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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Good luck Brian on your New Year's resolutions! I got a few of 'em myself, though don't know why since they hardly ever last long enough to count for anything. Maybe it's the thought that matters? I doubt it. LOL. I have one listed on the site already for the contest, but I do have a few other areas that I need and plan on working on this year. Including: Calling my sister more often Take my dog for more walks and not eat so much and cut back on my pop keep my apartment clean/organized Go to bed earlier on week nights (going to bed at ten and waking up at three-fifty/four in the morning isn't cutting it. LOL) And to take more time out in my day for God.
  2. Thanks for the posts. Sorry to miss you on c hat, I pretty much left the post and left...or the message I guess I should say. It says you are on now and I'd say that I'd stay and chat, but I'm tired and don't plan on staying on longer than a few minutes. Me sooo sorry :(. Hope you have a great Sunday...when do you have to go back to school? School starts up Monday here.

  3. Better stop procrasinating...and just do it and get it over with. Though I know how it goes...I am horrible at putthing things off tha I don't want to do. I think two year olds can be both great and terrible...LOL. Depends on the time and mood, but you gotta love 'em. Prom dress? Long and pretty? LOL. Maybe bright in color. Don't know if that helps any. LOL

  4. LOL Roger...not everyone has a birthday that everyone else celebrates. Rick is pretty lucky that everyone helps him celebrebrate his birthday! Happy belated birthday, Rick! I hope it was a special one!
  5. I was very excited for New Years...I had the day off to make a three day weekend and we are watching my two year old neice. So that is fun. ;)

  6. Thank-you Redneck Girl 01 for your congrats! I am having a good weekend...we are watching my t wo year old neice this weekend so that has been fun! She is now just getting up from nap. LOL. how is your weekend?

  7. Hope everyone will have a great year filled with happiness, joy, and great health!
  8. Thank-you Daisy Mae, Bo James (I think we should stick together!), Jami Lee, Daney, Meadowmuf'n, MaryAnne, TexasDaisy, DaisyxEnos, Redneck Girl, and THANK-YOU Roger! This is a great way to start off another year and another decade! (Boy did 2009 go by fast!) Thank-you everyone!
  9. Well sorry for all the messages...knowing me there will be more. LOL. I am just glad to hear from you again! I hope you enjoyed your break from work! I guess I will hear or talk to you next year! KHEE!

  10. I totally understand how you feel about not wanting to go back to work...I was like that yesterday, even though I onloy had a 2 day work week. Now I have a three day weekend. YAY!!!!!!!! Now it is the New Years and my countdown can begin for Daytona (hopefully I'll be able to watch it!) You have any New Years Plans? I hope it is a good one for you and your family and that the year will bring you all a eyar of happiness and good health! :D

  11. I had a great Christmas...didn't do much, but it was great to be with family. I got a lot of neat things for Christmas...thoguh am bummed out. I have several bags of things for my neice that has just disappeared! EERRRR They have to be somewhere. Iwas excited to give them to her...at the end I only had one present to give her. SHe had a lot anyway, so I am sure she's not missing out. But it still upsets me.

  12. Hmmm NASCAR news....I'm sure there was some. THey're changing the way they do the Budwieser Shoot out...you have to be a chase contestant the year before, a Daytona 500 winner, and a Daytona point leader or something like that. I can't exactly remember how they had it last year. . .Though did read an article, opinionated article, that the writer thought the chase should be cut down to only one race. A whole article about that...and the winner gets $7 million dollars. I do not agree with the chase is right now nor do I care for it, but I don't think having it down to one race will help any either. (My opinion of course.)

  13. Sorry I thought it was funny and interesting even as an adult. LOL. Tonight my two year old niece is coming over and we will play/watch her for the New Years' weekend. No party, but I am looking forward to it. HOw about you? Hope it is a great one!

  14. Yes bad auntie...how could you even possibly forget that Jeff was on Sesame Street? LOL...he's only the very best racecar ever! HEE HEE. Guess that is a matter of opinion...Perhaps they'll have it on again some other time. It was good. I only watched the race part. It was Wormedega or something like that. You'll get a kick out of the five worms that they had...well three at least. Two was their own names...but they had Dale Wormhardt Jr who landed in a laundry basket when they went over the hill, Kyle Squissh who had a flat tire when he went in the tunnel and Juan Mudtoya who kept going in circles around the lamppost! :D Jeff did an awesome job...though Oscar kept grouching at him...I think I better go tell Oscar to leave my Jeff alone! LOL ;)

  15. Well I guess I lied about FOX...it is FOX too. :( ERRR. My dad is thinking of changing cable companies. I am mad about both channels...Fox is my NASCAR...my DW and Hammond! How unfair they would do that to me! LOL FOx and CBS, the two channels I Probably care the most about (and WGN for my baseball games) and they take those two channels away or at least are threatening to...by tomorrow! YIKES!

  16. Well then I better submit mine now just to make sure I will make it (will be watching my two year old niece tomorrow night through Sunday so I don't know if I'll have the time to hop on then )... My resolution is going to be to call my sister at least once a week to just to talk.
  17. Thank-you for your message! I hope that you will have a very special New Year's Day and that the new year will bring you and your family many great blessings, happiness, and good health! God bless you and your family.

  18. I see you in chat, b ut you're being kinda quiet. Hope all is OK :D

  19. I'd love to chat if you are still on and want to chat!

  20. Sounds like you got some good stuff

  21. You got yourself a fun one Daisy! Wish I could do that...if only I could find the time!
  22. Wow you do remember me! LOL. Sorry am only giving you a hard time. How was your Christmas? I hope that Santa was great to you and that you will have an awesome NEw Year!

  23. Welcome to Hnet! I hope that you will enjoy your stay, am always excited to meet another Duke fan!
  24. Thanks Roger! My car is a four door goldish color '99 Ford Taurus, so I guess that should pretty much explain the differences it has compared to the real General Lee. Though I am definately not complaining...I do love my car, it works well, and it takes me to where I need to go, but it is still not the General Lee. It's my Golden General - as I said, I can always pretend.
  25. ***hugs*** I am sorry that you didn't have the best Christmas or maybe not even a good Christmas. I hope that things will get better for you and that next Christmas will be GREAT for you. My Christmas was good. Got some good things from Santa too, but it was great to hang out with family...which is what it is suppose to be about. People can get so wrapped up in giving and recieving presents and all that, that the true meaning of Christmas evaporates, which is the saddest thing I think. ***hugs***

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