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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Cousin Roger... The Skipper can try to get her here.
  2. Christine Fun Fact: In this scene the blackened headlight is actually sprayed with hair spray to keep it from reflecting back into the camera lens.
  3. BRB(Billie Rae Bates) classified herself as "a geeky nerdy girl!" Wow!
  4. Dukes of Hazzard Fun Fact: The Bassett Hounds that played Flash P. Coltrane were Sandy and Ruby.
  5. Cousin Roger... Wow you posted this on my birthday!
  6. Cousin Hobie & Cousin Roger Thanks for your reactions.
  7. 2 Nice articles Billie Rae Bates did about me and my Gilligan's Island item collection. https://brbtv.blogspot.com/2020/02/check-out-these-gilligan-goods.html https://brbtv.blogspot.com/2021/04/congrats-to-bobby-for-finally-snagging.html
  8. BRB TV's 1st blog about me. https://brbtv.blogspot.com/2020/02/check-out-these-gilligan-goods.html
  9. Gilligan's Island General Discussion. https://brbtv.blogspot.com/2021/04/congrats-to-bobby-for-finally-snagging.html
  10. Sorry y'all. I have checked it out via evidence provided by Cousin HossC. It turns out, Racing For Home bad guy Black Jack Perril was not voiced by Jack Palance(Curly)from the City Slickers movies, but voiced by Jeffrey Ford. However he shares similarities with Curly such as looks and clothes. But the resemblance ends there. Also turns out that Geologist/bad guy Johnny Rob in Daisy Dukes It Out was voiced by Jeffrey Pillars(Uncle Jesse Duke)who also played Uncle Jesse Duke in Racing For Home. Not Billy Bob Thornton. Sorry about the misinformation y'all. However once again, Johnny Rob shares looks with Carl from Sling blade movie. But the resemblance Also ends there. Cousin HossC... Many thanks for investigating this for me, and setting the records straight!
  11. (Season 3 The Second Ginger Grant) Mrs. Howell:"Thurston, have you been eating brandy peaches without the peaches again!?"
  12. (Season 7 Strange Visitor to Hazzard) Enos Strate:(upon meeting alien)"Possum on a gum bush." Bo Duke:"That means "Hello." See, Enos is from another planet too."
  13. Hi Mark B/ Scooter Davenport! Skipper to the rescue. I have gotten off the island and taken a break my 3 hour tours long enough to type this lol. The brown Chevy tow truck appears in Repo Men, Deputy Dukes, and Double Sting. It's also in One Armed Bandits, as HossC pointed out. However, not driven by Cooter in O. A. B.
  14. (Season 3 Andy and the New Mayor) Andy:"You see Mayor!? If you'd let me run my own office, Jess wouldn't be up there in that tree, an' you wouldn't be up there beside of him, with yer clothes all tore up, an' we wouldn't be down here, with a bear in our backseat! You beat everything, you know that!?"
  15. (Season 1 Forget Me, Not) Skipper:"6 Japanese prisoners in 15 minutes! I may take the whole Japanese Army single handed!"
  16. Andy Griffith Fun Fact: Bing Russell(The Construction worker) in Season 3 episode The Loaded Goat is the father of Kurt Russell.
  17. (Season 3 The Loaded Goat)Construction Worker:"These walls are pretty thick. Most of the damage will go straight up." Mayor Stoner:"Straight up!? But my office is up there! I better go evacuate some of my important papers."
  18. (Season 1 Forget Me, Not)Gilligan:"Hey Soldier! Don't you remember me!? I'm yer Little Buddy." Skipper:"I don't have any Little Buddy!"(Realizing Gilligan is out of jail.)"What are you doing out here!? Get back in there!" Skipper:"If you were my Little Buddy, why are you wearing that Japanese uniform?" Gilligan:"Yeah. How come I'm wearing a Japanese uniform?" Professor:"You're not wearing a Japanese uniform. He just thinks you are!" Gilligan:"But he's got the gun. What he thinks counts!"
  19. Cousin Garrett Duke... Danica Patrick is pretty.
  20. (Season 1 One Armed Bandits) Luke Duke:"Burt Reynolds never seems to get lost!" Bo Duke:"Well, he's got a moustache!"
  21. Cousin HossC... Hey yeah. And being his own station, he could've got the gas for free.
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