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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Well if you want to get technical, Daisy...I said more than what you said to me since my word was longer than your word. ;) So maybe I should ask you if that's all you have to say? KHEE!

  2. Thanks for the response. I didn't mean no offense when I said I didn't care too much about Kurt Busch...as I said that is of my opinion. I can stand Kurt a little bit more than I can Kyle.

    They have two more races before the chase starts. Hard to believe we are at this time of the season already...very sad to me. LOL. I should be happy, but it always means that the season is winding down. Decemeber and January are always the longests months for me...it's sooooo darn cold and no racing or baseball to watch or follow. To show how pathetic I am, I pretty much count down to Daytona once the season ends. Is that sad or what? LOL.

    I don't know where they exactly race at in the two races, but I am pretty sure they have two more races. They have an off weekend this weekend. *Sighs* What am I to do without an race? LOL ;)

  3. HI Daney! Glad to see you on. Haven't seen you for awhile. Hope all is well with you. :D

  4. LOL Lori...I was wondering myself how I got to green as well. One day it was black and then the next it was green. LOL...oh well. I love black...I am not gothic at all, just one of my favorite colors -black and red - but like to have the box green though. Adds color.
  5. Thanks for all the messages! I felt missed through my absence of the past few days. :D Sounds like you had fun at the concert...too bad they ruined it with the nasally thing and the screaming. I wouldn't like that either. Must be a big ORB fan to not get replaced. LOL.

  6. My opinion it was a lousy race...but then again, Gordon had car troubles and ended up a lap down and in 23rd place. ERRRR! Very disappointed with who won the race, that just makes the whole thing worse for me...that is my opinion. Am not a Busch fan at all - meaning Kurt and Kyle. Was wishing Martin could have passed him for the win. Though Jr finishing tenth was pretty good - hopefully the last two races is a sign of better things to come from him. Anyway, there is my opinion on the race - hope you had fun at your dad's tractor pull :D.

  7. I don't really mean against his other songs, just what he is saying in the song. He states stuff I would think of as being a bad thing and yet he loves the American Ride? That is what I had a hard time understanding. I agree with what you are saying Redneck Girl...that is the only thing I can think of is that he is being sarcastic when he says it. Sometimes with Toby I find it hard to figure whether he is being serious or just sarcastic about stuff.
  8. Hey I have to ask...what you think of the race Saturday night?

  9. Yes please post pictures :D. LOL...they were a great band. I just told my mom that you saw them and she was surprised to hear that they are still touring. So was I when you said it. Am so glad you were able to see them...how good were they? LOL! How do they match up with the Oak Ridge Boys? LOL

  10. I kind of figured as much. Glad to have you back. :)

  11. ahhh don't wish your life away...it will be here before you know it.

    I've gotta ask...who is the photo of on your ID or whatever you call it?

  12. Appalled? I'm only stating the facts and trust me, I have nothing to say in the matter. I am wayyyyyyy ready for the kids to go back to school. So if I could have had it start sooner, I would have. ;) Sorry to upset you so much...wasn't my intention. LOL

  13. Welcome to hnet! Glad to see that you are finally able to post. Am also glad to meet another Dukes fan. Sounds like you have a variety in taste when it comes to music...lol. Which is good, that way you'll never get tired of anything. Being a big country music fan, have you tried or listened to Kenny Chesney or Keith Urban or Alan Jackson? Those are a few of my favorite artists. As I said earlier, welcome to hnet - I am sure you will enjoy your stay. I like your picture you have of Tom Wopat, that is a good picture of him.
  14. I like your General Lee picture you have on your signature. Very awesome. :)

  15. You can't go wrong with Alan Jackson no matter what song it is if you ask me. If you want country music, go to AJ's music. He is a hundred percent country if you ask me. Really like Toby's music as well...him and AJ are amongst my favorites. I like his new song, but I have a little hard time understanding it. . .not all of it. What I don't understand is that he seems to be listing off the negativity that America is going through and yet he says he loves it? I don't know, that's the part I don't understand, but that is probably just me.
  16. Happy birthday - hope your day was a special one.

  17. I hope you enjoy it all that you are going to. Confederate Railroad was the very first concert that I went to...it was a great night and they were great. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. :)

  18. LOL MaryAnne - I guess I wasn't thinking of Hazzardnet when I had said that in my last post. Very true, you can trust Hazzardnet.
  19. I'm in chat if you wanna join?

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