, the V emblem is in the center of the grille.
  5. Also Uncle Jesse Hagg's still in Moonrunners(1975)and his spare still is called Molly
  6. Did you know Brad Dourif said in a interview "Chucky looks cute and innocent. Nobody would suspect him to be the murderer cuz he's just a doll. That's what makes it work so well."
  7. Just heard the sad news the Great @themickeygilley has passed away , Our ♥️ , thought & prayers go out to his family , friends and fans.
  8. "The Harlem Globetrotters On Gilligan's Island," the third -- and final -- television movie in the franchise -- aired on this day May 5, in 1981. This time, Ginger was played by Constance Forslund.
  9. Gilligan's Island Fan Club Skipper and Promoter of the Illinois division https://www.facebook.com/william.duff.967
  10. OMG lookie what Bill the Illinois Promoter and Skipper of that division of the Gilligan Fan Club said about my Skipper tribute scenes. "Keep it up, maybe a part in a movie as the Skipper, Never know!"
  11. The Loaded Goat 1963 “One loaded goat is all we can handle!”
  12. In “Barney Gets His Man”, I noticed some sloppy fill lighting by the crew. After Barney and Andy come down out of the tree, they take a breather on an old fallen tree. Look closely and you can see a bright spot to the right move it’s way over to light the shadows on their faces.
  13. Just watched the episode where Otis rides a cow. I am so confused though... what on earth was wrong with Floyd in that episode?? He was acting half out of it... and nothing ever came of it. I was certain someone had slipped him moonshine or something O.o Andy: Floyd, have you seen anything of Otis lately? Floyd: Not since yesterday morning. Said he was leaving town. He came in for a shave... Twice over, too. That means he'd be away for quite a while. Oh, he told me just where he was going. He and I are very close... For years, just like brothers. You know that, don't you, Andy? Andy: Yeah. He said where he was going? Floyd: It's only natural he would. We were great pals... I was just like a big brother to him. Only last week, I was taking him a-home and he fell down a well. He thought he was in quicksand. I got him up, though. Andy: Floyd, where did he go? Floyd: Oh, he went right home. After all, he was soakin' wet. Boy, you fall down a well... And you're wet. Andy: What about yesterday? Floyd: Uh, well, he came in for a shave. Andy: Floyd, you told us that. And he said he was leaving for... Where was that, now? Was it siler city? He's got people up there. Floyd: No, not siler city. Bridgeton? Bridgeton! Bridgeton! Uh... No, not bridgeton. Andy: Floyd, this is important. Will you please concentrate? Floyd: Oh, you bet I will. Let me see... Hmm... Was it Raleigh? Oh, no. He wouldn't go to Raleigh. Do you know what they charge for things in those big cities? Andy: Yeah, Floyd... a arm and a leg. Floyd: An arm and a... Oh! Isn't that funny? I want to remember that. You hear that on TV? Andy: Was it by any chance mt. Pilot? Floyd: Ah! That's it. Mt. Pilot... that's where he said he was going. I knew I'd get it. Oh, Barn! If you find him, will you tell him to pop back every couple of weeks? I don't want him falling in the hands of a strange barber.
  14. Cousin HossC... If they need it explained they shouldn't be here LOL.
  15. Captain E. J. Smith:"Gentlemen, we are in a precarious position. We must be prepared to abandon ship. Mr. Murdoch, you will master the passengers. Mr. Lightoller, you will have the boats uncovered and swung out. Mr. Boxhall, call all hands and get to the boat stations. Mr. Moody, you will help Mr. Lightoller. Mr. Wilde and Mr. Pittman will remain on the bridge. Everything will be done quietly and calmly. There must be no alarm, and no panic. I will give the word when the boats are to be loaded with the woman and children. Carry on please." J. Bruce Ismay:"Captain, aren't you exaggerating the danger?" Captain E. J. Smith:"I'm afraid not sir!" J. Bruce Ismay:"Where's Andrews?" Captain E. J. Smith:"I'm acting on his advice. This ship is going to founder!" J. Bruce Ismay:"But she can't! In any case, we can't get everyone in the boats." Captain E. J. Smith:"I know that sir. Praise God, it won't come to that."
  16. Fun Fact: 1 of the real life surviving officers, Officer Boxhall served as technical advisor on A Night to Remember(1958)
  17. (Season 3 The Canterbury Crock) Maury:"We're overheating Mr. Beckman! We'll never shake 'em now." Mr. Beckman:"Well, then, we have no choice but to get ourselves a car that is not overheating. Just do as I say, when we go around that next curve."
  18. (Theme From The Andy Griffith Show The Fishin' Hole) Well now, take down your fishing pole And meet me at the fishing hole We may not get a bite all day But don't you rush away What a great place to rest your bones And mighty fine for skipping stones You'll feel fresh as a lemonade a-setting in the shade Whether it's hot, whether it's cool Oh what a spot for whistling like a fool What a fine day to take a stroll and wind up at the fishing hole I can't think of a better way to pass the time of day We'll have no need to call the roll When we get to the fishing hole They'll be you, me, and old dog, trey to do the time away If we don't hook a perch or bass We'll cool our toes in dewy grass Or else pull up a weed to chaw And maybe sit and jaw Hanging around, taking our ease Watching that hound a scratching at his fleas I'm gonna take down my fishing pole And meet you at the fishing hole I can't think of a better way To pass the time of day
  19. On 4/25/97 15 million viewers tuned in to watch the Reunion movie with most of the original cast appearing in the special.
  20. I thanked Bill for the Skipper's outfit so many times and he said "I should be thanking you! Thanks for all you do for Gilligan community and keep it up Skipper. Robert."
  21. Pool HUSTLERS/gamblers Phil & Ernie
  22. Cousin Roger Duke... He sure would!
  23. Cousin Roger Duke Yep.)! There is no mask and wig that good!
  24. Happy Belated 25th Anniversary to The Dukes of Hazzard:Reunion(1997)4/25/97!
  25. I think in Double Dukes Turk and Moody was used to put on and take off the Bo and Luke masks and wigs and during the wearing the masks and wigs scenes was really the real Bo and Luke. What you think?
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