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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Gilligan:"Hey Skipper! Why don't you donate yer pants? We can fill 'em with air and fly to Hawaii." Skipper:"Very funny!"
  2. Y'all is it really possible to cure amnesia with a 2nd blow to the head as TV and movies suggest?
  3. Boss Hogg:"Everything I buy is bought and paid for fair and square." Luke Duke:"You wouldn't know fair and square with a scale and a ruler!"
  4. Deputy Warren:"Just so you know, there's no dog there." Otis:"Shhhh. He don't know that."
  5. Skipper:"Well, at least we've got some newspapers to read!" Gilligan:"Yeah. Maybe we could fill up on the food adds!"
  6. Skipper:"Loook Gilligan! A crate of food! This is great!" Gilligan:"After having nothing but bananas and coconuts for so long, anything could be a treat!" Skipper:"Yes!" Both together:"Coconuts!"
  7. Boss Hogg:"Well, ain't you gonna say it?" Woody/Fake Rosco:"Say what?" Boss Hogg:"What you always say!" Fake Rosco/Woody:"Which is?" Boss Hogg:"Say "Hello" from Rosco!" Woody/Fake Rosco:"Oh yeah! Say "Hello" from Rosco!" Boss Hogg:"I will not!"
  8. Bo Duke:"Maybe it's because you do scare me, and believe me, not many women do."
  9. Skipper:"Gilligan, can't you hear everyone yelling for hot water?" Gilligan:"I could hear them if they were in Hawaii." Skipper:"Very funny!"
  10. Boss Hogg:"Alright! What'd you crooks do with them furs!?" Luke Duke:"We upholstered the General with 'em." Bo Duke:"Teh. They put 'em in that blue car. They're gettin' away." Rosco:"Boss, maybe that was that blue car goin' South that nearly run over our posteriors goin' North." Boss Hogg:"Yeah. But you believe that-" Luke Duke:"Yeah. If you give us a chance, we'll help you catch 'em." Boss Hogg:"Sure you will!"(to Rosco)"And you believe in the words of a Duke!? Go on lock 'em up!"
  11. Aunt Bee:"Well, come on Opie. We gotta go get you some new underwear." Andy:"Again? Aunt Bee, I declare that boy goes through underwear like he was wearin' sandpaper britches."
  12. Mrs. Howell:"Thurston, there are times when money is absolutely useless." Mr. Howell:"Oooh Lovey, what you said!"
  13. Boss Hogg:"Rosco, if you ever have to live your life over again, don't!" Rosco:"If I do, I hope I'm a duck!"
  14. I love the Eddie Macon's Run book and Christine book
  15. Aunt Bee:"Otis tell him the news!" Andy:"News? What news?" Aunt Bee:"Otis!"(snaps fingers)"Tell him!" Otis:"I ain't gonna drink no more. Aunt Bee put me on probation. If I make one false move, I gotta come back! Andy, let's go! I don't ever wanna see The Rock again!" Andy:"The Rock?" Aunt Bee:"That's what Otis calls my little jail here." Andy:"Aunt Bee, I believe you missed yer calling. You ought to have been a warden!"
  16. Cousin Roger I have used up my reaction limit again too.
  17. Opie:"Pa guess who I just saw?" Andy:"Who?" Opie:"Big Jeff Pruitt." Andy:"Oh yeah. He came into town this mornin'." Opie:"Guess what I saw him doin'?" Andy:"What?" Opie:"Standin' on the corner, pickin' up girls." Andy:"What do you know about pickin' up girls?" Opie:"Gosh Pa, what's there to know? Whenever a girl walks by, he just picks her up, sets her back down, and says "Excuse me mam, just checkin' yer weight."
  18. Skipper:"Did you have glue on your hand?" Gilligan & Skipper:"On the sleeve too!" Skipper:"That glue went right through my shirt!"
  19. Bo Duke:"Now, the Dukes and the Hoggs been on opposite sides of the fence fer years! We always have been, and we always will be!" Luke Duke:"And the day we step over that fence, it's gonna be a cold day in-" Uncle Jesse Duke:"You watch yer language! Now, you listen to me, both of you! You boys are reacting to prejudice! The Good Lord put us on this Earth to overcome things like hating people fer something they did to us in the past! Doesn't that make sense to you?"
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