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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. I thought you liked Josh Turner

  2. I am so glad you had a fun time at your concert! I bet they both were great...I like them both. Toby a little more, but Trace would be great too. ;) I bet you were tired.

    I was soooo frustrated for Jr when that accident happened, he had such an awesome day! He had a car that could win the race - for once! By the article at nascar.com, he was very frustrated too. Found it kinda funny him saying that Reutimann ran out of talent...it is not like him to get that upset at someone, but he's frustrated with the season and what happened. I felt so bad for him!

    Was happy for Martin and was glad that he got the win. I was going for him to win over Montoya. I am not a Montoya fan. So taht part is good. Gordon finished 15th and is now tenth in points and like 102 or something like that behind Martin :(. He had such an awesome car at teh beginning of the race too...he even radioed in if he could get turns three and four figured out, then everyone to be ware. Then he got a little nudge from some one (I can't remember who any more) and then he struggled with his car from taht time out. He was moving up though and probably could have gotten a tenth place finish or what not if the race had a couple of more laps or if they didn't have to spend so much time under caution that they did. So frustrating! He started out so promising and then that. At least he finished fifteenth and I should be happy with that...ten laps or so to go he was 21st...

    I don't know where Edwards was or finished up or actually anything about him. Sorry I cant' help you out there. Hopefully he had a good race. I guess I was too sidetracked with where Gordon was and how he'd finish out in points. ERRRR

    Anyways, I guess I should go attempt to find something for dinner. I hope you have a good trip and I can't wait to hear from you when you get back. :)

  3. Hola...I thought of you at the beginning of the race today. Josh Turner sang the National Anthem and did an awesome job at it :D

  4. Hi Redneck Girl - you ignoring me? LOL. I hope all is going well with you. Hope you have a great week. :D Just thought I'd drop a note to say hi, so hi. *waves*

  5. Thanks MaryAnne, I'll try not to give up on it. Thought it has been tempting. ;)

  6. Hi MaryAnne, Just a short note to say hi and that I am sorry that I haven't posted/sent any more chapters in to be posted. I don't think I have ever had a story give me such trouble as this one -errr it'd be almost easier to just give up on it! Anyways, enough of my complaining...sorry for the long wait. Hope you had a good weekend!

  7. HazzardFever -Welcome aboard HNet...glad to have you along and to meet two more Duke fans. That sounds pretty neat to have two full rooms donated to just Dukes stuff!
  8. Baseball! (Go CHICAGO CUBS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  9. Dukefan - Welcome back to Hnet...we are glad to see you back! I hope that your depression will get better - I too know how that feels and goes. You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you face this difficult time in your life. Know that I am here if you ever need to talk and need someone to listener. Feel free to private message me or what not. Take care and have fun catching up! Once more, we are glad to see you back!
  10. Now if only I lived closer. . .LOL. I'd say if only he'd come to where I live, but he was a month or so ago, didn't find out until afterwards though from someone at work who made a comment about my General Lee shirt I was wearing.

  11. YAY Lori...I am sooo happy to see that John is going to be in your area. I hope you get to go and have a great time. :D

  12. Dang Daisy...what you do? Sit at the computer and wait for people to hop on? LOL. You are always texting me the minute I log on at Hnet it seems. LOL

  13. Very great chapter four Daisy. Keep up the great work.

  14. I don't mind hearing the quotes at all. They were interesting and I enjoyed hearing them. I don't get that magazine, but I do go to NASCAR.com about the first thing I do when I hop online. Though last off season it got kinda tiring going there, because each time they wrote an article on Gordon it was on how he didn't win a race. You'd think I'd learn not to read them then, but hey, if it has Gordon in it I want to hear / read it. LOL. They must not have had not much to talk or write about, but still, by the sounds of things you would have thought he had a horrible season last year. No he didn't have a great year or a very exciting year at that, but finishing seventh place without a win and with (I think) 6 DNFs due to accidents and so forth, I think that's pretty good with all things concidered. Even Gordon himself said it wasn't a stellar season, but he has had worse seasons than that when he's won a race or two in them.

    OK I better shut up on that topic before I write a whole novel on that or on Gordon. LOL.

    Wow...I for some reason imagined you being a big fan way longer than what I have been. Though I do remember Vickers with Hendrick, before Mears I think. Hated to see both Vickers and Mears leave Hendrick. Though the one driver I was glad to see leave Hendrick was Kyle Busch. LOL. I shed no tears when he left (well I didn't shed any for the other two either, but was upset about them leaving).

    Like I said, Martin does deserve a championship. It has be frustrating coming so close to it and not getting it. I'll tell you what, if not Gordon makes it, then Martin can have it. Jimmie can wait out a year or so (though don't tell him I told you that ;) ). But I won't stop rooting for Gordon until it is all said and done and by then, I'll be rooting for him for next season! :D How pathetic am I?

    Oh I Bet that was hard to get use to ... Stewart taking on Carl's old sponsor and color.

    I am looking forward to New Hampshire. It should be for a fun and fast race. I read a title to an article on how Gordon is ahead on the stats I think at this track (with Kurt right behind him) so hopefully that will carry him to a win Sunday. Hopefully he can make up some of those points that he sadly lost or at least position wise if you know what I mean. Hopefully Carl will do good as well. Enjoy the race and your long weekend!

  15. Thanks for the messages...I hope you enjoy your Toby concert. Tell him hi for me. OK? LOL. You should have fun. I enjoyed the one that I went to...that's been several years though. In fact I am now wearing one of the Toby shirts I got at the concert right now. Enjoy it and I will look forward to hear all about it and the race when you return.

  16. OK I have one mroe thing to say and then I'll stop. LOL...I bet you never imagined you invited all of this when you stated you liked NASCAR and if anyone wants to talk NASCAR. . .LOL

    I liked what you said or readi n your article in that magazine (Sounds like an awesome magazine. I seen it once in Wal-Mart...though dont' get it :( I do get the Cubs Vine Line Magazine though.) About what Martin said about Johnson. I think the drivers at Hendrick all have an even head about them. Calm and collective and they don't seem to let their fame and suceess go to their head. Edwards seem to be the same way. (At least that is what I read out of what you read). Lagano seems mature for his age by asking things like that, like he's eager to learn from those around him that's been there for awhile. He catches on fast - never thought he'd do as good as he seems to be doing this year. I thought that Gibbs brought him into the Sprint Cup way too early, that they should have waited a year or two for him to mature and learn and all that fancy stuff.

    Thanks for sharing that with me :D.

  17. Chapter three was good, Daisy. I can't wait to see what will happen in chapter four. Hopefully Kristen and Breanna will become friends and that Kristen can put Breanna's flirting behind her. Good job and am looking forward to chapter four. :D

  18. I am listening to Brooks 'N' Dunn's new album of #1's and then some. . . and am listening to the second disc. Right now they are singing "Cowgirls Don't Cry". Great album
  19. Daisy - thanks for checking on me. Yeah I am fine. I was kinda distracted with what I was doing or going to do when I posted that. I had planned on getting back to you. Sorry about that.

    I am looking forward to see what chapter three will hold :D.

  20. I think my messages get longer and longer. LOL...thanks for listening! Tell me to shut up if they get too long for you. I don't want to bore you or to overwhelm you with them. I am just excited to have someone talk NASCAR to and will understand it! THANK-YOU!:D

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