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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. That was quick...it takes me months to write a chapter, but then again mine are like fifteen or so pages typed...and I have been plagued by the horrible nightmare of writer's block for what seems to be forever now. Garrett is such an ornery and stubborn muse.

  2. LOL...you are fine. The dad idea sounds interesting and original. Keep up the good work.

  3. I generally just write until the end and not worry about how many chapters there is for the most part. I tend to compare it to past stories and all that. Do what you want to do though.

  4. You are welcome. That is creative thinking putting yourself and your friend in the story. Good job.

  5. Why I love the Dukes...better question is, what's not to love about the Dukes? It is a family show and as was mentioned, there doesn't seem to be much more of them kind of shows out there any more. Sadly. It has an awesome cast of actors/actresses with great characters that had helped build the show. I have seen each episode (Bo and Luke episodes...have watched Coy and Vance's episodes, but only a few times each or so) and no matter how much I've seen an episode, I still find it funny and interesting to watch. The show has a little bit of something for everyone - action, comedy, good looking people, and of course the famous orange car of The General Lee. Plus no one ever got really hurt and everything turned out alright by the end - as Waylon once said "They tend to like happy endings in Hazzard". Or something to the effect at least. The show builds a warm enviroment that just makes you want to pack up and move to Hazzard, Jesse has such a warm and welcoming personality that he almost makes it feel as if he were your own uncle. And though Boss and Rosco may be crooked and do almost anything to get dem dang Duke boys in jail and out of their way so they can freely control Hazzard to get the money and power that they want, they always had their limits and their own set of morals about them. Though crooked in their own right, they went out of their way to make sure no one got hurt in thier schemes to get the Dukes in jail...or should I say, try to get them in jail. Then of course you have Bo and Luke, Daisy and Cooter, and sweet Deputy Enos Strate. All willing to help out and to be there when needed - to go out of their way to help others and to make things better Plus if I'm having a bad day or something is wrong or worrying me and I by chance happen to put in a DVD of the Dukes, for that hour or so, things seem to be just fine while I watch Rosco and Boss in hot persuit of Bo and Luke...As I said, the show has a little something for everyone and has an awesome cast of characters...I think the cast that they picked out and the characters that they created is what made the show what it is and how great it is. Oh and don't forget The General!
  6. I like chapter one of your story - of what you got up so far. Hope Kristen has a better day tomorrow ;). School can be rough sometimes.

  7. Thanks Daisy for joining my group! :D I am excited about it.

  8. (Redneck Woman - Baby's Got her Blue Jeans On is by Mel McDaniel. Lucky you to be able to be the one to mention that song. LOL. That was my first all time favorite song. I loved that song and still do.)
  9. Atlanta Motor Speedway (even though the track is technically in Hampton (I think) and is about an hour away from Atlanta (I think that is what they said at one time or another) )
  10. I don't know if this would be the proper place to put this thread or not, so I apologize if it is in the wrong section. I just created a new public group called Hazzard County's NASCAR Group and as the title implies it is about NASCAR. It is a place to talk anything NASCAR from your favorite driver, your favorite race or track, to the upcoming chase, and about past races as well as the upcoming race. It is open to who ever wants to join and to talk about NASCAR . Here is the link to the group. http://www.hazzardnet.com/forums/group.php?groupid=22&gmid=464#gmessage464 Thank-you.
  11. OK I'll have to check it out. ;) By the way...I just created a new group that is public if you want to join. It is called Hazzard County's NASCAR Group - for all things NASCAR . LOL

  12. Oops...I didn't answer your question. I had to go back and look. As to whether I think Kyle will make it or break it...that's hard. If his luck holds out as he has been having, he won't make it, but I surely wouldn't count him out of it either. As I said, he is talented...LOL (I am sorry if you do like him, for what I said earlier. I tend to just take for granted that people feel the same about him as I do for some reason) Like I said earlier, I don't like saying things against a driver as to not offend anyone. So all of that I say about Kyle is my opinion...of what little it is worth. LOL

    As for Jimmie's and Brian Vicker's problem...that confused me to. But I think they said that there is two different ways that you can break an axel or something like that and Johnson had to go under the car to shove something or another. Something like that. I can't remember how they explained it, but they did say something about it being broken on the other side and shoving something it seems. LOL. They were surprised themselves that Vickers was able to fix it so quickly...he didn't even go a lap down! The only thing I can think of is that Johnon's break was worse or was in a more difficult place to fix than Vickers. Lucky for Vickers...LOL. Oh well, it is Vickers that needed the more points since he is on the bubble.

    I hope you have a great weekend! I am looking forward to your reply to all my messages. Hope they weren't too boring for you. LOL. Am also looking forward to hear what you think of tomorrow's race or the results. Good luck in the tractor pull...and have a GREAT time at the Toby Keith concert - he puts on a great show. I have seen him once and would love to see him again. LOL. In fact, I am wearing one of the shirts I got at his concerts. Too bad about the truck race though, but you do have think of travel and costs and so forth. Are you going to go to any of the chase races this year? LOL...as I said, once I get started talking about NASCAR, I don't shut up. Anyways enjoy your weekend. :)

  13. I will have to look up the book you are talking about. I love to read as well .Right now I am in the middle of James Best's book which I am finding really interesting. I like mystery too...police/lawyer type books I enjoy. My favorite authors are John Lescroart, Micheal Connelly, Lee Child, and Steve Martini. You hear of any of them? I usuaully get their books once they get out as well...I have all of their books to date (except for Martini, there is a couple of his older books that I have yet to get).

