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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. Good to have you Gig Guy and you know what...…? I NEVER noticed the General wasn't on S.1 E.3 !! I can't believe it! WOW!!
  2. You're lucky you didn't blow a casket! That happens sometimes, when you overfill with oil! Then you have to take the head off and put a new seal on it and that takes time and money, because of all those parts on top of the engine that have to come off! ( and then be put back on!)
  3. What about that time when Bo and Luke were skinny dipping and those two stole the General. That one crook said, " Is this car double strong or what?"
  4. LOL! I thought you might like Nadler as Boss and Schiff as Rosco! ( Those are the two main people trying to get Trump out of office!)…..I have always said, as far as Jerry Nadler goes....someone needs to just reach out and grab him by the Nadlers!!
  5. It's gonna be sunny here but 34 for a high! Too cold for the South!
  6. We have a General lee in town where I live...maybe you could cruise around with that guy?
  7. Yes, please do Roger! I'm wondering if she's as big a Dukes fan as we are...? I kind of doubt she's going to be on board with your plan though!
  8. The house I live in didn't cost that much when I bought it! ( $ 64,000) If it was a General Lee...hmmmm….MAYbe but.....( I know...I'm too Jewish!)
  9. I've never said this before....and probably never will again.....just to show you how much we care, you come by the car lot and I'll GIVE you all the shine you want ….FREE!! ( Don't say anything to Boss about it though, you know how he is!! )
  10. Well keep us up on it darlin' and I hope you get to feeling better soon. If you need to talk you've got me and everybody else here, you can pm! Like I said, you just remember, we all love you!
  11. Are you kidding?? I've got most of the dialogue on them memorized! I'll put in one DVD and play it for a week or two. I never get tired of watching them!
  12. Incognito ( sometimes Rosco went incognito)
  13. Hey guys, I put this here, because we are all family here in Hazzard and we care about each other. Has anybody heard from the Muffin'? I haven't seen any posts by her or anything. I sure hope she's ok and hope she knows she's missed! She's very popular on here and we enjoy having her as our Supreme Superior Commander! Come Back Muffin"!! We love you!!
  14. an actor never wants to be pigeonholed into one particular personality. If it was me, I wouldn't care, if it was a good guy ( or a " Good" crook, e.g., Rosco, Boss etc.) and I made that kind of money and was that popular....I wouldn't care. I also noticed that Sorrell really was quite fat even in other roles but of course he was fatter as Boss Hogg via fat pads!
  15. I know there are several of them but I just can't think of them right now. Roger or Hoss could probably tell you! Make sure to check back from time to time and they will probably be able to help.
  16. Also, I'm listening to Christmas music (Elvis) as I type this. .. Was it...I'll have a Bloooo Christmas without yoooo!! ??? Go ahead and say it......I'm so pathetic!!! ... No way! You're a good guy and good friend and a fellow Hazzardite! ANYBODY who loves Hazzard as much as you do has GOT to be great!
  17. And...it won't be the Patriots vs, anybody this year in the Super Bowl!
  18. Happy Late Birthday wishes to both bosses! ( Sorry...I've been doing some wheelin' N Dealin' out on the car lot!)
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