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Everything posted by HossC

  1. You have to ask to join the Veteran's group, so you might as well PM now. Those criteria I posted were only arbitrary proposals - they're not set in stone.
  2. Hawaii
  3. The old forum software let you edit your posts for 10 minutes. I'm guessing that the new software is doing something similar. There are no restrictions once you become a Veteran, but I think you can see the sense in not making this privilege available until a member has proved themselves. If the planned Wiki site gets off the ground, I think Mufn was only going to let Veterans edit it, at least to begin with, so you should ask about becoming one.
  4. I get an "Edit" button next to the "Quote" button, but I think that's only available to the Veteran's group. The Veteran's group was created after the last major forum update. It was originally suggested that "To join this group, you will have to meet certain criteria, such as being a member for over 2 years or having more than 100 posts." You certainly qualify on the longevity side, and are not far off in the number of posts. You have to opt-in to the group, so I'd suggest you PM Meadowmufn to state your case for becoming a Veteran.
  5. I didn't know the version by The Angels, Susan. That's why I like this thread - I get to hear new stuff. It turns out that I also have a cover version by another English band called Space. That one's from the late '90s. Like Space, this band is also from Liverpool (y'all may remember a well-known '60s band from Liverpool as well ). A Cool Place - Lightning Seeds
  6. It's about time someone revived this thread - thanks, Susan. Later covered by the Fun Lovin' Criminals, here's the original from 1976. Couldn't Get It Right - Climax Blues Band
  7. (Pretty in) Pink
  8. Here's the little Dutch girl from the 1947 version of 'Miracle on 34th Street' (one of my "must watch" Christmas movies):
  9. Sorry Mufn, I've had quite a busy end of December, and completely forgot your birthday this year. Belated best wishes.
  10. I won't have much time until about mid-January, but after that, I'm happy to lend a hand.
  11. I think I know the Knight Rider site that you mean, Roth. I worked my way through it while I was watching my box set. The filming locations have been fairly well covered by myself and others. There are episode guides to the first two seasons on the home page - I updated the first season and drafted the second, although that was a couple of years ago now. I even did the screengrabs for most of season 3, but haven't written much text to go with them yet. Maybe that's a project for the new year! These already include summaries and trivia, but I see no reason why they couldn't be expanded to include mistakes (we've already got seven pages of them here) and quotes (already scattered through the cast/characters section of the forum). They could also list the cast and crew. An alternative would be to start a new forum thread for episodes guides split into sub-threads for each season. Another way to go would be a Wiki-style extension to HNet. There's one for "CHiPs" (chips-tv.com/wiki), to which I've added many pages, summaries, cast/crew lists, quotes, trivia, screengrabs and locations. The advantage to this is that each episode can have a page with all the information you wanted, and each page can be edited and added to by anyone with a basic knowledge of the Wiki mark-up language. You can also add linked pages for characters, actors, places (e.g. the Duke Farm, the Boar's Nest etc.) and so on. It would almost certainly be to most work for Meadowmufn to set up, but ultimately give the best end result when we've all contributed (IMHO).
  12. Welcome to HNet, CornishBelle. I'm originally from the southwest of England myself, but now live in Ireland.
  13. I must dig out 'The Great Santa Clause Chase'. In fact, I must make time to watch the rest of Dukes as I've neglected them lately. There's a New Year's resolution for you! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone on HazzardNet .
  14. Prague ( AC Sparta Prague is a soccer team from the Czech Republic)
  15. road (I thought I'd go for a season 2 reference )
  16. He was a Russian baritone whose 1976 recording of "I am very glad, as I'm finally returning back home" became an Internet meme a few years ago. Enjoy the brownness .
  17. Welcome to HNet. I don't like to leave questions unanswered, but this one has me stumped at the moment. I hope one of the other members can name the episode. BTW. The Eduard Khil avatar made me smile .
  18. Bridge
  19. In 'Happy Birthday, General Lee', Waylon says "But something led Bo and Luke to that Capitol City junkyard. And right up to that wreck of an old black Charger. Sounds like a song old Willie would sing, don't it?"
  20. IMCDb has it listed as a Harley Davidson, although there's a question mark hanging over it. I don't know much about bikes, but I think the badge on the tank matches those of older Harleys. Here are a couple of other angles.
  21. Queen
  22. The Undertaker (Another wrestler I remember from the '90s)
  23. HossC

    One Word Song Titles

    The current Heineken commercial with Benicio del Toro provides a great excuse to revive this thread. Here's the catchy 1969 backing track: Barabajagal - Donovan
  24. I see you left the "In spite of your vices..." question blank in Boss' section. Does this mean that you don't have standards and do wish to directly harm others?
  25. They were announced nearly five years ago - see here. The link is still working, so they may still be available. Here's one of the designs:
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