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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Cousin Hobie... Cuz she's a woman lol. Not as good a driver as men.
  2. Happy 61st Dukes of Hazzard Birthday today to John Schneider(Bo Duke)!4/8/60!
  3. (Season 2 Ghost a Go-Go)Ghost:"AooooOooo!!!" Gilligan:"No, that wasn't you Skipper." Gilligan(Looks out window, sees ghost)Ghost:"AooooOooo!!!" Gilligan(Runs over to hammocks, wakes up Skipper)"Hey Skipper, Skipper, wake up! Wake up!" Skipper:"What is it? What's a matter, Little Buddy?" Gilligan:"I just saw a ghost out there!"(pointing to door/window of hut)Skipper:"Oh, for goodness sakes Gilligan. You didn't wake me up out of a sound sleep to tell me about your nightmare?" Gilligan:"No, no! I saw a real live ghost, out there!"(pointing to hut door/window again)Skipper:"Gilligan, people are alive, ghosts are dead." Gilligan:"Then, I saw a real dead ghost, and he ran that way."(pointing to the direction the ghost ran in)Skipper:"Well, if he was dead, how come he was running that way?" Gilligan:"But Skipper, but Skipper. He's right out there, Skipper."(points to the hut door/window once again)Skipper:"Oh Gilligan, will you stop that!? Now, go to sleep! Goodnight!"
  4. (Season 3 Gilligan vs Gilligan)Professor:"Gilligan, I'm afraid under the circumstances of circumstantial evidence, you are a provericator!" Gilligan:"Oh. Well, that's better than calling me a liar." Skipper:"Gilligan, that's what provericator means!"
  5. Gilligan Trivia: The American Flag is flying at half mast in the b/w Season 1(1964-1965)theme song opening credits because of the assassination of President Kennedy. T or F?
  6. Andy Trivia: What is the name of Deputy Barney Fife's land lady he rents a room from in her house?
  7. (Season 4 Up in Barney's Room)Barney:"I just don't trust him Andy! And you wanna know why? A: A guy moves into town! 2: He has no job, and C: He wants to marry Miss Bendelmright!"
  8. (Season 6 Play It Again, Luke)Bo Duke:"Hey y'all? What do you call Rosco P. Coltrane in a tree full of monkeys?" Luke Duke & Daisy Duke:"Branch manager!"
  9. (Season 3 The Kidnapper)Mr. Wiley:"If I was a dame, I couldn't resist you!" Gilligan:"I could!" Skipper:"You stay outta this! Now, what were you saying Mr. Wiley?"
  10. Belated Happy Easter HazzardNet members!
  11. (Season 2 Chain of Command)Skipper:"Gilligan to a monkey you may be a Skipper but to a Skipper you're no Skipper at all!"
  12. (Season 2 Barney on the Rebound)Andy:"Barney. I believe it's now to late to change the subject."
  13. (Season 2 Mr. & Mrs.???)Skipper:"Gilligan. That is our hut! And I'm gonna figure a way to get him out of there." Gilligan:"One way is to throw him out, remember?" Skipper:"Please, don't remind me." Gilligan:"You sure told him. "Alright Howell! Now here this! Enough is enough, there's one thing you're gonna do!" And he did. He gave you his laundry." Skipper:"Yes! But what kills me, is I took it!" Gilligan:"Life is like a game of marbles Skipper. No matter pretty yours are, the other guy's are prettier." Skipper:"Thanks a lot, Gilligan! That's all I need is a dropout philosopher!"
  14. (Season 2 You've Been Disconnected)Gilligan:"I feel like Ben Casey!" Skipper:"If you don't stop fooling around, you're gonna need Ben Casey!"
  15. Season 4(The Sound of Music, Hazzard Style)Bo Duke:(To Heep & Morton)"Y'all fasten yer seatbelts, we have just been cleared fer take off."
  16. Cousin Roger Duke... I have the lil 1/64 of the movie car.
  17. Cousin Roger Duke... Cole Trickle
  18. Andy:"There's no chance of gettin' Aunt Bee's old pickles back is it?" Barney:"Are you kiddin'? They're scattered all the way from Oregon to Nova Scotia."
  19. (Season 4 Hughie Hogg Strikes Again)Waylon Jennings:"Well, there he is again. Besides bein' mean as a snake, I wonder how come he knew the Duke Boys, and they didn't know him."
  20. (Season 2 Mr. & Mrs.???)Ginger:"She really got you that time Mr. Howell!" Mr. Howell:"To the quick! You know how much it costs to support one of those eggheads?"
  21. Hey y'all. Why are some HazzardNet members names in red and some are in blue? What do the colors mean?
  22. (Season 7 Cool Hands Luke & Bo)Sheriff "Droopy" Cathcarte:"Come on!"(Pulling and shoving Bo). Bo Duke:"I'm goin'! You don't have to shove!" Luke Duke:"Bo." Sheriff "Droopy" Cathcarte:"Get on in there, Mr. Claiborne wants to see you personally." Colonel Cassius B. Claiborne:"Well, as I live and breathe, the famous Duke Boys." Luke Duke:"You ain't got no call to have us cuffed do ya?" Sheriff "Droopy" Cathcarte:"We ain't? Why son, you just broke every vehicular law in our books!" Colonel Cassius B. Claiborne:"Speedin', reckless drivin', resistin' arrest, evadin' an officer, destruction of county property!"
  23. Gilligan's Island fans... Does any of you know what happened to Skipper's S. S. Minnow ship wheel sign from opening credits where it is at today? I am curious about what happened to it.
  24. (Season 2 Hazzard Connection)Shoulders:(On CB with Augie Detweiller)"Ol' Rosco's mad enough to chew nails and spit horseshoes! He knows we're up to something." Augie:"Of course he does. Only, he ain't got the smarts to figure out what it is! But if you think he's mad now, you just wait 'til you tell him he's gotta put every one of those cars back exactly like he found 'em, or we're gonna get the law down on him!" Shoulders:"Uh Sheriff?"(Waggles finger at Rosco, in a come hither motion.)Rosco:"Jumpin' gee hospaht, you mean we gotta put all this back!?"(To Enos)"Well, don't just stand there, you dipstick! Git it all back!"
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