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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. LOL Lori! A riot sounds about right...better than facing the fact that I am supposedly lazy. And since you have way more posts than I do, Lori, what does that say about me? How can you have more posts than I? How unfair is this? LOL
  2. Thank-you for joining Texas Daisy! I replied on the group as well, but wanted to thank you personally. Just let me knwo what you want to know.;)

  3. LOL TexasDaisy...you aren't the only one if you can see my previous posts from today on this thread. Craig Morgan sings that song though.
  4. Congratulations Dukefan! Dang I must be like the slowest moving person...look at everyone reaching a thousand posts and beyond and then you look at me! I'd been here for what seems to be forever and yet I don't have the posts to show for it. Oh well. Once again, I have room for improvements.
  5. OK let me try this again...thanks to Roger . Guess I don't get to use Tim McGraw after all. Oh well... What I love about Sundays -Craig Morgan (You are welcome Roger...that is one of the few things I am pretty good at is knowing who sings what when it comes to Country. Though I know I've been wrong a time or two LOL)
  6. Errrr my computer took me to the last page rather than this one. So frustrating when it does that. Sooooo here's my new song. LOL Live like you were Dying - Tim McGraw (Glad to be able to use another Tim McGraw song...was disappointed to find out that my original one wasn't going to work )
  7. Down on the farm - Tim McGraw I miss Billy the Kid is sang by Billy Dean
  8. I am doing great :D Just got done watching Numb3rs brand new episode. My other favorite show.

  9. I miss My Friend - Darrell Worrelly (SP?)
  10. *hurt face* Hey what was that for? ;) How's things with you?

  11. OK sorry for my pitcrew speil there ;). Now onto Dover...I am really hoping for a much better race on Sunday. Something to get Gordon some more points...it has to be his year. ;) Right? Hopefully they all will have a good race! (Hopefully the statistics prove right this time. . .Gordon can win, Johnson can come in second, then Edwards, then Martin, then Jr. There's our top five finishers at Dover...sounds good to me:D)

    I just was on Gordon's site...don't know much about it, but it looks like he is helping to design a track in Canada. Don't know if it will be his track or if he just is on a committe for it or what not, but I saw a lot of Gordon's name on it...said something about it being a Jeff Gordon Design or what not. I didn't read the whole thing, am too lazy right now to do so, so I probably shouldn't say anything. I just found that interesting...he seems to be involved in sooo many things, good things I should add.

    Well I am really excited for tonight, because the new season of Numb3rs will start! I have been counting down to today all week and have been looking forwrad to it since the last season ended (though I have been enjoying the reruns too). Other than the Dukes, Numb3rs is my other favorite show - I think they are now pretty much tied with first. Have you ever seen it? The cast and characters are awesome - like in the Dukes- it is one of the top things that make the show so good.

  12. I have no clue what they can do on pit road not to make it so dangerous. It is lucky that they do have the firesuits and the helmets and all that, but it is still very dangerous. I don't know how they do it...and on top if it, they all have other jobs that they do during the week! I always find that shocking to hear that being a crew member isn't a full time job all in itself with all the travel and work that needs to be done. I mean someone has to work on the car in the shop in between races and all that. I don't know, I just find it hard to imagine them doing anything else other than working on the cars. Kinda funny to think of them working...someone asking them, hey what you doing this weekend? Uh I am going to Dover to help Gordon win. LOL

    Anyways, about last Sunday...Hamlin wasn't even sure he hit him. All he asked over the radio was hey did I hit him? His crew immedieately came back with yeah but he's fine. He wasn't fine. He went to the infield care center and I read an small article on NASCAR.com that the crew member that got hit, was Mears' crew member who ironically has the last name of Pittman. Anyway, Pittman's foot is now broke due to it and is now out of the rest of the season.

    I know Hamlin didn't mean to do it as Stewart didn't mean to do it the week before. At least I assume they didn't. But it just seems like it has been more congested in there or something during pits and more incidents like that. Yeah they are slower, but pit road speed is normally around 45 to 50 MPH so that is like if someone got hit on the highway or so.