    I have read the Divinci Code and saw the movie...it was a good book and a good movie. I hope you enjoy his new book. Micheal Connelly has a book coming out in October that I am excited about.

  14. I like Kasey Kane...but that would get old and especially that late in the night/early in the morning. As I said, NASCAR fans seem to be die hard fans of their driver...but it can get old fast and irritating with stuff like that.

    Hmmmm...Maybe I will make a club and then advertise it in the forums so everyone will know they are welcome? How about Hazzard NASCAR Club? How does that sound. I just hope that people will respect other people's opinion on their favorite driver. If that makes sense...I will send you the link or the invite when I create it.

    THANK-YOU for your replies and for putting up with my long posts. LOL. I love talking NASCAR, if you can't tell by now.

  15. OK enough with my rant of Kyle...as I said earlier, that is what is great about NASCAR...there is a lot of different drivers out there to go for with different personalities. There are ones you love to love, the ones you like and wish well for, and the ones you love to hate. And each fan will support their driver no matter what and with everything they have no matter what anyone else thinks. *sighs* Supposedly there are people out there that love to hate Jeff Gordon...though I can't see how anyone could hate him or why. LOL. So Busch can have his fans and so forth, I'll just keep with Jeff Gordon and Jimmie Johnson and the rest of my Hendrick boys. ;) Though I do have other drivers that I do like and wish well for like Carl Edwards, Marcos Ambrose, and Michael Waltrip (Sad to see him retiring after this year).

    I had to laugh at what you said though about Kurt Busch throwing his helmet or steering wheel last week. I thought the samething about what he was going to do and that he gathered himself up real quick and was very calm when they talked to him. I don't think Kyle would have been like that. LOL Talking of Kurt though, I read a title of an article about him on Nascar.com when I was there that his crew cheif Pat Tryson is leaving him after this year to be the crew cheif for Martin Truex Jr. at Micheal Waltrip Racing. I remember Pat being Martin's crew cheif when he was driving for Rousch. LOL. I bet Kurt isn't too happy to be losing such a talented and experienced crew cheif as Tryson. (I guess I know little of Tryson, just by Martin's success he had at Roush).

  16. I am really looking forward to the race tomorrow night...about by this time tomorrow night we should know who's in the chase and who is out. :) It will be a good and interesting race. I am just glad that my boys are both in it and they can just go for the win and all that. Hopefully your Carl will have a much better race tomorrow...he deserves a good race.

    Wanna hear about an article I read on nascar.com today...it is either really funny or really annoying to hear (Funny in a sarcastic type of way). LOL. It was an opinionated article so I will give the author her rights for her opinions though I don't share the same opinion. She had an whole article on how NASCAR needs Kyle Busch in the chase...without Kyle, the chase would be boring and the championship would be boring without him in it and his after race comments and so forth.

    As I said, I have a way different opinion on the matter. I am really hoping he doesn't get in the chase. I feel like that is bad of me to wish or to think, but all the same, I hope he doesn't make it. *Holds breath while saying this* I will give him credit that he is a very talented driver and he has great skill at what he does. *Let's go of breath* there I said it. LOL. He just needs to mature up - he is better than last year, but not by much.

  17. I understand how you feel about your nephew, I feel about the same way about my niece. Kids are fun, especially when you get to spoil them. ;) He sounds cute and fun...it's a bonus that he's a happy baby.

  18. Hey Redneck Girl - my mom just sent me an e-mail that she got that I think you would like. It is Utube video of the Oak Ridge Boys singing. It is really neat and it made me think of you. So she is sending it to me (if her computer works properly) so I can send it it to you...but I don't think I have your e-mail address? Any chance you can send that to me?

  19. Not until January? That's a long time to go without a party...I think we should all go meet up at the Boar's Nest for some water down beer and milk.
  20. Uh yeah, I think I would be a little mad if ol' Rosco gave me a ticket for parking in my own driveway like that, but gotta give Rosco a little credit there for doing something a bit different than normal. Bet ol' Boss is very proud of him for coming up with that idea to ticket people in their own drive way...unless it was his own idea to put the fire hydrants in people's yards to ticket them. Sounds like something he would do or think of... Rosco will be Rosco...and I guess he needs to make a living as well, even if it is out of our wallets and by unfair means.
  21. Ocean (Thanks for the apology Roger, though it wasn't needed...I need to get a little more brave and not be afaid of something that is supposedly smaller than I am (at least I've been told they are smaller than I am, though sometimes I am unsure. LOL ) and I slept just fine, so no worries there)
  22. Thanks for caring Roger...er Uncle Jesse. I guess if Rosco wasn't handing out tickets unfairly and so forth, we'd all have to worry about him not feeling well or not being himself. This way there is no need for us to worry. Let ol' Rosco be Rosco.
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