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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Wow NASCAR Illistrated...I thought I was up to date on everything by making NASCAR.com one of my first stops I take when I get online. Never even heard of the magazine, but it sounds interesting and something I would like. I like everything NASCAR. Which is ironic...over twelve years ago if you were to say I would even remotely like NASCAR, I would have thought you crazy. I got into liking the Dukes in '97...or again, I should say (I was five when they stopped making the show, but remember watching / liking the show back then), a year after the show got onto TNN. Before getting back into the Dukes big time, I didn't understand how anyone could like racing and thought of the sport as very meaningless - after all, all it is is a bunch of men chasing each other around in circles. They don't get no where and so forth - might as well as watch your dog chase it's tail. Well now thanks to the Dukes, General Lee and their racing, I am a HUGE racing fan. Truth be told though, it took me forever to really fully understand it and to become addicted to it. I didn't have anyone to tell me the whys and all that goes on except for a Jr fan I knew online and it always took her awhile to get back to my questions. I just collected Gordon stuff and watched parts and pieces of races here and there. I don't think I fully understood the whole thing until '04 with the points change and then things began to fall into place for me. (Ironically though, I am not a big fan of how they have the whole points thing either. LOL) OK there is my long and boring fandom story. LOL. Now everyone I know, knows I like racing and Gordon. Gordon and the Chicago Cubs. I understand what you said about liking to go fast and to be in control. I doubt the classes or what not they teach would be very hard or boring, just a precaustionary type thing I would imagine though don't know since I didn't go through it. I think it may cost more to drive it as well...I know one is more expensive than the other, but I could be wrong. I'd perfer to ride if I ever get to go again just because I enjoyed it so much and I would be too nervous to drive the car myself and that I would wreck it or wreck someone else or whatever I could do wrong. LOL. LOL...I find that funny. Somehow I can't imagine Stewart singing at all not alone during the race. I assume he was in a good position when he was singing during the caution and obviously in a good mood. I think that would be interesting to listen into what the drivers are saying...I know I do when they do it on the TV, but a lot of times on the TV I have a hard time understanding what they are saying. That is good that they have a screen for everyone to see, though I would also worry that I'd find myself watching that more than the actual track and to do that, you might as well as be home watching it on TV. The souvenier stands and tents sound interesting and a place I'd be stuck at forever! LOL...there'd go my checking account and all my money I brought with me. LOL. Digger has his own stand? LOL. . .that's funny. I like him and find his commercials cute. I personally wish that NASCAR would stay on Fox, I like Darrell Waltrip and Jeff Hammond. I have nothing against the other commentators and they are all good, but I like those two the best. I hope you have a good, fun, and relaxing weekend. I hope your Edwards will have a great race tomorrow night...by what it says on nascar.com they are having practicing or they were an hour ago or so and it was clouding up. Hopefully they won't have any more rain issues tomorrow night.
  2. Dang Daisy...do you ever get off of hnet? ;) LOL

  3. I am glad that you were able to find a place where you can get the book at, Roger. I understand where you are leary of ordering things on the internet - you can never be sure about anything over the internet. I got my book in the mail a week or so ago. Number 215 . LOL...though sadly, I have yet to read it due to my lack of time and already in the middle of another novel type book. But I plan on and am looking forward to reading it once I finish the book I am currently reading. What I have seen and read through looking through the book, it looks really interesting and should be a good read.
  4. YAY! I have finally found someone that I can talk racing to...I am always worried that I am boring people with it and all that. That is a bummer about your last Bristol race...I'd be the same way. For me that would be even worsen it even more to have Kyle Busch leading it/winning the race after having my driver out of the race or way back in the field. He is a driver that annoys me/or is my very least favorite. Though I bet people watching would be fun to do as well and to see who their favorite driver is or how big of a fan they are. Would love to see their souvenir stands as well - I had a guy at church that owns a construction company and I guess if you make it into the top number of best company you get to go to a race and he bought me a Gordon shirt at the track since he knew I was a fan of his. The Richard Petty driving Experience was awesome! If you have a chance to go, I'd go. LOL, but that's me. I am not a big adventurous person and don't normally like going real fast or any sort of those amusement park rides, but I enjoyed it - maybe because it has something to do with NASCAR. Anyways, you have two options for the Driving Experience. You can either drive a car around the track or you could ride along with one of their drivers...I rode and am glad that I did. For driving you have to go through a course or a class or something and they do something to their cars so you can't drive so fast. But if you ride, the driver drives right up along the wall as you see the drivers do in the race and they go really fast - I think almost or the same amount as they do at the races. My cousin asked his driver, I didn't think of asking, but I think he said that he went close to two hunder miles or something like that. The driver takes you around the track three times -which goes by way too fast LOL - but it is worth it. I don't know how much you are allowed to go around the track if you are driving it. Tney had more cars available when I went for people driving it themselves, for riding along, they only had the two cars available to ride. Funny thing is, is my landlord's husband got to drive one in the new track here in Iowa and he got to drive Gordon's car - he is a Jr fan. So I got to ride in Jr's car and he drove Gordon's car. LOL. I bet your brother had fun going to the Nashville race - glad he took pictures of Bo for you! I bet going to the races are awesome and addicting once you go. Do they have screens there that you can watch the replays if someone got in an accident? I always find those good on TV so you can see it again to see what really happened. They go too fast that sometimes you don't really see what exactly happens the first time - at least for me. I'd be worried going to a race in person that I would miss something that they would show or explain on the TV. That is interesting that you go in the spring more often than not - I bet you love the spring then. Something to look forward to. Well tomorrow night is Bristol! I always get excited for Bristol because it is a track that I have been to, and I think Gordon is pretty good there, and the fact that it is a night race. I love night racing for some reason. Think it is probably just something different that they don't always do. Plus it gives me a full day to recover before work. LOL. I find Bristol exciting! Hope you get to enjoy it tomorrow night!
  5. I highly doubt that Daisy, but I guess I'll have to take your word on it. ;) Though how could you be bored talking to me?

