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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Joshua Richard which coincidentally John's real life name is John Richard.
  2. (Season 1 The Matchmaker) Gilligan spills soup on the Skipper. Skipper:"Why me Professor!? Always me!"
  3. https://youtube.com/watch?v=SeQfDl3vB-4&feature=share
  4. (Season 2 Officer Daisy Duke)Sheriff Grady Byrd:"I bet you this ain't filled with no rabbit tobacco, I bet you it's filled with- A badge." Bo Duke:"Congratulations Sheriff, you just arrested the fuzz." Boss Hogg:"Grady-" Sheriff Grady Byrd:"I'm sorry Texas Ranger. Why didn't you say something?" Jude Emery:"I tried to hoss. But you kept yellin' "Hush!"
  5. (Season 3 Gilligan vs Gilligan)Skipper:(To fake Gilligan/Russian spy double)"Gilligan, when they were passing out the brains, you weren't at the back of the line! You were on vacation!" Fake Gilligan/Russian spy double:(After Skipper walks away and out of earshot)"That's what you think fatso!"
  6. (Season 4 Diamonds in the Rough) Bo Duke:"That sound like gunshots to you?" Luke Duke:"I don't know. But let's not stick around to find out." Bad guys shoot at them again. Bo Duke:"They're sure tryin' tell us somethin'." Luke Duke:"I had no idea doll collectin' was this serious a business." Bad guys shoot out the General Lee's side mirror. Luke Duke:"Man, they do mean it!"
  7. I caught a blooper/mistake in Season 7 Cale Yarborough Comes to Hazzard. When Rosco makes the jump into the grain silo, the light bar/siren flies off his car. But when we cut to him sitting in the car in the silo, when he says "Alright Bo & Luke Duke! You've really done it this time!" The light bar/siren is magically back on the car as it slides down into his view on the windshield.
  8. (Season 2 The Rustlers)Rosco:"Boss. Them Duke Boys done gave me the slip, along with a penny coat and a pair of long johns. Kew kew kew." Boss Hogg:"You numbskull, you couldn't catch a cold in a flu epidemic!"
  9. Season 4 Diamonds in the Rough. Bo Duke:"Bugs Bunny? Who'd wanna shoot after Bugs Bunny?" Luke Duke:"Elmer Fude." Bo gives him a "You can't be serious!" type of look. Luke Duke:"I wouldn't bank on it bein' him though!"
  10. Cousin Roger Duke... Are you into Gilligan's Island and The Andy Griffith Show?
  11. In Season 2 Ghost of General Lee, I noticed Boss Hogg's safe in the Boars Nest office disappears and reappears during the scene when Phil and Ernie steal it while Daisy is tied up. It's there, then gone. After it shows them loading it into their stolen pickup truck, it is back again. Then when Luke busts in when him and Bo arrive, after Phil and Ernie leave, and asks her "You alright?" And she says "I am now." The safe is back again.
  12. The Dukes of Hazzard(1979-1985) Gilligan's Island(1964-1967) The Andy Griffith Show(1960-1968)
  13. Boss Hogg:"I gave you my word Jesse!" Uncle Jesse Duke:"J. D. Your word is about as worthless as a milk bucket under a bull!"
  14. Folks there are some haters on Facebook who refuse tribute artists, remakes etc. But I don't let it deter me. I understand they are entitled to their opinion as it is their right, as much as it is my right to be a tribute artist. One recent hater said "Looks nothing alike." About my color episodes 37-98 Seasons 2-3(1965-1966/1966-1967)theme song tribute scenes. I did "The Skipper brave and sure" lyric scene from those color years. Anywho... Here is what I told him: Michael Andrysco Everyone is entitled to an opinion. I am a tribute artist just doing what I do for fun and to carry the torch in honor of Alan's memory. I am not trying to replace him. Because I know already that he is irreplaceable.
  15. Rosco:(To Fake Rosco/Woody)"Listen here! You can't be me, I'm me! And I've got an advantage, cuz I've known me a lot longer than you have! So there!"
  16. Waylon Jennings:"Now, y'all better pay attention. This here General Lee comin' atcha ain't." Moody:"We'll use this here fake General Lee fer a couple more bank heists, then dump it." Waylon:"While this here General Lee is, and it's lookin' fer the one that ain't. Except it's on the wrong road. But Daisy and Jesse ain't."
  17. Boss Hogg:"Oh my! Who's this lovely lady?" Rosco:"She's yer wife Boss!" Boss Hogg:"Oh my wife! Wait a minute, that's you in the picture too, though ain't it? Rosco:"Yeah. You should've shot my other side. That's my best profile." Boss Hogg:"You got your arm right around my wife!" Rosco:"Right around her. I love her dearly." Boss Hogg:"What's goin' on between the 2 of you!?" Rosco:"Well, you see Boss, she's yer wife, but she's my sister!" Boss Hogg:"Oh yer sister huh? I see now. Wait a minute!" Rosco:"What?" Boss Hogg:"If she's yer sister, that makes you my brother-in-law." Rosco:"Yeah you little devil. Kew kew kew!" Boss Hogg:"I had no idea how low I'd really sunk!"
  18. Skipper:"It's all my fault! I should've gone after my Little Buddy in the first place!" Mary Ann:"You tried Skipper, you tried!"
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