Well, you might have a different definition of "violent", but when coupled with "hostile", I don't think it fits the definition you gave above. I have been neither violent nor hostile. I never blamed DaisyMae for the name nor tried to hurt her feelings. I've stuck specifically to my objections to the name and haven't attacked anyone associated with it, as I don't know them. You know, this thing wouldn't have blown up the way it did if you hadn't called my first comment "hostility"... It was simply my observation and I was going to leave it at that, until you ascribed something more to it than was there. You put me in the position of explaining my objections because you thought I was "hostile" when I was not. I had perfectly good reasons for my opinion and I stated them. You escalated all this by continuing to ascribe not only hostility, but *gasp* violence, to my objections. I can be a very patient and diplomatic person, but I cannot abide having statements made about me that aren't true... especially on my own website. The show may have started off a little risque, but it certainly toned it down after the first seasons and became more family friendly. We certainly aren't prudes, but we ARE protective of the show being associated with anything that might be considered negative. THUS, our objections to the use of the word "mafia". We have enough to do in fighting against most peoples' low opinions of "hicks and rednecks". Giving those who would criticize the show more "ammo" by using the word "mafia" in a fan group name just isn't smart. That's my opinion... and the opinion of HazzardNet, cuz I own it. LOL.