  6. I am glad that I made some sense sometimes I wonder if I do or not. You have a good variety of drivers that you like/follow which is good to have. Sadly, I have never been to a race before, though I would love to go see one in person. We were going to take my grandpa to one for father's day last year in Chicagoland but the prices where so high that we didn't do it. Though I have been to Bristol two times for Dukefest...only once though was I allowed to go into the stands. We walked all the way to the top and yeah that is a HIGH hill to climb - it would be worse though I would think to do so with a lot of people. I would love to see any race, but would think it would be great to see one at Bristol - I always look forward to them racing there. I hope for your sake that Edwards wins, but for my sake, I am really hoping that Gordon wins Saturday night. He needs more points going into the chase - I really hate how they have it that way. I have also been to the Nashville track - though only the Nationwide Series races there for two other Duke fests and we were able to walk onto the track. It was great to do so - it is a steep track. I have also been to Chicagoland Speedway once and was on the track as well, though not for Dukefest. My grandpa got a couple of tickets for Richard Petty's Driving Experience for his birthday and since he already was able to have a ride at Lowe's Motorspeedway, he let me and my cousin have the rides. He rode Stewart's old car - it was back in '06 I think and I got to ride in Jr's old car. It was awesome! I would love to do it again! They only had those two cars up for rides and I was actually able to chose which car I wanted to ride - they just gave my cousin to Stewart's car. I was happy to get to ride in Jr's car! Those are the only tracks I've been to but have never gone to a NASCAR track . Very sadly. Though I often have said, the day I get to go to a race, Gordon will get in an accident on the first lap or so and be out of the race...my aunt had that happen at Lowes. She liked Dale Jarrett and he crashed on the first lap and was taken out...it'd still be a blast to be there, but hard it is hard for me to sit still and watch without Gordon racing in it even though I do have others that I do like. If all that makes any sense...again. As I warned earlier, once I get started talking about NASCAR, I can't stop. LOL. There's my track experience... Daisy - you like Gordon too?
  7. You arguin' with me now? ;) Hope all is well

  8. Bored? What's that? I barely remember what bored felt like...

  9. :( Oh no. I'm sorry to hear that! School start for you already I take it? School starts the twenty - sixth here. I hope it will start getting better for you.
  10. JR had a great race Sunday and was happy for him...hopefully he can carry it through Saturday night at Bristol as well as Gordon. Sorry I had to put that in . I'll always be a Jeff Gordon fan. Jr is my third favorite driver after Jeff Gordon and Jimmie Johnson. Then Martin because he drives for Hendrick and then probably Edwards...I like his personality and love his backflips. Though I do see what you mean by saying it is easier to say who you don't like rather than who you do like. I know who my all time favorites are, but there are a lot of drivers out there on the circuit that I do like and am happy for when they do well. In that aspect, it is easier to identify who I don't like as well. If all that makes any sense .
  11. LOL...how've you been? Haven't seen you around for a while. I hope you are staying outta trouble.

  12. Redneck Woman - Glad to have you aboard and to read your introduction. Always glad to meet another Duke...and NASCAR fan. LOL...I'd be more than happy to talk racing with you. Fair warning though, once I get started talking about racing, it's hard for me to stop. I like Edwards...he's one of my favorite un-Hendrick drivers - if that makes sense. GO JEFF GORDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. :) Would have been glad to listen.
  14. I've heard the song from Alan...I have the CD It is a great one as well, but what else do you expect from Alan? LOL. It is a great song. I like his SIssy Song. I find it really sad. Though he puts great emotion into the song. Redneck Girl...you copying me? LOL. The CD comes out I think in October sometime.
  15. I just said it, didn't I? LOL

  16. Ding dang it! I can't believe that John could be so close to me and yet I didn't know about it until afterwards! The one time he finally comes to my state, I don't hear about it until after the fact - first heard it from someone at work about seeing him a few days after the event then come on here and see it again. Sadly ironic how life works sometimes. . . Congrats Buzz 17 on getting his autograph and the cars! Glad you got to go and looks like you had a fun time! I hope all that went had a good time.
  17. LOL Roger...what a great analogy ol' Waylon made there! Almost makes me feel bad for ol' Hughie Hogg...almost being the key word.
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