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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. I think "Give me a Redneck Girl" is by the Bellamy Brothers but I could be wrong about that, but if it is the same song that is now in my head, i tis the Bellamy Brothers - if any of that made any sense. LOL. "Redneck Woman" Gretchen Wilson
  2. Suppose it isn't too bad of an influence. . .LOL. The cars are fast - they are fun to see just how fast they can go on the track. You have a favorite driver? LOL

  3. Sounds good to me...about rping. Now is too late otherwise I'd say now. LOL. I should be in bed and yet here I am...I'm still hyped up since the race just ended and all. But I don't know just how drastic tying him up to the tracks would be, after all he's done to me, he may just deserve it this time. ;) Nah I could never do that to Garrett, may wish I could, but I couldn't. After all it is I that created him. (Who knows why now though lol ;) )

  4. That's a bummer that no one has said anything on other sites. Sometimes people don't know what to say or how to say it or too lazy to say anything at all. I don't know. I know I don't get a lot, if any at all, on my fanfics that I submit. At least my Dukes ones. I have a Numb3rs fic on fanfic.net that I have people commented on (there is a link to do the comments on though as well) and not all of it is positive . But I did like your drawings and am thankful that you shared them with us.
  5. Chat...I haven't chatted in a long time due to lack of time and so forth myself. Sounds nice. LOL. Glad to hear back from you. If you like NASCAR or anything associated with it, I have created a group called Hazzard County's NASCAR Group...no pressure, just thought I'd see if you like it or not. I'm a huge Jeff Gordon and Jimmie Johnson fan...thanks to the Dukes. :) Anyways, I hope you have a great weekend.

  6. I'll drag Garrett along if Lori's there ;). He'd be happy to see her. Let me know if you ever want reopen that story we had started awhile back. LOL. Glad to hear she is cooperating with you and being kind. Talking about cooperating and being kind to you...I guess in order to drag Garrett anywhere to meet Lori, I'd have to find him first. He's done his vanishing act on me once more and has been missing for some time now. Dang Garrett anyways...where's the rope that I can tie him to the tracks with? (that is wheneve I find him to chatch him ;) )

  7. Thanks for the response. :) And thanks for joining my club...I am excited about it. NASCAR is another thing I love to talk about. If you can't tell. All thanks to dem dang Duke boys and their orange car. Woulda called you crazy twelve or so more years ago if you even suggested I'd like racing - saw it as a waste of time, most senseless sport - just a bunch of men chasing each other round in circles, they don't get no where! Well of course I see it much differently and am addicted to the sport. Go figure, all thanks to the Dukes and the General. ;) See the kind of bad influence the show has had on me?

  8. Hola Lori...how's school going? Hope all is well your way. Hope Lori is behaving for you too...Garrett wants to know if she's ever going to come back. LOL. He won't say it, but I think he kinda misses her. ;) Hope all is well with you.

  9. Texas Daisy...how's it going? Hope all is well with you...thought I'd drop a hello your way since I haven't done so in a while

  10. Hey Cowboy...remember me? Garrett is feeling a bit left out here... what he do to deserve being forgotten about? LOL. Just giving you a hard time. I hope you are feeling well. Take care

  11. Awww thanks Daisy :). Will be looking forward to chapter two.

    If you ever are interested in my stories, they are over at MaryAnn's site. www.dukesofhazzardfanfic.com under her submitted fanfic page. I go by Kristy Duke on the site because that is another my created characters and the one I went by when I had started out...before Garrett came and shoved her out of the way.

  12. First or tenth story, it is good. LOL. Take how ever long it takes you to write it. Don't want to rush a good thing. Another thing is, write for yourself...not for me or anyone else, write because that is what you like to do, what you enjoy to do. And then post it when you want to do it.

    You are way better than me at doing that...if I go by what you said, no one likes me because it takes me forever to post anything. That is if anyone does read my stuff ;).

  13. Daisy - we all have started out somewhere and we all werent expert writers (or still are) when we started writing. It takes time to gain confidence in your writing and skill and talent. Like everything else, it takes time and practice and patience. LOL. For a first story your story was pretty good and I am interested to see where it will go and what will happen next. Thank-you for sharing it with us to read.

  14. OK. :) Glad to see you are writing. If I find time and if my muses cooperate with me I am hoping to write my own fic as well. That is a big IF though.

  15. Very well drawn Elly Mae...you have talent in drawing. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  16. You should make them as long or as short as you want to make them. Don't go by anyone else's story...make it your own.

  17. Well guess who it is again? LOL. I wasn't going to post anything until I thought you were back so as to not bog you down with so much posts and all...don't think that is going to happen after tonight's race if it is as exciting as I am hoping it will be. I hope you will at least be able to catch a bit of it at least...or I know the speedchannel use to (Dont' know about this year) run the same race the next Thursday around two or so - you could record and watch it ;) Though if you are like me, I'd just hop on line and see who won and how Gordon and Johnson did and if they had a bad race, there is no need to watch the tape. LOL - or if you are also like me, don't have the time to sit down and watch it. So I hope you get to watch part of it...if not I will watch it for you and hope Edwards a good race - though I will be going for Gordon and Johnson - but I always wish Edwards a good race. He has such an awesome personality and attitude (as does Gordon and Johnson) and they all deserve a good race. My opinion of course.

    I didn't watch the Nationwide series race nor did I read the article I saw, but looks like ol' Carl Edwards won the race last night...though no back flip due to his broken foot. I think I'd be bummed out not to see him do it after a win, though I would understand why he wouldn't do it. LOL. (this was the original reason why I wrote to you...now how look this post is :D) So maybe he can carry that momentum to tonight's race.

    I was meaning to ask you, where does the announcers get the nickname for Edwards as Cousin Carl? I have always wondered that. LOL


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