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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. I'm not like Hoss...I can never remember the episode or the season! LOL!
  2. Capital idea Stanley! ( remember Avery Schreiber?)
  3. That's cool..maybe YOU will have better luck than the town drunk did when he tried....lol
  4. Hmmmm….'bout the same really but ….how about Limo One?
  5. I remember her from something a long time ago...I think before the Dukes...not sure though...
  6. Well yea! I have no clue which episode or when...?? Any suggestions? I have found that I do have def. favorites and a few I don't like, not just 2-3. Some were on the B sides of the DVD's I have. I've only seen those a few times!
  7. It's good to hear you're doing well Muffn' but I'd step up my hunt for another job, if I were you, because the place I used to work for, never replaced anybody, when they quit or got fired and they were out of business in just a few years. THAT'S why they never replaced anybody! They saw that their business wasn't doing well and they kept costs down and saved money by not hiring anybody. After a while, they had just a handful of ppl and then they just closed.
  8. Welcome! It's good to have you! We hope you like it here in Hazzard!
  9. It was funny when Jesse said the boys wouldn't do well in a jury trial because there would be too many parents on the jury of the girls they've been chasing since they were 13. They'd hang you before lunch! LOL! ...One of my fav. lines! I wonder if that still was real. I bet it was. Hobie? Probably was ...but ya can't ever tell how good a still it is until you sample the shine! ( In real life, I've only had Moonshine twice!)….though my uncle used to make it and run it! His son today is Tennessee State Highway Patrol! Ironic huh?
  10. Well, if He is, he's been doing a crappy job so far....Hospital, grocery,....not much else matters other than that to keep you going.
  11. Oh yes! Conyers, however. isn't that far from where I live!
  12. I loved the Georgia episodes too but I liked them all about the same. Although they all seemed to have an "Overcast" feeling/look about them, like it was about to rain. The later ones were always sunny, which I liked, but it doesn't explain how farmers like Jesse could grow anything if you have no rain!
  13. We have a paper in our car that gives us permission to be out and about, because my wife works at a grocery store and is considered " Essential". How are you doing Muffin'?
  14. I never thought of that Amit !! That's good thinking! ( I told someone today, not to worry too much about all this stuff. It was made in China, so it can't last that long! )
  15. That is AWESOME!! I always liked good ol' Hammerhead...uh hand! ( You will remember Rosco's and the sheriff's brief conversation over the CB)
  16. Stay safe and Healthy everyone. Thank god we all have Hazzard county to escape too every once and a while. Amen Brother Spike! We're all happy and close knit here in " The Land" ( it's what I call Hazzard County)
  17. This is right out of the Twilight Zone!!
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