    There is probably nothing that could be done, I just feel bad for the crew members to have to worry about getting hit and all that. They put theirselves in danger each week and I don't think they always get the credit they deserve for the work that they do.

  13. Redneck Woman- I am sorry to hear that you got sick and are still under the weather. I hope you get feeling better real soon. I have never flown or anything like that, so I can only imagine. But I bet you would hate it if you always are getting sick while flying and all that. But yeah, hopefully you will feel better by Sunday so you can be up rooting for Gordon...uh I mean Edwards. ;) (What you mean Go Edwards, Go Martin, and Good luck to Gordon? You mean you aren't rooting for him to win? Khee!) (Just joking ;) )

  14. If I am understanding you correctly, Dukefan, if you are trying to talk or send a message to a certian person such as to someone commenting on your picture and so forth, then you would click on that person's name and it would go to that person's comment page. Does that help?
  15. Thanks MaryAnne, I never know when I've said too much or not. When it comes to NASCAR, Dukes, or the Cubs, I can talk forever. LOL;)

  16. Welch Pembroke Corgi (Lilly, my dog, is part corgi - I see more corgi in her than anything else though)
  17. Thanks for the reply MaryAnne, the cat is now satisfied ;). LOL. I cant' remember seeing that, but I can totally believe it coming from the one that shall not be named. LOL. Yeah I understand him being frustrated, but yeah, don't take it out on the people trying to help you. But then again, we are talking about the driver that has been known to throw a few punches around here and there when made upset.

    Thanks for the reply. I do think he has mellowed out now that he has left his Home Depot ride, but am still not a fan of his. The story kinda reminded me of the race on the Fourth of July this year, except different driver and I don't know if he pushed the medical people, but he wasn't happy to go with them. LOL

    Well I'll shut up now before you throw me out for boring you to death ;). Take care.

  18. Sorry to do that to you Dukefan. I was just excited to finally get one that I can actually do! And YAY I was right. LOL. That was the episode I was thinking of, but it was awhile since I've seen it so wanted to make sure I had the name right. As for another Y name....hmmm.
  19. OK MaryAnn...you've got curiosity up again. I know, I know curiosity kills the cat. But as my mom says, satisfaction, brings it back. ;) What did the ex-home depot do to an EMS person at Loudon? If it makes you feel any better, I was never a fan of his either. . .(I can stand him better than I had before since he no longer seems to have cooled off since he was a couple of years ago...now I have another driver that has taken his spot).

  20. LOL I got my two cents worth in on it. You'll have to read the JR article at nascar.com if are interested...I felt bad for Jr. He's not normally the one to get upset at someone it dont' seem so it just kinda shows how frustrated he is.

    OK I'll shut up now...now that I've bored you with things that make little to no matter at all. I hope you have a great week! And a GREAT Trip. Where you goign? I know you probably told me, but I can't think of it now...LOL. I hope it is a great trip where ever you go! :D

  21. I also am kinda confused on something...nothing big. At the end of the race with Stewart's tire or axel thing that was loose. At first the announcers kept saying that it was no big deal and that it wouldn't effect his drivign and so forth. But when they took the time to change or fix the problem in pit, the announcers made it sound like it was a crucial fix and that they were lucky to get it fixed. Was it just me or were they counterdicting themselves? LOL. It could just be me and I wasn't understanind them properly.

  22. I just thought of something that really doesn't mean anything much. I am surprised with how things have been in the pits the last few or a couple of races. Last weekend, Stewart hit that one crew member (though as my dad pointed out, the member was partially in the road) and then yesterday Denny Hamlin (I think) ran over another crew member's foot and had to be taken into the in care center. (I don't know how the member is or if it broke anything, they never said anything after it happened) and then later Kurt Busch left his pits and hit David Ragen to make Ragen pit backwards in his pit box. I don't know, but I would think that they would be bringing up to the drivers to pay more attention to other people's pit crew. That is two crew members hit in two weeks. Granted it is a busy place and it is all shoved in there as it is, but I don't think the pit crew guys get enough credit as they should. They are all at risk of getting hit out there while working on the car and so forth.

  23. Henry (Correct me if I am wrong here...I am thinking there was an episode with a Henry in it. I could be wrong)
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