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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Joey Lagono was very lucky to be able to walk out from that horrible accident he was in! He had me scared adn holding onto my breath while waiting for him to climb out of the car! It gave me goosebumps. The drivers and everyone is soooo very lucky that NASCAR has all the safety equipment that they do to protect everyone like that.

    It was a good race. Am happy for Johnson that he got the win, but I still think it is time for Gordon to get another win. He's got two wins at Kansas where they are racing at next week (the only driver with multiple wins there) so maybe he'll get a third. I can only hope, huh?

    Well there was my two cents worth on the race, am looking forward to see what you thought of the race. :D

  2. Guess who? LOL. Well the race has just gotten over. What ya think? Good ol' Jimmie won the race with your Martin right behind him...dang ten points still head of Jimmie. LOL. Though I was really wishin' that when Gordon was in second that Jimmie would at least let him pass for a lap to get an extra five points and all. ERRR Where's the teamship in that that they were talking about before the race? LOL Anyway. Gordon finished sixth which is better than what I thought he was going to get after Newman bumped him like he did. I know it wasn't on purpose, but still...this is the third week in a row that Gordon has been bumped like that! Very frustrating. Oh well, Gordon seemed to rebound to get a decent finish - even though I was wishing for at least a top five. He missed it by one position so I guess I won't complain too much. He is now eigthth in points overall though still over a hundred points behind Martin.

  3. That is the basic information. I figured I'd give you that first and see if you have any questions and so forth. It would be easier if I could show and explain the race to you, so I am hoping I am making at least a little bit sense to you. Know it took me a long time to really understand it (Don't let that slow you down though, it takes me awhile sometimes to really understand anything).

    You are very welcome. I am glad that you joined!

  4. Well Texas Daisy NASCAR is something I actually feel like I know...but where to start? LOL. There is 43 drivers at the start of the race, but generally by the end there are drivers that are in the garage area and out of the race. They qualify (go by time and speed) to see which driver starts where and the higher position (One being the highest) the more points you get at the end of the day of which they add and who has the most points at the end of the year wins the championship. 36 races in a year with the last ten being the post season format I had explained earlier where the top twelve drivers start anew with points plus ten points per race they win during the season. (Hope that makes sense). They have a pit crew that helps fix the car during the race plus change tires and refuel the car with a crew cheif that leads them.

  5. Tow truck (Richard Petty, Tom Petty - at least you had his last name right DukeFan )
  6. Excercise the ol' brain - perhaps that's what it needs to wake up .
  7. Good thing then that you are not planning on changing then.
  8. I am in the process of reading it at the moment and am almost done with it. Just got done with the Dukes of Hazzard part and cast part of the book. And am really enjoying the book and learning about James Best...I know a lot more about him than I had when I started the book. The pictures are great and enjoyed reading about the Duke cast. It is an enjoyable read for anyone who is a fan of the Dukes or James Best or both.
  9. Well Roger, am looking forward and dreading this challenge of yours. I am excited to see the questions and to perhaps actually answer questions to a quiz I actually know about for once. Dreading it because I was never ANY GOOD at quizzes! LOL. I'll probably flunk and then what will that say about me? Not very much seeing how long I've been a fan of the show. . . Am glad to see there isn't a deadline to it anytime soon either, that may actually allow me to take the quiz and hand it in on time! Don't want to get a tardy now, do we? Looking forward to your challenge, Roger. Knowing you, it'll be good.
  10. LOL...Think you'd have us all worried if you were to change .
  11. I am sorry to hear that you have the flu...that is definately not fun. I hope you will have the chance to relax, rest, and recover quickly. As for emotional-wise, I am glad that you are a little better, it all takes time. Just know that I am...we are here for you. I was surprised to find that I didn't have you on my list either! You are welcome and thank-you for accepting. I am glad and lucky to have met such a big Duke fan as myself and a good friend. By the way Dukefan...I don't know if you like NASCAR or not, but if you are, I have a NASCAR group here. It is public, but if you are a fan or like it and want to join, let me know and I can send you an invite! But don't feel like you have to, I just thought I'd let you know about it. I hope you are having a good weekend!
  12. Blocks (As in building blocks being a day care teacher, I had to put that in )
  13. I was afraid you'd say that. Just jokin' Lori...no one would want you to change at all!
  14. LOL Lori...getting smart are we? Well at least it is at Garrett's expense (Don't tell him I said that;) ) Well I had thought I would just warn Lori or you of what may happen is all.

  15. Ah good. Glad to hear that I'm not boring. Thanks! Hmmm Good point Lori. LOL...You know what they say - no time like the present to change ways.
  16. Don't worry...it happens to the best of us.

  17. Smart thinking...he does seem to have a hearing...uh I mean listening problem. :D

    I wouldn't tell him I told you that...he'll never admit to saying or thinking that. In fact it would only insult him and make him angry and I doubt you want to see how ugly his temper gets.

  18. Ahhh thanks, but if I'm not boring, then neither are you

  19. Gee can't Lori talk to Garrett without tying him to a tree? LOL. Tell her he says he missed her and she need to come back to Hazzard and stay in Hazzard where she belongs. It's scary there without her ;).

    As for I...who am not the slacker I claimed to be, am doing fine. LOL. And you?

  20. Thanks Dukefan! That means a lot to me! You are a great friend too! I hope that you are feeling better.
  21. Lori - stop your teasing...it's not nice! I may have to go sick ol' Rosco on you and he can lock you up and throw you under the jail. I only slack because I lack the time to post and lack anything worthwhile to say. I am saving everyone from my boredom.
  22. Been hearing things about she's in tears? Who's in tears and why? And hey...what you doing calling me lazy and a slacker? It's different when I say it than you! ;) LOL. Perhaps if I wasn't so busy or actually had any worthwhile thing to say, I'd have more posts...hmmmm. Who knows. Oh well. . .

    You tied Garrett up to a tree? How you catch him? Thanks for helping me out...now all I have to do is go from tree to tree to tree and I might actually find my muse! YAY...there may be hope after all...thanks to you! :D

  23. As much as I do? Either you are mistaken or are attempting to be really nice to me; can't figure out which. LOL. You have WAY MORE than I have - try about two thousand more posts than I . I really must be slacking...shame on me!
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